I was wrong again!

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  • #129089

    In my Post about, 'some do not agree that Michael and Christ Jesus was one and the same persons'. In that Post, I had made mention that the Ride of the four Horsemen marked the beginning of the great tribulation. {Revelation 6:1-8}, When I read over Matthew 24:8 I saw my error, because that verse of scripture says: ” All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress.” Not a description at all about the great tribulation. I reasoned that anything that has had a beginning must have an end.That Tribulation was to come at the end of that ride, and as I see it now, that ride has not even begun as yet, the Christ is not yet in kingdom power, nor has he thrown satan down to this earth as yet. When he does, that is where this “Woe for the earth and for the sea” fits in. {Revelation 12:12} That will be the time period that the greatest tribulation this World has ever seen will hit this earth. That is because that will be the time period that, “Nation will rise against Nation, and Kingdom against Kingdom” on a grand scale; and that will be the greatest time of trouble that this world has ever experienced, as foretold by the prophet Daniel, {Daniel 12:1} as foretold by the Christ. {Matthew 24:21,22} Once again, Sorry about that blunder!
    If you all read this following scripture, you will know that my reasoning now is correct, because this scripture did not see fulfillment in the year 1914 as some would have us believe,but is still yet future! I think that you will all see that, that is true, when read! {Matthew 24:29–31}Texas!



    You are right, you are wrong again.
    Has the world been at peace so far?
    The white horse and rider holding a bow, pictures the impostor, the Antichrist; instead of bringing us peace, he has brought war and bloodshed. That is what the red horse with the rider holding a sword pictures. War brings shortage of food, black horse, and rider holding a balance. Shortage of food causes sickness, disease, and death; pale horse, rider is death, and the grave follows death.
    Since Jesus time, population has increased, and so have the casualties of war.
    You're wrong, the four horsemen have not stopped riding yet.
    Satan has been thrown down to the earth, the result, the first WW, the second WW, and the greatest tribulation the Israelites ever had to endure; just as it was prophesied in, Jer. 30:7, Dan. 12:1, and Mat. 24:21.
    1914 was the end of the seven time punishing period for the Israelites.

    Lev 26:18 And if ye will not yet for all this hearken unto me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins.

    That punishment began in 606 BC, with the invasion of the Babylonians; also called, the time of the gentiles.


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