I need prayer

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    Is 1:18

    Quote (942767 @ Jan. 27 2008,05:01)

    Quote (Is 1:18 @ Jan. 20 2008,07:32)

    Quote (942767 @ Jan. 20 2008,01:04)
    I pray that God would give you revelation knowledge of the truth, which is John 3:16ff, by showing you a person whom God has dramatically changed from the inside out into a different person through faith in His Word.  Therein is the testimony of the truth.  
    May God Bless you

    Hi SDN,
    I read somewhere that you have had some surgery. I hope it went well and you are recovering. Good to see you still posting brother!


    Hi Brother Isaiah:

    The surgery went well.  I had about a foot of my colon removed because of polyps and the pathology report was that there was no malignancy.  

    Today, 1/26/08, is my first day back at work, and I feel pretty good about that after being cooped up for so long.  I am not one that likes to be idle.  I am getting stronger every day.

    Thanks for asking about my situation brother.  I hope that you and your family are doing well.

    God Bless

    That's good news. I'm glad you are on the mend, praise the Lord.



    Quote (942767 @ Jan. 27 2008,05:01)

    Quote (Is 1:18 @ Jan. 20 2008,07:32)

    Quote (942767 @ Jan. 20 2008,01:04)
    I pray that God would give you revelation knowledge of the truth, which is John 3:16ff, by showing you a person whom God has dramatically changed from the inside out into a different person through faith in His Word.  Therein is the testimony of the truth.  
    May God Bless you

    Hi SDN,
    I read somewhere that you have had some surgery. I hope it went well and you are recovering. Good to see you still posting brother!


    Hi Brother Isaiah:

    The surgery went well.  I had about a foot of my colon removed because of polyps and the pathology report was that there was no malignancy.  

    Today, 1/26/08, is my first day back at work, and I feel pretty good about that after being cooped up for so long.  I am not one that likes to be idle.  I am getting stronger every day.

    Thanks for asking about my situation brother.  I hope that you and your family are doing well.

    God Bless


    Glad to have you back……weighing a little less I would imagine though, huh? :)

    I hope you will feel much better now that they surgery has removed those pesky little polyps.

    Take it easy, bro!


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Jan. 28 2008,06:33)

    Quote (942767 @ Jan. 27 2008,05:01)

    Quote (Is 1:18 @ Jan. 20 2008,07:32)

    Quote (942767 @ Jan. 20 2008,01:04)
    I pray that God would give you revelation knowledge of the truth, which is John 3:16ff, by showing you a person whom God has dramatically changed from the inside out into a different person through faith in His Word.  Therein is the testimony of the truth.  
    May God Bless you

    Hi SDN,
    I read somewhere that you have had some surgery. I hope it went well and you are recovering. Good to see you still posting brother!


    Hi Brother Isaiah:

    The surgery went well.  I had about a foot of my colon removed because of polyps and the pathology report was that there was no malignancy.  

    Today, 1/26/08, is my first day back at work, and I feel pretty good about that after being cooped up for so long.  I am not one that likes to be idle.  I am getting stronger every day.

    Thanks for asking about my situation brother.  I hope that you and your family are doing well.

    God Bless


    Glad to have you back……weighing a little less I would imagine though, huh?  :)

    I hope you will feel much better now that they surgery has removed those pesky little polyps.

    Take it easy, bro!

    Hi Mandy:

    You are right I weigh about a foot of colon together with polyps less than I did.  Not the best way to loose a little weight, but hopefully, by having this done now, I will avert cancer later on.

    It is nice to be back at work, and also participating on this site.  Thanks for welcoming me back and for praying for me during this ordeal.

    I hope that you and your family are doing well.  I know that you went through quite a scare.

    God Bless



    Yes, I was pretty on edge for the past 6 months – not knowing if I was going to die almost immediately or if I was going to live as long as the LORD deemed. It turned out that I didn't have a tumor at all. Although a few Doc's disagree and think the tumor could be “hiding” but I'm not going to live my life in fear. Blessed be the name of our God – He has delivered me from fear of dying! And that was no easy task.

    Glad you are back and in the swing of things again. Don't forget to rest and try not to over-do things even though you feel great. Take time to heal, bro.



    I just got back from the Doctors and I am still fighting this Sinus Infection. Another round of Antibiotics. I feel like a Rag Doll I am so weak. So please pray for me to get my strength back. Thank you.

    Peace and Love Mrs.


    Quote (seek and you will find @ Jan. 29 2008,08:18)
    I just got back from the Doctors and I am still fighting this Sinus Infection. Another round of Antibiotics. I feel like a Rag Doll I am so weak. So please pray for me to get my strength back. Thank you.

    Peace and Love Mrs.

    Hi Mrs.,

    Praying for you. God Bless.


    Praying for you as well, saywf. May God bless you and I hope you get better.



    Quote (Not3in1 @ Jan. 28 2008,15:06)

    Yes, I was pretty on edge for the past 6 months – not knowing if I was going to die almost immediately or if I was going to live as long as the LORD deemed.  It turned out that I didn't have a tumor at all.  Although a few Doc's disagree and think the tumor could be “hiding” but I'm not going to live my life in fear.  Blessed be the name of our God – He has delivered me from fear of dying!  And that was no easy task.

    Glad you are back and in the swing of things again.  Don't forget to rest and try not to over-do things even though you feel great.  Take time to heal, bro.



    I am just happy for you that you are doing better.  There should be no fear in dying when one is in right standing with the God, but one can only be in right standing with him through what He is done for us in the person of Jesus, His Son and His Christ.

    I know that you are having some doubts about Jesus, and I am praying that God would reveal the truth regarding him to you by showing you someone that you know whose life is a total mess, and God has or will transform his life from the inside out.  This can only happen when God forgives our sins, and sets us free from the bondage of condemnation.

    The freedom that I have in Christ is wonderful knowing that if I make a mistake I am not condemned, and if I die today, I know my destiny, and this I know without a doubt. Because he lives, I can face tomorrow, and because he lives all my fear is gone. Because I know he holds my future. And life is worth the living just because he lives.

    You are a young lady and have your whole life ahead of you. Your husband and your children need you.

    Even if the doctors give you a bad report.  They are not the final authority, but God is.  God does use doctors to accomplish a healing sometimes.  But I always try to do what James 5:14-15 states before I go to the doctor.  By doing so, I am putting my faith in God for the healing and not the doctor.

    You always bring a little light to my life my your sense of humor and your kind comments.

    May God Bless you and your family.


    Bro 94,

    Thanks for the shot of encouragement and kind words!

    In my 20's I volunteered at a Christian drug rehab center. I saw plenty of lives completely transformed after a simple alter call; amazing restoration to individuals and their families because of Jesus. “Nothing but the blood of Jesus” we used to say in those days! And I believed every word I preached. In my heart, I still do. Like t8 recently shared in a currect thread – we're not to abandoned our brains at the door – it's still OK to “reason” the scriptures, and I feel like that is what I'm trying to do (with a little help from my brother's and sister's here).

    I am finding that the OT doesn't have a lot to say about Jesus. Jesus can be read into the scriptures there, but they do not specifically talk about him. They talk very little about the first coming of Jesus, and even less about a second coming (if at all). I have found that a quick critical study produces many unanswered questions, I'm afraid. I just want to know why?

    But I'm not ready to give up that quickly. I'm still searching the OT and looking at the evidence for the NT. God knows my heart and how I long for Him. How I long for truth; how I earnestly seek Him. I'm hoping that my reward for doing so will be more of HIM. That would be the best reward I could think of.

    Have a good week and don't work too hard,


    Quote (seek and you will find @ Jan. 29 2008,08:18)
    I just got back from the Doctors and I am still fighting this Sinus Infection. Another round of Antibiotics. I feel like a Rag Doll I am so weak. So please pray for me to get my strength back. Thank you.

    Peace and Love Mrs.


    Praying for you. Keep your strength up. Do you like Ensure? Have you ever tried it? My Mom used to swear by the stuff, she said it gave her more energy? Of course I think V8 juice would do the same trick, but I'm not a Doctor. :;): A couple of good snorts of saline solution followed by some robust blowing could help ease sinus discomfort as well.

    I guess once you are a nurse you never stop being a nurse, even if you've been out of the field for 10+ years!


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Jan. 29 2008,17:30)

    Quote (seek and you will find @ Jan. 29 2008,08:18)
    I just got back from the Doctors and I am still fighting this Sinus Infection. Another round of Antibiotics. I feel like a Rag Doll I am so weak. So please pray for me to get my strength back. Thank you.

    Peace and Love Mrs.


    Praying for you.  Keep your strength up.  Do you like Ensure?  Have you ever tried it?  My Mom used to swear by the stuff, she said it gave her more energy?  Of course I think V8 juice would do the same trick, but I'm not a Doctor.   :;):   A couple of good snorts of saline solution followed by some robust blowing could help ease sinus discomfort as well.

    I guess once you are a nurse you never stop being a nurse, even if you've been out of the field for 10+ years!

    Mandy Thank you for your advice, but I don't like Ensure and V8 has to much Salt. My Aunt used to drink that Ensure all the time and we had it around all the time, so I tried it one day. For my nose I have a solution that I dilute with Water called Alkalol which I put into my nose and clean it out. It helps, but more comes back out of my Sinises. The Antibiotics which I have to take for 10 more days should do the trick. Thank you again.

    Peace and Love Mrs.


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Jan. 29 2008,17:25)
    Bro 94,

    Thanks for the shot of encouragement and kind words!

    In my 20's I volunteered at a Christian drug rehab center.  I saw plenty of lives completely transformed after a simple alter call; amazing restoration to individuals and their families because of Jesus.  “Nothing but the blood of Jesus” we used to say in those days!  And I believed every word I preached.  In my heart, I still do.  Like t8 recently shared in a currect thread – we're not to abandoned our brains at the door – it's still OK to “reason” the scriptures, and I feel like that is what I'm trying to do (with a little help from my brother's and sister's here).

    I am finding that the OT doesn't have a lot to say about Jesus.  Jesus can be read into the scriptures there, but they do not specifically talk about him.  They talk very little about the first coming of Jesus, and even less about a second coming (if at all).  I have found that a quick critical study produces many unanswered questions, I'm afraid.  I just want to know why?

    But I'm not ready to give up that quickly.  I'm still searching the OT and looking at the evidence for the NT.  God knows my heart and how I long for Him.  How I long for truth; how I earnestly seek Him.  I'm hoping that my reward for doing so will be more of HIM.  That would be the best reward I could think of.

    Have a good week and don't work too hard,

    Hi Mandy:

    If you have seen the lives that have been transformed through faith in what God has done for them through Jesus, then God has already shown you the truth.

    We should by all means study the scriptures for the Word of God to us is:  

    2Ti 2:15
    Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

    Jesus is God's gift of love to humanity through whom we have forgiveness of sins, and there is no forgiveness of sins without this provision.

    I notice that you posed several questions to brother Isaiah.  Perhaps, he will be able to help you to understand.  Actually, the whole of the OT through many scriptures or symbolically speaks about Jesus.  It is all about him, and what God has done for us through him.

    I have had too many experiences with God and my Lord to let anyone, regardless of how intelligent they may appear to be, talk me out of my salvation and my service to my Lord out of my love for him.

    I love you and desire the very best that God has to offer for you and your family.

    God Bless


    Quote (942767 @ Jan. 30 2008,09:19)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Jan. 29 2008,17:25)
    Bro 94,

    Thanks for the shot of encouragement and kind words!

    In my 20's I volunteered at a Christian drug rehab center.  I saw plenty of lives completely transformed after a simple alter call; amazing restoration to individuals and their families because of Jesus.  “Nothing but the blood of Jesus” we used to say in those days!  And I believed every word I preached.  In my heart, I still do.  Like t8 recently shared in a currect thread – we're not to abandoned our brains at the door – it's still OK to “reason” the scriptures, and I feel like that is what I'm trying to do (with a little help from my brother's and sister's here).

    I am finding that the OT doesn't have a lot to say about Jesus.  Jesus can be read into the scriptures there, but they do not specifically talk about him.  They talk very little about the first coming of Jesus, and even less about a second coming (if at all).  I have found that a quick critical study produces many unanswered questions, I'm afraid.  I just want to know why?

    But I'm not ready to give up that quickly.  I'm still searching the OT and looking at the evidence for the NT.  God knows my heart and how I long for Him.  How I long for truth; how I earnestly seek Him.  I'm hoping that my reward for doing so will be more of HIM.  That would be the best reward I could think of.

    Have a good week and don't work too hard,

    Hi Mandy:

    If you have seen the lives that have been transformed through faith in what God has done for them through Jesus, then God has already shown you the truth.

    We should by all means study the scriptures for the Word of God to us is:  

    2Ti 2:15
    Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

    Jesus is God's gift of love to humanity through whom we have forgiveness of sins, and there is no forgiveness of sins without this provision.

    I notice that you posed several questions to brother Isaiah.  Perhaps, he will be able to help you to understand.  Actually, the whole of the OT through many scriptures or symbolically speaks about Jesus.  It is all about him, and what God has done for us through him.

    I have had too many experiences with God and my Lord to let anyone, regardless of how intelligent they may appear to be, talk me out of my salvation and my service to my Lord out of my love for him.

    I love you and desire the very best that God has to offer for you and your family.

    God Bless

    Mandy You say you can't find Jesus in O.T. scriptures?
    In Genesis who is US, when God created the world? In Col. 1:15 “Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. Who is that. So we know that Jesus was there. He was the Spokes Word of God. John 1:1 ” In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God etc. Jesus was the Spokesperson for God. NOBODY HAS SEEN GOD OR HEARD HIS VOICE. He has used Angels and the Word, which later became Jesus.
    Rev. 3:14 …..the beginning of the creation of God.”
    He was there, before anything was created. He came forth from the Father, not made from the dust of the earth like we were.
    He was there in the O.T. times and I can see Him there.
    Proverb 6:22 – 30
    He was there.
    I think that should prove to all that Jesus is the Messiah of the O.T. as well as the N.T.
    Others I know use many words to give what they are saying, but why, are these Scriptures not good enough for you? Mandy please give some scriptures that you are confused about. I would like to help if I can, and if you want me too.

    Peace amd Love Irene


    Thanks, Irene.

    Some of the scriptures you have given to prove that Jesus was there – in the beginning – are hotly debated, you must know this? There are very good reasons to believe that Jesus did not preexist. I happen to believe that his existence began when he was given a “beginning” at his birth; in other words, he did not physically exist before he physically existed.

    At any rate, I appreciate your help very much; I appreciate your prayers even more! I am looking to “proove” Jesus in the OT. That is what I am doing right now. It's good work. :;):


    Quote (942767 @ Jan. 30 2008,09:19)
    If you have seen the lives that have been transformed through faith in what God has done for them through Jesus, then God has already shown you the truth.

    When I was experiencing these life-changing testimony's, I was a Trinitarian. Does that mean that during that time God showed me the “truth” and I should go back to being a Trinitarian? You see my point, brother?

    The OT says there will be prophets and those who do miracles who are sent to deceive…….to take glory away from God and cause many to stumble into idol worship. Because of this information alone, shouldn't we be sure that Jesus is the Messiah? And how do we become sure? By studying how to recognize the Messiah. What I have been studying has not panned-out in the life of Jesus. But I have been reassured it will in his second coming.

    The only problem is, the OT does not say anything about a second coming for the promised Messiah……..now what?


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Jan. 31 2008,10:12)

    Quote (942767 @ Jan. 30 2008,09:19)
    If you have seen the lives that have been transformed through faith in what God has done for them through Jesus, then God has already shown you the truth.

    When I was experiencing these life-changing testimony's, I was a Trinitarian.  Does that mean that during that time God showed me the “truth” and I should go back to being a Trinitarian?  You see my point, brother?

    The OT says there will be prophets and those who do miracles who are sent to deceive…….to take glory away from God and cause many to stumble into idol worship.  Because of this information alone, shouldn't we be sure that Jesus is the Messiah?  And how do we become sure?  By studying how to recognize the Messiah.  What I have been studying has not panned-out in the life of Jesus.  But I have been reassured it will in his second coming.

    The only problem is, the OT does not say anything about a second coming for the promised Messiah……..now what?


    You said…


    When I was experiencing these life-changing testimony's, I was a Trinitarian.  Does that mean that during that time God showed me the “truth” and I should go back to being a Trinitarian?

    Yep!  :)


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Jan. 31 2008,10:07)
    Thanks, Irene.

    Some of the scriptures you have given to prove that Jesus was there – in the beginning – are hotly debated, you must know this?  There are very good reasons to believe that Jesus did not preexist.  I happen to believe that his existence began when he was given a “beginning” at his birth; in other words, he did not physically exist before he physically existed.

    At any rate, I appreciate your help very much; I appreciate your prayers even more!  I am looking to “proof” Jesus in the OT.  That is what I am doing right now.  It's good

    work.  :;):

    Sorry this should be under the preexisting Tread
    Mandy Tell me what are the reasons for not believing these scriptures that prove, at least to me and my Husband and others, that Jesus preexisted. Especially Colossians 1:15 -18 spells it out very much and so does Rev. 3:14 and Proverbs 8:22-30. I know how hard it is to believe something like this, I did not want to believe this either at first and thought that Guy from the J,W was nuts. But after asking God for understanding He revealed it to us. What makes it so ironic, that my Husband and I believe things at the same time. We just can't deny this anymore.
    Col. 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.
    Verse 16  For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.
    Verse 17 And He is before all things, and in  Him all things consist.
    Verse 18 And He is the Head of the body, the Church, who is the beginning, the firstborn of the dead, so that IN ALL HE WILL HAVE PREEMINENCE. ( PREEMINENCE MEANS THAT HE WAS FIRST IN ALL, HE WAS THE FIRSTBORN OF ALL CREATION AND FIRSTBORN FROM THE DEAD.)
    John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God and the Word was with God. Some might say that this proves the trinity, not to me, because the Father is greater then I, scriptures says. No trinity. But Jesus was in Heaven with God the Father as a Spirit being before the World began.
    John 17:5 ” And now O Father , glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world began.”
    Jesus gave up His glory to become a Human and was born of Maria died for us and was resurrected and became the firstborn of the dead and sits at the right hand of God our Heavenly Father. He will come again in Glory and Honor King of Kings and Lord of Lords to judge all mankind. When all has been put under His feet, He will give all back to the Father, that God can be all in all. One more thing, when you look at the Family Of God, which we are and going to be, no problem with Who God is. Jesus is the Son of God and We are all His Children and the Brothers of Jesus. What a Loving God we have, that He SEND us His only begotten Son to die for us, so we can live. Praise our Heavenly Father forever more.
    Mandy one more thing were did God send His Son from?

    Peace and Love Irene


    Hi not3,

    Ensnaring youself by tarrying again with the whore will not bring the approval of your Master.
    You are washed of her filth and set free from her enchantments.
    Christ was no trinitarian and we follow him.


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Jan. 31 2008,10:12)

    Quote (942767 @ Jan. 30 2008,09:19)
    If you have seen the lives that have been transformed through faith in what God has done for them through Jesus, then God has already shown you the truth.

    When I was experiencing these life-changing testimony's, I was a Trinitarian.  Does that mean that during that time God showed me the “truth” and I should go back to being a Trinitarian?  You see my point, brother?

    The OT says there will be prophets and those who do miracles who are sent to deceive…….to take glory away from God and cause many to stumble into idol worship.  Because of this information alone, shouldn't we be sure that Jesus is the Messiah?  And how do we become sure?  By studying how to recognize the Messiah.  What I have been studying has not panned-out in the life of Jesus.  But I have been reassured it will in his second coming.

    The only problem is, the OT does not say anything about a second coming for the promised Messiah……..now what?


    As Christians, we may not agree on certain doctrines, but we have one thing in common, and that is that we believe that Jesus is God's Son and His Christ, and that God has raised him fromthe dead, and that it is through him that we can be reconciled to God.  He is the propitiation for our sins.

    Can't you see that the testimony to his reality is the changed lives?  Only God can do this.  I believe that Trinitarians are Christians.  I would rather see you remain a Trinitarian, although I don't agree with that doctrine, than see you deny that Jesus is Lord.  But what you do is up to you.  Whatever you do has to come from your own heart.  I'm just hoping that you will see that God has already shown you the truth about Jesus.

    As I have said, the scripture states that we should study to show ourselves approved rightly dividing the word of truth.

    There is no salvation except by the means that God has provided.

    God Bless


    Hi 94,
    To say Jesus is our God is to deny what is written, that he is our appointed Lord.

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