Jesus and sin

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    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 19 2006,12:02)
    The bible is complete there are no other instructions left to give. So the Spirit should agree with scripture. I don't remember (other than a word of knowledge) the Spirit saying anything contrary to the Word.

    Hi Kenrch
    Even in a word of knowledge, what the Spirit says should line up with Scripture. But one of the hard lessons I learned many years ago is that sometimes God will ask us to do something that is contrary to our understanding of Scripture. What do you do then? Refuse God because of your lack of understanding, or do what He says even though it goes against what you understand Scripture to say?

    Joh 10:27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.


    Quote (Oxy @ Aug. 20 2006,03:04)

    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 19 2006,12:02)
    The bible is complete there are no other instructions left to give.  So the Spirit should agree with scripture.  I don't remember (other than a word of knowledge) the Spirit saying anything contrary to the Word.

    Hi Kenrch
    Even in a word of knowledge, what the Spirit says should line up with Scripture. But one of the hard lessons I learned many years ago is that sometimes God will ask us to do something that is contrary to our understanding of Scripture.  What do you do then?  Refuse God because of your lack of understanding, or do what He says even though it goes against what you understand Scripture to say?

    Joh 10:27  My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.

    Hi Oxy,

    Could you give us an example?


    Quote (Oxy @ Aug. 19 2006,22:04)

    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 19 2006,12:02)
    The bible is complete there are no other instructions left to give.  So the Spirit should agree with scripture.  I don't remember (other than a word of knowledge) the Spirit saying anything contrary to the Word.

    Hi Kenrch
    Even in a word of knowledge, what the Spirit says should line up with Scripture. But one of the hard lessons I learned many years ago is that sometimes God will ask us to do something that is contrary to our understanding of Scripture.  What do you do then?  Refuse God because of your lack of understanding, or do what He says even though it goes against what you understand Scripture to say?

    Joh 10:27  My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.

    May be I have a wrong understanding of the “word of knowledge”.  This happened one time it was concerning a young man and his girlfriend the word was (and I just met the person) “Many women will be there but you must come to me first”.  The person was dumb founded as what the Lord gave me bore witness with his life.  That's it was that a word of knowledge?  Can you find that in scripture?  That's all I know!

    ummm may be that was prophecy ??? :p :O :laugh:


    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 20 2006,04:12)

    Quote (Oxy @ Aug. 19 2006,22:04)

    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 19 2006,12:02)
    The bible is complete there are no other instructions left to give. So the Spirit should agree with scripture. I don't remember (other than a word of knowledge) the Spirit saying anything contrary to the Word.

    Hi Kenrch
    Even in a word of knowledge, what the Spirit says should line up with Scripture. But one of the hard lessons I learned many years ago is that sometimes God will ask us to do something that is contrary to our understanding of Scripture. What do you do then? Refuse God because of your lack of understanding, or do what He says even though it goes against what you understand Scripture to say?

    Joh 10:27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.

    May be I have a wrong understanding of the “word of knowledge”. This happened one time it was concerning a young man and his girlfriend the word was (and I just met the person) “Many women will be there but you must come to me first”. The person was dumb founded as what the Lord gave me bore witness with his life. That's it was that a word of knowledge? Can you find that in scripture? That's all I know!

    ummm may be that was prophecy ??? :p :O :laugh:

    I don't really think it matters too much what you call it Kenrch. God gave you something to do and you did it. Well done good and faithful servant.

    In lining up with Scripture, I meant it isn't contrary to Scripture, which that obviously wasn't.


    Quote (Cubes @ Aug. 20 2006,02:31)

    Quote (Oxy @ Aug. 20 2006,03:04)

    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 19 2006,12:02)
    The bible is complete there are no other instructions left to give. So the Spirit should agree with scripture. I don't remember (other than a word of knowledge) the Spirit saying anything contrary to the Word.

    Hi Kenrch
    Even in a word of knowledge, what the Spirit says should line up with Scripture. But one of the hard lessons I learned many years ago is that sometimes God will ask us to do something that is contrary to our understanding of Scripture. What do you do then? Refuse God because of your lack of understanding, or do what He says even though it goes against what you understand Scripture to say?

    Joh 10:27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.

    Hi Oxy,

    Could you give us an example?

    Hi Cubes

    Examples huh? Let me see. When I was a new Christian God told me to tithe. Two years later when I got married He released me from the tithe. To me that seemed contrary to Scripture, but I did it anyway. I stopped tithing and God still blessed me.

    Only later did I understand what that was all about, but at the time I was disobeying my understanding of Scripture and the churche's teaching on the topic.


    Quote (Oxy @ Aug. 20 2006,07:14)

    Quote (Cubes @ Aug. 20 2006,02:31)

    Quote (Oxy @ Aug. 20 2006,03:04)

    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 19 2006,12:02)
    The bible is complete there are no other instructions left to give.  So the Spirit should agree with scripture.  I don't remember (other than a word of knowledge) the Spirit saying anything contrary to the Word.

    Hi Kenrch
    Even in a word of knowledge, what the Spirit says should line up with Scripture. But one of the hard lessons I learned many years ago is that sometimes God will ask us to do something that is contrary to our understanding of Scripture.  What do you do then?  Refuse God because of your lack of understanding, or do what He says even though it goes against what you understand Scripture to say?

    Joh 10:27  My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.

    Hi Oxy,

    Could you give us an example?

    Hi Cubes

    Examples huh?  Let me see.  When I was a new Christian God told me to tithe.  Two years later when I got married He released me from the tithe. To me that seemed contrary to Scripture, but I did it anyway. I stopped tithing and God still blessed me.

    Only later did I understand what that was all about, but at the time I was disobeying my understanding of Scripture and the churche's teaching on the topic.


    We are led by the Spirit as to how much we should give.
    Pentecost was not fulfilled. Back in the Old Testament that's all they had was the Law. So you weren't going against scripture but being led of the Spirit in the New Testament.




    It is to my understanding of the scripture that through hearing and believing the gospel of truth and accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. We are thus washed in the blood of the lamb, most people feel the need to be baptized afterwards and thus you are saved…and start your walk with Christ.

    At this point you stand before GOD and the Lord Jesus Christ without sin.

    Up until that point you are in sin…and that is why Jesus Christ came to pay the price for us. GOD wanted to fellowship with his people, and being as how GOD can not fellowship with sin the price had to be payed.

    All this talk about who believes this and who believes that, is always floating around. Men will always try to deceive other men and there will always be many paths one might take to destruction…for it is written.

    And that of faith…alot of men always fall short of the faith they need to get them through. Jesus was always rebuking people of having little faith. “O Ye of little faith!”

    It all comes down to either you believe or you don't believe. There is always only ever going to be one path to righteousness. And that path is straight and narrow.
    Only one way that man might be saved.
    Only one way to GOD.
    Only one way that you are going to be found without sin on that day.

    The Living Lord Jesus Christ.

    Only one leg to stand on.
    Only one way to have the faith.
    Only one way people.

    Jesus Christ.

    Its really just that simple. But yet so difficult for man to understand. GOD is not the author of confusion, so if there is confusion it is obviously not of GOD. Try the spirits.

    God Bless you all and peace be with you.


    Hi Samuel,
    You say
    “It is to my understanding of the scripture that through hearing and believing the gospel of truth and accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. We are thus washed in the blood of the lamb, most people feel the need to be baptized afterwards and thus you are saved…and start your walk with Christ.”
    But Peter said in Acts 2

    38Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ FOR
    the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

    And Paul was told in Acts 22

    16And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord.

    and Paul did in Acts 16
    '31And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

    32And they spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house.

    33And he took them the same hour of the night, and washed their stripes; and was baptized, he and all his, straightway.

    And Peter taught in 1 Peter 3
    20Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

    21The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ:

    So why do you say it is not necessary to seek water baptism?

    Romans 10 was written to the saved, not the unsaved.


    Quote (Samuel @ Feb. 13 2008,11:43)
    It is to my understanding of the scripture that through hearing  and believing the gospel of truth and accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour.  We are thus washed in the blood of the lamb, most people feel the need to be baptized afterwards and thus you are saved…and start your walk with Christ.

    At this point you stand before GOD and the Lord Jesus Christ without sin.

    Up until that point you are in sin…and that is why Jesus Christ came to pay the price for us.  GOD wanted to fellowship with his people, and being as how GOD can not fellowship with sin the price had to be payed.

    All this talk about who believes this and who believes that, is always floating around. Men will always try to deceive other men and there will always be many paths one might take to destruction…for it is written.

    And that of faith…alot of men always fall short of the faith they need to get them through.  Jesus was always rebuking people of having little faith.  “O Ye of little faith!”

    It all comes down to either you believe or you don't believe.  There is always only ever going to be one path to righteousness. And that path is straight and narrow.
    Only one way that man might be saved.
    Only one way to GOD.
    Only one way that you are going to be found without sin on that day.

    The Living Lord Jesus Christ.

    Only one leg to stand on.
    Only one way to have the faith.
    Only one way people.

    Jesus Christ.

    Its really just that simple. But yet so difficult for man to understand. GOD is not the author of confusion, so if there is confusion it is obviously not of GOD.  Try the spirits.

    God Bless you all and peace be with you.

    Very good post, Samuel. I do agree. But I must say, that after I was Baptized the next day wAS AMAZING. God's Holy Spirit kept reminding me of my sins. I was not even aware of cursing so much. Like I would say darn, or for petes sake. But most people think that is O.K. to do. But is it? I don't think so. Some will say a little white lie is O,K. but is it? I don't think so. I know that Sin is not imputed to us, but I belief that we still have to ask for forgiveness from God through Jesus Christ our Mediator. Even tho i have grown and have become more like Christ, I do still sin. If I say that I do not sin the truth is not in me.
    Peace and Love Mrs.


    I believe that you should be baptized.

    What I was trying to say with my post is that once you get saved and filled with the spirit. No one is going to have to tell you to get baptized…your going to want to.

    I'll tell you…I've struggled with a lot of things…really I have. By being raised with a Trinity belief and, now…going to a Oneness belief church.

    I now look at things like this…

    If it will be the thing that keeps me from my GOD that loves me so much? will I do it? The answer is no nothing is going to keep me from my GOD. I'm not saying that I agree with every swinging doctrine thats out there. But if I feel a convection in my heart about something…I'm going to put it away.
    Its really better to be safe than sorry.

    Or like the scripture says:

    Matthew 5:30
    And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast [it] from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not [that] thy whole body should be cast into hell.

    Theres people that will hound you to death over things you should and shouldn't do.

    Matthew 6:33
    But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

    Wow! Its great how when you have a thought that a scripture of GOD's word just pops into your head.
    The word of GOD is sharper then any two edge sword. It cuts right through everything.

    All Praise be to GOD!


    Hi Samuel,
    You say
    “I'll tell you…I've struggled with a lot of things…really I have. By being raised with a Trinity belief and, now…going to a Oneness belief church.”
    Is that not like swapping the frying pan for the fire as both are false views of God?
    Jesus is the way to God,
    not that God.


    Nick Brother,

    Did I say that I was 100% sold out believer in either one of these doctrines?

    If we were to examine all the different religions and denominations that are scattered around that people go to, I'm sure that we could find a nice long list of things all these beliefs have wrong with them:

    Church of GOD
    Church of the Nazarene
    Church of Christ
    Assembly of GOD
    Latter day Saints


    The point is you can find something wrong with anyone, anybody or anything if you look hard enough.

    Having said that…

    I don't go to church to split wigs with people or to impress them.
    I go to church to impress GOD, to get fellowship…and other things the soul and spirit needs.

    I'm not saying change your faith, or “Sell-Out” or whatever.
    But at some point there comes a point in your spiritual walk that you have to let go of all the silliness if you intend of getting what you need and want from GOD.

    Shooting bottle rockets at each other might be fun for a while ….but what happens when you shoot one into your brothers eye?

    Discussion is great I suppose if it's in good taste.
    But all of this “Your going to hell”, “No, your going to hell” or “I have the truth and you don't”, “No we have the truth and you don't” junk is for Pharisees.

    There is not but one who is the way the truth and the light.
    Only one knows who is going to hell and who isn't.

    We tend to…as humans in this flesh…let it rule over us. We must rule our flesh, not let it rule us.


    Hi Samuel,
    Does not the truth matter to you?
    It matters to God.


    Of course the truth matters to me,

    I just don't go around trying to point out to people that I think they are wrong and I'm right.

    The only pointing that I try to do is to point them toward Jesus Christ.


    Quote (Samuel @ Feb. 14 2008,16:43)
    Of course the truth matters to me,

    I just don't go around trying to point out to people that I think they are wrong and I'm right.

    The only pointing that I try to do is to point them toward Jesus Christ.

    Hi Samuel,
    We are not here to accuse but to challenge each other's perceptions so that we can find unity in truth.


    I honestly do not know why you feel that I am accusing you of things.
    If I have made you feel this way, please forgive me.
    GOD Bless.


    Hi samuel,
    When did you accuse anyone??


    Quote (Samuel @ Feb. 14 2008,16:43)
    Of course the truth matters to me,

    I just don't go around trying to point out to people that I think they are wrong and I'm right.

    The only pointing that I try to do is to point them toward Jesus Christ.

    Well said, brother!



    21To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

    It is nice to know we follow one who had to overcome too.

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