
Viewing 20 posts - 661 through 680 (of 3,171 total)
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  • #225273
    Ed J

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 17 2010,22:12)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 17 2010,21:32)

    If a person decides to make Jesus lord of his truth he cuts through an amazing amount of other peoples beliefs. You quote me sciptures from all over the Bible to form and confirm your beliefs. You have chosen this way to your truth. That is not my choice of ways for truth nor is your truth aligned with my truth. I direct my thoughts to Jesus. I find that the laws that mankind were following and the prophesies


    Hi Tim,

    Did you watch the video? Is that closer to 'your truth'?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi Tim,

    DEAL!!; as long as you respond to this question first! …
    Explain what you think of this video and how it relates to your thinking?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Hi Tim,

    ONLY With reference to the video, do I want a speech!

    Can you actually give a speech that is on topic?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 18 2010,05:08)
    Ed: I agree, no more rhetoric! Please comment on each one of these scriptures!

    1) Rom3:20….Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin, V21…but now, the righteousness of God  WITHOUT THE LAW, is manifested…
    V28….therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith  WITHOUT THE DEEDS OF THE LAW.

    2)Romans4:14….for if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, V15…because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression.

    3)Rom6:14…for sin shall not have dominion over you: for you are not UNDER THE LAW but under grace…

    4)Rom7:6….but now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter….

    5) om8:2….for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death…

    6) Rom.10:10….for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness….no works….believeth unto righteousness….believeth!!!

    7) Here is Paul on sinners. 1Cor.6:9…Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived neither forincators, nor
    idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, v10….nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drundards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.


    NOT BY GOOD WORKS OR KIND DEEDS!!!  All was done by Christ Jesus. Its by faith in him doing the works for us or we don't have it. I await your scriptural rebuttal. No more rhetoric! TK

    Ed: You really don't know what you want to do. When I give speeches you call them, you say lets just stick to the scriptures. So I agree and send numbered questions with scriptures. Abosolutely no response from you on even one!

    Now the big thing for you is to get me to watch a utube video (at least we know where you get your doctrines) on the wrongs of what they have labeled the new age. Now you want a general disertation of my acceptence or rejectence.

    I broke down and watched the video, just for you. Now you must watch the video, make notes of the questions you have about the video and I will answer each question. We have to be more specific and less general to learn.

    I will answer your questions about the video or you will answer the questions I have laid out from the Bible. This will be better. TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 16 2010,20:19)

    Quote (Baker @ Nov. 16 2010,07:33)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 13 2010,21:36)

    Quote (Baker @ Nov. 13 2010,07:42)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 12 2010,20:30)
    Georg: Wow, you got me georg. I don't know what to say. I'll just try a couple of scriptures:  PLEASE HEAR THEM!!

    1) Jesus manifested to take away our sin…1John3:5——If Jesus didn't take away your sin, you are in sin and God can't dwell in sin—

    2) Jesus appeared to put away sin…Heb.9:26—-If one says there is still sin that would be denying the truth.

    3) Jesus taketh away the sin of the world…John1:29

    4) we have been made free from sin…Rom6:18…..for those that believe, how about you Georg?

    5) now, being made free from sin…Rom6:22….

    6) …ANYONE (even Georg) that commiteth (abides in or agrees with) sin, is a servant of sin John8:34…

    7) whosoever is born of God, sinneth not….1John5:18…

    8) Jesus himself said,….”now ye are clean (of sin) through the words I speak…John15:3

    There are many more but if you choose to not believe that you are free from sin, that is you right to choose. But it denies what Christ did for you. You might do well to leave the book of Revelation and read the gospels of God through Jesus. There if you want to, you can choose to find salvation from sin. Being saved and cleansed from sin is step 1 in finding God. Bless you, TK


    It appears to me that you pick and choose, the scriptures I gave you are quite plain in what they say.
    Btw, they are not from the book of Revelation; 1 JOHN.


    George: Its a pity that good people will fight for the right to have sin.

    Do you really deny the scriptures…if we confess our sin he is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and (even more) cleanse us from all unrighteousness……and if we walk in light we have fellowship with him and his blood cleanseth us from all sin.
    Reverse V8…If we say we have no sin the truth is not in us….to…the truth is in us if we say we have no sin!

    I can't help you make your own personal choice of what to believe. If you choose to hold fast to sin then sin is what you will have. That is your right. God Bless you, TK


    You're wrong, I don't have to fight at all, I know how I can have my sins forgiven, while yours are not, because, you believe you do not sin; that is contrary to scripture. Denying scripture is not what cleanses you from your sins, it is the blood of Christ, he is the one who died in your stead, for your sins.
    You want your sins forgiven, you do as the scriptures say, confess them, and you will be forgiven.
    Deny the scriptures, and say you have no sin, you make Jesus a liar and the truth is not in you.
    Yes, Jesus will take away all sin, but you have to ask for it to be taken away, it is not automatic.


    George; If you know how to have your sins forgiven, and you do what the scriptures say to do and confess them, as I have, then as you say, you will be forgiven.

    What have I been saying? If you are forgiven, then you are also clean.

    You said Jesus will take away all sin. YOU AND I AGREE! Yes you must ask for it but when he takes your sin away, you don't have any sin.

    One who sinneth hath not God. I don't sin, God dwells in me.

    Sin is a personal, self judgment of condemnation against yourself or someone else for something you deem is against God.
    Bless you, TK


    Are you always aware when you sin?
    And do you then ask God for forgiveness?
    The sins you commit, and confess, are forgiven; but what about the sins you commit the next day?
    God will forgive all sins that we repent off, but as long as we live in this, Satan's world, we will not stop sinning.

    You know what the apostle John said,

    1Jo 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

    And he was speaking to believers.


    Ed J

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 18 2010,20:19)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 18 2010,05:08)
    Ed: I agree, no more rhetoric! Please comment on each one of these scriptures!

    1) Rom3:20….Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin, V21…but now, the righteousness of God  WITHOUT THE LAW, is manifested…
    V28….therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith  WITHOUT THE DEEDS OF THE LAW.

    2)Romans4:14….for if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, V15…because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression.

    3)Rom6:14…for sin shall not have dominion over you: for you are not UNDER THE LAW but under grace…

    4)Rom7:6….but now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter….

    5) om8:2….for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death…

    6) Rom.10:10….for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness….no works….believeth unto righteousness….believeth!!!

    7) Here is Paul on sinners. 1Cor.6:9…Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived neither forincators, nor
    idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, v10….nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drundards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.


    NOT BY GOOD WORKS OR KIND DEEDS!!!  All was done by Christ Jesus. Its by faith in him doing the works for us or we don't have it. I await your scriptural rebuttal. No more rhetoric! TK

    Ed: You really don't know what you want to do. When I give speeches you call them, you say lets just stick to the scriptures. So I agree and send numbered questions with scriptures. Abosolutely no response from you on even one!

    Now the big thing for you is to get me to watch a utube video (at least we know where you get your doctrines) on the wrongs of what they have labeled the new age. Now you want a general disertation of my acceptence or rejectence.

    I broke down and watched the video, just for you. Now you must watch the video, make notes of the questions you have about the video and I will answer each question. We have to be more specific and less general to learn.

    I will answer your questions about the video or you will answer the questions I have laid out from the Bible. This will be better. TK

    Hi Tim,

    The video is to get you to see where you get your doctrines from.
    So watch it and tell us how your 'new age pholosphy differs; DEAL?

    Matthew 7:2 For with what judgment ye(Ed J) judge, ye shall be judged: and
    with what measure ye(Ed J) mete, it shall be measured to you again.

    I Have addressed your concerns, but you ignore mine; is this Christian behavior to you?
    Seems you Tim Kraft are not measuring back to me what I measure to you;
    does this NOT say something about who you claim to serve?

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 18 2010,05:08)
    Ed: I agree, no more rhetoric! Please comment on each one of these scriptures!

    1) Rom3:20….Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin, V21…but now, the righteousness of God  WITHOUT THE LAW, is manifested…
    V28….therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith  WITHOUT THE DEEDS OF THE LAW.

    2)Romans4:14….for if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, V15…because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression.

    3)Rom6:14…for sin shall not have dominion over you: for you are not UNDER THE LAW but under grace…

    4)Rom7:6….but now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter….

    5) om8:2….for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death…

    6) Rom.10:10….for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness….no works….believeth unto righteousness….believeth!!!

    7) Here is Paul on sinners. 1Cor.6:9…Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived neither forincators, nor
    idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, v10….nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drundards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.


    8) NOT BY GOOD WORKS OR KIND DEEDS!!!  All was done by Christ Jesus. Its by faith in him doing the works for us or we don't have it. I await your scriptural rebuttal. No more rhetoric! TK

    Hi Tim,

    If you expect me to answer ALL of your questions, you

    1) Click Here

    2) (Tim Kraft) has faith, and I(Ed) have works: show me thy faith without thy works(speeches?),
        and I will show thee my faith by (the righteousness of God in me by) my works. (James 2:18)
        You still have an 'anger' problem, therefore you do not possess the righteousness of God!
        First: you MUST kill the 'ego' (Matt.10:38), because you haven't, that's why you do not yet
        possess (Heb.9:28 / John 14:23) the righteousness of God yet! (James 1:20 / Col.3:8)

    3) Did you hit the Report this post to a moderator (located at the bottom right of every Post)
        and ask that those two objectionable Posts be deleted as I requested you do? (Matt.5:23-24)
        Therefore if thou (Tin Kraft) bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother
        (Ed J) hath ought against thee
    ; Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way;
        first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.
        Saying sorry does not fix the problem; REPENT!

    4) I (Jesus) tell you, Nay (Luke 20:18): but, except ye REPENT, ye shall all likewise perish. (Luke 13:5-9)

    5) The 'ego' MUST submit to the righteousness of “The Law”! (Click Here)
        Point #5 at the bottom of my quote in the first Post

    6) Righteousness: IS WORKS! (Romans 5:8) Websters Collegiate Dictionary…
       :Acting (works Tim; duh) in accordance with divine “Moral Law”!

    7) …as I have also told you in time past, that
        they which [ [ [ “DO” ] ] ] such things
        shall not inherit the kingdom of God. (Gal.5:21)
        Tim, do you still “DO” any of those things? Be honest?

    8) True, flesh attempts (like you saying sorry) mean absolutely NOTHING!
        Go and report why those “Two” objectionable Posts need to be deleted! WORKS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS; Tim!
        If you don't remember where they are, PM or e-mail me, and I will walk you through the process; OK?

    Father(58) (YÄ-hä-vā =58), I Pray that this discourse
    between me and Tim will produce the desired
    results you (YHVH) intend them to have!
    In (יהשוע) YÄ-shü-ă's name I pray!

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 18 2010,06:04)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 17 2010,22:12)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 17 2010,21:32)

    If a person decides to make Jesus lord of his truth he cuts through an amazing amount of other peoples beliefs. You quote me sciptures from all over the Bible to form and confirm your beliefs. You have chosen this way to your truth. That is not my choice of ways for truth nor is your truth aligned with my truth. I direct my thoughts to Jesus. I find that the laws that mankind were following and the prophesies


    Hi Tim,

    Did you watch the video? Is that closer to 'your truth'?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi Tim,

    DEAL!!; as long as you respond to this question first! …
    Explain what you think of this video and how it relates to your thinking?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi Tim,

                      Still Waiting

    DEAL!!; as long as you respond to this question first! …
    Explain what you think of this video and how it relates to your thinking?

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 18 2010,20:19)

    I broke down and watched the video. Now you must watch the video, make notes of the questions you have about the video and I will answer each question. We have to be more specific and less general to learn.

    I will answer your questions about the video or you will answer the questions I have laid out from the Bible. This will be better.


    Hi Tim,

    Here is where I want a speech, and you ask instead for questions?

    I want your speech to focus directly and only on the video,
    how your 'new age philosophy' is either similar or dissimilar; OK?

    I can ask you questions in the manor you suggest:
    but my way, you will find, is much more flexible for you!

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (Baker @ Nov. 19 2010,01:12)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 16 2010,20:19)

    Quote (Baker @ Nov. 16 2010,07:33)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 13 2010,21:36)

    Quote (Baker @ Nov. 13 2010,07:42)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 12 2010,20:30)
    Georg: Wow, you got me georg. I don't know what to say. I'll just try a couple of scriptures:  PLEASE HEAR THEM!!

    1) Jesus manifested to take away our sin…1John3:5——If Jesus didn't take away your sin, you are in sin and God can't dwell in sin—

    2) Jesus appeared to put away sin…Heb.9:26—-If one says there is still sin that would be denying the truth.

    3) Jesus taketh away the sin of the world…John1:29

    4) we have been made free from sin…Rom6:18…..for those that believe, how about you Georg?

    5) now, being made free from sin…Rom6:22….

    6) …ANYONE (even Georg) that commiteth (abides in or agrees with) sin, is a servant of sin John8:34…

    7) whosoever is born of God, sinneth not….1John5:18…

    8) Jesus himself said,….”now ye are clean (of sin) through the words I speak…John15:3

    There are many more but if you choose to not believe that you are free from sin, that is you right to choose. But it denies what Christ did for you. You might do well to leave the book of Revelation and read the gospels of God through Jesus. There if you want to, you can choose to find salvation from sin. Being saved and cleansed from sin is step 1 in finding God. Bless you, TK


    It appears to me that you pick and choose, the scriptures I gave you are quite plain in what they say.
    Btw, they are not from the book of Revelation; 1 JOHN.


    George: Its a pity that good people will fight for the right to have sin.

    Do you really deny the scriptures…if we confess our sin he is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and (even more) cleanse us from all unrighteousness……and if we walk in light we have fellowship with him and his blood cleanseth us from all sin.
    Reverse V8…If we say we have no sin the truth is not in us….to…the truth is in us if we say we have no sin!

    I can't help you make your own personal choice of what to believe. If you choose to hold fast to sin then sin is what you will have. That is your right. God Bless you, TK


    You're wrong, I don't have to fight at all, I know how I can have my sins forgiven, while yours are not, because, you believe you do not sin; that is contrary to scripture. Denying scripture is not what cleanses you from your sins, it is the blood of Christ, he is the one who died in your stead, for your sins.
    You want your sins forgiven, you do as the scriptures say, confess them, and you will be forgiven.
    Deny the scriptures, and say you have no sin, you make Jesus a liar and the truth is not in you.
    Yes, Jesus will take away all sin, but you have to ask for it to be taken away, it is not automatic.


    George; If you know how to have your sins forgiven, and you do what the scriptures say to do and confess them, as I have, then as you say, you will be forgiven.

    What have I been saying? If you are forgiven, then you are also clean.

    You said Jesus will take away all sin. YOU AND I AGREE! Yes you must ask for it but when he takes your sin away, you don't have any sin.

    One who sinneth hath not God. I don't sin, God dwells in me.

    Sin is a personal, self judgment of condemnation against yourself or someone else for something you deem is against God.
    Bless you, TK


    Are you always aware when you sin?
    And do you then ask God for forgiveness?
    The sins you commit, and confess, are forgiven; but what about the sins you commit the next day?
    God will forgive all sins that we repent off, but as long as we live in this, Satan's world, we will not stop sinning.

    You know what the apostle John said,

    1Jo 1:8   If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.  

    And he was speaking to believers.


    George: Just like you I uses to think I constantly had to ask for forgiveness of sin and God would constantly forgive me until God got it across to me that I was constantly forgiven, hence no sin!
    A person is what he beleives God has made him!
    Jesus saved us from sin. Jesus took away our sin. Jesus cleansed us from tresspasses and sin. Jesus took away the

    sin of the world. Jesus made us perfect unto God. IF WE BELIEVE THAT TRUTH, WE ARE WHAT WE BELIEVE GOD HAS MADE US!!
    God/Jesus the whole spirit complete dwells within the man

    who is clean by faith or believing he has been made clean.
    One who believes he has sin will die in his sin. God cannot dwell in sin. Thats why he cleansed us from sin.
    Its totally your choice to believe or not to believe. To live in

    sin or live free of sin. Life and death, you choose. TK

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 19 2010,07:13)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 18 2010,20:19)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 18 2010,05:08)
    Ed: I agree, no more rhetoric! Please comment on each one of these scriptures!

    1) Rom3:20….Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin, V21…but now, the righteousness of God  WITHOUT THE LAW, is manifested…
    V28….therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith  WITHOUT THE DEEDS OF THE LAW.

    2)Romans4:14….for if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, V15…because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression.

    3)Rom6:14…for sin shall not have dominion over you: for you are not UNDER THE LAW but under grace…

    4)Rom7:6….but now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter….

    5) om8:2….for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death…

    6) Rom.10:10….for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness….no works….believeth unto righteousness….believeth!!!

    7) Here is Paul on sinners. 1Cor.6:9…Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived neither forincators, nor
    idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, v10….nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drundards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.


    NOT BY GOOD WORKS OR KIND DEEDS!!!  All was done by Christ Jesus. Its by faith in him doing the works for us or we don't have it. I await your scriptural rebuttal. No more rhetoric! TK

    Ed: You really don't know what you want to do. When I give speeches you call them, you say lets just stick to the scriptures. So I agree and send numbered questions with scriptures. Abosolutely no response from you on even one!

    Now the big thing for you is to get me to watch a utube video (at least we know where you get your doctrines) on the wrongs of what they have labeled the new age. Now you want a general disertation of my acceptence or rejectence.

    I broke down and watched the video, just for you. Now you must watch the video, make notes of the questions you have about the video and I will answer each question. We have to be more specific and less general to learn.

    I will answer your questions about the video or you will answer the questions I have laid out from the Bible. This will be better. TK

    Hi Tim,

    The video is to get you to see where you get your doctrines from.
    So watch it and tell us how your 'new age pholosphy differs; DEAL?

    Matthew 7:2 For with what judgment ye(Ed J) judge, ye shall be judged: and
    with what measure ye(Ed J) mete, it shall be measured to you again.

    I Have addressed your concerns, but you ignore mine; is this Christian behavior to you?
    Seems you Tim Kraft are not measuring back to me what I measure to you;
    does this NOT say something about who you claim to serve?

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed: How uniquely backward you are for the sake of selling what you believe to be true.

    Since you go to utube to find my doctrines which you say is not the place that you go for your own doctrines I would wonder why? But then again you are backwards!

    Then you tell me that is where I get my doctrines. I didn't go there to get my doctrines. I got mine from the new testament. You got yours from the old testament. If you

    were to move into the NEW will of God you might see differently. But you love the old way of sin, so stay. Don't try to get me to go back to a former time of sin, destruction, killing, stealing, and incest, where you love to wallow in dirt. You call that of God? Then you

    can't see yourself clean by Jesus so you try to throw mud on me. I will answer direct questions about my doctrines, that is why I am here, to learn if the truth given me will stand the fires of destruction. TK


    Quote (Baker @ Nov. 16 2010,07:33)

    You're wrong, I don't have to fight at all, I know how I can have my sins forgiven, while yours are not, because, you believe you do not sin; that is contrary to scripture. Denying scripture is not what cleanses you from your sins, it is the blood of Christ, he is the one who died in your stead, for your sins.
    You want your sins forgiven, you do as the scriptures say, confess them, and you will be forgiven.
    Deny the scriptures, and say you have no sin, you make Jesus a liar and the truth is not in you.
    Yes, Jesus will take away all sin, but you have to ask for it to be taken away, it is not automatic.


    Agreed George.

    We still sin, but we shouldn't be a practicer of sin.

    If I run am I a runner? Not necessarily. If I am not a runner, then is it a lie to say that I do not run? Yes that would be a lie.

    Similarly, we may not be sinners because our sins are forgiven, but we still sin. Hence the need to confess our sins and receive God's forgiveness.

    Ed J

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 19 2010,20:30)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 19 2010,07:13)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 18 2010,20:19)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 18 2010,05:08)
    Ed: I agree, no more rhetoric! Please comment on each one of these scriptures!

    1) Rom3:20….Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin, V21…but now, the righteousness of God  WITHOUT THE LAW, is manifested…
    V28….therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith  WITHOUT THE DEEDS OF THE LAW.

    2)Romans4:14….for if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, V15…because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression.

    3)Rom6:14…for sin shall not have dominion over you: for you are not UNDER THE LAW but under grace…

    4)Rom7:6….but now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter….

    5) om8:2….for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death…

    6) Rom.10:10….for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness….no works….believeth unto righteousness….believeth!!!

    7) Here is Paul on sinners. 1Cor.6:9…Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived neither forincators, nor
    idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, v10….nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drundards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.


    NOT BY GOOD WORKS OR KIND DEEDS!!!  All was done by Christ Jesus. Its by faith in him doing the works for us or we don't have it. I await your scriptural rebuttal. No more rhetoric! TK

    Ed: You really don't know what you want to do. When I give speeches you call them, you say lets just stick to the scriptures. So I agree and send numbered questions with scriptures. Abosolutely no response from you on even one!

    Now the big thing for you is to get me to watch a utube video (at least we know where you get your doctrines) on the wrongs of what they have labeled the new age. Now you want a general disertation of my acceptence or rejectence.

    I broke down and watched the video, just for you. Now you must watch the video, make notes of the questions you have about the video and I will answer each question. We have to be more specific and less general to learn.

    I will answer your questions about the video or you will answer the questions I have laid out from the Bible. This will be better. TK

    Hi Tim,

    The video is to get you to see where you get your doctrines from.
    So watch it and tell us how your 'new age pholosphy differs; DEAL?

    Matthew 7:2 For with what judgment ye(Ed J) judge, ye shall be judged: and
    with what measure ye(Ed J) mete, it shall be measured to you again.

    I Have addressed your concerns, but you ignore mine; is this Christian behavior to you?
    Seems you Tim Kraft are not measuring back to me what I measure to you;
    does this NOT say something about who you claim to serve?

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed: How uniquely backward you are for the sake of selling what you believe to be true.

    Since you go to utube to find my doctrines which you say is not the place that you go for your own doctrines I would wonder why? But then again you are backwards!

    Then you tell me that is where I get my doctrines. I didn't go there to get my doctrines. I got mine from the new testament. You got yours from the old testament. If you

    were to move into the NEW will of God you might see differently. But you love the old way of sin, so stay. Don't try to get me to go back to a former time of sin, destruction, killing, stealing, and incest, where you love to wallow in dirt. You call that of God? Then you

    can't see yourself clean by Jesus so you try to throw mud on me. I will answer direct questions about my doctrines, that is why I am here, to learn if the truth given me will stand the fires of destruction. TK

    Hi Tim,

    What's with you and your speeches?
    I don't get any doctrines off the internet,
    and I don't believe you do either! Now will you
    answer my question? How many times must I ask?



    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 14 2010,00:16)
    theodore: Wow, I never heard of doing that. I have never intentionally done that. If you ask Ed he will tell you that at one point he requested his last name not be used. I have never been a salesperson. I am a self-employed business owner. I am not even really sure how to take what you wrote. It wasn't unkind, or was it? I am anything but a seasoned debater! TK

    Greetings Tim … assured my comment was not meant to insult or offend,it was purposed to put you wise….In one of your retorts to Ed you interupted your train of thought to ask Ed why he uses your full name(Tim Kraft)when responding to you,and I might add that ,Ed finds it necessary to correct you with respect to grammar and sentence structure on your posts as well….My message to you was one of FYI…During my tenure in the corporate world including boardroom presense I had occasion to witness the many tools employed by individuals to demean one another by such methods of mispronouncing ones name,by correcting ones grammar by commenting on ones appearance….My message to you was that these are tools used in the quest for power,domination and ultimately control as well as securing your absolute attention on what they are saying…BTW people like this are generally not interested in any thing you have to say IMO….sorry if I offended you…


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 13 2010,21:03)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 13 2010,08:00)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 13 2010,06:43)


    You show me where killing is a sin


    Hi Tim,

    Do ‘you’ NOT read “The Bible” verses I Post for you; Tim Kraft?
    1John 3:15 Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and
    ye know that NO murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed: I don't know why you use my complete name each time you are making a point but you ask me not to reveal your last name and just use J or Jay. I have honored that, so maybe you could just use Tim or TK, please.

    As I stated before if a person has peace, love and joy in his heart/mind there is no place for hate and murder. You can't have love in your heart and murder in your mind at the same time. So if you believe that Jesus cleansed us from all sin, and there is no sin in our hearts, how could one sin?

    Also, in reference to sin you quote a scripture that doesn't say a word about sin! If you are going to use a scripture to make a point about sin, should you use a scripture that doesn't even use the word sin?
                                                                                  Yet to this scripture I will say just as I said above, hate in ones heart, creates murder, inside first then outside. Sin is of the heart. Sin is a faulty judgement you make against yourself.
    You are the King of your Kingdom of God within. What you say goes pertaining to your Kingdom. If you judge and condemn yourself or others you will pay the price you set for the so called sin being judged. This is the power of the sons of God on earth. I recomend that we don't destroy our own selves with our God given ability!                                                                             Self condemnation can be very destructive. Judge not, lest ye be judged. If you judge yourself in sin, then you are in sin by that judgment. If sin is in the heart of a person they will eventually manifest an action commensuate to the sin they hold in their heart. You can only love your brother as(while) you love yourself.

    Thats why you can't have the love of God in your heart and sin. If there is love there is no sin!!!  
    Its time to stop fighting for the right to be in sin. Doesn't that sound a bit foolish? TK

    Greetings Tim ….here is the post that caught my attention…You asked Ed why you use my complete name when making a point…… The answer is it is a power play and a form of condecention…..( there might be a few misspelled words here)…..another power play correction of spelling….Tim you bring some good points to fore and have learned from you….


    Greetings Ed….Just answering Tims' response….sharing some life experience…is there any thing I can do for you…Iam following your posts….very interesting keep them coming…you are a wealth of infomation…

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (theodorej @ Nov. 19 2010,22:18)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Nov. 14 2010,00:16)
    theodore: Wow, I never heard of doing that. I have never intentionally done that. If you ask Ed he will tell you that at one point he requested his last name not be used. I have never been a salesperson. I am a self-employed business owner. I am not even really sure how to take what you wrote. It wasn't unkind, or was it? I am anything but a seasoned debater! TK

    Greetings Tim … assured my comment was not meant to insult or offend,it was purposed to put you wise….In one of your retorts to Ed you interupted your train of thought to ask Ed why he uses your full name(Tim Kraft)when responding to you,and I might add that ,Ed finds it necessary to correct you with respect to grammar and sentence structure on your posts as well….My message to you was one of FYI…During my tenure in the corporate world including boardroom presense I had occasion to witness the many tools employed by individuals to demean one another by such methods of mispronouncing ones name,by correcting ones grammar by commenting on ones appearance….My message to you was that these are tools used in the quest for power,domination and ultimately control as well as securing your absolute attention on what they are saying…BTW people like this are generally not interested in any thing you have to say IMO….sorry if I offended you…

    theodore: Thanks for the explanation. I never said I was the brightest light in the room. I have dedicated much time to learning truth from the Bible. Most of the time I have spent alone with God and what I have learned has come slowly over a long period of time, here a little, there a little. I tend to take offence when someone tries to put a label on me when I purposed in my heart years ago to learn personally what the Bible says to me. I love to share and discuss with anyone but I don't like to be called names and have labels put on me that I don't even know what they mean. Bless you for sharing with me. TK

    I just re-read your post, I finally got it. Thank you so much.

    Ed J

    Hi Shimmer,

    Quote (bodhitharta @ June 18 2010,14:58)
    Sura #6  77 When he saw the moon rising in splendour, he said: “This is my Lord.”


    The 'quranic'(83) moongod(83), who muslims call 'lord allah'(83),
      …'is satan'(83) in disguise!

    Judges 8:21 21 Gideon arose, and slew Zebah and Zalmunna, and
    took away the [moongod crescents] that were on their camels' necks.

    Ps.83:4,11 They (the muslims) have said, Come, and let us cut them off
    from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.
    But YHVH says:  Make their nobles like Oreb, and like Zeeb: yea, all their princes
                                as Zebah, and as Zalmunna:

    For slow internet speeds: start the video and pause it until it
    has downloaded sufficiently in advance of the play speed; OK?



    Quote (JustAskin @ Nov. 14 2010,02:38)
    If i were able, i would give you a block…i cannot, however, but i csn recommend to 'Heaven' that it be done so.

    JA I thought you could hand out blocks?

    Just click the post that says “warn” and you should see a check box called “Increment this user's warning level?”. If you click that check box, then they will get a tile.

    Please check that you have this feature.

    Tim Kraft

    Health & God
    Jesus came to save (sozo) the world. The greek word sozo means several things of which healing is one. It really is quite evident that healing sickness and disease is part of the plan of God because God is life. Sickness is premature death. When Adam accepted or believed in evil he took on a form of premature death. He began the process of death. God is good, life, constructive, builds up, moves

    forward, creates more life or life more abundant. Evil is dying, sickness, disease, discordant energy, blockage, binding, non-free, restrictive, destructive, tears down, and destroys life. The choice we have as God’s sons and daughters on earth is to believe and be joined to God/life or evil/sin/death. Whichever choice is held in mind and incubated, meditated, acknowledged, pondered, believed and mixed with faith or fear will be produced in your life. It will come as circumstances or it will come as ailments and diseases. God/universal

    source, will give you the desires of your heart whether from faith/life or fear/death. Its your choice! Whosoever believes that Jesus came with the truth of God which is the right to life, believes his words and holds fast to them, against temptation from other people not to believe, WILL BE SAVED, healed, cleansed, and made whole of life. Many great young athletes get diseases and

    die. People who eat right(whatever that is), exercise, take vitamins, are a perfect weight(whatever that is), wash their hands constantly, don’t lick stamps, and drink supposedly purified water yet still get sick like everybody else. What’s the answer? Jesus said sickness, un-cleanliness, impurity etc., doesn’t come into a human through the mouth. Its not what goes into the mouth that defiles or makes one unclean, its what comes out of the mouth that defiles the person. Your thoughts and beliefs make your body clean, pure and whole or

    sick and dis-eased. If you believe you are in sin, have sin or do sin you are unclean. Jesus cleanses us from all sin. We are no longer unclean if we believe what Jesus said. What you believe about yourself is what will manifest in your life. In my opinion mental contemplations, ponderings, and meditating on things within you that cause you stress, hate, anger, resentment, guilt, fear, lack, destruction of others or the like are the cause of sickness and disease! From the abundance of the heart the mouth will speak these

    things and draw them into your experience. Build your faith house which is the Aura of energy that surrounds our physical bodies. The Aura contains all the thought transfers and mental contemplations of your mind which emitt a frequency that is the average of all thinking combined. Love energy flows freely at an extremely high frequency beyond the speed of light. The higher the frequency, the more love is being exercised and the more free and at ease the body is. When energy is blocked or restricted, there is dis-ease! All energy flow is

    controlled by the mind. Clear, single, positive thoughts as the Son of God you are, create equal free flowing energy with ease. Weed out of your mind all religious beliefs that you are not perfect, or are a sinner or are lost in sin. Do not defile the Temple of God with imperfect beliefs. When you have no thoughts of imperfection you are perfect as God made you. Then you can love your neighbor as you love yourself. If you see yourself as the loving, powerful child of God you will be able to help everyone. Criticize no one. Don’t think bad about

    anyone! Never hold a grudge. If you receive Gods cleansing from Jesus you will see no evil, hear no evil, think no evil, speak no evil! FOR YOUR OWN SAKE! Condemn no one, let them run their own Kingdoms, freely, like you run yours. Walk love, talk love, feel love and you will never go back to pain and anguish. You best put your faith in something more substantial than food. I have never seen anyone with a deadly disease cure it with food. You probably can’t eat a carrot as fast the cancer can eat you!! The time is now to build your

    mental/mind house. If you wait until the storm/disease, you may need help and you may not make it through. If you do need help find faith people (not religious people), that know Gods will to heal all, to stand with you and administer the healing light of God. There is tremendous exponential power in united minds on this subject. Two or three together in oneness, wow!! Yet the outcome of healing is always based on the recipients faith!!

    The creator made us with an immune system that wards off disease and attempts to heal all manner of sickness and disease. So lets not argue whether its Gods will to always heal. God is life not death. God is health and life. Sickness is premature death, God is abundant life. The exciting thing is that God is the truth about life, that will stand forever and evil/death is just an illusion of truth, accepted by man originally as though it was truth. We must now turn from evil belief. Life, if taken to a full saturation point lives on eternally. Death or evil,

    if taken to a full saturation point ceases to live. Now the choice, which one do we want to partake of, life/love/freedom or evil/death/destruction?
    When sickness comes pay the least amount of attention to it you possibly can. The more you think on it in a resistant way (fear) the more you will empower it. Act like it isn’t there for the most part. This may not be easy at first but neither was learning to ride a bicycle.

    Persistence pays off. Your mind is powerful on your behalf or to your detriment. Put your faith/thoughts in Jesus the truth of God who says in John15:3, my words have cleansed you. Just rest in the truth of life. Resistance causes the opposite of intention. If you think on something (like sickness) to repel it, block it, or keep it away, that is from fear of receiving, which also empowers the thing resisted and it will continue to come forth to your mind. Rest in the truth of Jesus and pay as little attention as possible and there will be little or no

    awareness! This is my truth it may not be yours. Thanks for reading, I learn from constructive critism, feel free to respond. God Bless, TK


    Greetings Tim…..Your post brings to fore a very well founded fact of life and that is, your health is a gift from God and, it is his will that we all be healthy….Iam always mindfull of my sinfull nature and the fact that it is repeatative makes it very difficult to be truly free of sin,however, I have come to understand that Iam justified to ask for forgivness because of the sacrafice that Jesus made in our stead….We are all sinners and will remain that way until such time as we assume our glorified bodies… after the resurection …..In the meanwhile these dying bodies of ours are still his temple and a magnificent creation that by design should last alot longer than we now due….all one has to do look back in Genesis and say how long life was….Sarah had a baby at 90…..

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