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- December 23, 2005 at 5:47 am#26640
Quote As I think I said, it can mean authority. They mean the same no matter what or which.
December 23, 2005 at 6:05 am#26641Eliyah
ParticipantSince “” POWER””( ie-authority) and “” NAME( ie- authority) mean the same, then IF you rebel and refuse to acknowledge, use, and submit to the true Messiah's true and real NAME of Yahshua ,which is also His Authority, then you also rebel against His Authority and POWER also, and if you do not have the Father's Name( Rev.14:1; Rev.22:3-4) in your forehead or mind and confess it before men ( Matt.10:32; Luke 12:8) as Messiah said, and if you are not also sealed with the true SPIRIT OF YAH ( Eph.1:13) by His true NAME, then, if any person that has not THE SPIRIT OF MESSIAH( which is also the Spirit of YAH), then that person is NONE OF HIS( Rom.8:9) or does not belong to Messiah or is not of the true Bride of Messiah either.
Then, those who do not ACKNOWLEDGE, USE, and CONFESS THEIR( The Father YAH-weh and the Son's true Name Yah-shua) before men, will not have their( or those who deny to use their memorial personal given names) names written in the lambs book of life either( Rev.13:8), because they have not been SEALED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT OF YAH's NAME in their foreheads or minds( Rev.7:1-9; Rev.14:1; Rev.22:3-4), which also identifies the true people that OBEY Yah's Commandments which is the RE-NEWED COVENANT( Jer.31:33; Heb.8:10) which is also in His true BRIDES MINDS ALSO.
December 23, 2005 at 6:13 am#26642Eliyah
ParticipantAll of this sealing in the foreheads or minds of Yah's Spirit, Name, and His re-newed Covenant of His original Commandments that I have listed above ( Rev.7:1-9; Rev.14:1; Rev.22:3-4), ( Jer.31:33; Heb.8:10), is the reason of my whole person and being born, and its almost complete.
December 23, 2005 at 6:30 am#26643Eliyah
ParticipantThere is no “” and's if's or but's about it, if you rebel against and do not know and confess thier true NAMES of YAH-weh and Yah-shua( not substitute names) [/B]before men, then you will not have your ” NAME”” confessed before the true Father YAH-weh in Heaven either by the true Messiah as He Himself very well said so, and you also rebel against Their AUTHORITY also.
I tell you this because I love you people and because it is the very truth of scriptures that I ONLY WRITE AND QUOTE, and not my oppinion either, I only quote scriptures as is written.
December 23, 2005 at 6:48 am#26644Eliyah
ParticipantYou are correct on one side David, however, the word ” NAME ” means BOTH, if you deny their true names, then you also deny their AUTHORITY and refuse to submit to the very Person who died for your sins, and arose again to grant you eternal life.
December 23, 2005 at 6:59 am#26645Eliyah
ParticipantAnd do you know who we have that caused all this substitution and syncrnized paganisim ? Really it was satan the devil working through Constantine and the Catholics with their traditions of the Jesuit priests that infiltrated and over come the true Apostles teachings, it was the Emperor's way of controling the population of people, if you control the religious churches and allow substitutes of paganisim in it, then there is control over the population of the masses.
December 23, 2005 at 7:41 am#26646Eliyah
I very well know how this world's churches and many peoples that hate the Witnesses, however, I have allowed them many times in my home, and have never run them off, as I have seen others arround me here do them.
This is the truth David I lie not Yah knows my heart and mind, but I have spoken to many of them, even very prominant people from the top have been in my home and we have discussed these things, and they have even shown me vidios of how their Organization is run.
I love the witnesses, and they teach very much truth of scriptures, and the one's that have visited me here were very nice and kind to me, and i to them.
However, when I show to them these things that you have read above, they are confounded and admit to its truth and cannot believe they have overlooked these scriptures for so many years.
Take for example of Solomon, he was very wise as the wisest man who ever lived, however, toward the end of his life he began to practice syncretisim as the modern churches do today because of his 700 wives and 300 concubines of other nations deities and tried to combine these with the true worship of Almighty YAH, however, he was condemned FOR HIS IDOLATRY and he was considered along with the many other evil Kings of Israel THAT HAD DONE EVIL IN THE SIGHT OF YAH( read and do a study about Solomon).
These witnesses admitted to the practice of syncretisim and also admitted that the title of G-d is pagan also, many of these witnesses have stopped using that pagan title and combining it with the Creator too.
I will discuss the scriptures with anyone, however, they will know the very truth concerning Idolatry before I'm finished speaking with them.
December 23, 2005 at 8:02 am#26647Eliyah
ParticipantThe Hebrew word Shem for NAME means MEMORIAL MARK( ie -sign) OF AUTHORITY AND CHARACTOR.
Their, the true Father YAH( Psalms 68:4)weh and the Messiah's true Name of Yah-shua is their MEMORIAL MARK OR SIGN OF THEIR AUTHORITY AND CHARACTOR, check this Hebrew word ” NAME” out in a Strongs Exaustive Concordance Hebrew Dictionary, you will see that i'm telling you the truth of scriptures.
To refuse to use their true NAME is to refuse their MEMORIAL, MARK, AUTHORITY, and their CHARACTOR,which is sealed in His true servants and people's foreheads or minds ( Rev.7:1-9; Rev.14:1; Rev.22:3-4).
Do you use the true names of YAHweh and Yah-shua? If you don't, then you are not His at all.
How can His people or Elect be sealed in the foreheads or minds, if they do not witness and confess their true names to men and women as Messiah said to do?
December 23, 2005 at 8:26 am#26648Eliyah
ParticipantThere is a scripture that says concerning the end times, that says “” They Having a form of the ALMIGHTY, but DENYING THE POWER( ie-His Name and or Authority) thereof. Ah ha. who said that?
Remember ( Acts 4:7) …By what POWER( ie-Authority) or by what NAME( ie-Authority) ?
Oh boy, aren't there millions today that claim to have a form of YAH ALMIGHTY, but they DENY THE POWER( ie- His Name which is His Authority) thereof. ?
Then If you deny His NAME, then you also deny His POWER or AUTHORITY, very plain and simple.
December 25, 2005 at 12:27 am#26649Eliyah
ParticipantTo prove this further( however remember that POWER( ie-Authority) and NAME( ie- Authority) are synomous or mean the same( Acts 4:7)), look at ( luke 22:69) when Messiah was on trial before the Elders and High Priest.
Look at ( Matt.26:64) The Messiah Yahshua said “””” YAHshua saith unto him, Thou hast said: nevertheless I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the RIGHT HAND OF POWER( ie- On the right hand of the Father and His Name of YAH and His Authority), and coming in the clouds of heaven.
( See Also Ps 110:1 Dan 7:13 ).Look at ( Mark 14:62) the Messiah said, “””” 62 And Yahshua said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the RIGHT HAND OF POWER( ie- The Right Hand Of the Father and His Name and Authority of YAH), and coming in the clouds of heaven.
YAHshua Messiah said,“”” 69 Hereafter shall the Son of man sit on the right hand of the POWER( ie-NAME OR AUTHORITY) OF El ( Or YAH, meaning the Father).( Luke 22:69).
And Messiah said “”” ( Matt.28:18) 18 And YAHshua came and spake unto them, saying, All POWER( ie- His -the Father's Name and Authority) is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Now look at ( 2 Tim.1:8) what Paul said, “””8 Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Master Messiah, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the POWER( ie- His Name of YAH and or His Authority) OF EL( 2 Tim.1:8).
Now look at ( 2 Tim.3:5) Paul said “”” Having a form of all that is good, but DENYING THE POWER( ie- The Father Yah and Yahshua's true Name and their AUTHORITY) thereof: FROM SUCH TURN AWAY.
Make no mistake about it, IF you DENY the Father and Son's true Name of YAH and YAHshua, then, you also DENY THEIR POWER AND OR AUTHORITY, and Paul says to turn away from such people.
People today have a great mis-understanding about WHO TO PRAY FOR, the Messiah YAHshua said to pray for YOUR ENEMIES, however, He DID NOT SAY to pray for the enemies YAH ALMIGHTY, and Paul proves and demonstrates this concerning Elymas the Sorcerer“”” Then Saul, (who also is called Paul,) filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him.
10 And said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of YAH?
11 And now, behold, the hand of YAH is upon thee, and thou shalt be blind, not seeing the sun for a season. And immediately there fell on him a mist and a darkness; and he went about seeking some to lead him by the hand.( Acts 13:8-11).
If you deny using and confessing their true Name to people , ( Matt.10:32; Luke 12:8) as Messiah said to do), You also DENY THEIR POWER AND AUTHORITY over you and you do not belong to to them, and neither will Messiah confess YOUR NAME BEFORE THE TRUE FATHER YAH IN HEAVEN either as He also said.
Eliyah C. proving the power – ie- His Name or authority of Yah in the scriptures.
December 26, 2005 at 7:40 am#26650Eliyah
See my number 3 website, turn your speakers on for easy listening music while you read, and scroll down and read the articles toward the bottom on the home page.
I have also listed this forum on my website for others to visit and read, and perhaps become members.
December 26, 2005 at 7:42 am#26651January 6, 2006 at 2:49 pm#26652Eliyah
ParticipantStrong's Number 03068 matches the Hebrew Y@hovah Y@hovah {yeh-ho-vaw'} Hebrew for 03068 from 01961 Outline of Biblical UsageJehovah = “the existing One”1) the proper name of the one true G-d
a) unpronounced except with the vowel pointings of 0136 meaning “ Adonay “ or “ lord “.
http://www.blueletterbible.org/tmp_dir/words/3/1130288782-6964.htmlNotice this name is “ vowel pointed with Hebrew Number 136 “, however, let’s see what this word is that is “ vowel pointed “ to YHWH to get this form name of “ Yeh-ho-vaw “ or “ Jehovah “.
Now we will look at the root Hebrew word number 1961, Hebrew for 01961, Pronunciation Guide “ hayah {haw-yaw}” a primitive root [compare 01933]; 1) to be, become, come to pass, exist, happen, fall out
a) (Qal) ,1) —– ,a) to happen, fall out, occur, take place, come about, come to pass
b) to come about, come to pass , 2) to come into being, become ,a) to arise, appear, come
b) to become ,1) to become ,2) to become like , 3) to be instituted, be established
3) to be , a) to exist, be in existence , b) to abide, remain, continue (with word of place or time) ,c) to stand, lie, be in, be at, be situated (with word of locality) ,d) to accompany, be with , b) (Niphal) ,1) to occur, come to pass, be done, be brought about
2) to be done, be finished, be gone
http://www.blueletterbible.org/tmp_dir/words/1/1130291299-7049.htmlNow let’s look at Hebrew number 1933, Hebrew for 01933, Pronunciation Guide”hava' {haw-vaw'} or havah {haw-vaw'}, Root Word a primitive root [compare 0183, 01961]
1) Qal) ,a) to fall ,b) to be, become, exist, happen.http://www.blueletterbible.org/tmp_dir/words/1/1130292889-4126.html
Please look and notice this name “ Yehovaw ” or “ Jehovah “ is vowel pointed to “ Adonay = Lord “.
Pronunciation Guide, 'Adonay {ad-o-noy'}Hebrew for 0136, am emphatic form of Root Word 0113 Outline of Biblical Usage 1) my lord, lord
a) of men
b) of God
2) Lord – title, SPOKEN IN PLACE( Substituted title ) OF YAHWEH in Jewish display of reverence.http://www.blueletterbible.org/tmp_dir/words/1/1130289666-2262.html
Remember, Notice this name of “ Yeh-ho-vaw “ or “ Jehovah “ is “ vowel pointed with Hebrew Numbers 136, 113 meaning “ Adonay = lord “.Now let’s look at the root word number “ 113 “ of Hebrew number 136 that is vowel pointed to YHWH..
Hebrew for 0113, Pronunciation Guide, 'adown {aw-done'} or (shortened) 'adon {awdone'}from an unused root (meaning to rule) 1) firm, strong, lord, master a) lord, master
1) reference to men a) superintendent of household,of affairs b) ,master c) king
2) reference to God a) the Lord God b),L ord of the whole earth b) lords, kings
1) reference to men ,a) proprietor of hill of Samaria ,b) master ,c) husband ,d) prophet
e) governor , f) prince , g) king ,2) reference to God ,a) Lord of lords (probably = “thy husband, Yahweh”) ,c) my lord, my master ,1) reference to men ,a) master ,b) husband c) prophet , prince ,e) king ,f) father ,g) Moses ,h) priest ,i) theophanic angel ,j) captain
k) general recognition of superiority ,2) reference to God ,a) my Lord,my Lord and my God .b) Adonai (parallel with Yahweh)http://www.blueletterbible.org/tmp_dir/words/1/1130290347-9717.html
See the original Hebrew writing of this name “ Yehovah” that is vowel pointed with the title of “ Adonay” or “ lord “, Hebrew number 136, at the sites listed that show the original Hebrew words.
Now let’s notice something strange and revealing when looking at the “ Suffix “ of “ hovah” in this name “ Je’hovah with the “ vowel points “ that have been added from the Hebrew number 136 of “ Adonay = lord “, as “ Ye’ho-vaw“ = Je‘hovah “.
Hebrew for 01943, Pronunciation Guide, hovah {ho-vaw'}, Root Word another form for 01942, 1) ruin, disaster, mischief
Now Hebrew number 1942, Hebrew for 01942 Pronunciation Guide havvah {hav-vaw'}, Root Word from 01933, ) desire , a) desire (in bad sense) ,2) chasm (fig. of destruction)
a) engulfing ruin, destruction, calamity, AV – calamity 4, wickedness 3, perverse thing 1, mischief 1, noisome 1,iniquity 1, substance 1, naughtiness 1, naughty 1, mischievous 1;16http://www.blueletterbible.org/tmp_dir/words/1/1130295730-8398.html
Would or should the name of the true Creator mean “ ruin“, “ disaster “, ” perverse thing”, “ wickedness “, “iniquity( ie- lawlessness) “ as the meaning of the name above ?
However, this of course means that the “” vowel points “” from the Hebrew number 136 meaning “ lord “ should not have been added to form or create this evil meaning name of “ Jehovah.”, which in fact means :”” Destroyer ““…
This is a false Hybrid name that was invented in the 14th century, and the JWs use it exclusively even admitting that YAHUWEH or YAHWEH when said rapidly is the more correct Name.
There is another Name that will show the correction of the “ Suffixes “ of the Father’s true Name that is used and mentioned some 49 times in the scriptures, and the first place this short form Name of YAHH is used is in ( Exodus 15:2 ) by Moshe( Moses), and it is in the NEW KING JAMES VERSION corrected as “ YAH “ from the OLD KING JAMES VERSION as “ Jah “, because there was no letter “ J “ untill about 500 years ago.
Notice this correct first “ Suffix “ of the Name from Strongs Hebrew Concordance.
Hebrew for 03050, Pronunciation Guide Yahh {yaw}, Root Word contraction for 03068, and meaning the same, the sacred name, 1) Jah (Jehovah in the shortened form) a) the propername of the one true G-d b) used in many compounds ,1) names beginning with the letters 'Je' ,2) names ending with 'iah' or 'jah'
However, in thee original “” Strongs Exaustive Concordance Hebrew Dictionary this is what is written by Mr. James H. Strongs on page 47 by Himself concerning the short form Name of ” YAH ” which is Hebrew number 3050, that the Blue Letter Bible purposely left out and omitted.
“”” 3050, הי Yahh, yaw: contr. For 3068, AND MEAN THE SAME; Jah,** THE SACRED NAME**, this between the stars is what was left out of the Blue Letter Bible Edition of Strongs Hebrew Dictionary of number 3050.
When this name is written without the added “ vowel pointings “ of the Hebrew number 136 meaning “ lord “ it will look like this in Hebrew (הוהי )
However, this must be “ read from right to left “, or from “ front to back “, the “” והי “” means YAHU, and “” ה “” means WEH= Yahuweh , hence when spoken fast would be “ Yahweh “.
Hebrew Pronounced as “ י “= Yod “ ה “=Hey “ ו “= Waw( ancient Hebrew) or =Vav( modern Hebrew) ” ה “= Hey
In ancient “ Yod Hey Waw Hey “ = YHWH without the later added Hebrew n
umber 136 of “ lord “ is the true Name of YAHUWEH, and when said rapidly it is YAHWEH.However, even if anyone wants to dispute and argue against the full form of “ Yod-Hey-Waw-Hey “ which is YAHUWEH; the short form is un-arguable and undeniable as Hebrew Number 3050 of “YAH “ which is in the scriptures 49 times and first spoken by Moses in ( Exodus 15:2) when he and the Children of Israel were singing song of Praise to the ALMIGHTY YAH, and this is why I use for YHWH as the Name of YAH which is indisputable in its written form and its pronounciation as Yah as in “ ahh” = YAH as James H.Strongs on page 47 of His Concordance Hebrew Dictionary plainly proves.
This is WHY I use the short form Name of YAH for YHWH, which is indisputable and un-deniable without arguments.
Part 2 will prove that Messiah did in fact have “ Yahu “ in His Name as “ Yahushua “ or Yahshua for short.
Shalom( Peace)
Eliyah C.
January 6, 2006 at 3:16 pm#26653Eliyah
ParticipantThere seems to be a problem when clicking on the web addresses above, however, you can go to this http://www.blueletterbible and type in the title of lord, and the phony name of Je'hovah, and use the Hebrew Strongs for all thee above Hebrew numbers listed in my post, and prove what I write to be true.
Type in all the words Jehovah and lord and then mark it in the Hebrew dot of Strongs, and type in all the Hebrew numbers listed above in my post to see this to be true.
Eliyah C.
January 6, 2006 at 11:21 pm#26654Bastian
ParticipantExodus3:13 Moses said to God, ''when I come to the Israelites and say to them the God of your fathers has sent me”, and they ask me, “what is His name? What shall I tell them? And God said to Moses Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh. He continued, thus shall you say to the Israelites Ehyeh has sent me.
According to the Almighty His name is Ehyeh.
January 7, 2006 at 5:12 pm#26655Eliyah
That is the MEANING of His Name that He gave to Moses in ( Exod.3:13) check thee original words, and check thee original words of HIS NAME to be called by unto all generations in ( Exod.3:15).
He gave the ” meaning ” of His Name to Moshe( Moses) in ( Exod.3:13), however, He gave Moses His Name to be called by in ( Exod.3:15), and said THIS IS MY MEMORIAL NAME( ie=YHWH=YAHUWEH=YAHH under the title of 'Lord' in English( ie- His NAME=Memorial, Mark, Authority, Charactor) UNTO ALL GENERATIONS( Exod.3:15).
As I have already stated( as if you noticed ?) people can argue concerning the full form of the NAME, however, the short form NAME of YAH(=Yahh=yaw as in 'ah'=correct pronounciation of Strongs H.Number 3050 and mean the same as 3068) appears 49 times in thee original scriptures, and first in ( Exod.15:2; Psalms 68:4), which is undeniable and indisputable.
Why do people merely scroll in a runnnnnnnnnnn through my posts, merely to quote their own meaning and the meaning which they have preconceived, but about their own preconceived certain scriptural texts?
Eliyah C.
January 10, 2006 at 6:58 am#26656Eliyah
ParticipantI want to point out though, that Bastian did give the correct MEANING of His Name, and what it means as is correctly transliterated from Hebrew to EnglishEhyeh-Asher-Ehyeh( Exod.3:13).
I want to thank him for that, because there are very few people who really know that too.
Thank you Bastian, that you did point that out.
Yah bless
January 10, 2006 at 2:07 pm#26657Bastian
ParticipantFebruary 11, 2006 at 5:15 am#26658Eliyah
ParticipantFor those who think that the pronounciation of YHWH= Yahueh or Yahweh cannot be known for certain, then you better read our article at the address below at…
We have added this link to save space on the forum.
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