Is the Vatican the Beast?

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  • #807027

    Another end-time view as to who the Beast is or the last Beast.

    Who is the Antichrist



    It has been wounded but I do not believe it is the beast as it has more to do with the false prophet.


    Yes I tend to think along those lines too.

    The pope does sit in the place of Christ delegating so-called God’s authority on Earth and has changed the calendar/time.

    But yeah, I cannot see the Vatican gaining its power again that it held for centuries. Who knows.


    Perhaps in a world where the rise of Islam threatens the security of the Western World, maybe the Vatican will have an opportunity.



    The Catholic Church has caused great harm to the truth as did the persecutions by the Roman Empire and others. Even the Catholic Church was an action of the Empire and became a beast in its own right. The Roman Empire was most like the beast though it could have been just one an expression of Satan, who is the true Worm. In the New Testament Satan used the Jewish unbelievers to express himself and attempt to destroy the truth. The Roman was merely a tool of them.

    The Vatican is still quite powerful and considered a country in its own right. It is not a member of the UN though it has its say. It is also not a member of the EU though once again I believe it has its say. It is often considered the face of Christianity by the media in the U.S. but that may be because other Christian organizations are considerable smaller in size.

    It comes off as the best candidate for the beast who had the head that received a mortal wound but had been healed.

    Ed J

    No T8,

    The leopard bear lion beast of Rev 13:1-3 is clearly islam.
    And the four horses of the apocalypse (Rev 6:2-8) is:

    1. White – Catholicism
    2. Red – Communism
    3. Black – Capitalism
    4. Green – islamism

    This is confirmed by the four chariots of Zechariah (Zech 6:2-8):

    1. White Chariots – Catholicism
    2. Red (+Bay) Chariots – Communism
    3. Black – Chariots Capitalism
    4. Grizzled(=Green) Chariots – islamism

    Go back and reread them both (Rev 6:2-8 & Zech 6:2-8) again with this interpretation in mind and you will see it’s true!
    Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.
    And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year,
    for to slay the third part of men.” (Rev 9:14-15)

    “And there shall be upon every high mountain, and upon every high hill, rivers and streams of waters
    in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall. Moreover the light of the moon
    shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light
    of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth
    the stroke of their wound.” (Isaiah 30:25-26)

    God bless
    Ed J



    all that is crap ,but sins I am curious I let it go



    Those four Chariots sound a lot like the four horsemen of Revelations. I kind of agree with you on the third one but it is traditionally considered the symbol of famine.

    Black is death and Red is war.

    White symbolizes conquest. In Revelations some regard the rider as being the Anti-Christ though I personally disagree as the age of Conquests seems to have passed.

    Ed J

    Hi Kerwin,

    I told you who the horsemen and chariots riders represent.
    You’re saying what the horsemen do, compare them
    also to what Chariots riders are doing.

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J


    Those four Chariots sound a lot like the four horsemen of Revelations.

    Yes – Thank you!



    I have always seen them as ages of the earth. The age of conquest is over and perhaps the age of war for large wars are a thing of the past but perhaps it is only a lull. If it is an age of famine we have not entered it. I had viewed the present age as one of mercantilism with forms of capitalistic socialism dominating the nations. That is of course dependent on the horse tradition interprets as famine being mercantilism instead.

    If there is more of the age of war and those major wars involve the weapons we currently have then ages of famine and death will follow close on its rears heels. The losses recorded in Revelations will be minor.


    the antichrist are all those that uses the scriptures and do not follow what is written in it ,just as John said it would be ,

    but like always no one believe what is written in the scriptures anyway this by itself prove that they are the antichrist ;for the only other alternative is to be a true believer ,

    sad to say many don’t care for the truth of God ,


    Could I ask some of the posters here to read posts correctly to preserve truth, rather than skim the post and reply. The latter leads to all kinds of unnecessary replies and dialogue as well as wrong statements being made. My opening post for example says that this is another interpretation. It doesn’t anywhere suggest that this is what I believe. So I would appreciate if you crafted your replies based on that, and not correct me personally about the theory. This forum is about testing all things. Testing something is not always the same as defending something you believe. Often it is the contrary.

    If you do not have time to read a post correctly, then you shouldn’t  have the time to reply to it either. If you consider yourself a son of God, then please act in a way that a son of GOd should act. e.g., love the truth and do not misrepresent others as the commandment tells us.



    Perhaps the Roman Church is the harlot spoken of in Revelation?

    Knowing our history



    i don’t know if in your last post you were addressing me,but truth in my understanding from scriptures seem always to remain the truth ,

    having a different view on what the scriptures are saying is not really supporting the truth of God,but supporting the views of those that seem not willing to accept Jesus truth,

    and then go in elaborating “IF”questions and answers what would never come to the real truth of God

    if the apostles would had follow this road the compilation would have been terrible ,only think on all the false gospels out there,


    I wasn’t addressing you specifically. When it comes to prophecy, it would be arrogant of me to say this is what it means. But to those who seek, we can honestly say, ‘perhaps this’ or ‘could be that’. I think when people are arrogant, they say: ‘the prophecy means this’ while others just don’t care and don’t have an opinion while not listening to what others have to say as well.

    Of course some prophecies are known and it is possible that God can reveal a prophecy to a person so he could utter ‘It was fulfilled when…’. But there are too many people that say it means this while others say it means that. This means that either one is right or all are wrong.

    I am being honest when I say: ‘perhaps this’. I think honesty is a good attribute and arrogance is a bad one.


    no the vatican is not the beast


    I don’t think so either. But I think it could be the Whore that rides the Beast. After all, the Vatican did come from the Roman Empire. And if the Beast today is Islam or a future Caliphate, then we do know that the Beast will hate the whore and burn her with fire.


    the scarlet beasts are the kings of the earth, the whore is satan

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