Is stu guilty, unto avatar death?

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  • #341580

    Quote (Mary @ April 11 2013,22:55)

    Quote (2besee @ April 11 2013,19:35)
    Hi Mary.

    I was going to pick option 3 :D

    Me to  :D

    I'm already in t8's bad books by the looks of it due to some negative comments I made to Him down here (I must have been having a bad day!) I hope He can forgive me.

    Are you Charity?


    Is it wrong that Stuart got a tile for not answering a question?


    No-one should HAVE to answer anything, if they do not want to.

    So – would that make my vote choice 1?


    This is t8's rules. I see the tiles like the “forgive 7 times” / 77 times thing. We forgive them a few mistakes. But we do keep track.


    Quote (2besee @ April 11 2013,22:15)

    Quote (Mary @ April 11 2013,22:55)

    Quote (2besee @ April 11 2013,19:35)
    Hi Mary.

    I was going to pick option 3 :D

    Me to  :D

    I'm already in t8's bad books by the looks of it due to some negative comments I made to Him down here (I must have been having a bad day!) I hope He can forgive me.

    Are you Charity?

    Positive, yes I am charity


    Quote (david @ April 12 2013,11:50)
    This is t8's rules.  I see the tiles like the “forgive 7 times” / 77 times thing.  We forgive them a few mistakes. But we do keep track.


    Because someone does not answer could mean that they need time to think about it!

    I am thinking about the two witnesses of revelation, ATM. If somebody demanded I answer them, then that is not fair! I will answer when I am ready to answer, after i have looked into it more, otherwise my answer would not be correct or adequate. Forum or reality.


    Quote (Mary @ April 12 2013,12:41)

    Quote (2besee @ April 11 2013,22:15)

    Quote (Mary @ April 11 2013,22:55)

    Quote (2besee @ April 11 2013,19:35)
    Hi Mary.

    I was going to pick option 3 :D

    Me to  :D

    I'm already in t8's bad books by the looks of it due to some negative comments I made to Him down here (I must have been having a bad day!) I hope He can forgive me.

    Are you Charity?

    Positive, yes I am charity

    I knew that.:)

    Ed J

    Quote (2besee @ April 11 2013,22:15)

    Quote (Mary @ April 11 2013,22:55)

    Quote (2besee @ April 11 2013,19:35)
    Hi Mary.

    I was going to pick option 3 :D

    Me to  :D

    I'm already in t8's bad books by the looks of it due to some negative comments I made to Him down here (I must have been having a bad day!) I hope He can forgive me.

    Are you Charity?

    I thought I was the only one 'in the cross hairs'.   :D
    Has he threatened to banish you from the main forum?
    YHVH is my Rock, I do not fear what man can do to me!


    Ed J

    Quote (david @ April 12 2013,09:50)
    This is t8's rules.  I see the tiles like the “forgive 7 times” / 77 times thing.  We forgive them a few mistakes. But we do keep track.

    Hi David,

    “The Hot Seat” was suggested by me as a means of keeping track of those who refuse to answer questions.
     But T8 has turned it into an execution chamber. Hey, didn't Jesus also refuse to answer questions?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Why yes Ed, a number of times I believe.

    How many tiles would Jesus have if he were on this board? Interesting question.


    Quote (Ed J @ April 12 2013,13:33)

    Quote (2besee @ April 11 2013,22:15)

    Quote (Mary @ April 11 2013,22:55)

    Quote (2besee @ April 11 2013,19:35)
    Hi Mary.

    I was going to pick option 3 :D

    Me to  :D

    I'm already in t8's bad books by the looks of it due to some negative comments I made to Him down here (I must have been having a bad day!) I hope He can forgive me.

    Are you Charity?

    I thought I was the only one 'in the cross hairs'.   :D
    Has he threatened to banish you from the main forum?
    YHVH is my Rock, I do not fear what man can do to me!


    Lol, I have a healthy fear of what man can do others!


    Quote (Ed J @ April 12 2013,13:44)

    Quote (david @ April 12 2013,09:50)
    This is t8's rules.  I see the tiles like the “forgive 7 times” / 77 times thing.  We forgive them a few mistakes. But we do keep track.

    Hi David,

    “The Hot Seat” was suggested by me as a means of keeping track of those who refuse to answer questions.
     But T8 has turned it into an execution chamber. Hey, didn't Jesus also refuse to answer questions?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Oh no! I feel like I need to defend t8 now! :)


    Quote (david @ April 12 2013,15:09)
    Why yes Ed, a number of times I believe.  

    How many tiles would Jesus have if he were on this board?  Interesting question.

    One hope after a second effort none! We haven't judged the first Italian tile job yet?


    Quote (david @ April 12 2013,15:09)
    Why yes Ed, a number of times I believe.  

    How many tiles would Jesus have if he were on this board?  Interesting question.

    It's good to observe human nature, it's a shame that some one as significant as Jesus can be refused by a narrow mind, it's a terrible offence that so many hearts missed out on him when he was removed!
    He could have been so much more, if humans were able to assess their own animalistic instinct.



    Dearly beloved, as we gather today to celebrate the life of the avatar stu
    We are reminded that avatar stu might always question the unloving sauce of a force as no more than The willfull behaviour of humans acting as god.

    Good is there! An balance is a blessing



    Quote (Ed J @ April 12 2013,15:33)

    Quote (2besee @ April 11 2013,22:15)

    Quote (Mary @ April 11 2013,22:55)

    Quote (2besee @ April 11 2013,19:35)
    Hi Mary.

    I was going to pick option 3 :D

    Me to  :D

    I'm already in t8's bad books by the looks of it due to some negative comments I made to Him down here (I must have been having a bad day!) I hope He can forgive me.

    Are you Charity?

    I thought I was the only one 'in the cross hairs'.   :D
    Has he threatened to banish you from the main forum?
    YHVH is my Rock, I do not fear what man can do to me!


    It's only a forum.


    Quote (Mary @ April 12 2013,21:01)
    Dearly beloved, as we gather today to celebrate the life of the avatar stu
    We are reminded that avatar stu might always question the unloving sauce of a force as no more than The willfull behaviour of humans acting as god.

    Good is there! An balance is a blessing


    Love the creator and love our neighbor, and that in the end is what will remain, despite whatever is preached or said, because God is love but yes, man often makes God into his own image whatever that may be, but the spirit (of) truth, will win in the end, and all of mans ideas will pass away. But only three things remain, faith hope and love.


    Quote (2besee @ April 12 2013,15:01)

    Because someone does not answer could mean that they need time to think about it!

    I am thinking about the two witnesses of revelation, ATM. If somebody demanded I answer them, then that is not fair! I will answer when I am ready to answer, after i have looked into it more, otherwise my answer would not be correct or adequate. Forum or reality.

    I don't know is an acceptable answer.

    Just trying to curb those who preach but will not answer good questions when challenged. Actually I don't even mind that too much, it is when they preach after that, as if they are right.

    We should always be ready to give an answer as to what we believe. IMO, if you cannot, then don't preach it as the truth. Say it is something you are investigating or something like that.


    Quote (Ed J @ April 12 2013,16:33)
    I thought I was the only one 'in the cross hairs'.  
    Has he threatened to banish you from the main forum?
    YHVH is my Rock, I do not fear what man can do to me!


    I am not trying to banish anyone. I think in the last 10 years there have been about 5 members banned from Heaven Net. And not for preaching false doctrine either. THat is allowed. It was for abuse mostly.

    Lately, Moderators have had the power to give out tiles for people who continually dodge good and legit questions. Such people are not debating or discussing fairly when they do that. I even think this idea went to a vote but cannot quite remember.

    Here is what I think. If a conversation is not two way or more, is just a one track mind ranting, and with no answers to good questions, then that deservedly gets a tile. And what is a tile? A square that if you collect 5 of, your posting rights are revoked and good job too. That means you have to run away from, dodge, ignore 5 good questions before your posting is disabled. And guess what, you can answer any of these questions, and the tiles are removed.

    Continually dodging good questions is not only frustrating to the mission of this website, but is on the same level as spam. Unwanted rants with no accountability to what they are peddling. Think of the tiles as a spam filter protecting you from those who peddle unaccountable doctrine.

    You know how it says in scripture that the law was made for the sinner. Well when this forum started out, there were little or no rules. Due to abuse and bad behaviour, rules were established and a structure was put in place. It mostly worked out compared to the lowly discussions that use to take place where every discussion became a debate about the existence of God. I don't regret making these forums better for one minute. And the Web is a democracy. If you don't like the idea of some rules, then find a forum where anything goes. I am sure there are a few you can choose from. Where people just rant, post whatever text and images they want. Go there and make yourself at home.

    Are we not free to build things using the wisdom of God in order to craft things that can be good and used for the purposes of God? So why hate on rules that create better quality discussions?

    No one is saying you have to stay here are they? You come here by your own free will. If I went to your house surely you would want to see a certain level of good behaviour. It is no different here Ed J. I am accountable to God for this forum to some degree to keep it running and useful.

    Lastly, how many tiles do all you complainers have? 10, 5, 3, 2, 1. No zero. Yes that is right folks, these complainers have zero tiles between them.

    The only threat here is the expectation and minimal enforcement of answering decent and good questions in regards to what you are teaching here. This is truly only a threat to people who have something to hide and scripture says we should be ready at all times to answer questions regarding what we believe.


    Lastly, Stu had 2 tiles to his name and chose to leave of his own free will upon getting the second tile. The first one didn't make him flinch. And why did he leave? Not because of the tile, but because he knew he had to answer a question about what he believed and was not going to be able to dodge it anymore as he had been doing for years. He simply did not want to lose a debate that was being prepared. He left because he knew he was going to lose publicly.

    Oh how terrible. A fate worse then death. Oh t8 is just a dictator. Horrible. How dare we try and get honest answers from those who preach God or no God. What is Heaven Net coming to. Nasty stuff.   :laugh:

    Ed J

    Quote (t8 @ April 13 2013,00:10)
    Lastly, Stu had 2 tiles to his name and chose to leave of his own free will upon getting the second tile. The first one didn't make him flinch. And why did he leave? Not because of the tile, but because he knew he had to answer a question about what he believed and was not going to be able to dodge it anymore as he had been doing for years. He simply did not want to lose a debate that was being prepared. He left because he knew he was going to lose publicly.

    Oh how terrible. A fate worse then death. Oh t8 is just a dictator. Horrible. How dare we try and get honest answers from those who preach God or no God. What is Heaven Net coming to. Nasty stuff.   :laugh:

    Hi T8,

    It is not the threat for not answering questions that troubles me.
    I have never refused to answer questions, but ONLY questions that limit!

    Your new found joy is a system where you've created a 'bully pulpit' for YOURSELF!
    That is the reason Nick Hassan left here, and the very same reason Stuart is now gone.
    And that is what I stand against! Do I make myself clear? Because this issue will not go away.

    You play by a double-standard, because you are the Judge, Jury, and executioner – thus 'a dictator'.
    It is not like that in the U.S.A., we don't have dictators, well at least not until Barak Obama was elected.

    Here is what the word of God says concerning your behavior:
    “And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things,
     and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?” (Romans 2:3)
     Number “23”, that is the number of 'i am'(23) (the tree of the knowledge of good and evil)

    2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 Let no man deceive you (T8) by any means: for that day shall not come,
    except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
    Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped;
    so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.
    And all those who feed off of 'that tree' shall surely die. (Genesis 2:17)

    And just in case you didn't know, “People” are called “TREES” and WE are God's garden!

    “To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes,
     the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;
     that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD,
     that he (YHVH, the “LORD of Hosts”) might be glorified.” (Isaiah 61:3)

    “For the LORD shall comfort Zion: he will comfort all her waste places; and
     he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the LORD;
     joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody.” (Isaiah 51:3)

    Witnessing to a worldwide audience in behalf of YHVH!
    יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā  hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
    עד Ed (Isaiah 49:16 / Isaiah 60:14 / Joshua 22:34) (Ecl.9:12-16)

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