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  • #94851

    theorej The northern Kingdom of Israel, 10 tribes, were invaded by the Assyrians in B.C. 722. The southern Kingdom of Judah, two tribes were, invaded by the Babylonians in B.C. 606.
    The Prophecy in Leviticus addresses the disobedience of all 4 tribes.


    Quote (pythagorus @ June 29 2008,10:29)
    ” It is the progressive dissatisfaction of the younger generations that will bring that about. It took one shot, and the whole world exploded into World War One. It was by the means of this war, that God cleared the way for the Jews to return to their Land, now called Palestine. He had the British drive out the Turks; and in 1918 “

    So how many innocents died so that this political ploy could be performed? The god you speak of sounds like a very sick entity. WW11 I presume was for the same reason…scores of millions die to create the “promised land”….I feel ill at your appalling propostions and rationalisations about the deaths of people in my family and others….it's a part of why indoctrinated, unintellectual religion has become the curse of humanity. Can I suggest you get your history a little more complete about this fanciful wonderment about Israel. There are, also,  jews and there are zionists and I suggest you learn the difference. If your view is that we are all here, as your ww1 reasoning, suggests,  as manure to grow the flower of Israel in god's personal garden I suggest you re-examine your views of humanity and the rights of all people….most of whom have equal rights in intellectual terms…with the “jews”. Try thinking about Jesus instead of bogging yourself down in Old Testament doctrinaire zionist propaganda and learn what Christianity really means. When you speak of Hitler and the Jews…look around your own word today and what WE are doing.Shalom

    Greetings pythagerus…..You have made several points that are note worthy and I must say I can't disagree with you completely….Having said that when we study the history of the Jews,it is very hard to ignore the science of archaelogy when it comes to establishing dates and times in which the children of Israel occupied the Holy Land….I believe Solomons temple dates back 2000+ BC and we know that Solomon was one of King Davids sons and they all knew the God of Abraham and were conscious of his statutes…The term Palastine was instituted by the Romans to describe the region…The children of Israel were taken captive by Asserians somewhere around 700+ BC and were dispursed around the world (eg.Europe etc.) These people lost their Identity as result of their Idolatry,however, they can be traced somewhat theoretically(eg.Saxons..Sons of Isaac).The Jews were the remnants of the tribes of Judah,Levi and Benjimen and they managed to maintain their Identity because they have maintained the Law as it applies to Sabbaths and Holy Days….After their captivity in Babylon ( 600+ BC ) after appx 70 years the Babylonian King allowed a remnant to return to ( Israel eg.Palastine)where they rebuilt the temple once again…The bedowens who were living there at the time remained,however,the land was still the property of the tribes by virtue of the covenant between God and the children of Irael…The Palistinians today hold to teachings of Islam and are claiming the land,based on a dream that mohamed ascended into heaven from Jerusalem.( 600+ AD)…The truth be told the prophet Mohamed was never in Jerusalem…And the PLO came into existance in 1964…In closing the fruits of war are nothing more than a testimony to mans inhumanity to man….God is a giver of life and sanctions no murder in his name…However he does permit the kind atrocities we see today,because man has choosen to do things his way instead of Gods way….God government will produce peace and tranquility without violence…all we have to do is want it…


    Quote (Irene @ June 30 2008,02:48)
    theorej   The northern Kingdom of Israel, 10 tribes, were invaded by the Assyrians in B.C. 722. The southern Kingdom of Judah, two tribes were, invaded by the Babylonians in B.C. 606.
    The Prophecy in Leviticus addresses the disobedience of all 4 tribes.

    Greetings Irene…..The Jews started to return to the Holyland with the remnant needed to rebuild appx..70 years after captivity…by decree of the Babylonian King..(Ezra etc..). I would think that we are waiting for the return of the remaining 10 tribes who have yet to indentified…History dictates that Jews have always been there…with the exception that became official in 1948 when the state of Israel became a sovereighn nation….The time line is not without merit and more than likely supports the levitical prophesy….It is the distinction between the Jews and the remaining unidentified missing tribes that constitute Israel where the key to understanding prophesy lies…


    It was 70 years after their captivity that the Israelites (Jews) were allowed to return home, but it was the Persian king Cyrus that gave the order, Ezra 1:1-3.
    True, even after the destruction of their nation in A.D. 70, there has remained a handful of Jews, but hardly considered a nation.
    The bible does not mention any major return of the ten tribes, taken captive by the Assyrians 115 years earlier, but something tells me there were some that did.
    It is not for us to identify the tribes of Israel anyway, God knows his people and will bring them back, which he did.
    Read the entire chapter of Ezekiel 36, the “house of Israel” are all twelve tribes. They all disobeyed God, and God punished them all by dispersing the all into the entire world.
    When their seven time punishment was up, God had to make good on his promise, and he did.
    We are so used to call all Israelites Jews, but that is not correct; all Jews are Israelites, but not all Israelites are Jews. Jew is short for the tribe of Judah. The southern kingdom was named after that tribe.
    The fact that prophecies have played out the way they were prophesied, does not mean God orchestrated them. God can look into the future of every human being, he can see the way of all the nations, like we for instance watch a video and then tell someone the outcome who has not seen it yet. God allows us to try to find our way in the dark, Jesus said he was the light of the world, so that we learn without God's light, truth and understanding, we will have no peace on earth.

    formely, IM4Truth


    Greetings Irene…..I stand corrected….It was indeed Cyrus who allowed the remnant to return….As you know the term Jew draws its route from Judah and the priestly tribe of Levi as well as Benjimen are indentified today as “The Jews”….The migration to Israel as we have been observing since the end of WW2 has been an event that could very well be prophetic,however,I would think that entire prophetic picture will have to include the remaining lost tribes of Israel,because scripture is replete with reference to Israel and not the Jews….What do you think?



    You are absolutely right, God speaks of the entire nation, twelve tribes, to return, and as it is historically recorded, major migrations have been taken place to what is now called Palestine since 1933. But who is to say whether they are all from the kingdom of Judah, Jews? What we call the lost ten tribes, is the identity of the ten tribes is lost to the world, but not to God. And Israelites have come from all over the world; should I believe that none of them are descendants from the other ten tribes? I believe there are.



    Quote (theodorej @ June 30 2008,22:02)
    Greetings Irene…..I stand corrected….It was indeed Cyrus who allowed the remnant to return….As you know the term Jew draws its route from Judah and the priestly tribe of Levi as well as Benjimen are indentified today as “The Jews”….The migration to Israel as we have been observing since the end of WW2 has been an event that could very well be prophetic,however,I would think that entire prophetic picture will have to include the remaining lost tribes of Israel,because scripture is replete with reference to Israel and not the Jews….What do you think?

    Just want to make you aware of that this is my Husband that you have been a dialog with, look at the signature.
    :)  :)  :)   Irene


    Quote (Irene @ July 01 2008,07:20)

    Quote (theodorej @ June 30 2008,22:02)
    Greetings Irene…..I stand corrected….It was indeed Cyrus who allowed the remnant to return….As you know the term Jew draws its route from Judah and the priestly tribe of Levi as well as Benjimen are indentified today as “The Jews”….The migration to Israel as we have been observing since the end of WW2 has been an event that could very well be prophetic,however,I would think that entire prophetic picture will have to include the remaining lost tribes of Israel,because scripture is replete with reference to Israel and not the Jews….What do you think?

    Just want to make you aware of that this is my Husband that you have been a dialog with, look at the signature.
    :)  :)  :)   Irene

    It is a pleasure to converse….and what is your husbands name…




    Hi thanks for your courteous reply.Theodorej. There seems to me to be a problem if religious people can't see the abominations of evil doings of Israel, the culmination of Zionism….or they ignore it and make excuses for it based on the religious fantasies which bigots such as American evangelistic money grubbers embellish using “scripture”. I suppose it's understandable that anyone who believes that the OT is somehow the “word of god” when it is nothing of the kind…I said were it so it would have no error, one error, all is untrue when you make that claim. There is more than one error.

    That jews may have believed what was written for them, typically about mysterious things happening to people in secret places or absurdities such as a jew being elected to a high office in Egypt…amongst numerous man made statements of “god”. The description of god is so fantastic and so ridiculous and the belief of his bipolarity, (as in schitzophrenic,) his excused psychosis is the sort of beliefs to which people cling  when a token of perceived goodness defies intelligent thought. I gave an inkling of this in my earlier letter.

    The old jewish politics about 'god'… a god who was never a monotheistic creation until Mos' went away up the mountain (as is usual…no one ever witnesses these trips away) and came back…he then, so affected by the love of god, “smashed the tablets” so valuable were they as god's word…however zealots miss the point about that convenient excuse as to why the “divine” tablets no longer exist.

    Whatever people believe or disbelieve about my proposals it is undeniable in fact that Zionism has been an abomination on mankind and that Israel is no better than the third reich, in fact it has also performed medical experiments on poor blacks in Soweto Hospital, a matter confirmed to me by an army officer. The difference, a profofound difference between Israel and Nazi Germany is that Israel has all the experience we do with the abominations of certain actions…yet it pursues them, revels in the culture of death.

    Israel is not simply excusable as an “not knowing” psychotic, it is a place of chosen evil and as Jesus said “by your works you will know (them)”…unfortunately readin the bible, especially the utterly redundant old testament turns people into zombies it seems..they claim to know the truth yet cannot see it when it is right before their eyes.

    Only utter ignorence or a desperate desire of christians and other gullible people seeking somewhere to lay their anchor, to believe the lies could have anyone believing that Israel is good and Palestine “bad”.

    Israel holds many wonderful and decent jews but it also holds the terrorists and the vile who kill and torture and lie, it is the master of deception.No nation is more corrupt nor rotten than Israel and all the proseltysing religious hoo ha will not change the fact. I wish itwere not so, I wish Israel was what I thought it was but it is not.

    Personally I think if Jerusalem was reduced to dust and never again raised the world would be a better place. I find it extraordinary that anyone can see any good in the Jerusalem based assassinations by Mossad, or even from Muslims when they occur. It is extraordinary that people excuse this religious war as something of value…you are christians are you not..not jews or any other primitive believers in primitive religions? You have no place in the old testament.

    To fantasise that somehow any of this murder and torture and abomination serves god is an indication of the brain screwing which people do to themselves when they “discover” the bible holds all the truths including excusing mass murder. I am staggered by the ease with which so many people dream up excuses for Israel based on some repititous, ill conceived notion of religion.

    Palestine helped the jewish refugees during WW11, Palestine was then 18% christian. It is now about 4% christian after the Israeli holocaust on the Palestinians., an holocaust supportedand cheered on by brain dead christians and political connivers.

    Any psychiatrist should be able to identify the sick relationship which saw Israel following on the Palestinians what it claimed were the abominations done to jews by the Nazi war criminals….Nazis no more culpable that Israel's gestapo and Mossad..

    Iraq, the target of Israel which it said it would have America invade,  was a religiously tolerant nation before being invaded by the archcriminals of the New World Order…safe, a model of progress with a brokn record being played about Saddam whilst Iraq did monstrous deeds to demonise him. ..but now Christians live in fear, most have fled or been killed,this has been confirmed by its anglican bishopric.

    I draw your attention again to the fact that no one says Jesus demands war…it is excused by the old fantasy, the man-king become god courtesy of the jews.

    I add to that that Babylon, so supposedly heinous “in the eyes of god” was very very strongly jewish. They came there and prospered.

    Interestingly the jewish instinct to become wealthy is in complete oppostion to Jesus' dictum on wealth although Jesus did not demean the wealth of Rome. Rome compared with the jewish political priests was open and honest. In fact when you get down to it Jesus' relationship with Romans was more profound than his relationship with the vipers and hypocrites. Do I need to say that criticism of these actsmakes me an anti semite only in the eyes of the lame-brained?

    Romans has honour, they worshipped multiplicity of gods, as is natural. The jews of the day were not the jews of old,,,these were power seeking whinging egoists using religion as a weapon.

    Jesus did not rant and rave and say “kill them all”…because unlike the fraudulent creation…the jewish god so many hold as their sacred cow, Jesus was not a fantasy.

    Herod and Pilate must have cringed when their wives let fly at them over the crucifixion capitulation to the Jews. Both admired Jesus and I add that Salome also admired him, which makes me wonder about the “John the baptist” story….maybe some details were switched around.  Jesus was never intended for execution in my view…Herod and Pilate knew Jesus was a good man, however connected to the Nazarines, he was reliable and decent. He was a good friend to centurions, rich young men, Jesus was quite a character.

    Pilate, and Jesus in my viiew,  thought the gouging of his body with the flail would satisfy the blood lust and egos of the jewish politician/priests. Jesus had sent Judas to do what he had to do, kissed him. Wished him well. This was not betrayal, this was a part of the theatre. As Jesus often said “I do this that scripture might be fulfilled”

    The choice of Barabbas etc never happened…certainly there is no Roman record or tradition of that choice or such such choices, as there is not record of the deaths of the innocents…and in any event all that timing of Jesus' birth is all over the place…. nevertheless the choice of “Jesus or Barabbas” signified as a story that the jewish hierarchy were so terrified and furious at the exposure of their rotten way……that Jesus was going down.

    By age 13 I knew Judas was not the evil man said to be. I have long believed and there is only one explanation which satisfies all the events , that Jesus organised his part in the inevitable and that the Romans, generally caring and friendly to him..and especially the royal wives…took part in it to shut-up the “perpetually” whining jews.I don;t think many of you have sat and thought about what kind of man would be welcomed by a whole range of Romans. Jesus earned their trust, he was a good man, he talked horse -talk. The Romans were used to death but in Jesus they saw something special. He was a good man, a friend.He was not another whinging jew whining at them over occupation, money, power, but he was someone you could look up to, a friend in an unfriendly place.

    ey all thought that logic would prevail, the jews would be satisfied..they had a weekend of religious significance a few hours away. It all got out of hand. Like lunatic hells angels at the stones concert,liars  cannot be trusted.Little men trying to be big men. Peope die to feed their egos.

    Pilate asked Jesus “what is truth” and Jesus, inexcusably,  let down humanity by hanging his head and saying nothing…but if you realise that he knew things had gone off the rails, the agreement was falling apart…that death was in the air….he knew truth had gone to the dogs…and the promises, the organisation, was all in vain.

    In a desperate move, the tomb,…and it could not have been hewn in a couple of hours as some think…offered perhaps by Joseph of Arimathea or Ha Rama Thea or whatever his name really was..perhaps he was even the real messiah, the first born of the lineage. In fact the tomb was ready already, …was crammed with chemicals used to draw poison. Personally I believe Jesus was drugged…gall is a mixture of snake venom…and taken down hastily to commence his recovery.This was a deception held up by powerful people. The shroud proves he was still alive in the tomb.

    None of this decries his divinity nor his goodness…he was a man…His death was not essential to salvation nor did it make an iota of difference whether he lived and was married at Caana or anywhere else or just took , as was expected of him in the culture, magdalen as his woman. He was not 12 at the temple confrontation with his mother but nearly 20.

    None of that has anything to do with salvation or his goodness. All it has to do with is the fantasy created that here was the first man ever to defeat the grave and so he must be “god”.

    I ask you in closing …do you think a god which is entirely self sufficient gives a toss about jerusalem or blood sacrifices? Did Jesus not effectively wave away the theatrical jewish prayer sessions?…the wailing wall, what nonsense. He gave it to them straight over their “Sabbath” hypocricies. Jesus had little time for the archetypal jews but a lot of time for genuine people.

    All the Jerusalem/Covenant/chosen people beat-up, the  pipe dream makes them feel confirmed as jews , empowered, chosen, but to god it wouldn't matter a spit. Unfortunately  god is so universally misunderstood and perverted because of the rubbish spoken about “him” based on the old testament that people who ought to know better keep rabbitting off the jewish lies and in fact simply cannot exercised rational thinking so mesmerised are they by the masters of deception.

    I challenge you…read “The Other Side of Deception” and tell me that this “Israel” is the “chosen people” of “god”. The mock-up Lucifer more the like than the mock up of god. Worse than that Israel performs the perversions and murders it does is that christians admire it…yet Israel is the anathema of christianity.

    Try reading truth for a change, delve even more deeply than the faded and jaded old testament…the zionists left that well behind but keep up the facade of torahs and nodding and ostentatious prayer to keep kidding themselves and the world that they are “pious” whilst they murder and torture men women and children, use banned weapons, rob peoples of lands dignity and culture.What was that movie in which Lee J Cobb sqaid so well “oh you rotten, rotten man” for “man” sunstitute “Israel”

    Then simply follow the history of the nakba and the other abominations of Israel which is all a part of the deviousness of the New World Order…and that is not the “second coming”. When I read such vileness and appallingly insensitive statements such as as the millions dying in WW1 were an event to show god's searchlight looking for the pronmised land I wonder about the chances we have of any intelligence prevailing on earth.

    We are all , any intelligent christian, diminished by the cover-ups of Israels' appalling viciousness and scores of thousands of assaination and its evil tentacles spread throughout the world. Israel has nothing to do with decency or the holocaust…it is a political scam, a spruiker, a parasite , a fraud using 'god' as a mockery.In the meantime it is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands..via America…of people who once cared for the jews..even as far back as the middle ages ..but eventually they realised that jewishness is both a wonder, there are so many wonderful jews, and a user….it uses people by enveigling them in trust and then ebeginning to breach that trust.

    That is why they wander…and that is why Israel is a centre for banking illicit monies….and that is why money is collected and illegally shipped to Israel.(a case was made in Australia on that matter but unlike any normal criminal the conviction was never enforced as a punichment). You see there has been an interaction with the world and jewish greed…and that in no way tars all with the one brush…and people realise that their trust is misplaced.

    I could be wrong of course, but I think this is the answer to the love hate relationship between muslims and christians and others and the Jewish representatives.Unfortunately sweet and humble and decent jews get the backlash.As usual the perpetrators are usually well over the hill when the axe falls. The history of “Israel” from its conception to now is one of a “western” trust in sacrifice for perceived abuses of the jews over centuries being treated with disdain…Israel for example has refused to comply with numerous UN resolutions against it's actions…

    Unfortunately the Palestinians found they had serial killers as neighbours, teh terroist Stern and Irgun gangs loved blood and gore… and Israel not only legalised serial killers but masters of deception upon whom America showered billions year in and year out.

    This is god's chosen people?..if so it's time god has his head read.



    Pythagorus; or did you mean, Pythagoras?

    Not that it matters I suppose, but why does someone with such understanding of truth, and historical background, bore and aggravate himself with all this untruth you find on this side?
    By the way, which of the many schools of deception can you recommend?



    To bad, I always enjoy sharing wisdom with others.



    Pythagorus – I agree with your insightful posts about Israel. Just so you know your opinion is not so completely one-sided here. Some refer to it as shitzrael – lol.


    Quote (Broncs453 @ July 17 2008,03:38)
    Pythagorus – I agree with your insightful posts about Israel.  Just so you know your opinion is not so completely one-sided here.  Some refer to it as shitzrael – lol.

    Greetings Broncs and pyth……I must say your post has put alot of emotion out there along with some truth…It appears you have a supporter in Broncs…Israel is by no means safe harmless when it comes to accountability for its actions….The atrocities of Nazi Germany are by no means unique to them,…this type of inhumanity as been Theater in our world and will continue until such time as God sees fit to intervene…..and he will….At that time we all account for our actions….You might note that wherever the Jews settle they prosper…until such time that vitreul anti semitism progresses to violence…It is the history of these people and from what I can see,the palistinians,Iraqes and the arab world are not much better….The diference today is that popular opinion is giving favor to the palestinian plight…..


    Quote (pythagorus @ July 07 2008,23:41)
    Hi thanks for your courteous reply.Theodorej. There seems to me to be a problem if religious people can't see the abominations of evil doings of Israel, the culmination of Zionism….or they ignore it and make excuses for it based on the religious fantasies which bigots such as American evangelistic money grubbers embellish using “scripture”. I suppose it's understandable that anyone who believes that the OT is somehow the “word of god” when it is nothing of the kind…I said were it so it would have no error, one error, all is untrue when you make that claim. There is more than one error.

    That jews may have believed what was written for them, typically about mysterious things happening to people in secret places or absurdities such as a jew being elected to a high office in Egypt…amongst numerous man made statements of “god”. The description of god is so fantastic and so ridiculous and the belief of his bipolarity, (as in schitzophrenic,) his excused psychosis is the sort of beliefs to which people cling  when  a token of perceived goodness defies intelligent thought. I gave an inkling of this in my earlier letter.

    The old jewish politics about 'god'… a god who was never a monotheistic creation until Mos' went away up the mountain (as is usual…no one ever witnesses these trips away) and came back…he then, so affected by the love of god, “smashed the tablets” so valuable were they as god's word…however zealots miss the point about that convenient excuse as to why the “divine” tablets no longer exist.

    Whatever people believe or disbelieve about my proposals it is undeniable in fact that Zionism has been an abomination on mankind and that Israel is no better than the third reich, in fact it has also performed medical experiments on poor blacks in Soweto Hospital, a matter confirmed to me by an army officer. The difference, a profofound difference between Israel and Nazi Germany is that Israel has all the experience we do with the abominations of certain actions…yet it pursues them, revels in the culture of death.

    Israel is not simply excusable as an “not knowing” psychotic, it is a place of chosen evil and as Jesus said “by your works you will know (them)”…unfortunately readin the bible, especially the utterly redundant old testament  turns people into zombies it seems..they claim to know the truth yet cannot see it when it is right before their eyes.

    Only utter ignorence or a desperate desire of christians and other gullible people seeking somewhere to lay their anchor, to believe the lies could have anyone believing that Israel is good and Palestine “bad”.

    Israel holds many wonderful and decent jews but it also holds the terrorists and the vile who kill and torture and lie, it is the master of deception.No nation is more corrupt nor rotten than Israel and all the proseltysing religious hoo ha will not change the fact. I wish itwere not so, I wish Israel was what I thought it was but it is not.

    Personally I think if Jerusalem was reduced to dust and never again raised the world would be a better place. I find it extraordinary that anyone can see any good in the Jerusalem based assassinations by Mossad, or even from Muslims when they  occur. It is extraordinary that people excuse this religious war as something of value…you are christians are you not..not jews or any other primitive believers in primitive religions? You have no place in the old testament.

    To fantasise that somehow any of this murder and torture and abomination serves god is an indication of the brain screwing which people do to themselves when they “discover” the bible holds all the truths including excusing mass murder. I am staggered by the ease with which so many people dream up excuses for Israel based on some repititous, ill conceived notion of religion.

    Palestine helped the jewish refugees during WW11, Palestine  was then 18% christian. It is now about 4% christian after the Israeli holocaust on the Palestinians., an holocaust supportedand cheered on by brain dead christians and political connivers.

    Any psychiatrist should be able to identify the sick relationship which saw Israel following on the Palestinians what it claimed were the abominations done to jews by the Nazi war criminals….Nazis no more culpable that Israel's gestapo and Mossad..

    Iraq, the target of Israel which it said it would have America invade,  was a religiously tolerant nation before being invaded by the archcriminals of the New World Order…safe, a model of progress with a brokn record being played about Saddam whilst Iraq did monstrous deeds to demonise him. ..but now Christians live in fear, most have fled or been killed,this has been confirmed by its anglican bishopric.

    I draw your attention again to the fact that no one says Jesus demands war…it is excused by the old fantasy, the man-king become god courtesy of the jews.

    I add to that that Babylon, so supposedly heinous “in the eyes of god” was very very strongly jewish. They came there and prospered.

    Interestingly the jewish instinct to become wealthy is in complete oppostion to Jesus' dictum on wealth although Jesus did not demean the wealth of Rome. Rome compared with the jewish political priests was open and honest. In fact when you get down to it Jesus' relationship with Romans was more profound than his relationship with the vipers and hypocrites. Do I need to say that criticism of these actsmakes me an anti semite only in the eyes of the lame-brained?

    Romans has honour, they worshipped multiplicity of gods, as is natural. The jews of the day were not the jews of old,,,these were power seeking whinging egoists using religion as a weapon.

    Jesus did not rant and rave and say “kill them all”…because unlike the fraudulent creation…the jewish god so many hold as their sacred cow, Jesus was not a fantasy.

    Herod and Pilate must have cringed when their wives let fly at them over the crucifixion capitulation to the Jews. Both admired Jesus and I add that Salome also admired him, which makes me wonder about the “John the baptist” story….maybe some details were switched around.  Jesus was never intended for execution in my view…Herod and Pilate knew Jesus was a good man, however connected to the Nazarines, he was reliable and decent. He was a good friend to centurions, rich young men, Jesus was quite a character.

    Pilate, and Jesus in my viiew,  thought the gouging of his body with the flail would satisfy the blood lust and egos of the jewish politician/priests. Jesus had sent Judas to do what he had to do, kissed him. Wished him well. This was not betrayal, this was a part of the theatre. As Jesus often said “I do this that scripture might be fulfilled”

    The choice of Barabbas etc never happened…certainly there is no Roman record or tradition of that choice or such such choices, as there is not record of the deaths of the innocents…and in any event all that timing of Jesus' birth is all over the place…. nevertheless the choice of “Jesus or Barabbas” signified as a story that the jewish hierarchy were so terrified and furious at the exposure of their rotten way……that Jesus was going down.

    By age 13 I knew Judas was not the evil man said to be. I have long believed and there is only one explanation which satisfies all the events , that Jesus organised his part in the inevitable and that the Romans, generally caring and friendly to him..and especially the royal wives…took part in it to shut-up the “perpetually” whining jews.I don;t think many of you have sat and thought about what kind of man would be welcomed by a whole range of Romans. Jesus earned their trust, he was a good man, he talked horse -talk. The Romans were used to death bu
    t in Jesus they saw something special. He was a good man, a friend.He was not another whinging jew whining at them over occupation, money, power, but he was someone you could look up to, a friend in an unfriendly place.

    They all thought that logic would prevail, the jews would be satisfied..they had a weekend of religious significance a few hours away. It all got out of hand. Like lunatic hells angels at the stones concert,liars  cannot be trusted.Little men trying to be big men. Peope die to feed their egos.

    Pilate asked Jesus “what is truth” and Jesus, inexcusably,  let down humanity by hanging his head and saying nothing…but if you realise that he knew things had gone off the rails, the agreement was falling apart…that death was in the air….he knew truth had gone to the dogs…and the promises, the organisation, was all in vain.

    In a desperate move,  the tomb,…and it could not have been hewn in a couple of hours as some think…offered perhaps by Joseph of Arimathea or Ha Rama Thea or whatever his name really was..perhaps he was even the real messiah, the first born of  the lineage. In fact the tomb was ready already, …was crammed with chemicals used to draw poison. Personally I believe Jesus was drugged…gall is a mixture of snake venom…and taken down hastily to commence his recovery.This was a deception held up by powerful people. The shroud proves he was still alive in the tomb.

    None of this decries his divinity nor his goodness…he was a man…His death was not essential to salvation nor did it make an iota of difference whether he lived and was married at Caana or anywhere else or just took , as was expected of him in the culture, magdalen as his woman. He was not 12 at the temple confrontation with his mother but nearly 20.

    None of that has anything to do with salvation or his goodness. All it has to do with is the fantasy created that here was the first man ever to defeat the grave and so he must be “god”.

    I ask you in closing …do you think a god which is entirely self sufficient gives a toss about jerusalem or blood sacrifices? Did Jesus not effectively wave away the theatrical jewish prayer sessions?…the wailing wall, what nonsense. He gave it to them straight over their “Sabbath” hypocricies. Jesus had little time for the archetypal jews but a lot of time for genuine people.

    All the Jerusalem/Covenant/chosen people beat-up, the  pipe dream makes them feel confirmed as jews , empowered, chosen, but to god it wouldn't matter a spit. Unfortunately  god is so universally misunderstood and perverted because of the rubbish spoken about “him” based on the old testament that people who ought to know better keep rabbitting off the jewish lies and in fact simply cannot exercised rational thinking so mesmerised are they by the masters of deception.

    I challenge you…read “The Other Side of Deception” and tell me that this “Israel” is the “chosen people” of “god”. The mock-up Lucifer more the like than the mock up of god. Worse than that Israel performs the perversions and murders it does is that christians admire it…yet Israel is the anathema of christianity.

    Try reading truth for a change, delve even more deeply than the faded and jaded old testament…the zionists left that well behind but keep up the facade of torahs and nodding and ostentatious prayer to keep kidding themselves and the world that they are “pious” whilst they murder and torture men women and children, use banned weapons, rob peoples of lands dignity and culture.What was that movie in which Lee J Cobb sqaid so well “oh you rotten, rotten man” for “man” sunstitute “Israel”

    Then simply follow the history of the nakba and the other abominations of Israel which is all a part of the deviousness of the New World Order…and that is not the “second coming”. When I read such vileness and appallingly insensitive statements such as as the millions dying in WW1 were an event to show god's searchlight looking for the pronmised land I wonder about the chances we have of any intelligence prevailing on earth.

    We are all , any intelligent christian, diminished by the cover-ups of Israels' appalling viciousness and scores of thousands of assaination and its evil tentacles spread throughout the world. Israel has nothing to do with decency or the holocaust…it is a political scam, a spruiker, a parasite , a fraud using 'god' as a mockery.In the meantime it is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands..via America…of people who once cared for the jews..even as far back as the middle ages ..but eventually they realised that jewishness is both a wonder, there are so many wonderful jews, and a user….it uses people by enveigling them in trust and then ebeginning to breach that trust.

    That is why they wander…and that is why Israel is a centre for banking illicit monies….and that is why money is collected and illegally shipped to Israel.(a case was made in Australia on that matter but unlike any normal criminal the conviction was never enforced as a punichment). You see there has been an interaction with the world and jewish greed…and that in no way tars all with the one brush…and people realise that their trust is misplaced.

    I could be wrong of course, but I think this is the answer to the love hate relationship between muslims and christians and others and the Jewish representatives.Unfortunately sweet and humble and decent jews get the backlash.As usual the perpetrators are usually well over the hill when the axe falls. The history of “Israel” from its conception to now is one of a “western” trust in sacrifice for perceived abuses of the jews over centuries being treated with disdain…Israel for example has refused to comply with numerous UN resolutions against it's actions…

    Unfortunately the Palestinians found they had serial killers as neighbours, teh terroist Stern and Irgun gangs loved blood and gore… and Israel not only legalised serial killers but masters of deception upon whom America showered billions year in and year out.

    This is god's chosen people?..if so it's time god has his head read.


    I only read the first chapter of your article, and stopped, reading. You do not believe in the O.T. to be the word of God?
    Tell me why?


    I am bumping this up, because We did not get an answer to the last post.

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