Jehovah's witnesses

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  • #19510

    But the disciples were more than witnesses. They too were empowered by God's Spirit to continue the work of God in Christ on earth.

    And what was that work? Wasn't it primarlily preaching and teaching people about God and His annointed one and His kingdom?
    A witness is someone who tells what they know about something. You say the disciples were “more than witnesses.” They were to continue the work of God in earth. That work was primarlily witnessing about Jehovah and His son.

    This is really a yes or no question. Are you a witness for or of Jehovah God?


    I copied this from a thread it didn't have to be in:

    Hi david,
    Was Christ just a witness for God?

    Christ was many things. But note his words:

    JOHN 18:37
    “For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth.””

    It's definitely one of the reasons he came into the world. Of course, there was the ransom sacrifice.

    But Jesus is called the “faithful witness” and the “faithful and true witness.” He was a Witness of his father, Jehovah. As a Christian (follower of Jesus) should we not also be God's witnesses?


    Quote (david @ May 30 2006,01:02)

    But the disciples were more than witnesses. They too were empowered by God's Spirit to continue the work of God in Christ on earth.

    And what was that work? Wasn't it primarlily preaching and teaching people about God and His annointed one and His kingdom?
    A witness is someone who tells what they know about something.  You say the disciples were “more than witnesses.”  They were to continue the work of God in earth.  That work was primarlily witnessing about Jehovah and His son.

    This is really a yes or no question.  Are you a witness for or of Jehovah God?

    Hi david,
    But they also healed and raised from the dead and demonstrated that they were anointed to preach by the power of God that was with them.

    I am a signpost and God sheds a little light through me.


    I guess I'll take that as a “yes.”


    Hi david,

    What do you say is the destiny of those outside the JW faith?
    What advantages do those within that faith have in your opinion?


    I do not believe in destiny. But I'll give you these scriptures:

    2 PETER 3:9
    “Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with YOU because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance.”

    MARK 3:35
    “Whoever does the will of God, this one is my brother and sister and mother.”

    In answer to your second question, one thing that comes to mind is that I am part of a worldwide brotherhood. (1 Pet 2:17) One advantage is that we are not forsaking the gathering together, as “some have the custom.”

    HEBREWS 10:24-25
    “And let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as YOU behold the day drawing near.”

    In these “critical days hard to deal with,” we are encouraged by our brothers wherever we go.


    JW is an occult. Sorry David.


    Quote (david @ June 15 2006,01:12)
    I do not believe in destiny.  But I'll give you these scriptures:

    2 PETER 3:9
    “Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with YOU because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance.”

    MARK 3:35
    “Whoever does the will of God, this one is my brother and sister and mother.”

    In answer to your second question, one thing that comes to mind is that I am part of a worldwide brotherhood. (1 Pet 2:17)  One advantage is that we are not forsaking the gathering together, as “some have the custom.”

    HEBREWS 10:24-25
    “And let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as YOU behold the day drawing near.”

    In these “critical days hard to deal with,” we are encouraged by our brothers wherever we go.

    Hi david,
    I would not boast of righteousness because of that fellowshiping with the JWs because you have never acknowledged any error with the JWs despite being shown plenty. They do not fellowship in the Spirit but are a human organisation.
    I was removed from fellowship because I would not equally value tradition with scripture. I have no wish to roll again in the mud.


    JW is an occult. Sorry David.

    He is coming, you repeatedly stated that the KJ is infallible. It's basically all you say. Yet, you cannot offer proof. You cannot defend anything I said against it. You only state what you have been told, apparently. You redirect my questions to websites of other people. Please think for yourself. Isn't a cult something where people don't think for themselves? Yet, you can't answer any of the questions that I have raised. And I've raised them about 8 times now. It's sad. It's very very sad, how unable to see you are. You believe something, but seem to be unsure why you believe it, or at least, are unable to explain or defend those beliefs.

    Sorry H.


    I was removed from fellowship because I would not equally value tradition with scripture. I have no wish to roll again in the mud.

    Nick, we do not equally value tradition with scripture either. At one time we celebrated Christmas. That tradition is gone, in light of scripture. Same with Easter and bunny rabbits. At one time, we believed Jesus died on the “cross,” a pagan symbol the world over, rather than a xylon or stauros. That is gone. At one time, there were JW's who smoked destroying their lungs and harming the people around them. That has stopped. There are many many other things that I have also similarly mentioned before. Yet, you quite wrongly say:

    I would not boast of righteousness because of that fellowshiping with the JWs because you have never acknowledged any error with the JWs despite being shown plenty.

    I Nick, have no reason to boast. I am the least. The least among my brothers.
    Nick, I don't see myself boasting of anything in the post above. What are you referring to?


    Those who rely on 'personal revelation' and cannot find support for their ideas in the Word should walk a lonely path. Jesus did not pass that way.


    Those who rely on 'personal revelation' and cannot find support for their ideas in the Word should walk a lonely path. Jesus did not pass that way.

    Nick, I would say the same thing to you.

    PROVERBS 4:18
    “But the path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established.”


    Hi david,
    I may have stresses in life but lonliness is no longer one of them.
    I am not alone and I do not feel alone.
    The Comforter is fantastic and the morning Star is rising in my heart.


    Quote (Woutlaw @ Dec. 10 2005,06:13)
    Right on Sultan,

    We must be born again before we enter into the kingdom of God. I'm sure you guys are familiar with plants, particularly annuals. They are “reborn” every spring, but before this happens they die in the winter. Anything that is living cannot be reborn unless it dies. This is the role water baptism plays in rebirth. Water baptism is a watery grave. You are uniting with the Lord Jesus in his death(Romans 6:1-4).

    In verse 5 of this same passage Paul says, “If we have been united with him like this in his death, we will CERTAINLY also be united with him in his resurrection.

    In verse 8 Paul says, ” Now if we died with Christ, we BELIEVE that we will also live with him. (BELIEVE=FAITH)

    2nd Timothy 2:11 Paul says, “This is a trustworthy saying: if we die with him(referring to Christ)we will also live with him

    Water baptism is not a work but an expression of your Faith. Hebrews 11:1 defines FAITH as being sure of what we hope for and CERTAIN of what we do not see.

    A true believer will express his FAITH by dying with the Lord Jesus in water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ. By this FAITH, the true believer will also be resurrected with him by the baptism of the Holy Spirit thus being born of the water and Spirit. (John 3:5)

    The scriptures tell us that God wants all men to be saved. He doesn't want any of us to perish but to repent. Now if this is the heart of God, would he leave us a confusing plan of salvation? 1 Corinthians 14:33 says that God is not the author of confusion. Folks the gospel is easy enough for a child to understand.

    God's Blessings

    Right on Woutlaw





    Hello guys,

    I've always believed Acts 15 is speaking of Moses' law (Acts v. 5,29). Acts is speaking of blood ingested as food or for pagan reasons. The blood in Acts has nothing to do with intravenously adding blood inorder to save lives. I don't think they had intravenous anything back then. Did they?

    The Jehovah Witnesses say use common sense and ask “Would you burn your son forever” which I believe is “correct” and so common sense should apply to blood. last I checked no doctor has written a subscription for the ingestion of blood.
    So I ask would you let your son die because of misinterpretation of scripture? Would God do that? How many lives has been saved and went on to serve the Lord because of the transfusion of blood.

    On the other hand I agree If there is a better solution than using blood then by “all” means lets use it. But don't deny life for someone, in doing so your playing God.

    A pastor's son had pain in his side so he and his wife laid hands on the boy driving out demons and asking God to cure their son. After an hour or so the pastor and his wife (who is now associate pastor) finally “gave in to Satan” and brought the boy to the emergency room where they rushed his son to surgery to remove his appendix.
    Did God want that boy to die? According to the bible sickness is caused by sin! “Go and sin no more” Jesus said.

    Where do we draw the line. Use the sense God gave us with prayer. Remember the pastor wasn't listening “he was screeming for a demon to leave”. True story I attened that church for some time until the Lord called me out.


    To david.

    The first century believers were called Christians. There wasn't this division where some were called Christians and another bunch called say Aliens or WJs or Mentalcostals.

    There were just 2 groups. The second group is the world and some of that second group pretended to be in the first.

    Now fast forward a couple of millenia and we probably have a couple of million denominations. Who knows how many?

    But the truth is that there are just 2 groups, (I guess 3 as I should include the Jews, and perhaps more if we include 144000 etc). But for gentiles who have been saved by grace, lets look at the 2 groups we can choose to belong. The Church or the world.

    So where do the JWs fit into that. Are they the whole Church, or the World?

    1) If you say the whole Church, you are wrong.
    2) If you say part of the Church, you may be wrong too, if the JWs claim exclusivity. Do they?
    3) The world is where I put this organisation. But I also believe that there are members in that organisation that are in the Church too. In other words I think there are true believers or children of God probably in many perhaps, most denominations and other bodies. That is why we are told to come out of Babylon.

    But nothing has really changed. There is still the Church and the World. The world pretends to be the church at times and the church acts like the world at times. That is unfortunate, but it is reality. But that blurring of the groups doesn't change the truth that there is the Church and the World.

    Perhaps if you want to answer this post extensively we can move over to a more appropriate discussion.

    Your servant in Christ.


    God sees men in two ways as you say t8.
    Not surprisingly men have different ideas.
    God will set a day when those who are not within the spiritual temple will be excluded from his blessing and those still in the outer court of that temple are also excluded. We need to see things God's way which we can only happen through obedience to His demand that we repent and be born again of water and the Spirit.

    Then we can SEE the kingdom.

    Rev 11.1-2
    “1Then there was given me a (A)measuring rod like a staff; and (B)someone said, “Get up and measure the temple of God and the altar, and those who worship in it.
    2″Leave out the Âcourt which is outside the temple and do not measure it, for (D)it has been given to the nations; and they will (E)tread under foot (F)the holy city for (G)forty-two months.”


    Hey Nick & T8,

    I'm not sure but I believe David left after I posted intimate details about what really goes on
    within the JW world.  I haven't seen him post anything since, so you may just be talking among yourselves at this point.

    However, I am seeing similar tactics being employed within the Assembly of God church I serve such as:

    1.) AOG – Telling people they need to tithe even though the Bible doesn't show ANYONE in the first century church tithing.  Most were thrown out of the temples and that is where one would bring all three tithes, including those for the priest.  Even those were FOOD ITEMS and not MONEY.

        JW's – Don't say you have to tithe but subtly suggest that you forget about your children and leave all your money to THEM in your will.  Also, their Kingdom Halls or churches never belong to the congregations.  You pay THEM for the building's mortgage which returns to them when paid off.  This includes extra loans for remodeling and repairs.

    2.)  AOG – Teachings are spoon feed to you.  They elevate their traditions and doctrine while placing the Bible as a secondary authority.  Their Minister Certification classes are so similar to the JW “Bible Studies”, that I started having flashbacks!  It is so different from my seminary classes which make you dig within yourself and the Bible for answers.

         JW's – Use the Witchtower and Asleep magazines EVERY SUNDAY.  You must answer the questions by finding the answers in the magazine article.  Any personal Biblical research is discouraged as is finding any other answers not provided in their magazine or reference materials.

    3.)  AOG – Gets overly involved in the personal lives of members and even NON members who serve such I did.  They can be overly aggressive thinking they have “authority” over you just because you show up for service.  They seem to not want people to grow in Christ on their own but constantly lead, guide and advise even when it is not needed or asked for.  Like the JW's, they have their own publishing house which prints all of the study materials for AOG around the world.  However, they will sometimes use other ministries or writer's books.

      JW's – Will tell the “elders” if you make ANY criticism of the “Organization” no matter how un-Biblical they act.  You are not allowed to read any other materials for Bible study other than theirs nor are you encouraged to read any other Bible other than their “New World Translation” which lacks any mention of editors or references to their educational abilities.  The NWT is probably the worse Bible translation out there.

    So there are quite a few groups out their like the JW's.  It's all about controling people as they have no faith in Jesus' words that the Holy Spirit will teach us all things. [Luke 12:12]

    Now that I have my license to preach, I have sent the head pastor of the church I serve notice that I will only be there once a month as an alter worker & prayer intercessor.  

    The ass't pastor seemed shocked that I wasn't going to be sitting in their church every Sunday.  How ridiculous is that?  Do THEY go sit in somebody else's church, tithe there and forget about serving their own congregation?  Of course not.  My ministry is every bit as important as theirs, if not more so because I do my best to teach what God's Word says.  I care about the truth.  I care about the people there but I feel as if I am serving THEM when I'm there but serving GOD when I'm at my own ministry.

    Well, that's how it goes.  I'm pretty much out of there.  I must be about my Master's business and I really don't care what the JW's, AOG or anyone else has to say.

    Bless all!



    Hi Semmy,
    Thanks. Very informative.
    A couple of years ago I signed up to a bible study course advertised in the paper by the Bible Baptist Church. It was ok for a couple of weeks and then it became obvious the teaching was leading into a very dead end corral. I put the answers to the questions asked according to the bible and not their advice.
    Next weekend the pastor whom I had never met, knocked on my door, barged in, and harangued me for 30mins before being asked to leave by me.
    Quite a revelation.

    After I left the Catholics I went to AOG for a while and they showed us a video of an exciting new preacher on the scene in the US who they thought was the bees knees. He wore white and gold and shouted and stamped his way around entertaining the audience. I was upset at their shallow view of this imposter.[?Jimmy Swaggart}

    His name turned up on the international scandal pages a few months later.

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