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  • #315857

    Thanks Journey.
    Keep up the good work you doing.


    Journey I agree with you regarding the television, it was just a thought I had, and I see what you mean, thanks.


    Quote (Devolution @ Oct. 12 2012,16:16)
    Hi 2besee,

    You asked me some questions/ made some points week or so ago on a subject…sorry I didn't answer, it is because I could not find it but instead found pages and pages of Ed flooding EVERY subject/post with his Muhammad thing…every single post!!

    By the time I get on heaven net, there are at least 5 pages of this Muhammad debate on EVERY SINGLE POST!! It's turning me off coming to this site.

    How can one remember which thread to go to when they all look the same…Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhammad!!

    Thats ok Devolution, I understand.

    Anyway 2besee,

    One reason against TV being the image of the beast is that the false prophet forces people to worship this image! So this image is going to represent/speak for this first beast and that first beast ONLY…TV is not exclusive nor does it stand for one thing and one thing only.
    Every nation already has its own image that speaks and acts, but these images are not THE image…because that beast has not yet come out into the open to be acknowledged yet.
    These images are the laws of the land…and they speak:do not kill…and they act: detain/punish the killer.

    Just some things 4u 2 ponder.

    Yes I completely agree, though perhaps it is tied up somehow in the future, in some way. Only time will tell. But I agree with you and Journey regarding the Television!! (For NOW at least)

    What I'm going to do is continue studying the book of Revelation.


    Quote (Devolution @ Oct. 12 2012,17:16)
    One reason against TV being the image of the beast is that the false prophet forces people to worship this image! So this image is going to represent/speak for this first beast and that first beast ONLY…TV is not exclusive nor does it stand for one thing and one thing only.
    Every nation already has its own image that speaks and acts, but these images are not THE image…because that beast has not yet come out into the open to be acknowledged yet.
    These images are the laws of the land…and they speak:do not kill…and they act: detain/punish the killer.

    Might have something to do with the Internet. Maybe people will be able to plug into it one day.

    The Hebrew equivalent of our “w” is the letter “vav” or “waw”. The numerical value of vav is 6. So the English “www” transliterated into Hebrew is “vav vav vav”, which numerically is 666.

    Also the world has run out of IP numbers because no one expected it would be so big. IPV6 comes to the rescue. This  numbering system can number every website, person, and manufactured item on Planet Earth for the rest of time (or something like that).


    Ed and all,

    St Hippolytus
    Second or third century.

    “Dan, Moses said, is a lion's whelp; and in naming the tribe of Dan he declared clearly the tribe from which Antichrist is destined to spring.” (St. Hippolytus)

    “He will call together the whole people to himself, out of every country of the Dispersion, making them his own, as though they were his own children, and promising to restore their country and establish again their kingdom and nation, in order that he may be worshipped by them as God.” (St. Hippolytus)

    “Christ arose from among the Hebrews, and he (Antichrist) will spring from among the Jews. Christ showed His flesh as a Temple, and raised it up on the third day; and he, too, will raise up again the Temple of stone in Jerusalem.” (St. Hippolytus)

    “In every respect that Deceiver seeks to make himself appear like the Son of God. Christ is king of things celestial and terrestrial, and Antichrist will be king upon earth. The Saviour sent the Apostles unto all the nations, and he, in like manner will send false apostles. Christ gathered together the dispersed sheep, and he in like manner will gather together the dispersed people of the Hebrews. Christ appeared in the form of man, and he in like manner will come forth in the form of man.” (Hippolytus)

    “And the churches, too will wail with a mighty lamentation, because neither oblation nor incense is attended to, nor a service acceptable to God; but the sanctuaries of the churches will become like a garden-watcher's hut, and the Holy Body and Blood of Christ will not be shown in those days. The public service of God shall be extinguished, psalmody shall cease, the reading of Scripture shall not be heard; but for men there shall be darkness and lamentation on lamentation, and woe on woe.

    At that time silver and gold shall be cast out in the streets, and none shall gather them; but all things shall be held an offence. For all shall be eager to escape and to hide and they shall not be able anywhere to find shelter from the woes of the Enemy; but as they carry his mark about them, they shall be readily recognised and declared to be his. There shall be fear outside, and trembling inside both by night and by day. In the streets and in the houses there the dead shall lie; in the streets and in the houses there shall hunger and thirst be; in the streets there shall be tumults, and in the houses lamentations. And beauty of countenance shall be withered, for their forms shall be like those of the dead; and the beauty of women shall fade, and the desire of all men shall vanish.

    But in spite of all this, not even then will the merciful and benignant God leave the race of men without some comfort; He will shorten even those days to the period of three years and a half, and He will curtail those times on account of the remnant of those who hide in the mountains and caves, that the phalanx of all those saints fail not utterly. But these days shall run their course rapidly; and the kingdom of the Deceiver and Antichrist shall be promptly removed. And then, finally, in the twinkling of an eye shall the fashion of this world pass away, and the power of men shall be brought to naught, and all visible things shall be destroyed.” (St. Hippolytus)

    So here we have what the earliest church believed.
    They believed in an Antichrist and that the antichrist man would have a kingdom and that this kingdom would be in Israel which they believed would be restored, and that has come to pass already.

    They said this man who is Jewish would raise again the temple of stone in Jerusalem. And that it (the worst of it) would last three and a half years.
    And Hippolytus had agreement with the other Saints on this. I quoted Hippo because I earlier found his writing good and clear on the matter.

    Taken from here:


    Quote (t8 @ Oct. 12 2012,22:20)
    Might have something to do with the Internet. Maybe people will be able to plug into it one day.

    The Hebrew equivalent of our “w” is the letter “vav” or “waw”. The numerical value of vav is 6. So the English “www” transliterated into Hebrew is “vav vav vav”, which numerically is 666.

    Also the world has run out of IP numbers because no one expected it would be so big. IPV6 comes to the rescue. This  numbering system can number every website, person, and manufactured item on Planet Earth for the rest of time (or something like that).

    Exactly what I said to someone, and they laughed at me. There is maybe something in that!


    Here are some interesting snippets from a recent news article on “Globalresearch” today. 

    On Iran:

    “One scheme follows others. Iran’s so-called nuclear/existential threat makes headlines. They repeat ad nauseam. The power of repetition gets most people to believe them.

    Lincoln said, “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time….” Too many people are always fooled on issues mattering most.

    What’s more important than war and peace. Public ignorance lets America get away with murder. It happens repeatedly against one targeted country after another.

    Will Washington attack Iran? Will it be done jointly with Israel? More on that below. The Islamic Republic poses no threat. It hasn’t attacked another country in two or three centuries. It threatens none now. It’s nuclear program is peaceful.

    Netanyahu is menacing. He’s toxic, belligerent and dangerous. He’s a world class thug. He’s Israel’s worst ever leader. He threatens Jews as well as Muslims.

    Most Israelis are fooled. They may, in fact, reelect him. On October 9, he announced early elections. He said coalition partners can’t agree on budget priorities. Scheduled fall 2013 elections now shift to early next year.


    From now through election, expect scurrilous anti-Iranian propaganda. It’ll probably get him reelected. Fear works that way. What’s coming post-election bears close watching.


    Earlier, Rothkopf was Kissinger Associates managing director and US Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade Policy.

    He and FP support Washington’s imperial agenda. On October 8, he headlined “A Truly Credible Military Threat to Iran,” saying:

    America and Israeli may surgically strike Iran. Washington will do most heavy lifting. Israel will ride shotgun. Netanyahu won’t go it alone. He needs US approval and support.


    Romney’s been baiting Obama on Iran. In an October 8 Virginia Military Institute speech, he claimed:

    “Iran today has never been closer to a nuclear weapons capability.  It has never posed a greater danger to our friends, our allies, and to us.


    He’s in campaign mode. Whether he’ll follow through if elected isn’t known. The possibility very much is real.

    He claimed Obama hasn’t slowed Iran’s “pursuit” of nuclear weapons. Rothkopf called the issue a “centerpiece of the Romney campaign’s argument that Obama has not been tough enough on Iran….”

    He hasn’t “offered a credible military threat” to deter what, in fact, doesn’t exist.


    Attacking Iran is madness. Tehran’s response will be swift and strong. It’ll be far more robust than anything Israel previously experienced.


    The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Navy (IRGCN) is highly motivated, well-equipped, and well-financed. It’s a formidable force. It controls the Strait of Hormuz choke point.

    WINEP added that if Washington and/or Israel attacks Iran, its response will be proportional to damage it sustains.

    It bears repeating. Attacking Iran is madness for good reason. Claiming otherwise is unconscionable. It also avoids explaining serious international law violations.

    Preemptive aggressive wars are illegal. Hot or cold warriors don’t seem to care.”

    Stephen Lendman


    Hi Ed,
    Can I ask you, what makes you so sure that Islam is the Kingdom of the Antichrist?


    Quote (t8 @ Oct. 12 2012,20:20)

    Quote (Devolution @ Oct. 12 2012,17:16)
    One reason against TV being the image of the beast is that the false prophet forces people to worship this image! So this image is going to represent/speak for this first beast and that first beast ONLY…TV is not exclusive nor does it stand for one thing and one thing only.
    Every nation already has its own image that speaks and acts, but these images are not THE image…because that beast has not yet come out into the open to be acknowledged yet.
    These images are the laws of the land…and they speak:do not kill…and they act: detain/punish the killer.

    Might have something to do with the Internet. Maybe people will be able to plug into it one day.

    The Hebrew equivalent of our “w” is the letter “vav” or “waw”. The numerical value of vav is 6. So the English “www” transliterated into Hebrew is “vav vav vav”, which numerically is 666.

    Also the world has run out of IP numbers because no one expected it would be so big. IPV6 comes to the rescue. This  numbering system can number every website, person, and manufactured item on Planet Earth for the rest of time (or something like that).



    Wherein in time past ye walked acording to the course of this world,acording to the prince OF THE POWER OF THE AIR,the spirit that now worked in the children of disobedience:

    We are showered with all kinds of frequencies,day and night, and satan has used this for his own purpose.
    To corrupt mankindand to cause harm to mankind;done through the air.
    But the children of God will use this for the good.

    Regarding the mark or the number: The scripture is very clear about this,for it says; it is the number of a man. and *hIS* number is,666.(rev13:18.).

    verse17. It says –no one might buy or sell, save he has the mark or the number of *HIS* name.
    This is the name of the beast that came out of the earth.
    The false prophet,the other beast is the 10 king empire;the new order.



    Thanks wakeup.

    While the number is of a man, the image of the beast could likely add to that too being that it is an image.


    Quote (2besee @ Oct. 12 2012,20:23)
    Ed and all,

    St Hippolytus
    Second or third century.

    “Dan, Moses said, is a lion's whelp; and in naming the tribe of Dan he declared clearly the tribe from which Antichrist is destined to spring.” (St. Hippolytus)

    “He will call together the whole people to himself, out of every country of the Dispersion, making them his own, as though they were his own children, and promising to restore their country and establish again their kingdom and nation, in order that he may be worshipped by them as God.” (St. Hippolytus)

    “Christ arose from among the Hebrews, and he (Antichrist) will spring from among the Jews. Christ showed His flesh as a Temple, and raised it up on the third day; and he, too, will raise up again the Temple of stone in Jerusalem.” (St. Hippolytus)

    “In every respect that Deceiver seeks to make himself appear like the Son of God. Christ is king of things celestial and terrestrial, and Antichrist will be king upon earth. The Saviour sent the Apostles unto all the nations, and he, in like manner will send false apostles. Christ gathered together the dispersed sheep, and he in like manner will gather together the dispersed people of the Hebrews. Christ appeared in the form of man, and he in like manner will come forth in the form of man.” (Hippolytus)

    “And the churches, too will wail with a mighty lamentation, because neither oblation nor incense is attended to, nor a service acceptable to God; but the sanctuaries of the churches will become like a garden-watcher's hut, and the Holy Body and Blood of Christ will not be shown in those days. The public service of God shall be extinguished, psalmody shall cease, the reading of Scripture shall not be heard; but for men there shall be darkness and lamentation on lamentation, and woe on woe.

    At that time silver and gold shall be cast out in the streets, and none shall gather them; but all things shall be held an offence. For all shall be eager to escape and to hide and they shall not be able anywhere to find shelter from the woes of the Enemy; but as they carry his mark about them, they shall be readily recognised and declared to be his. There shall be fear outside, and trembling inside both by night and by day. In the streets and in the houses there the dead shall lie; in the streets and in the houses there shall hunger and thirst be; in the streets there shall be tumults, and in the houses lamentations. And beauty of countenance shall be withered, for their forms shall be like those of the dead; and the beauty of women shall fade, and the desire of all men shall vanish.

    But in spite of all this, not even then will the merciful and benignant God leave the race of men without some comfort; He will shorten even those days to the period of three years and a half, and He will curtail those times on account of the remnant of those who hide in the mountains and caves, that the phalanx of all those saints fail not utterly. But these days shall run their course rapidly; and the kingdom of the Deceiver and Antichrist shall be promptly removed. And then, finally, in the twinkling of an eye shall the fashion of this world pass away, and the power of men shall be brought to naught, and all visible things shall be destroyed.” (St. Hippolytus)

    So here we have what the earliest church believed.
    They believed in an Antichrist and that the antichrist man would have a kingdom and that this kingdom would be in Israel which they believed would be restored, and that has come to pass already.

    They said this man who is Jewish would raise again the temple of stone in Jerusalem. And that it (the worst of it) would last three and a half years.
    And Hippolytus had agreement with the other Saints on this. I quoted Hippo because I earlier found his writing good and clear on the matter.

    Taken from here:

    2 beesee.

    I like that,he Is right,but he did not explain regarding the antichris and that man.

    There are no two persons.
    The antichrist is his empire,this empire is totally anti christ,and the false prophet is the deceiver working in total opposition to Christ in charge of his empire.And *HE* only will be worhipped by the world.

    Rev.19:20. only two will be cast in the lake of fire.
    1. the 10horned beast.(the empire)
    2. the false prophet.(the man with the miracles and power,and number, deceiving the world).

    Even satan is not cast in the lake of fire at the coming,but he will be put in prison for a 1000years.


    Ed J

    Quote (Devolution @ Oct. 12 2012,14:16)

    ruining what?

    Ed J

    Quote (2besee @ Oct. 12 2012,21:04)
    Hi Ed,
    Can I ask you, what makes you so sure that Islam is the Kingdom of the Antichrist?

    Hi 2Besee, you did not read this thread it is obvious. There are many reasons.

    Muhammad is the false prophet. (Rev.13:11)
    He made false fire (the quran) come down from heaven in the sight of men. (Rev.13:13)

    The Apostle John said: He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. (1John 2:22)
                                     Islam says: 'al-Lah' has no son.

    The evidence is quite clear: Muhammad is 'the false prophet'; and islam is the kingdom of the antichrist.

    Daniel 11:37-39 (1)Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, (2)nor the desire of women,
    (3)nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. 38 (4)But in his estate shall he
    honor the God of forces: (5)and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold,
    and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things. 39 Thus shall he do in the most
    strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory:
    and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.

    This can only be the prophet of islam (Rev.13:11,18)
    and his god (Rev.12:3,9); time to wakeup. (Eph.5:14)

    1. YHVH, the God of our fathers, do they disregard.
    2. The desire of women is Women have no rights.
    3. YHVH, they disregard; and follow a fake god.
    4. Who is the god of forces, al-lah of islam.
    5. And who do muslims build mosques to?
    6. When were the prophets over with?
    7. Who do they say has no Son?

    1 John 2:22 “He is antichrist, (7)that denieth the Father and the Son.”
    Luke 16:16 “The law and (6)the prophets were until John:
    since that time the kingdom of God is preached.
    Meaning: God and his Children. (Romans 8:16)

    (7)Romans 8:16 The [HolySpirit] itself beareth witness
    with our spirit, that we are the children of God.

    Your brother
    in Christ, Jesus.
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 13 2012,05:07)

    Quote (Devolution @ Oct. 12 2012,14:16)

    ruining what?

    Hi Ed,

    Nearly Every post on this prophecy section has you bringing up Muhammad being the beast, pages and pages of it on just about every post, and its making it extremely difficult for others to find their own conversations when every post looks the same…Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhammad!!

    Anyway Ed, sorry I got grumpy with you, maybe try not to flood multiple posts with pages of the same argument when it's not the topic.

    That's all I meant by ruining it for everybody else, because in reality, this site would be far less enjoyable without you, even though I think some of your interpretations are up with the fairies   :D

    So again brother, I apologise for getting grumpy….must be my broken ribs giving me a short fuse!!

    God bless.

    Ed J

    Quote (Devolution @ Oct. 13 2012,06:22)

    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 13 2012,05:07)

    Quote (Devolution @ Oct. 12 2012,14:16)

    ruining what?

    Hi Ed,

    Nearly Every post on this prophecy section has you bringing up Muhammad being the beast, pages and pages of it on just about every post, and its making it extremely difficult for others to find their own conversations when every post looks the same…Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhammad!!

    Anyway Ed, sorry I got grumpy with you, maybe try not to flood multiple posts with pages of the same argument when it's not the topic.

    That's all I meant by ruining it for everybody else, because in reality, this site would be far less enjoyable without you, even though I think some of your interpretations are up with the fairies   :D

    So again brother, I apologise for getting grumpy….must be my broken ribs giving me a short fuse!!

    God bless.

    Hi Devolution

    It was you uncle who was asking me the very same questions on nearly
    every thread. I pointed this out to him and now you are blaming me for it?  ???

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Ed wrote:

    Hi Ed,

    Muhammad is the false prophet. (Rev.13:11)

    He made false fire (the quran) come down from heaven in the sight of men. (Rev.13:13)

    Ed, you left out that he did great wonders
    Did Muhammad do great wonders?

    The Apostle John said: He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. (1John 2:22)
                                     Islam says: 'al-Lah' has no son.

    Yes Ed, islam is antichrist, but so is Bhuddism, Shinto, Hindu etc

    Daniel 11:37-39 (1)Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers,

    But Muhammad did regard the god of his fathers Ed!!
    You've surely heard of the black stone and its origins?
    How Muhammad destroyed every idol except the black stone which is venerated even today by Muslims on their pilgrimages when they visit it and kiss it in hope of its rumoured magical powers!! That Muhammad saluted this stone and regarded it…this stone that came down from his forefathers moon god, you know, the god Muhammad regarded just like his tribe did, just like his fathers did.

    (2)nor the desire of women,

    Revelation 17:3
       So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

    Revelation 17:18
       And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

    Revelation 12:1
       And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:

    Jeremiah 6:2
       I have likened the daughter of Zion to a comely and delicate woman.

    Revelation 12:17
       And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

    Isaiah 66:7-9
       Before she travailed, she brought forth, before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child. Who hath heard such a thing? Who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as ZION travailed, SHE brought forth HER children

    See Ed, woman has a specific meaning metaphorically.

    (3)nor regard any god:

    Muhammad regarded Allah Ed.

    for he shall magnify himself above all.

    Muhammad never magnified himself above Allah Ed.

    But in his estate shall he honor the God of forces: (5)and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold,
    and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things. 39 Thus shall he do in the most
    strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory:
    and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.

    He shall trust in his power Ed, he trusts in riches and chariots which naturally increase the more power/wealth one has.


    Tell me, what empire were the legs on king Nebs dream statue?

    God bless.

    Ed J

    Quote (Devolution @ Oct. 13 2012,07:40)

    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 13 2012,06:07)

    Hi Ed,

    Muhammad is the false prophet. (Rev.13:11)

    He made false fire (the quran) come down from heaven in the sight of men. (Rev.13:13)

    Ed, you left out that he did great wonders
    Did Muhammad do great wonders?

    God bless.

    Hi Devolution,

    “And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down
    from heaven on the earth in the sight of men” (Rev 13:13)
    The great wonders are making of fire come down.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 13 2012,06:25)

    Quote (Devolution @ Oct. 13 2012,06:22)

    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 13 2012,05:07)

    Quote (Devolution @ Oct. 12 2012,14:16)

    ruining what?

    Hi Ed,

    Nearly Every post on this prophecy section has you bringing up Muhammad being the beast, pages and pages of it on just about every post, and its making it extremely difficult for others to find their own conversations when every post looks the same…Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhammad!!

    Anyway Ed, sorry I got grumpy with you, maybe try not to flood multiple posts with pages of the same argument when it's not the topic.

    That's all I meant by ruining it for everybody else, because in reality, this site would be far less enjoyable without you, even though I think some of your interpretations are up with the fairies   :D

    So again brother, I apologise for getting grumpy….must be my broken ribs giving me a short fuse!!

    God bless.

    Hi Devolution

    It was you uncle who was asking me the very same questions on nearly
    every thread. I pointed this out to him and now you are blaming me for it?  ???

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi Ed,

    Then you're both guilty as charged!!  :D

    You got the stern warning, and Wakeup will get a soft….suggestion  :laugh:

    Don't take it to heart Ed….but at the same time, don't shrug it off!!

    God bless.

    Ed J

    Quote (Devolution @ Oct. 13 2012,07:40)
    Hi Ed,

    (2)nor the desire of women,

    See Ed, woman has a specific meaning metaphorically.

    God bless.

    HI Devolution,

    Women have no rights in islam, because
    islam does not regard the desire of women.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (Devolution @ Oct. 13 2012,07:40)
    Hi Ed,

    (3)nor regard any god:

    (1)Muhammad regarded Allah Ed.

    for he shall magnify himself above all.

    (2)Muhammad never magnified himself above Allah Ed.

    But in his estate shall he honor the God of forces: (5)and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold,
    and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things. 39 Thus shall he do in the most
    strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory:
    and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.

    He shall trust in his power Ed, he trusts in riches and chariots which naturally increase the more power/wealth one has.


    Tell me, what empire were the legs on king Nebs dream statue?

    God bless.

    Hi Devolution,

    1) Context my friend…
    “Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god” (Daniel 11:39)

    2) Muhammad magnified his words above all, calling them from 'al-Lah' (his strange god).

    3) Roman Empire.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

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