Islamic Empire

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  • #820113

    Let’s be clear on “Radical” Islam…

    It is a mistake on the part of BACs to call the violent Muslims “radical”.

    If I, as a true Christian in the closest sense of living according to Christ’s teaching and example, were to love unconditionally, and clothe my enemies with not only my shirt but my cloak as well, and lay down my life for my fellow man and if I was to preach the gospel at EVERY opportunity, would I be labeled  “radical”? No. But you could call me “fundamental”.

    Those muslims who conform as closely as possible to the words of the Quran (the everlasting word of Allah) and to the sayings and actions of Mohammed as possible are simply following this ideology as closely as they can. Unfortunately, this includes  the violence and subjugation that is incumbent upon them to inflict upon non-believers and apostates, even to the point of killing them or dying in the process of persecuting them. This is integrated into their law: sharia. They are instructed to fight this war until all the world falls under sharia and Islam reigns supreme over the entire globe.

    Let’s call it accurately what it is. FUNDAMENTAL Islam. Without ALL the teachings of the Quran and Mohammed, Islam falls. No “reformation” is possible as happened with Christianity. There is no “moderate” islam There are plenty of muslims who pick and choose what to follow or who truly are ignorant of their religion (Christianity and Judaism are the same!) Am I a “moderate” Christian if I don’t really practice what it teaches? NO. I am a “non-practicing” Christian.

    There is no “Radical” Islam. There is no “moderate” islam. This springs from the Islamic doctrine of “Taqqiya”: to lie  and to deceive us until the time comes when they have the power (the upper hand) to overcome us, and sharia and the ideology of the cult known as islam becomes dominant.


    I think you are right Christopher. Radical Islam was probably coined by the MSM to the impression that Islam is a religion of peace. By moving all the bad stuff to ‘Radical’ they can then give Islam some respectability.


    Another version of the video. This one is better for sharing across Social Media IMO.

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