Is jesus equal to the father!

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  • #235604

    Hi All

    This thread is to post scriptures proving the “Equality” of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Also it can be used to post the Jesus is God and the Holy Spirit is God scriptures


    Here is one of my favorites.

    John says…

    Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, “but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God“. John 5:35

    Thanks Keith


    Jhn 5:35 He was a burning and a shining light: and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light.

    Ed J

    Hi WJ,

    This thread should be in      ” Truth or Tradition? ”     .

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)



    5 For even if so be that there are those being termed gods, whether in heaven or on earth, even as there are many gods and many lords,
    6 nevertheless for us there is one God, the Father, out of Whom all is, and we for Him, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through Whom all is, and we through Him.


    3 Now I want you to be aware that the Head of every man is Christ, yet the head of the woman is the man, yet the Head of Christ is God.


    3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who blesses us with every spiritual blessing among the celestials, in Christ,


    17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may be giving you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the realization of Him,


    3 Now it is eonian life that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Him Whom Thou dost commission, Jesus Christ.

    Just a few, there are many more.



    John 10:34Jesus answered them, “Has it not been written in your Law, 'I SAID, YOU ARE GODS'?
    John 17 16″They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
    17″Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth.
    18″As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.
    19″For their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they themselves also may be sanctified in truth.
    20″I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word;
    21that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me.
    22″The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one;


    John 14:28
” You heard that I said to you, 'I go away, and I will come to you ' If you loved Me, you would have rejoiced because I go to the Father, for the Father is greater than I.
    John 10:29My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand.
    John 13:16
”Truly, truly, I say to you, a slave is not greater than his master, nor is one who is sent greater than the one who sent him.


    Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, “but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God”. John 5:35

    God is my Father.

    There, according to the misguided Jews who were enemies of God, I am apparently making myself equal to God as well. But who are we to believe, the ones who wanted Jesus killed?

    Or, Jesus?

    “The Father is greater than I am.”–The Bible.

    I realize this isn't supposed to be a debate. But if i post the 300 scriptures I want to, no one will read them anyway.


    David said:

    “The Father is greater than I am.”–The Bible.

    Jesus said this BEFORE He was exalted. Tell the WHOLE truth please.




    Quote (david @ Mar. 03 2011,00:50)

    Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, “but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God”. John 5:35

    God is my Father.  

    There, according to the misguided Jews who were enemies of God, I am apparently making myself equal to God as well.  But who are we to believe, the ones who wanted Jesus killed?

    Or, Jesus?

    “The Father is greater than I am.”–The Bible.

    I realize this isn't supposed to be a debate.  But if i post the 300 scriptures I want to, no one will read them anyway.


    Did you even read the topic of this thread?



    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Mar. 08 2011,01:35)
    David said:

    “The Father is greater than I am.”–The Bible.

    Jesus said this BEFORE He was exalted. Tell the WHOLE truth please.



    Kangaroo jack, same question as WJ just asked me: Did you even read the description of this thread? (He asked for a scripture of equality. Your post, like mine, seems rather debate like, but yours has no scripture.)

    Also, I don't understand your point. So Jesus was “equal” with the Father after he was exalted, but not equal with him while on earth?

    Ed J

    Jack and WJ,

    Why did Jesus say…   “believe in God, believe also in me.” (John 14:1)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J


    I Posted the last Post in the wrong thread.

    God bless  
    Ed J


    Quote (Ed J @ Mar. 08 2011,02:42)

    I Posted the last Post in the wrong thread.

    God bless  
    Ed J

    So delete it.



    Quote (david @ Mar. 08 2011,17:44)

    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Mar. 08 2011,01:35)
    David said:

    “The Father is greater than I am.”–The Bible.

    Jesus said this BEFORE He was exalted. Tell the WHOLE truth please.



    Kangaroo jack, same question as WJ just asked me:  Did you even read the description of this thread?  (He asked for a scripture of equality.  Your post, like mine, seems rather debate like, but yours has no scripture.)

    Also, I don't understand your point.  So Jesus was “equal” with the Father after he was exalted, but not equal with him while on earth?


    Yes I read the description of this thread and WJ is out of touch if he thinks that we can avoid debate.



    Quote (Ed J @ Mar. 08 2011,18:40)
    Jack and WJ,

    Why did Jesus say…   “believe in God, believe also in me.” (John 14:1)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Because He is the object of our faith just as much as God if the object of our faith. The question to you is this: If Jesus was not God, then how could He call on us to believe in Him which itself is an act of worship?

    Thank you for sharing a verse which implies Christ's equality with God Ed. You're coming along. :)



    David said:

    Also, I don't understand your point.  So Jesus was “equal” with the Father after he was exalted, but not equal with him while on earth?


    Don't give me that dude! You know very well that Trinitarians teach that Christ existed in the form of God and then took upon Himself the form of a servant and then was exalted to His former position of equality with god again. “Glorify me with the glory I had with You before the world began.” So when you say “I don't understand” you really mean “I don't accept….”

    Paul said that Christ became under the law which means that he took the legal status of a servant though He was the Heir (Gal. 4). He became obedient unto death and then was exalted to the right hand which in Hebrew thought was the position of equality.

    Just a few minutes ago on another thread I said that I have always respected you. Then I find that you play like you don't understand.



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Mar. 09 2011,03:59)

    Quote (Ed J @ Mar. 08 2011,02:42)

    I Posted the last Post in the wrong thread.

    God bless  
    Ed J

    So delete it.


    Posters cannot delete their posts. Only t8 can do that.


    Ed J

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Mar. 09 2011,03:59)

    Quote (Ed J @ Mar. 08 2011,02:42)

    I Posted the last Post in the wrong thread.

    God bless  
    Ed J

    So delete it.



    Ed J

    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Mar. 09 2011,04:07)

    Quote (Ed J @ Mar. 08 2011,18:40)
    Jack and WJ,

    Why did Jesus say…   “believe in God, believe also in me.” (John 14:1)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Because He is the object of our faith just as much as God if the object of our faith. The question to you is this: If Jesus was not God, then how could He call on us to believe in Him which itself is an act of worship?

    Thank you for sharing a verse which implies Christ's equality with God Ed. You're coming along. :)


    Hi Jack,

    Thank you for “believing” I'm coming along,
    but I have believed the same way for 30 years now.
    It has always been you believing our views are so different!
    A son shares the attributes of both parents! Son of God/Son of Man!

                            Jesus lineage explained

    “Son of Man”: 25%; Mary's mother's lineage was of the tribe of Levi. (Luke 1:5, 1:36)
    “Son of Man”: 25%: Mary's father's lineage was (Judah) through Nathan(son of David). (Luke 3:23-31)
    “Son of God”: 50%: Jesus' Father was the “HolySpirit”; NOT Joseph! (Mathew 1:18 / Mathew 1:20 / Luke 1:35)

    Birth: Jesus was 50% HolySpirit(God)(Matt.1:18 / Matt.1:20 / Luke 1:35), 25% Levite(Priest) and 25% Judah(King)!
    Baptism by John the baptizer, Jesus was filled with the HolySpirit(God) beyond measure! (John 3:34 / John 1:14)

    Here is why Jesus is called both the “Son of Man” and the “Son of God”…

                       Mother         Father
                        Mary         HolySpirit
                         50%           50%
                             \              /
                               \          /
                                /        \
                              /            \        
                            /                \
                  Son of Man     Son of God
                 (Mark 6:3)        (Luke 1:35)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Ed J. wrote:

            Jesus lineage explained

    “Son of Man”: 25%; Mary's mother's lineage was of the tribe of Levi. (Luke 1:5, 1:36)
    “Son of Man”: 25%: Mary's father's lineage was (Judah) through Nathan(son of David). (Luke 3:23-31)
    “Son of God”: 50%: Jesus' Father was the “HolySpirit”; NOT Joseph! (Mathew 1:18 / Mathew 1:20 / Luke 1:35)

    Birth: Jesus was 50% HolySpirit(God)(Matt.1:18 / Matt.1:20 / Luke 1:35), 25% Levite(Priest) and 25% Judah(King)!
    Baptism by John the baptizer, Jesus was filled with the HolySpirit(God) beyond measure! (John 3:34 / John 1:14)

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