Jesus and sin

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    We all know that Jesus was born with no sin. Because He had no sin the Father could use Him.

    He died that we could live with no sin just as He.
    If we are flesh and our sins are forgiven then are we as Jesus “flesh with no sin” and thus the Father do mighty works through us as He did with Jesus?


    Blessings K

    It seems no-one had an answer for you on this one, so may I be so bold?

    Sin is more a state of being than it is an act. “Innocent” babies are in a state of sin. By a state of sin, I mean cut off from God. By receiving Christ as our Saviour, we are no longer in a state of sin, but unfortunately are still capable of sin. Praise God that His mercies endure forever!

    If we were perfected upon receipt of forgiveness it would make the following Scripture invalid. Phi 1:6 being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ,


    Jesus is Son of Man. He was the son of Mary and shared our weak estate being subjected to all the testing we are without ever sinning. He was the Overcomer and showed us the way.
    We are saved by being reborn into him as God requires and then we have to work out our salvation as Christ is born into us after the sowing of the seed. We are forgiven now but God works perfection into us.
    We do not receive Christ as our Saviour but God accepts our humble repentant faith and graciously begets us into Christ and restores our conscience and teaches us His ways from within our temple.

    We can still sin but we cannot be condemned in Christ if we are walk in him according to the Spirit.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 17 2006,10:59)
    Jesus is Son of Man. He was the son of Mary and shared our weak estate being subjected to all the testing we are without ever sinning. He was the Overcomer and showed us the way.
    We are saved by being reborn into him as God requires and then we have to work out our salvation as Christ is born into us after the sowing of the seed. We are forgiven now but God works perfection into us.
    We do not receive Christ as our Saviour but God accepts our humble repentant faith and graciously begets us into Christ and restores our conscience and teaches us His ways from within our temple.

    We can still sin but we cannot be condemned in Christ if we are walk in him according to the Spirit.

    So how were we to do greater works? Such as the apostles did. Why have they stopped. Are the dead being raised? Are the sick being healed? Is it because of lack of faith that we being taught over and over that we are sinners. Scripture say we don't sin. Scripture also says we have “sinned” not sinning and fall short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23)

    Yes we have sinned but Jesus paid our debt. So we have no sin and if the faith of a mustard seed should be able to move mountians.


    Faith does enable one to move mountains. But first, what is faith? The Bible says Rom 10:17 Then faith is of hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.

    We know that Jesus is the Word of God, so faith comes when Jesus tells us what to do. I'm sure you have had times when you've somehow just known the right thing to do in a situation and seen great results. That is the faith that Jesus gives us and the working of that faith is when we act upon it.

    If, on the other hand, you were to consider the Bible to be the Word of God, then you should be able to “just believe” for whatever you want that is written somewhere in the Scriptures and it should happen. This is the great deception!


    Hi Oxy,
    Another greater deception perhaps is that you personally hear the voice of Jesus and do not need to check it by the Word of God or godly fellowship.


    Nick, the Word of God IS[/] Jesus, according to Scripture. It is unusual, in my experience, for God to teach me something without taking me into Scripture. On the other hand, He has told me to do a number of things that He hasn't shown me in Scripture. I mean, if God could only tell you something that was written, how was it ever heard to start with?

    You are the picky one Nick lol


    Hi Oxy,
    No. In my job I meet quite a few folk who believe they are obeying the voice of God, but them being seated in a prison cell is not really good evidence that it was God, but to try to make this clear to them is not easy.
    Test the spirits.
    Test all things.
    The Spirit takes us back to the words of Jesus and He does not speak on His own initiative.


    Paul did a wee lag lol

    I do test all things, so you can stop worrying about me now. :D


    Nick, how do you explain the times when the Lord tells you to do something that is not in Scripture?


    Hi Oxy,
    He doesn't. In my life He works by opening doors of opportunity and closing doors that would not have been wise for me and by going ahead of me to smooth the path and coming behind to make all things work together for good.


    Hi Nick
    I've had quite a few experiences where God has told me to do something. There was one time when I was hitch hiking, He asked me if I saw the house on the hill “over there”. I said yes Lord. He told me to go and knock on the door. Initially I was afraid and walked past their gate. He spoke to me quite sternly then. He said “Les, if you don't do what you are told you will be walking for a very long time”. I asked Him to give me the boldness, and immediately I felt boldness come over me and I went and knocked on the door.

    To cut a long story short, the guy had prayed that morning and my going to see him was an answer to prayer. He gave his life to the Lord and when I got back down to the gate I got picked up by an old couple who were going to a place just around the corner from my destination.

    I have had many experiences like that and most of them have happened without me having to look up the Bible.


    Nick, tell me, can God be seperated from His Promise?


    Hi Oxy,
    God is not a promise but God is spirit.


    I didn't say God was a promise


    But explain this to me Nick. If God can only tell you what is written in Scripture, how come He is suddenly limited? I mean He had to tell people stuff that wasn't in Scripture in order for Scripture to get here in the first place, didn't He?

    And how to you explain the experience I had in the post above? I really want an answer to that!


    Still waiting Nick.


    Quote (Oxy @ Aug. 18 2006,23:32)
    But explain this to me Nick.  If God can only tell you what is written in Scripture, how come He is suddenly limited?  I mean He had to tell people stuff that wasn't in Scripture in order for Scripture to get here in the first place, didn't He?

    And how to you explain the experience I had in the post above?  I really want an answer to that!

    Hi Oxy,
    God is not limited.
    And He is certainly not limited to my or any other man's experience of Him. And I do not invalidate any of your experiences of the work of God in your life.
    It is just that so far some of whet you say you have learned about God being a trinity is nonscriptural and should cause you to check your steps.
    He expects us to be wise and check our spiritual guidance that it is according to what is revealed in scripture.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 19 2006,05:36)

    Quote (Oxy @ Aug. 18 2006,23:32)
    But explain this to me Nick.  If God can only tell you what is written in Scripture, how come He is suddenly limited?  I mean He had to tell people stuff that wasn't in Scripture in order for Scripture to get here in the first place, didn't He?

    And how to you explain the experience I had in the post above?  I really want an answer to that!

    Hi Oxy,
    God is not limited.
    And He is certainly not limited to my or any other man's experience of Him. And I do not invalidate any of your experiences of the work of God in your life.
    It is just that so far some of whet you say you have learned about God being a trinity is nonscriptural and should cause you to check your steps.
    He expects us to be wise and check our spiritual guidance that it is according to what is revealed in scripture.

    Oxy doesn't believe in a Trinty God. He believes that the Father is greater than the Son, and that is not what the Trinty doctrine states.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 19 2006,05:36)

    Quote (Oxy @ Aug. 18 2006,23:32)
    But explain this to me Nick.  If God can only tell you what is written in Scripture, how come He is suddenly limited?  I mean He had to tell people stuff that wasn't in Scripture in order for Scripture to get here in the first place, didn't He?

    And how to you explain the experience I had in the post above?  I really want an answer to that!

    Hi Oxy,
    God is not limited.
    And He is certainly not limited to my or any other man's experience of Him. And I do not invalidate any of your experiences of the work of God in your life.
    It is just that so far some of whet you say you have learned about God being a trinity is nonscriptural and should cause you to check your steps.
    He expects us to be wise and check our spiritual guidance that it is according to what is revealed in scripture.


    The bible is complete there are no other instructions left to give. So the Spirit should agree with scripture. I don't remember (other than a word of knowledge) the Spirit saying anything contrary to the Word.

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