Is observing christmas and easter ok?

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    Is observing christmas and easter ok? What's your views?

    [/B] Surely you know these are of the whore of Babylon? -Nick

    Oh yea Nick, however, what is the scriptures views against such customs and traditions?

    Hi eliyah,
    Let me say it for you

    Pure folly. –Nick


    Hi david,
    What does celebrating christmas and easter mean to you and when does having a good time become a sin. We need to know.


    Wait a sec Mr.

    You stated:

    Hi david,
    Please quote me on the charge of syncretism
    o nonjudgemental one.

    I found it.

    Do you accept that you said this?


    Hi david,
    And the quote is…??


    Hi david,
    What does celebrating christmas and easter mean to you and when does having a good time become a sin. We need to know.

    Nick, is there any question that if someone looked through your window, they'd question if you were celebrating Christmas now, at this moment. No one would ever accuse you of such a thing. In fact, you'd pretty much have to be accused of it on or near …. christmas.

    Nick, do people ever say to you: What are you doing for Christmas? And do you answer them: “I'm having my family over.”
    My answer would be: “nothing, I don't celelbrate Christmas.”

    Nick, do people ever say: Merry Christmas, to you.
    And do you respond: Merry Christmas.

    Believe it or not, when people say this to me in passing, I respectfully say: “thankyou” because I know their sentiments are well and I'm not going to go into some great conversation with them in passing.

    Now, I've answered some questions. Could you go back and answer any of mine? What does your Christmas day look like?


    Hi david,
    Do I have to tell people I am not celebrating christmas to avoid sinning in this matter?


    Hi david,
    And the quote is…??

    Ok, first, you must open your eyes. Now, look up. oR, go to the fourth post on this thread. The first page, the fourth post. It's you, Nick hassen. You're speaking. You're speaking about Christmas.

    I had said that you spoke badly of syncretism. You charged me of making that up.

    I've proved you wrong. You said it. I can't believe you that you can't accept that.


    Hi david,
    Do I have to tell people I am not celebrating christmas to avoid sinning in this matter?

    Why don't we switch roles for a second and you answer my questions. That will be fun, won't it.


    Hi david,
    How many people do I have to tell to get free from sinning on this matter?
    Perhaps a notice in the paper?


    Hi david,
    How many people do I have to tell to get free from sinning on this matter?
    Perhaps a notice in the paper?

    Your comments are as ridiculous and as childish as your trying to defend babylon's holidays.

    So, recapping, I was right and you did mention the “folly” of “syncretism.” And, you can't even acknowledge this, despite me quoting it directly to you. How old are you?


    Your treatment of me moves some on this forum to tears.

    Nick, please act more honourably.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 10 2007,06:10)
    David has judged that to have a joyous reunion with family on 25th December is a heinous crime.

    What do others think?

    Hi Nick
    I don't think it's a crime. This is the only time when all my family sits down at the table, and eats together. There are 4 of us who are Christians, 24 of us give thanks for the meal and each other.
    I think what's most important is not the date the tree or the presents, but what's on our hearts.
    We hang a banner across the front of our house dipicting the sheppherds and their flocks gazing at the star, with the words..
    A King is Born. I get the opportunity to talk about my Saviours actual birth straight out of the Bible to family and friends, it's a wonderful time to tell someone the Truth.
    Although I do walk a fine line around this time, satans in top form, my stand is such that I don't go shopping,so I don't get tempted to get caught up in the spending frenzy. In our house there are no decorations, no tree, no fake snow. I don't send out Christmas cards, or buy presents for adults, I do buy a present for my grandchildren. I don't concider what I do as celebrating Christmas. I think on Jesus's birth, and give thanks to God who sent Him, my mind is on God's Will, and listening for the Holy Spirit and standing firm on the Word. I know the 25th December is a pagan dated holiday, I Praise God that He knows whats on my heart.
    Praise the Lord.


    Careful debra. You are walking into the line of fire!!


    Hi Debra. If you notice, the very next post, after Nick said that was me disagreeing with his wrong statment. Man, he's wrong a lot.


    Hi david,
    I make mistakes and learn from them.
    You do not seem ever to have your own opinions.
    You also do not seem to accept you could be wrong because your doctrines are the official JW ones and if they teach something they are infallible.
    I thought that was the catholic line?


    I don't concider what I do as celebrating Christmas.

    Then why do you do these things on that date?

    It's certainly without question, not the date that Jesus was born. Not even close.
    It is, without question, the birthday of the invinsible sun (god) the dies natalis solis invicti. It's the day of an ancient pagan festival, that included the exchange of gifts, etc.

    What if I decided that on Easter, I was going to dress up as a bunny rabbit and hop around. And suppose I only do it on that day. And I eat lots of chocolate, on that day. Nothing wrong with chocolate. But I'm not celebrating easter. Yet, why would I do it on that day every year? To a lot of people, it would definitely look like I was celebrating easter, in that I'm celebrating something on the day everyone else celebrates easer and by doing things associated with easter and easter celebrations.


    I make mistakes and learn from them.

    Yes Nick, and I'm only asking you to do that again.


    Quote (david @ Feb. 10 2007,08:32)

    I don't concider what I do as celebrating Christmas.

    Then why do you do these things on that date?

    It's certainly without question, not the date that Jesus was born.  Not even close.
    It is, without question, the birthday of the invinsible sun (god) the dies natalis solis invicti.  It's the day of an ancient pagan festival, that included the exchange of gifts, etc.  

    What if I decided that on Easter, I was going to dress up as a bunny rabbit and hop around.  And suppose I only do it on that day.  And I eat lots of chocolate, on that day.  Nothing wrong with chocolate.  But I'm not celebrating easter.  Yet, why would I do it on that day every year?  To a lot of people, it would definitely look like I was celebrating easter, in that I'm celebrating something on the day everyone else celebrates easer and by doing things associated with easter and easter celebrations.

    Hi david,
    Are there some days we should not do certain things like enjoy time with the family.
    If so can you please specify these days as I tend to think one day is just like another and any chance to show love and hospitality is good enough for me.
    Perhaps I need to become more rigid and legalistic?


    You do not seem ever to have your own opinions.
    You also do not seem to accept you could be wrong because your doctrines are the official JW ones and if they teach something they are infallible.

    Nick, I'm getting tired of saying that you're wrong. (could we just have a word for that: “NYARA”) That would save some time.

    Nick, check any encyclopedia. There are a ton of people who aren't JW's who recognize the paganism and lies associated with this false birthday of Jesus. When I was younger I did a lot of research on this. In the past 2 hours, I don't think I've consulted with anything. What I say is the truth. It doesn't matter where it comes from.


    Are there some days we should not do certain things like enjoy time with the family.

    I didn't say that nIck.

    If so can you please specify these days as I tend to think one day is just like another

    Nick, can you please read your words over a few times.

    Yet, you hold this pagan day, an ancient day of false worship that has somehow survived down to our day, with a name change, you somehow hold this day, as special.

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