Jehovah's witnesses

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    So that would be a “no,” then?

    malcolm ferris

    Perhaps one reason why there are so many threads on JW belief system is because it seems similar to the understanding of God held by some on this forum…


    I would say that there are few beliefs in common that JWs and many who come here have in common. Outside the belief that the Trinity doctrine is not true, I can't think of many other things that we agree on.

    Could say the same thing with the Catholics. They believe that Jesus died for the sins of humanity. So do many who post here, who are not Catholics.

    There are probably a few JW posts here because of david who is a JW and he regularly posts in this BBS. My guess is that if he wasn't here, then there probably wouldn't be a lot less discussions on JWs than there are currently.


    I would say that there are few beliefs that JWs have and many who come here have in common. Outside the belief that the Trinity doctrine is not true, I can't think of many other things that we agree on.

    I completely agree with t8 on this one.
    I do however still find it interesting that as I've been reading through older posts, I've come across a few times where someone asks Nick if he's one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Yet, he's never asked if he's a Catholic. Go figure.


    There are probably a few JW posts here because of david who is a JW and he regularly posts in this BBS. My guess is that if he wasn't here, then there probably wouldn't be a lot less discussions on JWs than there are currently.

    But there are other people on here who belong to different belief systems, aren't there? I”m wondering where the threads are on their religions. I've never created a “JW” thread myself.


    Quote (david @ April 04 2006,22:22)

    There are probably a few JW posts here because of david who is a JW and he regularly posts in this BBS. My guess is that if he wasn't here, then there probably wouldn't be a lot less discussions on JWs than there are currently.

    But there are other people on here who belong to different belief systems, aren't there?  I”m wondering where the threads are on their religions.  I've never created a “JW” thread myself.

    Hi david,
    What is a belief system?
    Sounds like a human concoction does it not?

    Why not just be one who first is established in Christ and guided by the Spirit abiding in the Word.


    I'm sorry Nick. It was a fancy overly complicated way to say people have different beliefs–and they do, right?
    A belief system is a system of belief.
    You'll notice in the next sentence I clarified with the word “religion.”

    Anyway, where are the threads on other religions? The moment you found out I was a witness of Jehovah, you started a thread. What about the other faiths?


    Hi david,
    Being founded on a “belief system” is hardly as secure as the prescribed foundation that we have to dig deep and lay our foundation on if we are wise, the teachings of Christ.

    JWs doctrinal base is at least very odd

    eg Jesus is Michael, and when we die our sins are forgiven

    and it does not abide in the Word and even has its equally odd bible to try to show these false things.

    It has caused a lot of interest and comment.

    You are welcome to start any other threads you wish.


    I was thinking of starting one on Genesis 3:15. Also maybe one on persecution, as I haven't seen one on that. Do you think either of these will cause a lot of “interest and comment”?


    Hi david,
    Exposing false teachings is not persecution.
    It is the reverse.
    It is holding a scriptural mirror up to human doctrines and revealing their dangerous deceptions and lies so that those entrapped by them may find the blessing of freedom.

    So martyrdom is not appropriate here.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 05 2006,18:24)
    What is a belief system?

    True Nick.

    There is a difference between a belief system and the truth.
    Jesus never held to a belief system, he was the Truth.

    Why do we need a system if we are one with God?

    Surely God is better than any system, man-made or natural.


    Quote (david @ April 04 2006,22:22)

    There are probably a few JW posts here because of david who is a JW and he regularly posts in this BBS. My guess is that if he wasn't here, then there probably wouldn't be a lot less discussions on JWs than there are currently.

    But there are other people on here who belong to different belief systems, aren't there?  I”m wondering where the threads are on their religions.  I've never created a “JW” thread myself.

    Yes t8,
    If there are RELIGIONS then already there is error.

    RELIGION, as TRUE RELIGION does appear in James and it is defined as looking after widows and orphans.

    So it is the expression of faith and not a human denominational box.


    Exposing false teachings is not persecution.

    I never said it was Nick. Why do you always jump on me wrongly?
    I was just wanting to start a thread looking at the persecution of early Christians and what Jesus said his followers could expect. I don't think this forum has really touched upon that.

    True Nick.
    There is a difference between a belief system and the truth.

    Did Jesus believe anything? Did he base his beliefs on anything? Do you believe anything? Belief isn't wrong. Everyone on here including yourself have a variety of beliefs–I would call that a belief system. (maybe the wording is wrong.)
    Maybe my concept of the word system is wrong. Sorry.

    Nick, you don't have a religion?
    What do you think the word “religion” means?
    I know, you'll tell me it's a manmade word.
    But it is still a word that by definition, applies to you, does it not?


    No david,
    Religion is the interface between God and men.
    Religious systems are built on men and their foolish ideas.
    There is only one way to God and that is through the mediator Jesus Christ.
    You must be born again into him.

    True religion results in action and is defined by scripture [Jas 1.27].


    Encarta Definitions of “Religion”:

    1. beliefs and worship: people's beliefs and opinions concerning the existence, nature, and worship of a deity or deities, and divine involvement in the universe and human life

    2. system: an institutionalized or personal system of beliefs and practices relating to the divine

    3. personal beliefs or values: a set of strongly-held beliefs, values, and attitudes that somebody lives by

    4. obsession: an object, practice, cause, or activity that somebody is completely devoted to or obsessed by
    The danger is that you start to make fitness a religion.

    5. christianity monk's or nun's life: life as a monk or a nun, especially in the Roman Catholic Church

    While these do not all apply to you, most of them do Nick.


    Hi david,
    I prefer the bible definition rather than the derivations of men. Do you not?


    I once tried to witness to a Jehovah's Witness, just regarding the existence of an everlasting torment for those who do not believe in My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ because I understand that you believe that the unsaved go to the grave, is that correct?


    Here is another forum on the Jehovahs witnesses.


    David has asked if we are witnesses for God.
    Surely a witness is one who has been present with, or perhaps has seen something or someone or their actions and is willing to corroborate that information to others. The psalmist speaks of the sun and moon as witnesses too.
    Ps 89.35f
    “Once I have sworn in My Holiness;I will not lie to David. His descendants shall endure forever, and his throne as the sun before Me. It shall be established forever like the moon, and the witness in the sky is faithful”
    Christ was a witness, according to the flesh.
    Rev 1.5
    “..and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead..”
    He sent his disciples to be witnesses
    Acts 1.8
    “…and you shall be my witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all Judea..”
    Paul was anxious that his testimony was true.
    1Cor 15.14f
    “and if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain.Moreover we are found to be false witnesses of God, because we witnessed against God that He raised Christ..”

    God sent Christ so a witness for Christ is also a witness for God.

    But the disciples were more than witnesses. They too were empowered by God's Spirit to continue the work of God in Christ on earth. So should we be too.


    So, yes, then?

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