Is Christmas Biblical

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  • #53791

    Hi not3,
    Perhaps we need to walk away from the world?
    Satan is the god of this world.


    True. But tell that to an 8 and 9 year old……… Not an easy thing to do. I've taught my kids to stand up for what they believe. But even you said that you celebrate with your family…


    Hi not3,
    I did not say run.
    All things work together for good, and children can be shown truth gently.
    Surely it is more about attitude and being apart and placing less importance on worldly things?




    those who celebrate christmas often tell me, give us a verse that forbids us to celebrate christmas. i can't give any. :)

    then they ask me, will we go to hell if we celebrate christmas?

    if you encounter such, how will you respond?


    Hi jh,
    In Jesus we can celebrate any day we like.
    But this foolish birthday nonsense makes a mockery of why he came.
    And those who celebrate it most perhaps should be rather fearful for themselves and for their children.
    It is a fruit of the whore.


    tnx nick. but they keep on insisting if i can't give any verse in the bible, then there's nothing wrong in celebrating it.


    those who celebrate christmas often tell me, give us a verse that forbids us to celebrate christmas. i can't give any.

    Obviously, you won't find a verse that say: “Don't celebrate Christmas.”

    Nor will you find a verse that says: “Don't smoke cigarettes.”

    But we can use BIBLE PRINCIPLES to work things out. Jesus often taught in principles, not laws.

    You'll sow what you reap, for example. Not a specific law, but a principle. I'll find some scriptures.


    2 CORINTHIANS 6:14-17
    “Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what sharing does light have with darkness? Further, what harmony is there between Christ and Béli·al? Or what portion does a faithful person have with an unbeliever? And what agreement does God’s temple have with idols? For we are a temple of a living God; just as God said: “I shall reside among them and walk among [them], and I shall be their God, and they will be my people.” “‘Therefore get out from among them, and separate yourselves,’ says Jehovah, ‘and quit touching the unclean thing’”; “‘and I will take YOU in.’””

    What harmony is there between true Christianity and lies or paganism?  None.

    What sharing does true worship have with lies?  None.

    I guess it helps if you know the history of Christmas, what it is, where all the customs came from, the date itself.  But if you understand the many lies and paganism's borrowed that make up this holiday, you'll understand how the above verse applies.

    The TRUTH is CHRISTMAS started with false gods.  It is still celebrated by neo pagans today.  The customs and the date are the same.  It is only the lie that it is Christ's birth that has been added!

    So, here's a scripture:
    “Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven, for the heathen are dismayed by them. For the customs of the people are vain” (Jer. 10:2, 3)

    While some may love…Christmas, for example, the real question is:

    Does Jesus?

    The facts are:
    –It is the birthday of the sun god, not his birthday.
    –How does Jesus and his father view false gods?
    –He commanded us to memorialize his death and nothing else.
    –The earliest Christians refused to celebrate his birthday or any one else's.  Why?
    –Greed and commercialism have taken over this holiday.
    –It's not primarily about Jesus–most people who celebrate Christmas do not even believe in Jesus.

    Any encyclopedia will tell you the origins of Christmas and it's many customs are pagan.
    The tree, the lights, the exchange of gifts, the holly, mistletoe, the day itself, etc.
    Does giving paganism a Christian name change what it truly is?


    Two thousand years before Christ, there was an ancient celebration that became unlike any other. It was a sun feast, motivated by the fear of man. The Roman Saturnalia, a festival dedicated to Saturn, the god of agriculture, and to the renewed power of the sun lasted seven days. It build up to the day of the sun, the rebirth of the sun, or the birthday of the unconquered or invincible sun on this day. A few hundred years ago, this celebration was outlawed by England’s Parliament because of its pagan background. Satan worshipers and witches still revere this day on which they celebrate the birth of the solar child. You might be surprised to know that this celebration still exists and has taken on a new name.

    It’s now called Christmas.


    These are the questions:

    Can we worship and honour God by involving ourselves with customs and traditions, which God himself forbade as idolatry?
    Can we convince God to somehow “Christianize” these customs and the whole pretense and lie of Christmas, so we can enjoy ourselves?
    Can we obey through disobedience?


    tnx david. i really appreciate that. at least now i know what to tell them.

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