Jehovah's witnesses

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  • #39996

    Hi david,
    You must get tired carrying that glorious JW mirror everywhere.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 11 2007,22:02)
    Hi david,
    You must get tired carrying that glorious JW mirror everywhere.

    Do you get tired of carrying your “personal” mirror with you everywhere you go?

    (2 Peter 2:18-22) (Matthew 11:25)


    Hi qa,
    I try to be a mirror of scripture and not of any denomination.
    A letter.
    2 Corinthians 3:2
    You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men;
    2 Corinthians 3:3
    being manifested that you are a letter of Christ, cared for by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.


    Hi david,
    You must get tired carrying that glorious JW mirror everywhere.

    If you're speaking of the Bible, I have a pocket version. It's not very heavy. It's very good for reflecting truth and letting people see themselves as they truly are. Nick, you are someone who has problems with the truth. If I state the truth, prove I am wrong in what I said.

    What I said. . . . actually, I didn't say anything. I quoted someone who strongly dislikes JW's and who came on this site to arm himself and prepare himself for when he encounters other JW's. And what he said, is that JW's are really the only one's who follow the Christian Biblical practice of disfellowshipping unrepentant wrongdoers.

    Now, if you disagree, take it up with Casey, who said those things.
    I guess it's hard for you to follow in any way with those sorts of scriptures that speak of disfellowshipping such ones, as you don't feel it's necessary to belong to any sort of organized group. So, you mock, or try to belittle, perhaps to hide your own gross misgivings.


    Hi david,
    No you state what the JW books tell you to state.
    This surprises me somewhat for you are far from ignorant of the real truth which those books are foreign to.


    Hi david,
    No you state what the JW books tell you to state.
    This surprises me somewhat for you are far from ignorant of the real truth which those books are foreign to.

    You dare speak of truth? You, who seem to want to defend the right to celebrate lies?

    No you state what the JW books tell you to state.

    Nick, I was quoting Casey.


    Hi david,
    When did I celebrate lies-having a meal with my family?
    How sad.
    Your straightjacket of intolerance is crushing your heart and killing commonsense it seems.


    Hi david,
    When did I celebrate lies-having a meal with my family?


    I said you “defend the right to celebrate lies.”

    Perhaps if you go back, you'll find that I keep stating truth and you keep saying that we have freedom to celebrate Christmas, etc.

    The truth, is that Christmas, the very date, is a lie. A lie that many perpetuate.
    Keep defending the right of people to celebrate Christmas if you wish.
    I have never said people don't have the right to celebrate or wallow around in lies and paganism. They have that right. They have that freedom.
    I simply want to endorse the truth, which is this:

    The Bible doesn't allow for syncretism, which as you yourself stated is “pure folly.”
    Christmas is synrcetism of Christianity and paganism, mixed with a few lies.

    You know these things, and and you don't argue them, but rather, you keep repeating that people have the right to do what they want. Of course they do. They have the right to commit whatever vile things God hates.

    I just want the truth to be known.
    You want people to be free.
    I'm sorry if you think the truth infringes on your freedom or the freedom's of others.


    Hi david.
    You say
    “Perhaps if you go back, you'll find that I keep stating truth and you keep saying that we have freedom to celebrate Christmas, etc.”
    Quote please as I doubt if I have EVER made such statements.


    Nick, last time I stated that you said that Christmas is syncretism, you charged that you never said that. I proved the exact quote. You never even acknowledged that you said that.
    Why should I go through one second of trouble to find the obvious if you will be blind to your own words?


    Hi david,
    Quote please.


    Nick, about 2 days ago, in the Christmas thread, I said:

    “Nick, you have already spoken of the folly of syncretism.”

    Your response was:

    “Please quote me on the charge of syncretism
    o nonjudgemental one.”

    I then quoted Eliyah who said:
    “what is the scriptures views against such [Christmas] customs and traditions? “

    Your immediate response:
    “ Let me say it for you
    Pure folly.”

    Then, you acted like you never charged me with accusing you of saying that. I asked you about it and you ignored me, repeatedly.

    Nick, do the work yourself. I'm not going to spend any time finding something you'll gloss over and ignore. You will have to do the work yourself.


    Hi david,
    So syncretism is folly.
    It is an admixture of false with the true religion.
    Christmas and easter are not of faith but of the world's follies.
    So we do not celebrate them though you do not seem to be able to define exactly what this means.


    Hi david,
    So syncretism is folly.
    It is an admixture of false with the true religion.
    Christmas and easter are not of faith but of the world's follies.
    So we do not celebrate them though you do not seem to be able to define exactly what this means.

    Why would I have to “be able to define exactly what this means.”
    I agree WITH YOU, nick. As YOU said, on the fourth post in the Christmas/Easter thread, syncretism is folly.
    I agree with everything you say here. But I'm not sure why I, or anyone needs to “define” “exactly” what 'celebrating them' means.

    –If you ask someone on the planet if they celebrate Christmas, 90% will say “yes.” That's a pretty good indication they do celebrate Christmas.
    –If they answer “no,” that's a pretty good indication they don't.

    It's that group out there that says:
    “I know Christmas is a lie and pagan, etc, but I'm going to celebrate Christmas (a pagan holiday and a lie) in my own way and honour Jesus by celebrating these things in my way, so it's ok.”

    This is the group I keep speaking to.

    It's that group that I feel is misleading itself, letting it's eyes be closed.
    We have to worship God in the way he wants to be worshiped. If God asks: What harmony is there between good and bad? with the obvious answer of: None….then we should not try to create harmony or mix the two.

    True worship…good.

    Put a bow on it if you like, change the name if you like, do whatever you like, but closing your eyes to the truth does not make something ok.


    The hearts are towards God
    It is time to leave the restraints and yokes behind
    Stepping out in faith that our path may be made straight
    It is unfair judgment to box a person to a denomination set of Laws
    In hope of changing and becoming that which we cannot conceive
    Allowing each one to be sown in weakness to be raised in power
    Allowing each other to be to put incorruption
    The last captivity into the glorious liberty of the saints
    For the final offence is at hand

    Not by might not by power but by the spirit of the Lord

    Changing on the way

    Come as you are


    Hi charity,
    Good stuff.
    Denominational faithfulness
    can only make you
    a good denominational person
    who is unlikely to be disfellowshipped
    but the wind of the Spirit
    cannot be contained in such a box
    and we must be led by the Spirit of God.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 14 2007,01:04)
    Hi charity,
    Good stuff.
    Denominational faithfulness
    can only make you
    a good denominational person
    who is unlikely to be disfellowshipped
    but the wind of the Spirit
    cannot be contained in such a box
    and we must be led by the Spirit of God.

    Is also the spirit that should convict?
    Important to walk together and not be burdened to be the force that changes our brother and sister
    So being that it is important for us is just where we are at the every moment and allow the spirit to transform
    Instead of arising against each other, to shame them for what they find they believe
    We can get ourselves in the way of the spirit at times
    When a mans Adoption has wit he is as pure Gold and every word is power
    Let us seek towards the goal

    Each person is valued before God as an individaul soul


    Hi charity,
    And every plant not planted by the Father will be pulled out.
    Rescue is offered to those voluntarily in prison too.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 14 2007,01:48)
    Hi charity,
    And every plant not planted by the Father will be pulled out.
    Rescue is offered to those voluntarily in prison too.

    Let us not be found to assume a souls destiny

    More So

    But assume even we may have not received in full the power of God
    To ask of God that we may glorify him on earth as his Son Christ Jesus

    Anything that we should ask that is according to his will shall gladly forfill within us
    Then shall we be a tree of life and a shelter from the heat


    The wicked may condemn themselves in judgment
    For the way to righteousness is to judge and search our own hearts unto adoption wit
    We maybe in danger ourselves when our eyes are next door
    Having been bewitched and made perfect in the flesh

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