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    Quote (theodorej @ Aug. 06 2008,08:04)

    Quote (kejonn @ Aug. 06 2008,06:25)
    TJ, what do you think of Vlad the Impaler?

    Greeting KJ…..Vlad !! Now here is an example of how one man can make a difference…During his day he introduced a style of governing that assured his reighn….As we know he had a flare for brutality that ultimitely consumed him…This was truly an evil man…..

    Did you realize that many consider Vlad to have been a Christian hero?


    Quote (t8 @ Aug. 06 2008,04:41)

    Quote (theodorej @ Aug. 06 2008,00:00)
    Greetings Stu…..” Religion and God are the elixir of the masses” the words of a true communist,athiest and bolshivik….Mr Lenin and his rhetoric did great things for Russia as the world can planely see,his complete denial of the existance of God and his reliance on his own understanding created a miserable existence for millions….In light of you rehetoric that espouses how much better we would be without God,…could you imagine how much better we would have been without Lenin…

    Not to mention Adolph Hitler the Evolutionist.

    He even tried to make the Aryan race the dominant race by exercising his so-called rights for survival of the fittest thinking.

    Didn't end up succeeding in eliminating all the other races of course, but evolutional thinking did give him a license for his campaign of madness.

    Who was it that said the first person to mention Hitler loses? Anyway…

    How was Hitler and the Nazi regime any different from the various atrocities carried out in the name of Yahweh of the OT? The list of “evils” of those slaughtered by the Israelites was very vague. But of course, they must have been evil if Yahweh wanted them dead, including all of those evil babies and animals.

    The first step in dehumanizing the foe is to tell those who support you that the enemy is evil somehow. We do it in the USA by speaking of the evils of the Arabic people, and they in turn call us the “Great Satan”. If our foes are seen as sub-human, it becomes much more palatable to kill them.

    Although archaeology does not support the mass slaughters of the OT, I find it very sad we never get a glimpse into the mindset of the ones one the sharp end of the sword. Instead we are forced to accept the viewpoint of the conquerers and assume that whatever crimes the dead did or did not do, Yahweh was right and those people deserved to die.

    So remember that when you read about a Muslim slaughtering an infidel. To them, you as a Christian are evil until you convert or die.


    Quote (theodorej @ Aug. 07 2008,01:10)

    Quote (Stu @ Aug. 06 2008,20:37)

    Quote (theodorej @ Aug. 06 2008,00:00)
    Greetings Stu…..” Religion and God are the elixir of the masses” the words of a true communist,athiest and bolshivik….Mr Lenin and his rhetoric did great things for Russia as the world can planely see,his complete denial of the existance of God and his reliance on his own understanding created a miserable existence for millions….In light of you rehetoric that espouses how much better we would be without God,…could you imagine how much better we would have been without Lenin…

    Marx wrote religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.

    Do you have a reference for your quote of Lenin?

    Communist regimes oppose religion because they seek to replace the distracting religious ideology with a communist ideology.  How would you replace religion with atheism?  Atheism actually is not anything of its own at all.  It would be like removing a public sculpture and instead of lamenting its departure actively loathing the air present where the sculpture used to be.  

    I see relinquishing religious faith more like having a tumour removed.  There is no great motivation to have the mass replaced with a more benign substitute.  Atumourism is believing that you are better off without the tumour.  Such is the nature of atheism too.

    Would you honestly try to claim that the horrors of the Soviet system were done in the name of atheism? How would that work?


    Greetings Stu….I had no Idea that verbatum is one of the demanding requisites for our discourse….I think you did an excellent job of quoting the true author of my paraphase regarding the elixir/opium of the people….None the less I can see you grasped the spirit of my post…

    Well if we can change the word 'opium' to 'elixir' (they are quite differently defined in my dictionary!), and we can attribute it to Lenin instead of Marx, why don't we change the word to anaesthetic and attribute it to me?



    Quote (theodorej @ Aug. 07 2008,01:18)
    Stu…..Among the many communist regimes that litter this world…..would you be able to show a truly prosperous and happy citizentry….They know of no God or higher authority other than the ruling government….They are a citizentry of no hope and devoid of any liberty….only a dependance on government…Great System….

    All systems based on an ideology that requires even one death for its structure to be maintained I find abhorrent. Like christianity, for example.



    You men are deceived.

    You follow a collective group of men on this world past and present that call themselves “Scientist”

    You obviously still have no idea what faith is, or at least you have no desire to obtain it one of the two.

    I do however find it very odd that you put your “Trust” in what you think to be true in other Humans that are just as clueless as you.

    They have no way of proving anything themselves of their “theories”. Thats why they call it a “Theory” Because they can't prove without a shadow of a doubt that what they say is indeed so. Its a big guess…a composed set of ideas.

    Carbon dating is very false…its not very trustworthy. And, besides…we are talking about people that can't tell you weather the earth is flat or round. Weather Pluto is a planet, a moon, or a asteroid. They can't tell you for “Sure” if its going to rain or not…”It's an 80% chance”.

    Guessing…is all they do. Its all a bunch of mumbo jumbo guessing.

    They can't tell the Flat out truth about nothing. Why?

    Because they simply do not know themselves.

    You sir have your faith in a pompous bunch of fools that can't use their brain for nothing but making themselves look good and gaining respect among other men.

    Which is exactly what you are trying to do on this forum board.

    With your sleathery, clandestine ways, and your gleaming personality of so called intelligence…

    Men, your in the wrong place to gain respect of men. Why?

    Because, everyone here reads the Bible…in case you have not figured that out already.

    And, the Bible says that the Wisdom of men is foolish, That GOD used the things that this world considers foolish to make known his truth.

    No one here is ever going to be impressed with you.
    You should go find a science forum to chat on where you will get the respect that you wish to have.

    I'm not trying to be mean, but you have ridiculed every believer here long enough with things that none of them are concerned with.

    I would that I could help you, or even have a descent conversation with you. But you never allow for that to happen with anyone on here that addresses you.

    You always “Quote” each of their sentences and then follow them up with some “Thrifty” statement thats always powder coated with your “Privy” and “Gleaming” spark of what you call wisdom.

    You can not expect to get respect of people when you undermine their views and ideas all the time.

    You have invested far too much time in the things of this world.
    May GOD have mercy on both our souls…
    Me for letting you upset me.
    And, You for not seeing the truth.


    Hi Sam! I like to encourage you to go and post in the believers section, Stu is not allowed there. I too in the beginning got angry, but that is what Satan wants. So I realized that I need to run away from the things that could upset me. When I see Stu's post, I do not even read it. Dust of your Shoes and walk away. In Brotherly Love Irene.


    Quote (Stu @ Aug. 06 2008,21:51)
    Wrong.  Hitler did artificial selection, not natural selection.  Kimba08's concept of god fits Hitler for methods pretty well.

    Actually he tried to kill others and take over their ecosystems. You only call it artificial because he was a man, but man is a natural creature and just because man employs technology doesn't make it less real than any other type of replacement of one species or type over another.

    I suppose the killing off of lesser apes by cro-magnons was artificial? But wait their hand tools aren't technological enough, so that makes it real right? Hmmm.

    Labeling it artificial seems like another example of labeling something as different to get away from the obvious truth that the theory of evolution has some serious issues when survival of the fittest is practiced as suggested by that theory.


    Quote (Irene @ Aug. 07 2008,12:52)
    Hi Sam!  I like to encourage you to go and post in the believers section, Stu is not allowed there. I too in the beginning got angry, but that is what Satan wants. So I realized that I need to run away from the things that could upset me. When I see Stu's post, I do not even read it. Dust of your Shoes and walk away. In Brotherly Love Irene.

    Sometimes I skim his posts and read a section to give him something to think about. But I am not sure why he would make anyone angry. His theory regarding the Santa Claus Singularity which keeps coming up with all this tech and providence whilst having an IQ less than that of a blowfly is quite entertaining. Sometimes a rebuff provides a bit of light humour and that is good because it shows up his teachings for what they are and he does represent quite a few people who think they are intelligent but cannot see what they are proposing is really preposterous. I actually work with some people who are very similar in belief to him and I myself believed as he did once. But I agree that he is probably more of an irritant for some who just want to discuss things spiritual whilst not having carnal mindedness getting in the way. For me however, he provides a bit of light relief in the form of humour.


    Sweet AS..between the lines I read, someone is missing Stuart, while hes not here.



    Quote (t8 @ Aug. 07 2008,14:01)

    Quote (Irene @ Aug. 07 2008,12:52)
    Hi Sam!  I like to encourage you to go and post in the believers section, Stu is not allowed there. I too in the beginning got angry, but that is what Satan wants. So I realized that I need to run away from the things that could upset me. When I see Stu's post, I do not even read it. Dust of your Shoes and walk away. In Brotherly Love Irene.

    Sometimes I skim his posts and read a section to give him something to think about. But I am not sure why he would make anyone angry. His theory regarding the Santa Claus Singularity which keeps coming up with all this tech and providence whilst having an IQ less than that of a blowfly is quite entertaining. Sometimes a rebuff provides a bit of light humour and that is good because it shows up his teachings for what they are and he does represent quite a few people who think they are intelligent but cannot see what they are proposing is really preposterous. I actually work with some people who are very similar in belief to him and I myself believed as he did once. But I agree that he is probably more of an irritant for some who just want to discuss things spiritual whilst not having carnal mindedness getting in the way. For me however, he provides a bit of light relief in the form of humour.

    Which, given your total inability to justify your truth assertions, is all we might expect. A bit of a giggle. You don't actually understand 'my teachings' and never did. Meantime elsewhere you tell people in all seriousness how they should behave based on mythology. That is risible too.



    Hi t8

    Stu: Hitler did artificial selection, not natural selection.

    Actually he tried to kill others and take over their ecosystems. You only call it artificial because he was a man, but man is a natural creature and just because man employs technology doesn't make it less real than any other type of replacement of one species or type over another.

    Your moustachioed christian German friend was thinking of the future, as happens with artificial selection. Natural selection works to no plan or purpose at all. Although other species can plan for the future, the artificial selection intent is indeed human purpose specifically. I am glad to see you classify humans as animals. To what phylum do you think we belong?

    I suppose the killing off of lesser apes by cro-magnons was artificial? But wait their hand tools aren't technological enough, so that makes it real right? Hmmm.

    Cro-magnons were modern humans so yes, their effect on the genomes of other species was artificial selection. What are ‘lesser apes’?

    Labeling it artificial seems like another example of labeling something as different to get away from the obvious truth that the theory of evolution has some serious issues when survival of the fittest is practiced as suggested by that theory.

    Maybe it seems that way to you. If you want to make Darwinian evolution into a life philosophy then you go ahead. Only zealot nutcases were keen on that. You could choose Newtonian gravity theory instead if you wanted, and fall flat on your face all the time.

    This really is yet more of the dead argument from design. You are stuck with your necessity that there is a designed purpose in life. All selection is artificial Hitlerian selection to you, and if you want a philosophy that really matches that, just read the old testament.



    Hi Samuel

    You men are deceived.

    Pot, kettle, black.

    You follow a collective group of men on this world past and present that call themselves “Scientist”

    Yours called themselves Paul and John.

    You obviously still have no idea what faith is, or at least you have no desire to obtain it one of the two.

    Maybe we do know what it is and that is why we don’t want to ‘obtain’ it.

    I do however find it very odd that you put your “Trust” in what you think to be true in other Humans that are just as clueless as you.

    At least you get an audible response when you say hello.

    They have no way of proving anything themselves of their “theories”. Thats why they call it a “Theory” Because they can't prove without a shadow of a doubt that what they say is indeed so.

    That is certainly true!

    Its a big guess…a composed set of ideas.

    Pot, kettle, black.

    Carbon dating is very false…its not very trustworthy.

    …even though it verifies the timing of some stories in the bible. Maybe it is only unreliable when it disagrees with scripture.

    And, besides…we are talking about people that can't tell you weather the earth is flat or round.

    The earth is an oblate spheroid. The bible suggests that it is flat.

    Weather Pluto is a planet, a moon, or a asteroid. They can't tell you for “Sure” if its going to rain or not…”It's an 80% chance”.

    Isaiah would have been amazed by the prophecies of modern weather forecasters.

    Guessing…is all they do. Its all a bunch of mumbo jumbo guessing.

    Pot, kettle, black.

    They can't tell the Flat out truth about nothing. Why?

    That’s a double negative. You mean “They can't tell the flat out truth about anything”.

    You sir have your faith in a pompous bunch of fools that can't use their brain for nothing but making themselves look good and gaining respect among other men. Which is exactly what you are trying to do on this forum board. With your sleathery, clandestine ways,

    Come on, I’m not the pope!

    and your gleaming personality of so called intelligence…


    Men, your in the wrong place to gain respect of men. Why? Because, everyone here reads the Bible…in case you have not figured that out already. No one here is ever going to be impressed with you. You should go find a science forum to chat on where you will get the respect that you wish to have ..You can not expect to get respect of people when you undermine their views and ideas all the time…

    Is this a popularity contest?

    And, the Bible says that the Wisdom of men is foolish, That GOD used the things that this world considers foolish to make known his truth.

    That is one of the best pieces of christian apology I have ever heard! The LORD will appear in a foolish way to you! How does that square with his desire to convince everyone and thus ‘save’ them?

    I'm not trying to be mean, but you have ridiculed every believer here long enough with things that none of them are concerned with.

    Yet they keep answering…

    I would that I could help you, or even have a descent conversation with you. But you never allow for that to happen with anyone on here that addresses you.

    Your opening gambit is that I am a fool. Have you not thought about the log in your own eye?

    You always “Quote” each of their sentences and then follow them up with some “Thrifty” statement thats always powder coated with your “Privy” and “Gleaming” spark of what you call wisdom.

    Thanks. Not sure if “privy” is meant to be a compliment though.

    You have invested far too much time in the things of this world.

    There is no other. Build your house on rock.

    May GOD have mercy on both our souls..Me for letting you upset me.And, You for not seeing the truth.

    Honestly, Samuel if we are to converse you will have to appreciate the difference between an idea and a person. If you are so much a devotee that the ideology is the same as the person, then maybe you will always feel this way when talking with those who fi
    nd disagreeable the idea called christianity. Play the ball not the man!



    See what I mean?
    You can't even have a conversation without quoting each of my sentences.

    My opening statement said that you were deceived.

    And yes I have considered the log in my own eye…
    Thats what I said that may GOD have mercy on my soul for letting me get so upset.

    No I'm not perfect…contrary to popular belief…Most Christians aren't.

    However, I will agree with you that a lot of them think that they are.

    If you will take a closer look at the Bible you will find that most of the characters in the Bible save for Jesus were not perfect.

    If we were perfect that Jesus would never of had to come.


    Quote (Samuel @ Aug. 07 2008,05:10)
    See what I mean?
    You can't even have a conversation without quoting each of my sentences.

    My opening statement said that you were deceived.

    And yes I have considered the log in my own eye…
    Thats what I said that may GOD have mercy on my soul for letting me get so upset.

    No I'm not perfect…contrary to popular belief…Most Christians aren't.

    However, I will agree with you that a lot of them think that they are.

    If you will take a closer look at the Bible you will find that most of the characters in the Bible save for Jesus were not perfect.

    If we were perfect that Jesus would never of had to come.

    Even Jesus was not perfect. This was inserted into his life long after he supposedly lived because it was necessary for him to be “spotless”. The Gospel of Mark, the first one written, does not portray a “perfect” Jesus.


    Well, part of the problem of science vs. religion (as many Christians think they are opposing forces although they seen to enjoy the many conveniences of science, like the computer they use to reach this site) is that science is constantly being updated. The bible, while constantly having to be reinterpreted, stays the same.

    God better get with the 21st century.


    Quote (kejonn @ Aug. 07 2008,22:42)
    Well, part of the problem of science vs. religion (as many Christians think they are opposing forces although they seen to enjoy the many conveniences of science, like the computer they use to reach this site) is that science is constantly being updated. The bible, while constantly having to be reinterpreted, stays the same.

    God better get with the 21st century.

    He only likes the Amish.



    Quote (Stu @ Aug. 07 2008,05:48)

    Quote (kejonn @ Aug. 07 2008,22:42)
    Well, part of the problem of science vs. religion (as many Christians think they are opposing forces although they seen to enjoy the many conveniences of science, like the computer they use to reach this site) is that science is constantly being updated. The bible, while constantly having to be reinterpreted, stays the same.

    God better get with the 21st century.

    He only likes the Amish.


    Careful, Amish people lurk on here using the Amish laptop


    Greetings Samual…..Somehow I get the feeling that you were addressing me back a few posts ago,with respect to my dialog with Stu….Let me remind you to judge not….I would dare not to question your faith simply because it is a private matter between you and God….My faith is in the promise of things to come as set forth in the word of God….And I know I fall short…After all that is why we Jesus and promises his sacrafice offers….In the meanwhile their is nothing wrong with engageing both believers and nonbelievers for the sake of learning….I welcome any input you might have….


    Quote (kejonn @ Aug. 07 2008,01:38)

    Quote (theodorej @ Aug. 06 2008,08:04)

    Quote (kejonn @ Aug. 06 2008,06:25)
    TJ, what do you think of Vlad the Impaler?

    Greeting KJ…..Vlad !! Now here is an example of how one man can make a difference…During his day he introduced a style of governing that assured his reighn….As we know he had a flare for brutality that ultimitely consumed him…This was truly an evil man…..

    Did you realize that many consider Vlad to have been a Christian hero?

    Greetings KJ…..Thanks for the info….Was Vlad a church going bible reading follower of Christ (Christian )….Perhaps he just liked the title or maybe his version of christianity condoned the kind of brutality he demonstrated…My feeling is this man was a deranged murderer with no sense of right or wrong..



    Not sure why you are continuing to post with Stu and other's who upset you? This thread is even about your decision to leave this site because of Stu and other's…….

    If they upset you, may I encourage you to leave the fight with them and move on to discussing things that will build up your faith and not tear it down? There are many topics to choose from.


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