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  • #140258

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Aug. 07 2009,03:13)
    Hi All

    Only 4 votes and 4 people. So far it is 50%, thats a pretty high number dont you think?


    If it was 1 and zero that would be an even higher number.

    Is it significant?



    Quote (Cato @ Aug. 06 2009,07:08)

    I think you are taking a personal experience and extrapolating such to society in general which may be unfair.  Ask almost any girl in the same age group and they will have plenty of stories of older men hitting on them.  Face it men are biologically driven and this is true for both gay and straight.  I am not justifying any bad behaviour but merely pointing out that you unfairly focus on one subset of the population.  Women are rarely sexual predators so not being approached by older woman during the same ages only points to men not gay men necessarily.  You need to look at the numbers of women being abused by straight men to realize this is a male problem not one of orientation.  I think your own situation and history has understandably given you a bias that affects your objectivity on this subject.


    I think you are turning your face and shutting your eyes to reality.

    Look at the number of adult straight men compared to the number of adult gay men and check the percentages of those who go after minors between the ages of 12 and 16 and you will see what I mean.

    Just check my other poll out, out of only 4 people, 2 were approached by a gay person for sex between 12 and 16.

    Lord knows if they are under 16 how many it might be.



    Quote (thethinker @ Aug. 07 2009,03:03)

    Quote (Cato @ Aug. 06 2009,23:12)

    As for the gay agenda to convert people, at least according to the American Psychological Association it won't work.  This is from their latest findings:
    “Is Sexual Orientation a Choice?
    No, human beings cannot choose to be either gay or straight. For most people, sexual orientation emerges in early adolescence without any prior sexual experience. Although we can choose whether to act on our feelings, psychologists do not consider sexual orientation to be a conscious choice that can be voluntarily changed.
    Can Therapy Change Sexual Orientation?
    No; even though most homosexuals live successful, happy lives, some homosexual or bisexual people may seek to change their sexual orientation through therapy, often coerced by family members or religious groups to try and do so. The reality is that homosexuality is not an illness. It does not require treatment and is not changeable. However, not all gay, lesbian, and bisexual people who seek assistance from a mental health professional want to change their sexual orientation. Gay, lesbian, and bisexual people may seek psychological help with the coming out process or for strategies to deal with prejudice, but most go into therapy for the same reasons and life issues that bring straight people to mental health professionals.
    What About So-Called “Conversion Therapies”?
    Some therapists who undertake so-called conversion therapy report that they have been able to change their clients' sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual. Close scrutiny of these reports, however. show several factors that cast doubt on their claims. For example, many of these claims come from organizations with an ideological perspective that condemns homosexuality. Furthermore, their claims are poorly documented; for example, treatment outcome is not followed and reported over time, as would be the standard to test the validity of any mental health intervention. “

    The above reflects the Behaviorist philosophy that we are all slaves to ur bodily appetites.


    For which you have no counter-argument.

    Except assertion of the the religious myth of 'free will'.



    Quote (Stu @ Aug. 06 2009,13:51)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Aug. 07 2009,03:13)
    Hi All

    Only 4 votes and 4 people. So far it is 50%, thats a pretty high number dont you think?


    If it was 1 and zero that would be an even higher number.

    Is it significant?


    Hi Stu

    To you it is not significant because you do not think it is a problem in our society.

    To you it is because they were born that way, so leave them alone they can't help it!



    Quote (thethinker @ Aug. 07 2009,03:38)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Aug. 07 2009,03:13)
    Hi All

    Only 4 votes and 4 people. So far it is 50%, thats a pretty high number dont you think?


    It is an exceptionally high number seeing that homosexuals are such a small part of the over all population. Imagine how the poll would be if homosexuals were even a simple majority.

    To our secularist friends: History proves and people today can testify that homosexuals are predators. Get your heads out of the sand!


    To my religionist friend: I testify that you are wrong. That is one 'testify' each, a stalemate. To 'prove' anything like this is impossible, you cannot even 'prove' you exist, that is a conclusion too.

    You can rant on in your homophobic way as you want, but you have convinced me of nothing, and you cannot show that the homosexual population is not 30%, which would make heterosexuals much more dangerous statistically.

    Does your christianity require you to pass judgement on others and persecute them? If so why do you persist with such an unpleasant way of carrying on?



    And what is the percentage of gay men in the population?



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Aug. 07 2009,05:56)

    Quote (Stu @ Aug. 06 2009,13:51)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Aug. 07 2009,03:13)
    Hi All

    Only 4 votes and 4 people. So far it is 50%, thats a pretty high number dont you think?


    If it was 1 and zero that would be an even higher number.

    Is it significant?


    Hi Stu

    To you it is not significant because you do not think it is a problem in our society.

    To you it is because they were born that way, so leave them alone they can't help it!


    It's not a problem for Stu until a homosexual predator molests his little boy. I know a mother who has suffered this. I don't know what her stance was on homosexuals before a homosexual predator molested her little boy and destroyed his innocence. Stu is one of those “bleeding heart liberal” types until he gets a rude awakening first hand.



    Quote (thethinker @ Aug. 07 2009,03:38)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Aug. 07 2009,03:13)
    Hi All

    Only 4 votes and 4 people. So far it is 50%, thats a pretty high number dont you think?


    It is an exceptionally high number seeing that homosexuals are such a small part of the over all population. Imagine how the poll would be if homosexuals were even a simple majority.

    To our secularist friends: History proves and people today can testify that homosexuals are predators. Get your heads out of the sand!


    Lets see out of billions of humans on the planet we make a biased, non-scientific poll with a sample population of 4 and attempt to draw a meaningful conclusion?  You probably didn't take many couses on statistics evidently.

    As far as history and people today, we can conclude that some homosexual males and some hetrosexual males are predators. There are female predators but they are almost nil compared to males.  

    According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, taking figures from 2005, “92 percent of rape or sexual assault victims were female; those 16-19 years old had the highest rate of sexual victimization of any age group.”
    This I think lies on the doorstop of us straight heterosexual males and not on our gay brothers.  Thinker, perhaps one should open one's own eyes.


    Quote (Stu @ Aug. 07 2009,05:52)

    Quote (thethinker @ Aug. 07 2009,03:03)

    Quote (Cato @ Aug. 06 2009,23:12)

    As for the gay agenda to convert people, at least according to the American Psychological Association it won't work.  This is from their latest findings:
    “Is Sexual Orientation a Choice?
    No, human beings cannot choose to be either gay or straight. For most people, sexual orientation emerges in early adolescence without any prior sexual experience. Although we can choose whether to act on our feelings, psychologists do not consider sexual orientation to be a conscious choice that can be voluntarily changed.
    Can Therapy Change Sexual Orientation?
    No; even though most homosexuals live successful, happy lives, some homosexual or bisexual people may seek to change their sexual orientation through therapy, often coerced by family members or religious groups to try and do so. The reality is that homosexuality is not an illness. It does not require treatment and is not changeable. However, not all gay, lesbian, and bisexual people who seek assistance from a mental health professional want to change their sexual orientation. Gay, lesbian, and bisexual people may seek psychological help with the coming out process or for strategies to deal with prejudice, but most go into therapy for the same reasons and life issues that bring straight people to mental health professionals.
    What About So-Called “Conversion Therapies”?
    Some therapists who undertake so-called conversion therapy report that they have been able to change their clients' sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual. Close scrutiny of these reports, however. show several factors that cast doubt on their claims. For example, many of these claims come from organizations with an ideological perspective that condemns homosexuality. Furthermore, their claims are poorly documented; for example, treatment outcome is not followed and reported over time, as would be the standard to test the validity of any mental health intervention. “

    The above reflects the Behaviorist philosophy that we are all slaves to ur bodily appetites.


    For which you have no counter-argument.

    Except assertion of the the religious myth of 'free will'.


    Let's do away with all accountability then. The homosexual who molests a child can't help it because he has no power of choice. Find a site on Behaviorism for a counter argument. Do your own homework.



    Quote (Stu @ Aug. 06 2009,19:54)
    Are you the official warner, thinker?

    Anyway, you are wrong.  The gay community amounts to 30% of the population and the rate of predation is one third of that in the heterosexual population.

    It might be true, you have no evidence to contradict it.  


    If what you say is true then things are going down hill quicker than I thought. One other here gave statistics which contradict your unsubstantiated claim. That poster said that the population of homosexuals is 1-10%.



    Quote (Cato @ Aug. 06 2009,23:41)

    Quote (thethinker @ Aug. 06 2009,09:21)
    It is the Judeo Christian laws that have created the conscience needed that prevent history from repeating itself. That conscience is slowly eroding the more we become a permissive society. Eventually history will repeat itself and we will become like the ancients. Some of us will learn from history and some of us will not.

    This is the second time you have been warned.


    Tell me what period of history would you trumpet as the triumph of Judeo Christian law, so I can compare how far we as a society have fallen.  Evidently before this so called conscience we were utterly depraved and now we are evidently moving away from its ideals and so bound to fall.  

    Expand your theory and let me know which historical time period we are devolving into a like moral state and which period you lay out as a triumph of this moral conscience.  It may be a good teaching point

    In my opening post I provided the link to the book How Christianity Changed the World. You want me to do your homework too? Read the book and your questions will be answered. All facts are documented.




    Given that you agree with Jodi Lee, maybe you can answer the question that I posed in response to her example.

    Her example:

    The word abomination contains variance to it's severity depending on the ACT to which it is described.

    If I were to say, Sue is a BAD person because she likes to repeatedly bring up peoples faults and talk behind their backs, and then say Jill is a BAD person because she physically abuses her children, do we conclude that the separate acts are equally bad since the same word is being used to describe the separate acts? Of course not, we know from the act itself that one is worse then the other, regardless of the fact both acts were described as bad.

    This same logic should be applied to the word in the bible that is translated into abomination.

    My question:

    Yes, but in your example, both things are still bad.  You would not expect someone with consistent standards to one day re-classify either action as good or neutral.  Would you?


    Quote (Stu @ Aug. 06 2009,19:54)
    Are you the official warner, thinker?

    Anyway, you are wrong.  The gay community amounts to 30% of the population and the rate of predation is one third of that in the heterosexual population.

    It might be true, you have no evidence to contradict it.  


    It has occurred to me that you have come a long way. At the very beginning you denied that homosexuality has victims. Now you are accepting the fact that there is predation in the homosexual community. In a month from now you might be a Christian convert.



    Quote (kejonn @ Aug. 06 2009,14:10)
    Are Christians feeling threatened by those who don't desire the opposite sex?

    “Homophobia” is a catchword term developed by silly little men with silly little minds, to make Christians feel guilty over expressing what scripture teaches on the issue.

    It is wasted on me.

    I hav eno patience with “cathword” arguments nor those silly little persons that make the arguments.

    I am glad to see you are not one of those silly little men.

    I am “feeling threatened” by virtue of the fact I live in the society that has developed an attitude that says “It doesn't matter, do what you want to do, you only harm yourself.”

    THAT attitude will get a nation destroyed by a judgment from God. And I fear to live too close to that nation when its time comes.


    Because “It's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”


    So homosexuality is destroying the nation now. I suppose it will be responsible for global warming next.

    And after that sunspots and the next supernova.



    Quote (Stu @ Aug. 06 2009,03:44)
    WJ Which gay people have you actually said this to, and what reaction do you get?


    Hi Stu

    Interesting that you should ask, several had the same reaction that you do!



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Aug. 06 2009,17:05)

    Quote (kejonn @ Aug. 05 2009,22:10)
    Are Christians feeling threatened by those who don't desire the opposite sex?

    Hi kejonn

    How are you?

    No, its not a fear for perfect love cast out fear.

    But it is a concern for the direction our country is taking.

    The lifestyles of Homosexuals are sinful, and as believers in the scriptures it is our responsibility to warn them of the pending judgment of God regardless if it is popular or not!

    Hope you and yours are doing well!


    Hi WJ,
    Do you think any sin is worse than denying the Son of God?[jn3]


    The curse is the fruit of the worship of man[rom1]


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 07 2009,18:57)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Aug. 06 2009,17:05)

    Quote (kejonn @ Aug. 05 2009,22:10)
    Are Christians feeling threatened by those who don't desire the opposite sex?

    Hi kejonn

    How are you?

    No, its not a fear for perfect love cast out fear.

    But it is a concern for the direction our country is taking.

    The lifestyles of Homosexuals are sinful, and as believers in the scriptures it is our responsibility to warn them of the pending judgment of God regardless if it is popular or not!

    Hope you and yours are doing well!


    Hi WJ,
    Do you think any sin is worse than denying the Son of God?[jn3]

    Um, I know this one…

    …failing to tithe.



    Quote (thethinker @ Aug. 07 2009,06:26)

    Quote (Stu @ Aug. 06 2009,19:54)
    Are you the official warner, thinker?

    Anyway, you are wrong.  The gay community amounts to 30% of the population and the rate of predation is one third of that in the heterosexual population.

    It might be true, you have no evidence to contradict it.  


    If what you say is true then things are going down hill quicker than I thought. One other here gave statistics which contradict your unsubstantiated claim. That poster said that the population of homosexuals is 1-10%.


    Or could be 40%. If fascist fundies stopped preventing people from leaving the closet.

    Can you give me another example of as absurd a range as 1-10%?

    Obviously if it is 1% then there is not much of a nation-threatening problem, is there?

    If it is 10% then heterosexuals are worse at predatory offending than homosexuals.

    I don't think you can win this one.


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