Important recall notice!!

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  • #18589

    Important Recall Notice!

    The Maker YHWH of all human beings is recalling all units manufactured See ( 2 Kepha(2 Peter)3:9),regardless of make or year, due to the serious defect in the primary and central component of the heart or mind.

    This is due to a malfunction in the original prototype units code named Adam and Eve, resulting in the reproduction of
    the same defect in all subsequent units See ( Rom.5:12-15 ).

    This defect has been technically termed, Sub-sequential Internal Non-morality or immorality, or more commonly know as SIN- ie-Lawlessness to the Torah or law(See- 1 Yn.John 3:4) as it is primarily expressed in the instruction manual called the Scriptures.

    Some of the symptoms of these defects are:

    (a) Loss of direction.

    (b) Lack of peace and joy.

    Â Depression or confusion in the mental component.

    (d) Foul vocal emissions.

    (e) Selfish, violent behavior.

    (f) Amnesia of origin.

    (g) Fearfulness.


    (I)Rebellion and Discontent.

    The Manufacturer, Who is neither liable nor at fault for this defect, has provided factory authorized repair and service free of charge to correct this SIN or Lawless defect.( See Rom.5:1-10).

    The Repair Technician, Yahushua Messiah, has most generously offered His ownself in the entire burden of the staggering cost and expense of these repairs upon acceptance.

    There is no additional fee required afterward, execpt to do the Father's will which is His obedience to His Torah CommandsSee ( Matt.7:21) for all mankind See ( Ecc.12:13).

    The Name of YHWH= YAH and Yahushua Messiah and number to call on See See Exodus 15:2; Psalms 68:4; Joel 2:32; Acts 2:2-38; Acts 4:7-12; Rom.10:9-14) for repair in all areas is: P-R-A-Y-E-R in REPENTANCE of SIN ie-or Lawlessness .See ( 1 John 3:4 )

    Once connected to YHWH and Yahushua Messiah please upload your burden of SIN( ie- Transgression of Torah or law( See 1Yn. 1 John 3:4) through the REPENTANCE procedure, See ( Acts 2:38).

    Next, download the ATONEMENT component, ( See Rom.5:1-11) from the Repair Technician, Yahushua Messiah, into the heart or mind component.

    No matter how big or small the SIN- ie-Lawlessness to YHWH'S Torah or law–(See 1 John 3:4). defect is, Yahushua Messiah will replace it with:

    (a) Love

    (b) Joy

    Â Peace

    (d) Kindness

    (e) Meekness

    (f) Faithfulness

    (g) Gentleness

    (h) Patience

    (I) Self-control

    (j) Obedience

    Upon Repentance of SIN-ie lawlessness to His Commands.

    Which are called the Fruits of the Spirit in His instruction manual the Scriptures See (Gal.5:22-26).

    Please see and read the correct transliteration from Hebew to English operating and instruction manual called THE SCRIPTURES VERSION for further details on the use of these fixes, which can be purchased for about $ 20 dollars from….. at the bottom of the page, or you can purchase or download it FREE to your computer at…..

    As an added upgrade, the Manufacturer YHWH=YAH has made it available to all repaired human units a facility enabling direct monitoring and assistance from the resident Maintenance Technician Yahushua Messiah, EVEN THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH THROUGH YAHUSHUA MESSIAH IN YOU, See( Yn. John 14:14-18; Yn. John 15:26; Rom.8:1-11).

    Repaired human units need only make the Father and Son welcome and they will take up residence in the premises in the primary and central component of the heart or mind. See ( Yn. John 14:23).

    WARNING: Continuing to operate the human being unit without corrections voids the Manufacturer's YHWH'S warranty, exposing the unit to dangers and problems too numerous to list and will result in the human being unit permanently expunged from the Kingdom of YHWH. See Gal.5:19-21).

    For free emergency service, call on the Name od YHWH and Yahushua Messiah to SAVE you from these SIN -ie-Lawlessness 1 John 3:4 defects in the human unit. See ( Joel 2:32; John 17:3; Acts 2:21; Acts 4:10-12; Rom.10:9-14 ).

    DANGER: The human being units not responding to this recall action notice will have to be scrapped in the furnace of fire eventually. See Mal.4:3; Rev.20:14).

    The SIN or Lawless defect See 1 John 3:4 will not be permitted to enter the Kingdom of YHWH as to prevent contamination of His facility. .( See Matt.5:20; Matt.13:37-43).

    Thank you for your attention. Please assist where possible by notifying others of this important recall notice, See
    ( Matt.28:18-20).

    Rejoice in YHWH=YAH and Yahushua Messiah always and again I say rejoice. The blessings of YHWH are without regret, just call out to them and receive. Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, make your request in His will known to the Father YHWH through Yahushua Messiah's Name. See ( Yn. John 14: 12-15; Phil.4:6).

    And the peace of YHWH, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds and His rest that will abide with you through Yahushua our Messiah. See ( Phil.4:7).

    May you realize these SIN or lawlessness( 1 John 3:4) defects and REPENT to allow Yahushua Messiah to repair and be with you before satan knows that you have died and arose with Him See ( Rom.6:1-13), and do His Commandments to inherit Eternal life See ( Matt.19:17-19; Mark 10:18-19; Luke 18:18-19; John 17:3 ), which is to fear the Father YHWH=YAH and do His will See ( Matt.7:21 ), as also which is the whole duty of all mankind. See ( Ecc.12:13 ).

    May YHWH help you to realize these sin or lawlessness defects and repent.

    Shalom ( Peace)

    Eliyah C.


    Go, Eliyah! Very creative.


    Yes that was pretty good.

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