Is the Brain of an Atheist Intelligently Designed?

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  • #810403

    Computerized brain made of GPUs

    Is the Brain of an Atheist Intelligently Designed? I say “Yes!”

    If your brain was a computer, it could perform 38 thousand-trillion operations per second. The world’s most powerful supercomputer can manage only .002% of that. The human body produces 25 million new cells each second. Every 13 seconds, you produce more cells than there are people in the United States. In one day, our blood travels 12,000 miles around our body. That’s four times the distance across the US from coast-to-coast.

    We can’t begin to understand such creative power. To say that God is absolutely mind-blowingly amazing is infinitely inadequate to a point of absurdity. To say there was no Intelligent Designer is to be more than foolish. It’s intellectual suicide.

    Ray Comfort

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