I was wondering

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  • #4098

    If there was a reason why many christians seem to be prohibitionist when it comes to marijuana?


    Christians are servants of a Master. Our bodies do not belong to us but to Him. He has given us no freedom to experiment with chemicals that may do us harm
    He did allow the poisoned water at [?]Meribah to be sweetened so indicating that medication could be used if necessary. Jesus also said sick people need a Doctor so approving the mercy God shows to all through this means.
    To follow the world and rebel against the law is the way of natural man. We have been given eternity as a gift so such folly is inappropriate.


    I actually think Marijuana is a blessed plant. Why? Because God created it. Like all things God creates, they can be used for good and bad. Hemp has been used to create the best paper, quality ink, ship sails and even early Levis jeans and other clothing. Of course it has a lot of merit for medicinal purposes as Nick points out. Ask anyone with Multiple Sclerosis. Another fact is that Hemp enriches leached soils and provides multiple paper pulp than pine (in area) and other typical trees used for paper.

    But all things should be used in an appropriate way. If I take cough medicine to aleviate my cough, then that is OK. If I drink the bottle to get a buzz, then I must be lacking inner peace to want a chemical to change my minds state. If I drink a little alcohol then that is good. But too much, then I become drunk.

    So what am I saying. Get high and praise the Lord? No I am saying that all things have their uses and are good if God created them.

    I don't want to get political on this (might be too late) but I don't think we should prohibit something God created for us to use. (Did God make a mistake?). On the other hand if something causes us to fall, like the tempatation to get drunk, then we should be wise and prohibit such a thing from our life in order to not be tempted.

    Genesis 1:12
    And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

    Genesis 1:29
    And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

    Yes God did curse the earth with weeds after the fall, but as far as I know Hemp is a herb.


    Well, a distinct lack of hypocrasy here. I was hoping to strike a few hotheads all juped up on reefer madness, i'm happily surprised.

    I don't agree that my body belongs to a deity, i don't believe in a deity so that just follows naturally. Also, I don't see any other reason why using chemicals to alter our state of mind is inherantly wrong.
    Alas, our stated differances being only that, i see little chance for a good debate seeing as i don't really like being proselytised and have no desire to try and tear down your lord.
    Thanks for the tolerance and i'll be praying (pun intended) you vote for a political party as tolerant as yourselves, because for some reason all those associated with christianity have realy heinous medical marijuana policies.

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