Humility and meekness

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  • #206912

    Your right Theodore, I also have to learn a lesson from what I wrote, to be more meek and humble,

    Forums like this can cause people to start assuming things; things which aren't clear enough in scripture; then comes trying to be impressive; envy; agonizing others,

    Being humble and meek is to care for others, or to be with the lowly. Jesus was among Leapers, the untouchables, He reached out and touched them when no-one else would, and others, [Who was He with and Who did He turn against] ?

    Theodore, your end question, I don't know.


    Quote (Arnold @ July 30 2010,22:52)

    Quote (shimmer @ July 30 2010,11:06)
    I'll let you all fight it out :D

    Who's fighting? we're just throwing snow-balls; in this weather they never reach their target, to bad though.  :D

    Humility and meekness? you want find it here!

    You never know !


    Quote (shimmer @ July 31 2010,13:27)

    Quote (Arnold @ July 30 2010,22:52)

    Quote (shimmer @ July 30 2010,11:06)
    I'll let you all fight it out :D

    Who's fighting? we're just throwing snow-balls; in this weather they never reach their target, to bad though.  :D

    Humility and meekness? you want find it here!

    You never know !

    Georg don't be so cynical…..there is plenty of humility in this just doen't get much opportunity to debut because of all the hubris……



    If we are truly meek toward God, this will help us be meek and humble toward others,

    Romans 12:16 – Do not set your mind on high things, Do not be wise in your own opinion.

    [Always be thankful to God].
    Forgive others.

    A humble person wont focus on how to make a big impression, A humble person will accept any task whereby he can help people, no matter how humble that task is in the eyes of men. He will associate with anyone whom he can help and who will help him serve God, even if the world does not highly exalt those people.

    Philippians 2:3: Do nothing from selfishness or conceit, but in humility count others better than yourselves.  Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.  Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,  who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped,  but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.  And being found in human form he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross.

    James 3:13-18 – Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good life let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom.  But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth.  This wisdom is not such as comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, devilish. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, without uncertainty or insincerity.  And the harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.


    Quote (theodorej @ July 31 2010,16:51)

    Quote (shimmer @ July 31 2010,13:27)

    Quote (Arnold @ July 30 2010,22:52)

    Quote (shimmer @ July 30 2010,11:06)
    I'll let you all fight it out :D

    Who's fighting? we're just throwing snow-balls; in this weather they never reach their target, to bad though.  :D

    Humility and meekness? you want find it here!

    You never know !

    Georg don't be so cynical…..there is plenty of humility in this just doen't get much opportunity to debut because of all the hubris……

    humility in this forum really?



    SimplyForgiven, I know this place, don't ask please, anyway, humility in this forum is a tricky thing sometimes, btw I like your signature,

    (Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” )


    Quote (shimmer @ July 31 2010,13:27)

    Quote (Arnold @ July 30 2010,22:52)

    Quote (shimmer @ July 30 2010,11:06)
    I'll let you all fight it out :D

    Who's fighting? we're just throwing snow-balls; in this weather they never reach their target, to bad though.  :D

    Humility and meekness? you want find it here!

    You never know !

    That post my dear Husband made…. As you can see He can be somewhat sarcastic………Irene


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Aug. 02 2010,20:18)

    Quote (theodorej @ July 31 2010,16:51)

    Quote (shimmer @ July 31 2010,13:27)

    Quote (Arnold @ July 30 2010,22:52)

    Quote (shimmer @ July 30 2010,11:06)
    I'll let you all fight it out :D

    Who's fighting? we're just throwing snow-balls; in this weather they never reach their target, to bad though.  :D

    Humility and meekness? you want find it here!

    You never know !

    Georg don't be so cynical…..there is plenty of humility in this just doen't get much opportunity to debut because of all the hubris……

    humility in this forum really?


    not you toooooogive me a break….. :D :D :D


    I believe that true pride and meekness and humility are problibly best exibited in our daily lives, not here. I see alot of people letting off steam and trading barbs, but that doesn't tell me how truely meek or humble they are or not. You could compose the best of responses, but if you aren't kind to your family, kids and fellow citizens and christians you are not meek or humble. As with everything else, God knows and that's what matters.When I first posted in this forum I was really suprised at the biting nature of some of the responses. I've learned to wear a thick skin  for some seemingly jaded,opinionated and arrogant members, but I know that might not be them at all (in more ways than one). I also read responses from very caring , loving and genuine members, and it keeps me coming back when I can. Love you all, Humbley and meekly-Me


    Quote (shimmer @ Aug. 05 2010,17:06)
    SimplyForgiven, I know this place, don't ask please, anyway, humility in this forum is a tricky thing sometimes, btw I like your signature,

    (Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” )

    lol you know this place? I dont understand. humility here is pretty tricky. and thanks its sounds better in spanish.


    Quote (Arnold @ Aug. 05 2010,23:01)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Aug. 02 2010,20:18)

    Quote (theodorej @ July 31 2010,16:51)

    Quote (shimmer @ July 31 2010,13:27)

    Quote (Arnold @ July 30 2010,22:52)

    Quote (shimmer @ July 30 2010,11:06)
    I'll let you all fight it out :D

    Who's fighting? we're just throwing snow-balls; in this weather they never reach their target, to bad though.  :D

    Humility and meekness? you want find it here!

    You never know !

    Georg don't be so cynical…..there is plenty of humility in this just doen't get much opportunity to debut because of all the hubris……

    humility in this forum really?


    not you toooooogive me a break….. :D  :D  :D

    ha ha of course not. :O


    That post my dear Husband made…. As you can see He can be somewhat sarcastic….

    Irene, no problem, I understand :D

    I believe that true pride and meekness and humility are problibly best exibited in our daily lives, not here. I see alot of people letting off steam and trading barbs, but that doesn't tell me how truely meek or humble they are or not. You could compose the best of responses, but if you aren't kind to your family, kids and fellow citizens and christians you are not meek or humble. As with everything else, God knows and that's what matters.When I first posted in this forum I was really suprised at the biting nature of some of the responses. I've learned to wear a thick skin for some seemingly jaded,opinionated and arrogant members, but I know that might not be them at all (in more ways than one). I also read responses from very caring , loving and genuine members, and it keeps me coming back when I can. Love you all, Humbley and meekly-Me

    Mike, there's a Lady who works in a shop I used to go to, she would stand behind the counter looking suspiciously at all,  she would never smile, never talk, not even a reply to 'hello' I thought she was really rude. But I got to know her through my Mother, you know she is really likeable, she goes out of her way to make you feel ok, she goes out of her way to help anyone – and shes just the most recent example I thought of, Yes, looks can be deceiving. Of course theres angels of light who are within ravenous wolves, so, it's hard to know these days, and forums like this can be good and bad,  

    lol you know this place? I dont understand. humility here is pretty tricky. and thanks its sounds better in spanish.

    SimplyForgiven, yeah, I do… Spanish, I love Spanish,


    My wife is known for “dealing” with gruff people by taking an interest, allowing herself to be wronged, yet pressing in breaking the barriers down. I have seen many a hard cases over the years become friendly helpful and smiling. It's funny, you wait in line at a cash register with one of these “sour pusses” they will see my wife and they brighten up and smile, my wife will chat with them and offer to pray with them over any issues they may have in their lives. For me this has always exemplified true humility and meekness. I thank God for such a wife.



    Amen Seekingtruth :)


    Quote (mikeangel @ Aug. 06 2010,14:12)
    I believe that true pride and meekness and humility are problibly best exibited in our daily lives, not here. I see alot of people letting off steam and trading barbs, but that doesn't tell me how truely meek or humble they are or not. You could compose the best of responses, but if you aren't kind to your family, kids and fellow citizens and christians you are not meek or humble. As with everything else, God knows and that's what matters.When I first posted in this forum I was really suprised at the biting nature of some of the responses. I've learned to wear a thick skin  for some seemingly jaded,opinionated and arrogant members, but I know that might not be them at all (in more ways than one). I also read responses from very caring , loving and genuine members, and it keeps me coming back when I can. Love you all, Humbley and meekly-Me

    Hi MA,

    What you say is true.

    People can't hear the softness in my words and read it in a different way.  Written communication SUCKS!

    Even thru many rude responses I glimmer some truths or points that get me to thinking of God's ways and helps me to “tone down” and respond better.

    I liked this verse that was posted:

    Philippians 2:3: Do nothing from selfishness or conceit, but in humility count others better than yourselves.  Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

    I KNOW my purpose here is to help the interests of others but others may not see it that way.

    Just as I was an outstanding volleyball player in “my day”, I became an excellent coach and won many trophies.

    Now, I witness for Christ and win trophies in another sort of way.  

    I am more humble now than when I first began all thanks to people letting off steam and throwin barbs.

    At first I was taken aback from all of the rudeness and apparent “ignorance” and “pride” being spit out to others.  Now I see a bit more clearly.

    I, too,  was hoping to see “unity” among believers but have read how this has been tried by others for over 5-6 years and met with the same resistance.

    2Ti 3:16 All Scripture is inspired by God and “profitable” for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; (17) so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every “good work”.

    Tearing down others (character attacks) are not good works.  Teaching, reproof and correction of a man's idea is what we are supposed to do…but how?

    1Th 5:14 We urge you, brethren, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone.

    2Th 3:15 Yet do not regard him as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.

    Sometimes after 70 x 7 we are to:

    Mat 7:6 “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.

    So, in our responses we must tell the truth but not tear to pieces and as Mike said, back it up with Scripture and let the Holy Spirit bring the point across.

    I have noticed that the people here are beginning to “soften” up and respond nicer and try to make a good point in their posts.  Others continue to try to tear you to pieces and you can see their “fruit” in their attitude.

    This Thread is a kind reminder of who we should be in Christ.


    The Professor


    Quote (davidbfun @ Aug. 09 2010,00:55)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Aug. 06 2010,14:12)
    I believe that true pride and meekness and humility are problibly best exibited in our daily lives, not here. I see alot of people letting off steam and trading barbs, but that doesn't tell me how truely meek or humble they are or not. You could compose the best of responses, but if you aren't kind to your family, kids and fellow citizens and christians you are not meek or humble. As with everything else, God knows and that's what matters.When I first posted in this forum I was really suprised at the biting nature of some of the responses. I've learned to wear a thick skin  for some seemingly jaded,opinionated and arrogant members, but I know that might not be them at all (in more ways than one). I also read responses from very caring , loving and genuine members, and it keeps me coming back when I can. Love you all, Humbley and meekly-Me

    Hi MA,

    What you say is true.

    People can't hear the softness in my words and read it in a different way.  Written communication SUCKS!

    Even thru many rude responses I glimmer some truths or points that get me to thinking of God's ways and helps me to “tone down” and respond better.

    I liked this verse that was posted:

    Philippians 2:3: Do nothing from selfishness or conceit, but in humility count others better than yourselves.  Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

    I KNOW my purpose here is to help the interests of others but others may not see it that way.

    Just as I was an outstanding volleyball player in “my day”, I became an excellent coach and won many trophies.

    Now, I witness for Christ and win trophies in another sort of way.  

    I am more humble now than when I first began all thanks to people letting off steam and throwin barbs.

    At first I was taken aback from all of the rudeness and apparent “ignorance” and “pride” being spit out to others.  Now I see a bit more clearly.

    I, too,  was hoping to see “unity” among believers but have read how this has been tried by others for over 5-6 years and met with the same resistance.

    2Ti 3:16 All Scripture is inspired by God and “profitable” for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; (17) so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every “good work”.

    Tearing down others (character attacks) are not good works.  Teaching, reproof and correction of a man's idea is what we are supposed to do…but how?

    1Th 5:14 We urge you, brethren, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone.

    2Th 3:15 Yet do not regard him as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.

    Sometimes after 70 x 7 we are to:

    Mat 7:6 “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.

    So, in our responses we must tell the truth but not tear to pieces and as Mike said, back it up with Scripture and let the Holy Spirit bring the point across.

    I have noticed that the people here are beginning to “soften” up and respond nicer and try to make a good point in their posts.  Others continue to try to tear you to pieces and you can see their “fruit” in their attitude.

    This Thread is a kind reminder of who we should be in Christ.


    The Professor

    Amen brother, peace and love to you and yours-Me


    David, that was a good post,

    Half of my problem is trying to act like I know as much as everyone else when I don't. I should be asking questions to learn. In a church the Pastor/Teacher/Father/Bishop does all the teaching while the people listen. Here, it's more everyone having their say, ha, like a class of sometimes unruly students minus the Teacher, or, Who is the Teacher ? The Teacher should be God, Jesus, Holy Spirit and the Scriptures. But it gets confusing as theres so many opinions and different understandings.


      You do not have to act like anything other than yourself. You are right, God is the teacher and guide. We are the body, with many  parts and functions, also with differant gifts and perspectives. I've read your post from time to time, and I feel that you are genuine, also other people on here. You believe in christ, and at the moment you confessed Jesus as Lord God put his sprit in you, and it guides you to what is good and true. To me, reading the bible and hearing other peoples perspectives expands that truth. May God bless you and guide you now and always. Love-Me


    Thanks, you too MikeAngel :)

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