Here we go again

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  • #160498

    I never thought this would occur here on but it seems it has become Christian tradition to create more and more divisions isn't 29,000 denominations enough?

    But here we go again and it is a great travesty. Labeling people as unbelievers when they confess that ther are in-fact believers and then segregating them where every dialogue will be less honest for fear that to agree with the labled “Unbeliever” would create ostracism.

    A sad day indeed but I will say this in the wisdom of Solomon I would rather go back to its original format and I will simply leave prefering to leave rather then split it up.

    So I will post until the actual enforcement comes and then I will go but I will not participate in divisiveness.

    God Bless!


    Hi BD,
    First have the same God.
    Then the same writings.

    You have neither.



    The fact, that we have so many denomination, and different religion, should tell you and every one else, that this is not the time were Jesus is trying to save the world. That will happen in the millennium when Christ will rule; we are still living in Satan's world; thank God not for much longer.



    Quote (bodhitharta @ Nov. 24 2009,10:43)
    I never thought this would occur here on but it seems it has become Christian tradition to create more and more divisions isn't 29,000 denominations enough?

    But here we go again and it is a great travesty. Labeling people as unbelievers when they confess that ther are in-fact believers and then segregating them where every dialogue will be less honest for fear that to agree with the labled “Unbeliever” would create ostracism.

    A sad day indeed but I will say this in the wisdom of Solomon I would rather go back to its original format and I will simply leave prefering to leave rather then split it up.

    So I will post until the actual enforcement comes and then I will go but I will not participate in divisiveness.

    God Bless!

    We always had a Believers section and unbelievers section. What changed? Just the set up did, as far as I can see.
    kejonn happened to be one member that was not allowed to post in the believer's section because He did not believe that Christ was the Messiah of the Old Testament. It would not be fair to Him if you would post in the believers section, since you too don't believe that Christ died for us, do you?
    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 24 2009,10:45)
    Hi BD,
    First have the same God.
    Then the same writings.

    You have neither.

    Hi what's your name?


    Do you believe in God?

    Asana=Yes, I do and I believe that the Lord God is One Lord

    Do you believe in Christ?

    Asana=Yes I believe that Christ was sent by God to call sinners to repentance

    Do you believe that he died for your sins and was buried and was resurrected?

    Asana=If he called sinners to repentance before the cross does it really matter?

    Yes, because he had to die to pay the price for sins

    Asana= I thought he was sent to call sinners to repentance but if he died for my sins okay but I still have to repent right

    The most important thing is you believe that he died for your sins, was buried and resurrected

    Asana= But I believe that God saved him from the cross

    What! You are an unbeliever

    Asana= In what? God?

    You can't believe in God without believeing in the Cross and the resurrection

    Asana= So I am an unbeliever even though I say I believe in God?

    Yes! It doesn't matter if you believe in God, if you don't believe that Jesus was Sacrificed for your sins and was risen up on the third day then you don't believe in God

    Asana= Didn't the Jews believe in God long before Jesus was born?

    The Jews are special they will believe later but you must believe right now in Jesus or you will burn in Hell so you better believe in Jesus

    Asana= You mean the way you do? Will I get to heaven if I believe that Jesus died for my sins and then was raised on the third day?

    Yes, otherwise you are a NONBELIEVER

    Asana= Okay , I believe is that all?

    So you must believe in God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit the 3 are 1


    You are now a believer in the triune God and a true believer in God

    Asana= Wow! Thanks, you taught me a great mystery because I always thought God was One Lord

    Well, being a Christian some believe in the triune God and some believe that Jesus is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit it's called Oneness, some believe you be baptized and some believe you must speak in tongues in fact as long as you believe that Jesus died for your sins and was resurrected you can pretty much use your own configuration and you are still one of us a true believer

    Asana= What about God I notice that since we brought Jesus up we stopped talking about God

    No we haven't we've been talking about Jesus the whole time

    Asana= But at first we were talking about God

    Yes, whom you erroneously did not know was Jesus

    Asana=This is confusing but I think I get it God became flesh and died and raised Himself up because sometimes people make bad decisions so God had a son to destroy to appease his great anger knowing in advance he would be angry so making someone to destroy even “God” and 3 days later all sins were erased for everyone who believes it, then God's son who to some of us is God went back up to heaven undestroyed and sat down next to Himself or The Father God because although all sins were erased for those who believe the devil who is only our own intellect or an actual spirit being is still misguiding people but those who believe in Jesus may still sin because although he was destroyed we must still repent for sin in order to be forgived

    Right!, Now you are a true believer

    Asana= Great, now how do I talk to God? I use to just talk to Him

    That's silly God never was listening to you because you have to ask God things in the name of Jesus or some of us ask Mary to ask Jesus

    Asana= So, you taught me to multiply God and move myself steps away from Him, but in doing so I will be accepted by you? On second thought no thanks, There is no god but GOD and I turn to Him for His grace

    Wait!!!!!! what about Jesus

    Asana=Jesus has called sinners to repent that's what you should do, turn away from being sinful and walk in the ways of Godliness as far as your elaborate beliefs may God have Mercy on you for increasing the burden on men to serve God.


    Hi BD,
    There is only one body of Christ and there are no divisions within it.


    Hi BD,
    You only confused yourself in your odd diatribe against God and His Son.


    Quote (banana @ Nov. 24 2009,13:37)

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Nov. 24 2009,10:43)
    I never thought this would occur here on but it seems it has become Christian tradition to create more and more divisions isn't 29,000 denominations enough?

    But here we go again and it is a great travesty. Labeling people as unbelievers when they confess that ther are in-fact believers and then segregating them where every dialogue will be less honest for fear that to agree with the labled “Unbeliever” would create ostracism.

    A sad day indeed but I will say this in the wisdom of Solomon I would rather go back to its original format and I will simply leave prefering to leave rather then split it up.

    So I will post until the actual enforcement comes and then I will go but I will not participate in divisiveness.

    God Bless!

    We always had a Believers section and unbelievers section.  What changed?  Just the set up did, as far as I can see.
    kejonn happened to be one member that was not allowed to post in the believer's section because He did not believe that Christ was the Messiah of the Old Testament.  It would not be fair to Him if you would post in the believers section, since you too don't believe that Christ died for us, do you?
    Peace and Love Irene

    You make Christ your God and that is the problem but “not everyone who says lord, lord will be saved”

    And for this reason He is the Mediator of the new covenant, by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant, that those who are called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance.
    Hebrews 9:14-16

    What does the words in bold mean?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 24 2009,13:47)
    Hi BD,
    There is only one body of Christ and there are no divisions within it.

    what about the 29,000 denominations in Christianity are they not the body?

    Are they all NONBELIEVERS?


    Hi BD,
    You do not enter the Body of Christ by joining a religious human grouping.

    Jn 1.12-13


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 24 2009,14:02)
    Hi BD,
    You do not enter the Body of Christ by joining a religious human grouping.

    Jn 1.12-13

    Are you a Nonbeliever?

    What makes them a Nonbeliever?


    Quote (bodhitharta @ Nov. 24 2009,13:58)

    Quote (banana @ Nov. 24 2009,13:37)

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Nov. 24 2009,10:43)
    I never thought this would occur here on but it seems it has become Christian tradition to create more and more divisions isn't 29,000 denominations enough?

    But here we go again and it is a great travesty. Labeling people as unbelievers when they confess that ther are in-fact believers and then segregating them where every dialogue will be less honest for fear that to agree with the labled “Unbeliever” would create ostracism.

    A sad day indeed but I will say this in the wisdom of Solomon I would rather go back to its original format and I will simply leave prefering to leave rather then split it up.

    So I will post until the actual enforcement comes and then I will go but I will not participate in divisiveness.

    God Bless!

    We always had a Believers section and unbelievers section.  What changed?  Just the set up did, as far as I can see.
    kejonn happened to be one member that was not allowed to post in the believer's section because He did not believe that Christ was the Messiah of the Old Testament.  It would not be fair to Him if you would post in the believers section, since you too don't believe that Christ died for us, do you?
    Peace and Love Irene

    You make Christ your God and that is the problem but “not everyone who says lord, lord will be saved”

    And for this reason He is the Mediator of the new covenant, by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions under the first covenant, that those who are called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance.
    Hebrews 9:14-16

    What does the words in bold mean?

    Your wrong, I worship the Almighty God our Father in Heaven.
    I honor Jesus Christ our Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
    I do not know where you got that from.  I do not believe in a trinity doctrine.  I believe that Jesus preexisted His birth here on earth.  Do you want to know anything else?  I do not give out private information tho.
    Irene :cool:  :cool:


    Quote (bodhitharta @ Nov. 23 2009,18:43)
    But here we go again and it is a great travesty. Labeling people as unbelievers when they confess that ther are in-fact believers and then segregating them where every dialogue will be less honest for fear that to agree with the labled “Unbeliever” would create ostracism.

    Devils confess and believe in God. But, they are not of the truth!

    Jesus said…

    Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: “NO MAN COMETH UNTO THE FATHER, BUT BY ME”. (and) “IF YE HAD KNOWN ME, YE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN MY FATHER ALSO“: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him. John 14:6, 7

    You say that you are a believer, then you would believe Jesus own words. If you know Jesus then you know the Father, for no one can come to the Father apart from him!

    You have rejected his words above and his words concerning his death, and burial and his resurrection!

    Paul received his words and that is what he preached to all men to be saved!

    You try to mix the Islamic faith with Christianity, and that is heresy! There are believers in all kinds of things or gods. But there is One True God found only in Jesus Christ and not apart from him. Jesus said if any man try and climb up some other way than by him the same is a thief and a robber! He is the door! John 10

    You also are mistaken about segregation, for like the humanistic teachings that all men are children of God you go about trying to put all men into one big melting pot, meaning there is no difference in true children of God and the devils children. Again those are Jesus own words for he called them children of the devil and said to not have any fellowship with their unfruitful ways! And no there are not many ways to God!

    You would have the “Satan worshippers” worship Satan in Christian Churches.

    Come out from among them the scriptures say, for we are not of this world!

    The problem that you have and all secular humanist is they like to believe there is more than one way to God, and that is a lie, for the scriptures tell us there is “only one way” and if any man does not abide in that then he is not of the truth!



    Hi BD,
    Even demons believe.
    You must be born again and walk in the Spirit.


    Hi WJ,
    Can you be one with Christ if you offer teachings he did not give us such as trinity?


    Hi WJ,
    BD says that his quran is a later revelation from God through Muhammed.
    Do you say the same about trinity coming through catholicism?


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Nov. 25 2009,07:08)

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Nov. 23 2009,18:43)
    But here we go again and it is a great travesty. Labeling people as unbelievers when they confess that ther are in-fact believers and then segregating them where every dialogue will be less honest for fear that to agree with the labled “Unbeliever” would create ostracism.

    Devils confess and believe in God. But, they are not of the truth!

    Jesus said…

    Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: “NO MAN COMETH UNTO THE FATHER, BUT BY ME”. (and) “IF YE HAD KNOWN ME, YE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN MY FATHER ALSO“: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him. John 14:6, 7

    You say that you are a believer, then you would believe Jesus own words. If you know Jesus then you know the Father, for no one can come to the Father apart from him!

    You have rejected his words above and his words concerning his death, and burial and his resurrection!

    Paul received his words and that is what he preached to all men to be saved!

    You try to mix the Islamic faith with Christianity, and that is heresy! There are believers in all kinds of things or gods. But there is One True God found only in Jesus Christ and not apart from him. Jesus said if any man try and climb up some other way than by him the same is a thief and a robber! He is the door! John 10

    You also are mistaken about segregation, for like the humanistic teachings that all men are children of God you go about trying to put all men into one big melting pot, meaning there is no difference in true children of God and the devils children. Again those are Jesus own words for he called them children of the devil and said to not have any fellowship with their unfruitful ways! And no there are not many ways to God!

    You would have the “Satan worshippers” worship Satan in Christian Churches.

    Come out from among them the scriptures say, for we are not of this world!

    The problem that you have and all secular humanist is they like to believe there is more than one way to God, and that is a lie, for the scriptures tell us there is “only one way” and if any man does not abide in that then he is not of the truth!



    when Jesus says no one comes through the father except through me ask yourself what does that mean? Was he talking about Noah, Abraham, Joseph..who?

    He was talking to the people he was sent to otherwise you would have to believe that before Jesus came no one loved God because they didn't love or accept Jesus.

    Paul made it clear that you can go to the Father through him saying that he has even begotten through the Gospel and that those he begot should be followers of him

    1 Corinthians 4:15-17 (King James Version)

    15For though ye have ten thousand instructers in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel.

    16Wherefore I beseech you, be ye followers of me.

    The scriptures tell us no such thing, One scripture indicates that and many , many more show that God is always available to anyone who wants to find him.

    I don't want to call you a liar but you are a liar to someone like Nick to whom you say believes like you.


    Hi BD,
    Speak for yourself thanks.

    Tim Kraft

    To all: I don't really know what BD was talking about when he referred to leaving this site but if he would leave this site in my estimation it might be the greatest loss this site could have. I have no denomination that I follow, I have no chruch that I go to, I have had almost no outside influence to my Bible studies for nearly thirty years. What I believe God has shown me is different than mainstream religion so I am on this site and others to test the spirit and see if I have heard correctly. Bodhitharta has much deep scriptural understanding that every one of us need to hear and injest within.
    Nobody knows all the truth for it is God/inexhaustable. Jesus is Gods words/spirit telling us the truth of where God is and lighting our pathways to show us the way to experience God/All that is! There is no separation between God and Jesus and the whole Spirit. They are ONE! We who accept that and believe that as truth are one spirit with them. Love pulls together and unifies into sameness/ONE. Anything created apart from love separates into differences and dissunity.
    Perhaps it would be a little more Christlike if we build each other up with the Gospel of God. Forget the name or term. Is the name of Jesus the name above all names or maybe it should be Yeshua Ben Joseph, his birth given name. Or maybe another language. What name/language should we use when we pray? It is in the authority of Christ that power is given from God. God Bless all, TK



    I have a suggestion, why don't we throw away our bibles, and just listen to you and bod?


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