Is Death Just Sleep

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  • #20150

    Dear Nick,

    It is hard to think that anyone could be without compassion. Yet, there are many out there who would probably do the same as the richman.


    Hi H,
    The spare seats in the wedding feast of the Lamb are filled from those in the highways and byways. God loves the poor and some will unexpectedly find themselves at the table of the Lord just because they are poor, and because God grants greater faith to those who lack physical resources..


    Remember, when you close your eyes at night, to ask the Lord for forgiveness. For there is a place of punishment where the soul is in torment for those who die unsaved. And the thing that will torment one the most will be all the missed opportunities that were missed on earth to be born again, but were ignored.


    Hi H,
    Which is the great thing about the gift of salvation.
    Attempting to save ourselves causes us to lose life, not find it.
    Salvation is not earned and not recalled.
    We need to wash off the grit of the world from our feet daily and help wash the feet of others.
    We still sin but we do not lose salvation through that sin anymore.
    Our future is secure in the forgiveness of God in the Son.
    We are sealed for salvation with the Spirit.
    Our names are already written in heaven.


    Nick, Repent. For your God is not my God. My God is the God of the bible.


    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ June 26 2006,09:00)
    Nick, Repent. For your God is not my God. My God is the God of the bible.

    Hi! HeIsComing …

    While Jesus is preparing His church in lieu of His appearing with clouds, it does seem that you yourself have become quite preoccupied in declaring yourself as an accusatory trumpet prior this event.

    Not meaning to be harsh or rude with you, but I think it would be far more beneficial if you could perhaps exchange your frequent accusatory refrain of 'repent' with a more humble and gracious invitation. Might I suggest, (for example), that you instead use words meaning to ask, “Understandest thou what thou readest?”.

    Speaking for myself, I would be far more encouraged to read your Posts/comments here if they were offerered in a manner more in keeping with humility and gentleness.


    Dear Dunno,
    I understand and know that we must do all things with the love of Christ. Yet, there are those who are out to steal the souls. There are teachings that are contrary to the faith and are not of the Gospel of Christ. It does not mean I do not love them. For it is the will of the Father that not one soul perish. Jesus came and died for us all.

    The problem with many is they have been believing lies for so long they cannot let go. It is like back in the days of slavery. Many of the slaves when they were told they were free to leave would not go. They stayed on the plantations, refusing to leave. The save is with those who refuse to let go of lies they have been told all of their lives.


    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ June 26 2006,10:57)
    Dear Dunno,
    I understand and know that we must do all things with the love of Christ. Yet, there are those who are out to steal the souls. There are teachings that are contrary to the faith and are not of the Gospel of Christ.

    Hi! HeIsComing…

    I very much appreciate that you so kindly replied to my comments.

    There was a time when I too had similar thoughts and consequently behaved similar. Frankly, I think all of God's children go through that particular phase during their spiritual development.

    But there came a day when I realized that we Christians are to be LIGHTS … not flashlights! … shining in this darkening world.

    The difference is that, as lights, we are enabled to testify of our having gloriously triumphed over darkness … while, as mere flashlights, we only have the accusatory futility of exposing the darkness.

    When we speak of our Gospel, we are to be lamps and not candles! Lamps which are fueled by the Spirit of Truth which dresses our hidden inner-man. Candles, on the other hand, are fueled by their own self-destruction.
    Neither are we called to be as those lights which shout and make noise on the street corners and are, for example, similar to lights which are planted over Niagra Falls. These falsely draw listeners as a moth to an open flame. (Similar to the violence of the Inquisition when they shouted from the rooftops, “Compel them to come in!”).

    Do you see the difference?

    The wonderful truth of our Gospel will always strive to DISPEL the darkness … and, not simply the futility of exposing it. As such, our Gospel must always be spoken of as an invitation rather than an accusation.



    That is fine, but it does not excuse the fact and allure of false doctrines. If you know someone is consuming poison daily, the poison being false doctrine and you do nothing to stop it, if person dies, his blood is on your hands.


    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ June 26 2006,16:42)
    That is fine, but it does not excuse the fact and allure of false doctrines. If you know someone is consuming poison daily, the poison being false doctrine and you do nothing to stop it, if person dies, his blood is on your hands.

    Hi! HeIsComing…

    Ummm, I don't think it is a matter of, (as you say), “doing nothing”. Rather is is the manner with which one does things that speaks quite loudly. I am reminded of the scripture where it says, “Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of”.

    I guess what I am simply trying to bring to your attention is that, while I greatly admire your efforts of “speaking the truth” … it does seem that you sometimes err in ignoring the conditional portion of the verse where it is added, “in love”.

    I mentioned to you earlier that I too once boasted of a similar mind and attitude as yours. But I learned that our Gospel does not require the violence of self-serving accusations as a testimony to its reality.
    Quite the contrary! It is precisely the cultural church and its false teachings which demands such vanity.
    It is always delusion which boasts of being provocative. Delusion always demands the force of radicalism or the banner of fanaticism to justify itself. After all, it is only by violence that delusion continues to mimic the appearance of reality.

    Truth, on the other hand, confidently stands on its own merit and is calmly observed as reality amid the all suffocating noise and the haste.

    Speaking of former times: if I had thought that I was opposing evil, I was in fact unwittingly creating new evils and being made more evil myself. No matter the pious platitudes and self-serving excuses which saturated my intentions, I came to realize that I had no permission to humiliate and destroy. I learned that my accusatory provocations oftentimes justified the most blood-thirsty excuse for my continuing to be a 'heavenly prosecutor'. It so easily camouflaged my intolerance. It so readily concealed my lack of mercy.

    But again, I want to clearly say that I certainly admire your efforts to discuss our Gospel in this Forum. Maybe you can jus' sortta' tone down your accusatory rhetoric a bit.


    Dear Dunno,

    I can do what I what or I can do what the Lord whats. Everytime I do what I want, I end up falling on my face. The Lord has revealed to me that apostasy has engulfed most of the so called christian world. The proof is not hearing his voice. Jesus said, my flock will hear my voice. Yet, most of the christian community ignore or deny the things that are of God boasting they are basking in the Holy Spirit and they deny the Word of God. They claim to walk in the spirit, yet, they have carnal minds. Most do not know what it is to walk in the spirit. They believe they do, but they are decieved.

    Galatians 5:9 A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.

    6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

    I will not compromise the faith. It is the way of the world to compromise, not the way of God. Do you think that it is right for the enemies of the faith, seeking to steal the souls of men, to spread their poison unchallenged? Should darkness be permitted to exist amongst the light? Is not the world in enough confusion as it is? Where do you think all the confusion has originated from? If you cannot recognize the work of the enemy, then chances are you are confused and decieved as well.

    I am not saying this to be mean. I am saying this in the utmost of Godly truth. For if the work of the enemy can go unnoticed, and it does by most of the world unto their ultimate destruction, then the urgency to get this truth out is all so dire. It is not the will of God that any should perish, but all be saved. Yet, so many think they are going to be raptured at the coming of our Lord for the church. And that is not going to be so. The event will go almost unnoticed. There will be some rumors, but because so many were left behind, no one will believe the rapture occured.


    Hi H,
    To take a step of faith is not to compromise but to allow growth.
    Only we can sit down in our manmade buildings grasping our few treasures but growing mouldy and fossilised by the fear of the unknown.
    Walk on while the light is with you and you will find friendly companionship in Christ.


    To compromise to word of God is to water down the gospel.

    Revelation 3:16 So because thou art lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spew thee out of my mouth.


    Hi H,
    Being Hot for God is not being Hot for the KJV
    God is bigger than the KJV


    1 Peter 1:25 But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.


    Hi H,
    But the KJV doth not abideth so well having had a few verses swapped back and forth over the years such as 1Jn 5.7.
    Fortunately we know the Spirit of Truth that wrote it through men so their errors can be overlooked.


    Yet, the verses that were suppossably swapped are rumors. Any proof is as corrupt as those who claim the validity of the corrupted translations.


    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ June 27 2006,22:02)
    Yet, the verses that were suppossably swapped are rumors. Any proof is as corrupt as those who claim the validity of the corrupted translations.

    What was God's Word before 1611?


    Quote (heiscomingintheclouds @ June 28 2006,03:02)
    Yet, the verses that were suppossably swapped are rumors. Any proof is as corrupt as those who claim the validity of the corrupted translations.

    Hi H,
    What of the versions that did not contain the verse?
    Are they corrupt or not?
    Have corrupt versions of the KVJ been produced?
    Whom should we believe?


    Yes, Nick, there have been corrupted versions of the kJ. The NKJ is corrupt. Nick, I know you have had to see the comparisons of the things that were omitted and changed by the other translations. Why do you defend them so. For instance, is not fasting important to the faith? Yet, it is not included in the NIV. This is damaging to the faith.

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