Is peaceful coexistence between theists and atheis

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    Peaceful coexistence between scientists and theologians

    I would very much like to know what people on this website think about peaceful coexistence between those who study our material world (scientists) and those who study our spiritual world (theologians). My attempt to write an essay on that subject failed, as you can see at:

    The webpage was prepared to generate a discussion. Those who post comments should refer to specific “contributions,” as numbered (or to specific persons, as numbered at the beginning). This will simplify the discussion.

    And let us keep in mind that the main topic is peaceful coexistence. Is it possible? Is it desirable? What should we do promote it? etc.

    Thank you in advance,

    Ludwik Kowalski (see Google and Wikipedia)
    Professor Emeritus
    Montclair State University

    Ed J

    Hi Ludwik,

    Jesus said: The meek shall inherit the earth. (Matthew 5:5)
    There's peaceful coexistence in those who are spiritual; look at what
    Paul said: 1Timothy 6:20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust,
    avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:

    Look at my scientific research on the proof of God's existence. (Click Here and Here)

    Your brother
    in Christ, Jesus!
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Ludwik Kowalski,

    My God and my doctrine instructs me to at peace with all others to the extent that it is possible without sinning.

    I see the supernatural world as an extension of the natural world and both can be studied with the scientific methodology. The difference is that eye witness accounts are the major source of data about the supernatural world and the most reliable witnesses are historical and therefore not available for cross examination in many cases.

    As with studying the natural world interpretation plays a part and I am convinced the only way to have a consistently honest interpretation is the be guided by the true God.

    So atheist and theist will continue to have strive over the correct interpretation of the evidence as well as the validity of the evidence. Since their beliefs in supernatural matters will determine what the believe is right and wrong this conflict will at times extend into their lives in other ways than disagreements about doctrines. I strive to deal with all this strife as peacefully as possible just as I stated earlier.


    Ludwik Kowalski,

    The answers I can give yo to some of your questions are as follows.

    God did create human beings in his image but they sinned and fell from his grace. I have only historic eye witness accounts of this since we are currently, and have been for a long time, in the fallen state. I trust these observers to be faithful and true.

    We did not create God in our own image as he is all loving in that he cannot hate, anything but evil, nor can he even be tempted to hate. On the other hand Jesus the archetype human being was tempted by evil even though he remained in the image of God by not sinning.

    There are many people who either create gods in their own image or warm the image of God in their mind to resemble their own image.


    Quote (kowalskil @ Jan. 29 2011,02:16)
    Peaceful coexistence between scientists and theologians

    I would very much like to know what people on this website think about peaceful coexistence between those who study our material world (scientists) and those who study our spiritual world (theologians). My attempt to write an essay on that subject failed, as you can see at:

    The webpage was prepared to generate a discussion. Those who post comments should refer to specific “contributions,” as numbered (or to specific persons, as numbered at the beginning). This will simplify the discussion.

    And let us keep in mind that the main topic is peaceful coexistence. Is it possible? Is it desirable? What should we do promote it? etc.

    Thank you in advance,

    Ludwik Kowalski (see Google and Wikipedia)
    Professor Emeritus
    Montclair State University

    If you have the answer to my question, you will have the answer to yours.

    Did Jesus and the Pharisees coexisted peacefully together?



    Quote (kowalskil @ Jan. 29 2011,09:16)
    Peaceful coexistence between scientists and theologians

    I would very much like to know what people on this website think about peaceful coexistence between those who study our material world (scientists) and those who study our spiritual world (theologians). My attempt to write an essay on that subject failed, as you can see at:

    The webpage was prepared to generate a discussion. Those who post comments should refer to specific “contributions,” as numbered (or to specific persons, as numbered at the beginning). This will simplify the discussion.

    And let us keep in mind that the main topic is peaceful coexistence. Is it possible? Is it desirable? What should we do promote it? etc.

    Thank you in advance,

    Ludwik Kowalski (see Google and Wikipedia)
    Professor Emeritus
    Montclair State University

    hi K

    you can and most coexist with all,but that does not mean we have to live with or accept there believes,

    true christians do not have a choice to coexist they are in the world but not of the world,

    separation is going on since Christ dead,

    the problem is were men want to take over the will of others.



    Study of the material world and study of the spiritual world doesn't have to end in conflict. Some of the greatest scientists the world has seen believed and believe in God. Isaac Newton, Copernicus, Galileo, Faraday, Einstein for example. Although never coming to belief in a personal God, Einstein recognized the impossibility of a non-created universe.

    The only conflict is between belief systems. Science is not the conflict, but belief that God exists or doesn't.

    Please read my writing called “The Cause” It explains this conflict.


    Is it possible? Is it desirable? What should we do promote it?

    is the idea possible, yes. the application no.
    would it be the theists or atheists that would throw the first stone
    hard to tell. each are zealous in thier beliefs.

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