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- November 16, 2007 at 2:07 am#71843
ParticipantIf any of you prayer warriors out there would be willing to consider me in your prayers…I really need them.
I joined this site to search for the truth…after re-committing my life to GOD and beginning to attend this Apostolic church (A Oneness church). They are preaching a message that I've never heard in my life before.
1.) They believe that GOD, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost are all GOD…just in different manifestations.
2.) They give out the message that you must be baptized in water unto the name of Jesus to be saved…yet when alter call comes they do not have a baptism…and therefore command people as peter did to be baptized…which is partly where they get the message in the first place. So it's like they are only doing half of what the scripture says to me.
3.) Some of their views on the Holy Ghost arise some questions. Its says in Corinthians that you should not pray to speak in tongues in the church just to be speaking in tongues…
1 Cor 14:5
I would that ye all spake with tongues, but rather that ye prophesied: for greater [is] he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues, except he interpret, that the church may receive edifying.
But rather that you prophesied…in other words what I get from this scripture is that if there is not an interpreter you should not pray to speak in tongues…unless in your private prayer closet at home or such. Jesus also says to pray in your prayer closet when you pray, among other things you should do in secret that some of these people do in the open.Matthew 6
1Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.
2Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
3But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:
4That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.
5And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
6But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
7But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
8Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.
Brothers and Sisters I feel like I may be judging…which is what I don't want to do. I feel like I may be trying to find fault in people or be a fault finder…which is also something I don't want to be.
A lot of times my mouth gets me into more trouble than I'd like to admit:
James 1:26 If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion [is] vain.
James 3:5 Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!
James 3:6 And the tongue [is] a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.
James 3:8 But the tongue can no man tame; [it is] an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.
1 Peter 3:10 For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile:Lots of times I'll be talking about GOD with someone or find myself …”Preaching” as some would say…then next thing you know I've offended someone. And its not my intention at all. I don't start out saying “let me see what I can say to offend this person”…it just happens. Some times it seems more often than not that I stick my foot in my mouth rather than help someone, which is what I had actually intended to do in the first place.
I started out in this site because I did a search on the Oneness faith and there was a big page that came up on this site on it…as well as the Trinity belief as well. So …I read them both…looked up some scriptures…and found that what I actually believed in my heart was not anything like either one of those doctrines. I was raised up on the Trinity belief…but I never knew what a Trinity belief actually was. I just thought it meant that they believed there are three people…beings…deity's. I did not know they considered them to all be the One and only TRUE GOD. I was at a lose for what to do then. I believe that there is but one GOD…the only GOD…there is not another GOD above him. I believe that his only begotten Son Jesus Christ…as it is pronounced in the English language…Came in the flesh and died for our Sins. But in all my praying in all my life I have never believed him to be the GOD…the one and only true GOD. And this is what both of these beliefs would have you believe. No matter how you look at it….of course they are both different beliefs…but they still both say that Jesus is GOD.
And a lot of these Christians have some really bad attitudes…some really ungodly attitudes…its like even if what they were saying was true…I would not want to believe it…because of the attitudes they have, they are un-god like and un-Christian like. I still try to love everyone…I try not to judge people…but I'm in a turmoil here…it would seem that I am. I do not want to be like that at all. I want to love everyone as Jesus said to do.
My temper gets the best of me sometimes as well…when that happens I usually just try my best to shut up and not say anything at all…cause GOD only knows what evil a man might speak in the heat of anger.
I am also single…and I long for a companion one that believes the same way that I do. I GOD fearing woman and GOD loving woman. I must admit that I was invited over to this one girls house and I allowed myself to be seduced by her. I should never have went. I ended up having to repent for that as well.
What I'm trying to say is that I'm not perfect, I'm striving to be…and its like Satan is using every time I mess up to throw it in my face that I can't live for GOD. That I'll never be able to do it…and my soul is going to be doomed for hell.
I don't want that… I love GOD…I've loved him since I was a child…my life would be completely miserable without him.
Please pray for me fellow servents.
November 16, 2007 at 4:27 am#71854Not3in1
ParticipantBrother Sam,
You're not perfect? Do you understand that you shouldn't be here unless you are? Many of us here are perfect! We don't let anything get to our flesh!
BIG HA! I'm kidding you, of course. You just keep doing what your doing – seeking God first. Everything that is bothering you or trying you has also tried one of us. There is nothing new under the sun, I'm afraid. So, you hang in there and keep loving God and studying. I will pray for all of your concerns. I will especially pray that you find a wife.
Here is a trustworthy saying that may help you: People do not care about what you know, until they know that you care.
Love to you,
MandyNovember 16, 2007 at 5:20 am#71856IM4Truth
ParticipantDear Samuel You are such a loving Person and I hope and Pray that you will find a loving God fearing Soulmate. As far as you trying to be perfect I really do not think that on this earth we ever will be. That does not mean that we should not try. I have fallen so many times in my Life, but God has always picked me up again. Look what Paul says, I do what I do not want to do and what I should be doing I do not. So we are not alone in this. And John says if yiou say that you are not a Sinner, the truth is not in you. Just keep on praying and trying, we all are here. Nobody is perfect yet.
Peace and Love Mrs.
November 16, 2007 at 2:52 pm#72011kenrch
ParticipantNot agreeing with the doctrines of a church then joining that church? As bad as I would like to have fellowship with “Christians”
I cannot in my heart walk into a CHURCH not believing what they have is true but a lie and “worship” with them.I'm surrounded by churches. A Baptist church across the street. Half way down the block one way a Pentecostal, the other way their Mother
Around the corner an Independent.
I could not go into any of these churches and NOT try to tell them that God is Not three but ONE. Or even (in IMO) more importantly keeping the forth commandment.
These people are deceived and like it that way.
Their is a reason why someone ends up here it's because they have recognize that they have been lied too. No one comes here unless they are drawn.
IMHO you have been chosen Sam because of your heart. Like it or not no one is here because of their “BOOK” learning. A “book Christian” won't stand the trials as is already been proven.So:
1Jo 2:27 But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.
This means that if you don't agree with anyone just wait and the Spirit will disclose to all of those born again the truth sooner or latter.
Perhaps not until the Millennium!
Relax Sam, seek ye first the kingdom of God and all things will be added unto you that God has for you at this time.
God Bless,
November 17, 2007 at 12:01 am#72038Laurel
Without reading everyone elses encouraging words, I want to share some with you from my heart.First of all, do not kick yourself for finding false doctrine horrible. It is. Our Master Y'shua Messiah aslo felt that way. He became angry when anybody disgraced His Father and His Father's house. Remember the tables He flipped over. He was very angry!! He did not however throw tables at people. He is more angry at the principality then than the people who get caught up in them. There may be some here who feel I have offended them. This is not my intention either. I do however sense the need to make His Way known. I am sorry if I offend people, but I feel it is my responsibility to clear the air, and show the Way. I read in Scripture that if I do not teach what I have been given, their blood will be on my hands, come the day of judgement. The hardest thing I found is to be loving and and the same time truthful. The only help for me is remembering how Y'shua dealt with this. Do not throw the tables at anybody, just turn them upside down! I am sure that those people were offended, but they were not scared.
Y'shua also offended the Pharisees by rebuking their man-made laws and traditions. Now these are not the laws and traditions written in the Torah. These were things above and beyond what YHWH gave us to follow.
You are right to be angry about the trinity doctrine. You know, even most other people in that church know plainly that Y'shua is not and never was God. They do not have a clue what the doctrine of the church is. There is not a Pastor or priest on the planet who can fully explain the trinity because it does not exist, except for in the IMAGE they have made.
I also have something in common with you in that I also seek a Godly man. My ex boyfriend is whom I long for, but only My Father in heaven knows how that will go. I have already been waiting for 10 months, and last weekend was the first ime I was allowed in his house to have a one on one conversation with him. One thing is clear to me. We love eachother, no matter how long we have been apart. I hope some day he will serve our Master Y'shua Messiah and we will be together again.
I am celebate and have been for the better part of I think two years now. It is a good lifestyle. I would think the world would be such a better place if we all quit using eachother to fulfill our fleshy weeknesses. Now I feel very strong and not week ant more. The longer I go, the stronger I get. The more I realize how delicate and precious the marraige covenant was and is meant to be.
If you know it is wrong, do not do it! In doing the right thing, you will be blessed with a knowledge and understanding and a greater respect for our Creator. You will see the meaning of “oneness” in the Spirit. It is realing increddible!
So I say hang in there!! Cling to that “Rock.” Do not be afraid to stand up for your Father in heaven and His Son, just make sure your ammo is pointed in the direction of principalities and not individuals!
November 17, 2007 at 3:35 am#72048IM4Truth
ParticipantSamuel You have gotten some fantastic advice from the members above. You can see how much everybody loves and cares for you, otherwise they would not even bother.
Belonging to a Church is a great feeling if they have the right doctrine. When we left the Catholic Church, we joined the World Wide Church of God for the first time in our lives we started to read the Bible. That was in 1984. We were Baptized in 1985 according to scripture, all the way under the water. I remember what the Minister said, that He was not going to Baptize us into a cult, but into The Father and the Son Jesus Christ. He then laid HANDS ON EVERY ONE OF US AND WE RECEIVED THE Holy SPIRIT. The next day was the most incredible day of my life. I had no Idea how many bad Habits I had. I was sitting on the Sewing Machine and things did not go right, each time I used a curse word. I did not even realize I was doing so. Over and over God showed me my faults. So even tho some might say that the Holy Spirit was not in that Church I disagree, because of what I experienced.
We were members of that Church for 10 years. We celebrated all of God's Holy days found in Lev. and it was great.
However when Mr. Armstrong died, and a New Pastor General took over all fell apart. They went backwards and now even belief in the trinity. Many Members left the Church and started their own churches. The Philadelphia Trumpet is one of them, also the United Church of God and many others. My Husband and I stayed Home. That has been now going on 13 years. Since then God has shown us many diffrent truths. And I truly Belief, what we are doing right now, is the truth. I feel so close to God and I have a personal Relationship with Jesus. The Law is now written on my Heart and we live in the Holy Spirit. Just like what you are saying. I have found Christians here and that gives me some fellowship which I have missed over these 13 years since we stayed Home. I would not even think of joining a Church that has false Doctrines. God has called us out of it. That is the way I look at it. So Samuel join us we love you and respect how you feel.
And most of all our Prayers are with you.Peace and Love Mrs.
November 17, 2007 at 8:44 am#72110Samuel
ParticipantGOD bless you all!
Thank you all very much for your caring enough to assemble together with me here and give me some feed back and help me pray.
I would like to say that I'm not actually a “Member” of this Church…I just go there. I spoke with the pastor about how they did memberships and stuff…because if they did that I was not going to continue going there. I'm not going to be “Sworn” in to something I do not believe in my heart to be in exact accordance with the Bible. He assured me that this church had no such practice in which they did. They don't just see how many members they can get on the “Books” to show off about. The pastor I personally feel is a very strong GOD loving man, and a very good man. Much like a lot of the people that go to the church.
As it stands, I just attend the services…and worship GOD. I don't really go to impress the people or the men and women that go there…or to even believe all their teachings. However, I do agree with most of their teachings. I just have a hard time with the Oneness belief. And, the baptism in water in Jesus Name. And some other things…however…what my main prayer goal is at the moment…is to learn how to keep my mouth shut. Obviously, I'm not going to go to a church with 1,500 plus people attending and profess a new doctrine on them. But I do like the church…and the Spirit of GOD does move in their services. I'm sure that not all the people that go to the church believe 100% in all the things either. Nonetheless, I feel that going to the church is fine…so long as I don't try to get in a doctrine debate with them. I'm praying for GOD to give me control of my tongue and the wisdom, and thriftiness in conversation…so that I might avoid just that. I've already had conversations with some of them. And, I feel that if I just kept silent about some things everything will be fine. Unless, confronted directly I wish not to engage in a doctrine debate with them.I went to a service tonight with them…and the Lord filled me with the Holy Ghost again…which I much needed. And they all kept asking me had I been baptized in the name of Jesus. And, yes I have…I've also been baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
If this is indeed the true way to do things I really pray that GOD shows me this, so that I might let others know about it as well. However, I'm still having a hard time understanding how they believe that if someone confesses with their mouth that Jesus is their Lord, Christ, and Saviour …and is then Baptized in his blood for the remission of sins and baptized with the Holy Ghost and Fire…they are still not going to go to Heaven. Something in my soul just still wants to disagree with that.However, I do now have to say that I believe if you are going to be baptized…after much research and questioning…I would agree that it should be unto the Name of Jesus…and it is a very good display of Faith and Dedication to the new life you now have with Christ…showing that they old one has passed away.
However, I still don't believe that its required to get to heaven. The Bible says there is one baptism…well if there is only “One” then the baptism of the Holy Ghost should be enough…and certainly the blood of Jesus should be enough as well…but at this rate that is still two baptisms. So…clearly there is more than one baptism involved here.
Then Paul says…That he was not sent to baptize at all! But to preach the Gospel. Which makes a lot of sense really…cause John was the one sent to baptize…then Jesus took over the Baptism that he started. So according to the scripture the baptizer that should be doing the baptism that we NEED is Jesus …yes?
But then Jesus tells us in Matt 28:19 to baptize people in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
The oneness say that this means “Name” (singular) not “Names” (plural). However, the Greek word for name is Onoma could actually either mean either one…it was just translated to be singular in English in the King James Version.
However, if it is Singular…then this would back up the oneness belief…because to say that the “Name” of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost is Jesus…would mean they are all three one …just as their doctrine states.
Which does make sense because Peter did obviously assume this…I mean every time in acts he did baptize someone or some one gets baptized in water in the book of Acts it is in the name of Jesus…or the Lord Jesus Christ.But then Paul says in Cor 1 and 2 that he was not come to baptize. So if he was not come to baptize…and we are commanded to be baptized…then who is going to do the baptizing?
In my opinion Jesus is the one doing the baptizing. He took over what John was sent to start…and now hes the baptizer.
As..you can see this subject is clearly confusing. And, it would seem that I'm trying to find fault in the scripture or the doctrines…but I'm not trying to do that at all…I'm a man…I have plenty of faults of my own to worry about someone else's. I'm simply stating that some things are not adding up here is all.
Then if we were to say that Jesus is GOD the father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Then we have to wonder why he does not know the day or hour that GOD the father will tell Jesus to come back for the church…if they are one in the same…then they should both know this…yes? Because we already know that GOD the father is all knowing.
Anyway, as we can see this can be a confusing debate as well.
I'm not trying to fret over stuff though, really…I just want to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus…and give GOD all the Glory. How can you go wrong there? Who can condemn you for this? I mean really?
Glory be to GOD! and may he bless each and every one of you, Keep praying for me…I'm not giving up. But I can't do this alone I need Jesus…and you all as well. You can't have the arm and not the leg…you need the WHOLE body of Christ to function as Christ would have us to function. Thats one of the reasons he said forsake not to assemble together.
November 18, 2007 at 1:19 am#72141IM4Truth
ParticipantBrothers and Sisters in Christ! It has been a long time since I have felt this bad mentally. I am going through a really bad time with our Family and I would appreciate if you would pray for us. I cant stop crying about it. Please pray for strength for us. Thank you.
Peace and Love Mrs.
November 18, 2007 at 3:50 am#72155942767
ParticipantBrother Samuel:
All of us have faults that we need to overcome, and we could not overcome them unless there were somewhere we could put God's Word into practice, and so, the way to overcome a fault is to resist the temptation until you are able to overcome.
I also worship with a church whose statement of faith includes the doctrines of “trinity” and the doctrine of “original sin” among others which I don't support. In order to become a member, they ask that one sign that he agrees with those doctrines, and so obviously, I can't become a member. I have gone to the Pastors and have discussed my differences in doctrine with telling them not that they were wrong, but only that I could not become a member because my understanding on the doctrines were different than what was being taught. God has taught me to approach someone with whom I disagree in this manner rather than telling him that he is wrong. It seems that they would be more willing to discuss the scriptures if approached this way. I agree with many good works that the church does, and I support them in these. Of course, we can pray and ask God to correct them if they are wrong.
Many of those who are pastors have exalted themselves to this position and have not been ordained by God. Maybe God will exalt you to a position one day where you will be teaching them.
I'll just share a couple of scriptures with you:
Quote 1Pe 5:6
Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:Quote Jas 5:16
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.I am praying for you brother. God Bless with you in every way including with a God fearing Christian wife.
November 18, 2007 at 3:59 am#72156942767
ParticipantQuote (IM4Truth @ Nov. 18 2007,12:19) Brothers and Sisters in Christ! It has been a long time since I have felt this bad mentally. I am going through a really bad time with our Family and I would appreciate if you would pray for us. I cant stop crying about it. Please pray for strength for us. Thank you. Peace and Love Mrs.
Hi Mrs IAM4Truth:I am praying that God would strengthen you and see you through this trial.
Quote Php 4:6
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.God Bless
November 18, 2007 at 5:49 am#72164Stu
ParticipantQuote (942767 @ Nov. 18 2007,14:50) I also worship with a church whose statement of faith includes the doctrines of “trinity” and the doctrine of “original sin” among others which I don't support. In order to become a member, they ask that one sign that he agrees with those doctrines, and so obviously, I can't become a member.
You don't believe in original sin?You've got my attention… Why not?
November 18, 2007 at 5:52 am#72166Stu
ParticipantQuote (Samuel @ Nov. 16 2007,13:07) If any of you prayer warriors out there would be willing to consider me in your prayers…I really need them. I joined this site to search for the truth…after re-committing my life to GOD and beginning to attend this Apostolic church (A Oneness church). They are preaching a message that I've never heard in my life before.
1.) They believe that GOD, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost are all GOD…just in different manifestations.
2.) They give out the message that you must be baptized in water unto the name of Jesus to be saved…yet when alter call comes they do not have a baptism…and therefore command people as peter did to be baptized…which is partly where they get the message in the first place. So it's like they are only doing half of what the scripture says to me.
3.) Some of their views on the Holy Ghost arise some questions. Its says in Corinthians that you should not pray to speak in tongues in the church just to be speaking in tongues…
1 Cor 14:5
I would that ye all spake with tongues, but rather that ye prophesied: for greater [is] he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues, except he interpret, that the church may receive edifying.
But rather that you prophesied…in other words what I get from this scripture is that if there is not an interpreter you should not pray to speak in tongues…unless in your private prayer closet at home or such. Jesus also says to pray in your prayer closet when you pray, among other things you should do in secret that some of these people do in the open.Matthew 6
1Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.
2Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
3But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:
4That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.
5And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
6But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
7But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
8Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.
Brothers and Sisters I feel like I may be judging…which is what I don't want to do. I feel like I may be trying to find fault in people or be a fault finder…which is also something I don't want to be.
A lot of times my mouth gets me into more trouble than I'd like to admit:
James 1:26 If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion [is] vain.
James 3:5 Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!
James 3:6 And the tongue [is] a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.
James 3:8 But the tongue can no man tame; [it is] an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.
1 Peter 3:10 For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile:Lots of times I'll be talking about GOD with someone or find myself …”Preaching” as some would say…then next thing you know I've offended someone. And its not my intention at all. I don't start out saying “let me see what I can say to offend this person”…it just happens. Some times it seems more often than not that I stick my foot in my mouth rather than help someone, which is what I had actually intended to do in the first place.
I started out in this site because I did a search on the Oneness faith and there was a big page that came up on this site on it…as well as the Trinity belief as well. So …I read them both…looked up some scriptures…and found that what I actually believed in my heart was not anything like either one of those doctrines. I was raised up on the Trinity belief…but I never knew what a Trinity belief actually was. I just thought it meant that they believed there are three people…beings…deity's. I did not know they considered them to all be the One and only TRUE GOD. I was at a lose for what to do then. I believe that there is but one GOD…the only GOD…there is not another GOD above him. I believe that his only begotten Son Jesus Christ…as it is pronounced in the English language…Came in the flesh and died for our Sins. But in all my praying in all my life I have never believed him to be the GOD…the one and only true GOD. And this is what both of these beliefs would have you believe. No matter how you look at it….of course they are both different beliefs…but they still both say that Jesus is GOD.
And a lot of these Christians have some really bad attitudes…some really ungodly attitudes…its like even if what they were saying was true…I would not want to believe it…because of the attitudes they have, they are un-god like and un-Christian like. I still try to love everyone…I try not to judge people…but I'm in a turmoil here…it would seem that I am. I do not want to be like that at all. I want to love everyone as Jesus said to do.
My temper gets the best of me sometimes as well…when that happens I usually just try my best to shut up and not say anything at all…cause GOD only knows what evil a man might speak in the heat of anger.
I am also single…and I long for a companion one that believes the same way that I do. I GOD fearing woman and GOD loving woman. I must admit that I was invited over to this one girls house and I allowed myself to be seduced by her. I should never have went. I ended up having to repent for that as well.
What I'm trying to say is that I'm not perfect, I'm striving to be…and its like Satan is using every time I mess up to throw it in my face that I can't live for GOD. That I'll never be able to do it…and my soul is going to be doomed for hell.
I don't want that… I love GOD…I've loved him since I was a child…my life would be completely miserable without him.
Please pray for me fellow servents.
I tend to laugh at those who think intercessory prayer makes any difference at all, but may I make the observation that you are beating yourself very hard over the head with your bible?Stuart
November 18, 2007 at 7:25 am#72170IM4Truth
ParticipantStu What a chritian is doing is really none of your business. You do not believe in a God, so what are you trying to do? Convert us to your believe or testing us? Satan weiche von mir und andere Leute auch die hier sind. Es macht mir so boesse wenn ich so was sehe. Bitte Gott es wuerde mir wirklich gefallen wenn er fuer immer weg bleiben wuerde. Danke schoenn.
Ich bete in Jesus Christ's name Amen.Mrs.
November 18, 2007 at 7:26 am#72171Not3in1
ParticipantQuote (IM4Truth @ Nov. 18 2007,12:19) Brothers and Sisters in Christ! It has been a long time since I have felt this bad mentally. I am going through a really bad time with our Family and I would appreciate if you would pray for us. I cant stop crying about it. Please pray for strength for us. Thank you. Peace and Love Mrs.
Sis Irene,Life can get us down. There are so many things/people/circumstances that can make our hearts and minds heavy with worry or grief. I pray that you will find some peace. Maybe the peace that passes understanding? LORD knows we could all use a bit of that, huh?
I love you, and you are in my prayers.
Sweet dreams,
MandyNovember 18, 2007 at 7:32 am#72172IM4Truth
ParticipantMandy We posted at the same time, I thank you for caring and your prayer. My Husband took me out today and I feel somewhat better. I trust that God will work it out for us, I sure hope so. If only I would be involved it would not be so bad, but there are others involved and that can always tear me up.
Thank you again Love IreneNovember 18, 2007 at 7:36 am#72174Not3in1
Participant…..if you would like to talk about it…..please feel free to share here or email me privately. Sometimes it helps to get things off your chest.
I'm heading to bed now, but I will check back in the morning.
November 18, 2007 at 7:56 am#72177IM4Truth
ParticipantMandy Thank you for wanting to help, but it is such a long story, that really started over 1 1/2 year ago, and it would be to much to tell. But I do appreciate you wanting to help me. I am going to have a talk with the person involved tomorrow, hopefully it will go well and we can get this straighten out. We'll have to wait and see. Thank you again for your prayers.
Peace and Love IreneNovember 18, 2007 at 3:48 pm#72193kenrch
When we take our eyes off Jesus we sink. I know it's hard when we see things going wrong OR not the way we expect it.I pray that his peace through His Spirit come upon you. Remember what happened to Peter?
God bless,
November 19, 2007 at 12:28 am#72234IM4Truth
ParticipantKen Looks like Satan has done it again. Money is the root of all evil. Satan does not like that I am so close to God and he will do anything to try to destroy me, but He got another thing coming, I will endure till the end. Hope my end comes soon. I am already dead. Even tho I like the earth that God created ,but man has made such a mess. I am so glad that I have hope, faith and Love that will help me hang on. I will hang onto that rock of our Salvation. I will walk that walk until the end.
Peace and Love Irene
November 19, 2007 at 3:51 am#72238acertainchap
ParticipantMrs. I will say a very special prayer for you.
With Love, Chap.
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