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  • #140332

    The anti-homosexual agenda in Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Romans, unless you have taken a pair of scissors to your Judeo-christian book of spells.

    It is not true that I have paid no attention to the suffering of victims of predation.



    I think I could substantiate your persecution (indeed your illegal incitement to murder) if you have ever advocated reading scripture anywhere here. But I am not that interested in searching for the last post in which you did that.

    I am quite happy to settle now without the lawyers' bills.



    Quote (Stu @ Aug. 07 2009,17:48)
    So homosexuality is destroying the nation now.  I suppose it will be responsible for global warming next.

    And after that sunspots and the next supernova.



    Homosexuality does not destroy the nation, God does.

    Homosexuality is not a power, it is a symptom of a disease of the soul. When the soul no longer recognizes its own reality, and cannot find its reason for being, other than to appeal to its own basest desires, it will become lost in attempting to find and fulfill the ultimate desire.

    God is longsuffering, and kind. He will give man everything he needs to find truth. When man begins to worship himself as the ultimate reality, God will give him over to his own baser
    “self,” and stand ever ready to catch him in his fall. It is only when that man is so taken with his own opinion that he can no longer seek for truth beyond himself, God lets him go on to destruction.

    The really sad part is, salvation is always just a repentant moment away.



    So the question remains:

    Was the ingestion of shellfish ever evil?


    Quote (Cato @ Aug. 07 2009,07:34)

    I brought this up in another thread but it is appropriate here also; According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, taking figures from 2005, “92 percent of rape or sexual assault victims were female; those 16-19 years old had the highest rate of sexual victimization of any age group.”  This indicates, as do most crime statistics, that the victims of sexual crimes and acts are overwhelming female and the perpetrators here are heterosexual males.  I am not defending gay criminals just pointing out that sex crimes are an overwhelmingly male problem and not one of orientation.


    The study you mention has thrown straights and gays in the same mix, and the victoms are 16 and up.

    No comparison at all!



    So WJ how about you give the stats that support what you are claiming.



    Quote (Stu @ Aug. 07 2009,21:10)
    So WJ how about you give the stats that support what you are claiming.



    To start with we have 4 votes on this sight and 3 of them between 12 and 16 was approached by a gay person for sex.

    Thats significant.

    Sorry wrong thread. Nevertheless in the other poll 3 out of 6 were approached between the ages of 12 and 16 for sex by a gay person!



    All these homophobia threads. They are very clear cut and all completely necessary. Those who started them have comprehensive and widespread data from unbiased research that provides damning evidence of what they are claiming.




    So we have power over your god! We can make him destroy a nation.

    Doesn't prostyletising to me make you feel dirty?

    It just makes me feel relieved not to be under a scriptural compulsion to bore others with earnest, dull fantasy stories.

    You know the blessed state of not having to be burdened by mythology is an even easier step away for you, don't you.

    There you go, you've got me started now.



    Quote (Stu @ Aug. 08 2009,05:21)
    The anti-homosexual agenda in Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Romans, unless you have taken a pair of scissors to your Judeo-christian book of spells.

    It is not true that I have paid no attention to the suffering of victims of predation.


    Let me restate my question. What persecution have I personally done? I did not say you payed no attention to the suffering victims of predation. I was referring to the persecution like the Boy Scouts and Miss California have received form the hands of homosexuals and pro omosexuals.



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Aug. 08 2009,02:46)
    Hi Cato

    Why not just believe the scriptures that says there are demons and satan can transform himself?



    It is not a matter of possibility rather probability. I do believe there are entities of such as demons however the probability of their descending upon T8 unprovoked and so easily dealt with seems unlikely in the extreme. My scenario based on what he said happened and the situation he described with his friend is much more reasonable is all.


    The ignorance on display by those who simply detest homosexuals because they believe some god hates them is astounding. Read this: Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation. I will not post the who piece (too long) but the conclusion is enough.

    The empirical research does not show that gay or bisexual men are any more likely than heterosexual men to molest children. This is not to argue that homosexual and bisexual men never molest children. But there is no scientific basis for asserting that they are more likely than heterosexual men to do so. And, as explained above, many child molesters cannot be characterized as having an adult sexual orientation at all; they are fixated on children.

    Rather than allowing your fundamentalist mentality skew your thought processes, do some research.


    Quote (Paladin @ Aug. 08 2009,07:09)
    Homosexuality is not a power, it is a symptom of a disease of the soul. When the soul no longer recognizes its own reality, and cannot find its reason for being, other than to appeal to its own basest desires, it will become lost in attempting to find and fulfill the ultimate desire.

    I think most reputable institutions on psychology and medicine consider homosexuality a state not a disease. The condition you describe as not recognizing reality is called psychosis which is a mental disorder. Perhaps you consider homosexuality a base desire to be overcome, but for most of us it is no desire for we are not inclined that way. Perhaps you have some latent tendencies that frighten you.


    BTW Paladin and thethinker, I hear that Westboro Baptist is always looking for new members. You all would be a weclome addition tho their flock.


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Aug. 06 2009,00:05)

    Quote (kejonn @ Aug. 05 2009,22:10)
    Are Christians feeling threatened by those who don't desire the opposite sex?

    Hi kejonn

    How are you?

    Quite well actually. About to add another year to my age status, but feeling good.

    No, its not a fear for perfect love cast out fear.

    But it is a concern for the direction our country is taking.

    There are much worse things than homosexuality to consider. Why fixate so much on this one topic?

    The lifestyles of Homosexuals are sinful, and as believers in the scriptures it is our responsibility to warn them of the pending judgment of God regardless if it is popular or not!

    Hope you and yours are doing well!



    Even as a Christian, I never understood the condemnation of homosexuals. So many would point from the pulpit that homosexuals were going to hell, but if you recall, anyone who does not accept Jesus is in that same boat.


    That is why I do not understand the emphasis over this one “sin” over others when the belief is that failrure to accept Jesus is the real threat?


    Quote (thethinker @ Aug. 08 2009,19:56)

    Quote (Stu @ Aug. 08 2009,05:21)
    The anti-homosexual agenda in Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Romans, unless you have taken a pair of scissors to your Judeo-christian book of spells.

    It is not true that I have paid no attention to the suffering of victims of predation.


    Let me restate my question. What persecution have I personally done? I did not say you payed no attention to the suffering victims od predation. I was referring to the persecution like the Boy Scouts and Miss California have received form the hands of homosexuals and pro omosexuals.


    You have personally expressed your religious homophobia, and have advocated the contents of a religious scripture that includes incitement to murder.

    That is the kind of persecution that contributes to young gay people taking their own lives. They get there before you can with your stones.



    Quote (Cato @ Aug. 08 2009,09:03)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Aug. 08 2009,02:46)
    Hi Cato

    Why not just believe the scriptures that says there are demons and satan can transform himself?



    It is not a matter of possibility rather probability.  I do believe there are entities of such as demons however the probability of their descending upon T8 unprovoked and so easily dealt with seems unlikely in the extreme.  My scenario based on what he said happened and the situation he described with his friend is much more reasonable is all.

    Hi Cato

    I think that t8 and his personal experience which he believes to be demons and the scriptures should be withness enough for you.



    Quote (Stu @ Aug. 09 2009,01:48)

    Quote (thethinker @ Aug. 08 2009,19:56)

    Quote (Stu @ Aug. 08 2009,05:21)
    The anti-homosexual agenda in Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Romans, unless you have taken a pair of scissors to your Judeo-christian book of spells.

    It is not true that I have paid no attention to the suffering of victims of predation.


    Let me restate my question. What persecution have I personally done? I did not say you payed no attention to the suffering victims od predation. I was referring to the persecution like the Boy Scouts and Miss California have received form the hands of homosexuals and pro omosexuals.


    You have personally expressed your religious homophobia, and have advocated the contents of a religious scripture that includes incitement to murder.

    That is the kind of persecution that contributes to young gay people taking their own lives.  They get there before you can with your stones.


    I have persecuted no one. And the expression of my personal views do not amount to persecution. Should the Judeo-Christian ethic be blamed if a predator kills himself for guilt that he has molested a child? How do you know what is in the psyche of a homosexual who kills himself? You forget that some homosexuals are persecutors like the beauty pageant judge who persecuted Miss California for no reason. If it was legal he would have demanded her head on a platter!



    The expression of racist views by a large percentage of the population 100 years ago or less amounted to persecution. You are just trying to rename it in your case because you don't like the idea of being a little cog in a machine that has caused death and misery, loudly proclaiming against the idea that consenting adults in private should be allowed to do what they want with eachother.

    The smear you are trying to make with predation should not fool anyone intelligent reading here. You have no stats to back up what you claim, and indeed others have provided evidence-based counter-arguments,

    You have actually said nothing of any substance so far. It has all been homophobic hot air. When will you get some real evidence together to support your vitriol?



    …and people ask why religion should be separate from politics. How could a religious fundie actually represent another's views if those views were not aligned with their scripture?

    In NZ we treat fundie or very religious politicians with suspicion, and not many of them last that long in parliament if they do get elected.



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