If we kick God out

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  • #811881

    If you kick God out, then you are on our own. If you are on your own, then good luck. You are going to need it.

    1 John 5:19
    We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.


    yes and also this one ‘Jn 3:21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God.”

    if we do not live our life through the way God has made it to be ;you need more than luck you domed either in this world or the one to come


    True that. And many countries have kicked God out. Not allowed to pray at schools for example. Then they wonder why things are going down hill.



    the funny thing is that the allow the muslims to pray even on the streets ,so it seems that they kick the God of Christ out but not the moon god


    On the radio today, and many times before, I have heard that the most atheistic countries (like Norway and such) have the highest morality. (Least crime–homicide, rape, etc).

    Although religiousity is linked with charitable giving and the religious countries give more, probably because they are being repeatedly told to by their churches…it seems the more atheistic countries fair better in many important ways.


    I believe that they observe the commandment love you fellow man as yourself but deny the power their of

    rejecting God and his Christ but keep their wisdom



    Atheism exists in countries that allow freedom of religion and the right to free speech. So-called Christian countries allow these, while many religiously oppressed nations do not. If a country has enshrined in its constitutions some godly principles, it may also allow evil more freedom because that freedom is extended to all. My guess is that as a nation becomes more Atheistic they will eventually lose their way and not prosper in the long-term. I think of the USSR that enshrined the idea that there was no God and how it failed economically and socially in the end.

    But many of these prosperous nations with high Atheist populations also have high self-confessed Christians. In fact, belief in God is still dominant in most of these countries that have high morality and a larger percentage of Atheists. And many of these nations are going down not up, so is the decrease in Christian principles part of the blame?

    Also, Scandinavia has recently taken a hit with immigration from Islamic nations. The irony here is that many Atheists, Feminists, and Leftist ideologies fight for their doors to be opened to immigration and are being flooded by the Muslim world resulting in an increase in crime, rape, and religious oppression. See the following story for example.


    Also taken from Wikipedia on Sweden:

    According to The anti-immigration Sweden Democrats Party has repeatedly said that the high number of rape reports is at least partly due to the influx of Muslim immigrants. Two reports from the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (BRÅ) are relevant to the rate of rape among immigrants to Sweden and their descendants. The latest published report that indicates the association between immigrants and rape was published in 2005 and revealed that from 1997 to 2001 foreign born individuals were 5.5 times more likely to be charged of rape than individuals born in Sweden to two Swedish parents and that foreign born individuals from all regions, apart from East Asia, committed sexual assaults at rates up to 5.3 times greater than that of individuals born in Sweden to two Swedish parents.

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