Islamic Empire

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  • #804796


    Are you nuts?

    love your reaction ,bless you my friend


    Nazi Isis


    yes so I seen today ,but I am in dough as what the reasons are of the west letting all those things happen and yet inviting more of them in their countries ?

    I wonder what is the real reason for this ? for it is like inviting your own destructor in ,

    do you ever heard of Brigitte Gabriel ? have a look


    Could it really be just as simple as one-quarter of the world worshiping a god who has no son. A God and prophet with an Antichrist message that God has no son. They prostrate themselves five times  a day before him and his prophet and their scriptures teach that Christians and Jews, and others are infidels. While most will not resort to terror as their book encourages, there will always be a small percentage that will take the book literally.

    And is it not strange to you that one-quarter of the world are under the influence of the Antichrist spirit and that these people are prevalent around the Great Sea and are now flooding into Europe. Or is it insignificant in the scheme of things?


    I googled Brigitte Gabriel and at a glance Google says she is an American journalist, author, political lecturer, anti-Islamic extremism activist.

    What does that have to do with me. I am tying this into Biblical prophecy and it seems to fit. Doesn’t make it correct, but worthy of consideration.

    I am not with anything that is against the truth of God.

    I started this thread to track the advance of an Islamic empire. While many of you including yourself think it is insignificant and said it would never eventuate as they are just a gang of thugs, I beg to differ. The news headlines speak for themselves. You don’t need me to show that the world is changing. Just watch the news. I believe you underestimated Islam and even underestimate the Islamic Empire that conquered the Roman Empire. Many in the west underestimate that part of the world and think it is insignificant. I believe that is a mistake.

    I am sure that some people once underestimated Adolph Hitler.


    do you really think I don’t know about those things ,I am 75 and born in europe ,know the history ,but you over shadow the real meaning that lays under what happen ,

    but at the end Nazi germany and Japan extremist were defeated,at the cost of million of lives ,

    why is it that the american/french /russian /Saoudi /iraqis/Kurds /and Syrians army cannot come to grip with the 50.000 ISIS fighters ?

    now the Iranians Join as well ;why ? do they want to fight them ? what is it those nations are looking for ? this seems not right in some way

    do those nation have a secret agenda ?or are they so stupid again as they were with Hitler given him money /time/support >


    I am not sure what you are opposing exactly. This thread is covering the possible rise of and Islamic Empire that will wage war on the rest of the world. I could have done the same thing about the rise of the Nazi’s if this forum and myself was around pre WWII.

    But you came here saying they are but a bunch of thugs and nothing of concern. I argued that you underestimate what is going on and so far the signs seem to point to you underestimating the situation.

    People underestimated the rise of the Nazi Empire too even though it was short lived. Some that underestimated that lived to regret it. They stayed when they should have fled for their lives.

    I think the rise of a religion that states that God has no son, and has one-quarter of the world subscribing to it as being significant.

    The Bible tells us how to recognize the Antichrist spirit for a reason. I think people have ignored it to their own peril. And now the writing is on the wall. A bit too late now IMO.


    The Boy Who Stood Up to ISIS

    Omar is 14. This summer ISIS captured his town in Syria, and tried to force him to become a fighter for them. He refused to join them, and ended up paying a terrible price.Hear stories from more children here:

    Posted by FRONTLINE on Monday, 23 November 2015


    BREAKING: Germany joins war on ISIS

    Posted by Daily Express on Tuesday, 1 December 2015


    ISIS release ‘end of the world’ video showing final battle with ‘crusaders’


    Saudi Arabia announce mass Middle Eastern alliance to WIPE OUT evil Islamic State

    SAUDI Arabia have announced a huge 34 state military alliance tasked with wiping out the Islamic State and other terrorist groups

    Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi defence minister, said the group would fight terrorist activities in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt and Afghanistan.

    He added: “There will be international coordination with major powers and international organizations… in terms of operations in Syria and Iraq.

    “We can’t undertake these operations without coordinating with legitimacy in this place and the international community.”

    Bin Salman confirmed the group, who will based in the nation’s capital city Riyadh, will fight depraved Islamic State jihadis, as well as “any terrorist organization that appears in front of us”.

    The huge coalition combines Arab countries like Egypt, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates with Islamic countries like Malaysia, Pakistan and Turkey.

    However Iran, Saudi Arabi”s arch rival for influence in the Arab world, is not part of the coalition.

    The two countries are locked in proxy conflicts across the Middle East.


    Taliban goes to WAR against ISIS

    The terrorist organisation waged war on the savage jihadis by announcing that it has dismissed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s claims to be “caliph” – claiming he is not the leader of all muslims.

    By officially denouncing al-Baghdadi, the Pakistan branch of the Taliban has launched war against the values of sick terror cult ISIS – also known as Daesh.

    The declaration comes after the abhorrent regime spread its reign of horror to other terror-plagued areas in the Middle East.

    The Pakistan Taliban said in a statement: “Baghdadi is not Khalifa (caliph) because in Islam, Khalifa means that he has command over all the Muslim world, while Baghdadi has no such command. He has command over a specific people and territory.

    “Baghdadi is not an Islamic Khalifa because his selection is not according to Islamic rules.”

    The group also claimed ISIS has little control in Muslim countries such as Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Afghanistan.

    The statement comes after a similar rejection by the Afghan Taliban as it has been battling ISIS on its own turf as the barbaric group has been trying to establish itself in Afghanistan.

    ISIS’ infiltration of Afghanistan came just months after British troops were pulled out of the area and the Taliban have been locked in a violent battle to keep their territory.


    ISIS declares WAR on Saudi Arabia after it announces mass alliance to wipe out jihadis

    THE twisted Islamic State (ISIS) terror group has declared war on Saudi Arabia by accusing the oil-rich country of “colluding with crusaders” after it established a military coalition to target jihadis.

    This week saw Saudi Arabia announce a huge 34-state alliance tasked with wiping out ISIS militants – also known as Daesh – and other terrorist groups.

    Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi defence minister, said the group – which will be headquartered in the nation’s capital city Riyadh – would fight terrorist activities in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt and Afghanistan.

    But now ISIS has threatened to hit back at the “morons and fools” of the coalition in a weekly publication documenting its activities.

    In an article titled ‘Mohammed bin Salman’s alliance of surprised allies’, it said: “With permission from Allah, this alliance will be the beginning of the collapse of the governments of the oppressive tyrants in the lands of Islam.”



    That still sounds like iron mixed with clay that both foreign and domestic powers attempt to control but fail continuously.

    Ed J


    That still sounds like iron mixed with clay that both foreign and domestic powers attempt to control but fail continuously.

    Hi Kerwin,

    Muhammad is the false prophet of Revelation


    Message from ISIS

    The Islamic State's Promise To The West

    Why aren't we hearing these words from our enemies in the mainstream media?As I learned while living in a bomb shelter for my teenage years: Take serious those who threaten to kill you because they mean it.Now is the time to stay engaged and GET INVOLVED >>>

    Posted by Brigitte Gabriel on Tuesday, 22 December 2015


    This could get ugly.

    Furious Iran threatens to DESTROY Saudi with ‘harsh revenge’ over executions

    IRAN has threatened to destroy Saudi Arabia with a “harsh revenge” after it executed a prominent Shia cleric.

    The country’s hardline Revolutionary Guards issued a chilling warning to the ruling Al Saud family saying they will topple the “pro-terrorist, anti-Islamic regime”.

    The website of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei also compared Saudi to notorious Islamic State executioner Jihadi John.

    Mr Khamenei added: “The unjustly spilled blood of this oppressed martyr will no doubt soon show its effect and divine vengeance will befall Saudi politicians.”

    It comes after the Sunni kingdom executed Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr and three other Shi’ites along with dozens of al Qaeda members.

    The move appeared to end any hopes that the common enemy of ISIS could lead to rapprochement between the two countries.


    BBC Documentary Ottoman Empire

    The Ottoman empire was an empire of contradictions. It was a war machine, yet it inscribed some of the fairest laws and produced some of the greatest minds in science and mathematics. It tolerated other religions besides Islam, yet it violently opposed them toward the end of its reign. It conquered the Roman Empire before it, spanned three continents, and lasted for 600 years.


    Whenever Jihad is brought up in a conversation, you often hear rebuttals that bring up the Crusades as being just as evil. This video by Dr. Bill Warner from the Center for the Study of Political Islam shows the Crusades were a minuscule compared to the centuries-long attack on Europe and begs the question, ‘were the Crusades just a form of self-defense against the rise of the Islamic Empire’?


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