Jesus: god the son or son of god?

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  • #143192

    Hi david,
    You say Jesus was a spirit who manifested in many forms.
    Jesus told them a spirit does not have flesh and bones and he showed them his battered body in Lk24.

    Scripture does not say he was raised a spirit does it?
    You should prefer his words over the watchtower version.


    Scripture does not say he was raised a spirit does it?

    It says this:

    1 Pet. 3:18:
    “Christ died once for all time concerning sins, a righteous person for unrighteous ones, that he might lead you to God, he being put to death in the flesh, but being made alive in the spirit [“by the Spirit,” KJ; “in the spirit,” RS, NE, Dy, JB].”

    (At his resurrection from the dead, Jesus was brought forth with a spirit body. In the Greek text the words “flesh” and “spirit” are put in contrast to each other, and both are in the dative case; so, if a translator uses the rendering “by the spirit” he should also consistently say “by the flesh,” or if he uses “in the flesh” he should also say “in the spirit.”)

    Acts 10:40, 41:
    “God raised this One [Jesus Christ] up on the third day and granted him to become manifest, not to all the people, but to witnesses appointed beforehand by God.”

    (Why did not others see him too? Because he was a spirit creature and when, as angels had done in the past, he materialized fleshly bodies to make himself visible, he did so only in the presence of his disciples.)

    1 Cor. 15:45:
    “It is even so written: ‘The first man Adam became a living soul.’ The last Adam [Jesus Christ, who was perfect as was Adam when created] became a life-giving spirit.”

    And, Luke 24:

    What does Luke 24:36-39 mean regarding the body in which Jesus was resurrected?

    Luke 24:36-39: “While they [the disciples] were speaking of these things he himself stood in their midst and said to them: ‘May you have peace.’ But because they were terrified, and had become frightened, they were imagining they beheld a spirit. So he said to them: ‘Why are you troubled, and why is it doubts come up in your hearts? See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself; feel me and see, because a spirit does not have flesh and bones just as you behold that I have.’”

    Humans cannot see spirits, so the disciples evidently thought they were seeing an apparition or a vision. (Compare Mark 6:49, 50.) Jesus assured them that he was no apparition; they could see his body of flesh and could touch him, feeling the bones; he also ate in their presence. Similarly, in the past, angels had materialized in order to be seen by men; they had eaten, and some had even married and fathered children. (Gen. 6:4; 19:1-3) Following his resurrection, Jesus did not always appear in the same body of flesh (perhaps to reinforce in their minds the fact that he was then a spirit), and so he was not immediately recognized even by his close associates. (John 20:14, 15; 21:4-7) However, by his repeatedly appearing to them in materialized bodies and then saying and doing things that they would identify with the Jesus they knew, he strengthened their faith in the fact that he truly had been resurrected from the dead.

    If the disciples had actually seen Jesus in the body that he now has in heaven, Paul would not later have referred to the glorified Christ as being “the exact representation of [God’s] very being,” because God is a Spirit and has never been in the flesh.—Heb. 1:3; compare 1 Timothy 6:16.

    When reading the reports of Jesus’ postresurrection appearances, we are helped to understand them properly if we keep in mind 1 Peter 3:18 and 1 Corinthians 15:45


    Hi David,
    Can everyone see you? I can't.
    We do not add assumptions to what is truth.


    We should just create a thread on Jesus' resurrection. This thread is on the trinity.


    Hi David,
    The son of man was raised and seen just as he had been when he walked the earth thus fulfilling scripture.

    This is our hope and not in a chameleon spirit that changes it's state.


    after the resurrection Jesus walked with 2 people and it was not till after He was gone that they realized it was Him


    Hi JN,
    God wanted it that way.
    Would you expect to chat with a dead friend?


    well no nick but Jesus must have not have looked the same


    Both. Son of God AND God the Son


    Hi CA,
    So not the God of Israel he is the Son of?[Jn8.54]


    He was God of Isreal


    What did the early church think?

    Ignatius of Antioch (successor and friend to the apostles)

    “[T]o the Church at Ephesus in Asia . . . chosen through true suffering by the will of the Father in Jesus Christ our God” (Letter to the Ephesians 1 [A.D. 110]).

    “For our God, Jesus Christ, was conceived by Mary in accord with God’s plan: of the seed of David, it is true, but also of the Holy Spirit” (ibid., 18:2).


    Hi CA,
    So why do you think his words are equally anointed as the apostles ones?


    Jesus tought them and if He did teach anyone then that is the way if they obey His teaching


    Hi JN,
    Did Jesus teach Ignatius?
    Was he born again and alive in the power of God?


    in a way yes He did:;):


    Jesus was son of God and son of man :laugh:


    Jesus is my Lord


    Quote (Jesus name follower of Christ @ Sep. 04 2009,23:09)
    in a way yes He did:;):

    I'm glad to see you admit this. Because Ignatius of Antioch adamantly rejected your notion of the Son being the Father and vice versa.

    You have no ground in the early church except in Sabellian heresy of the third century.


    Hi CA,
    So will we see you too deny that the son is the same God and the Father?

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