Help me understand god

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    God does not tempt with evil right?
    God's laws come from his desires.
    His laws are eternal, whether they were given to us or not,
    they are eternal and always applicable even if you're not aware of them.


    A law wasn't given to the Jews before moses, but apparently they were aware of Good and Evil because of adam eating The fruit of knowledge of Good and Evil.

    So when Cain killed Abel they knew it was against God's eternal law, because they knew it was evil.


    So in the bible, isn't it a sin to sacrifice a human as a burnt offering to God?

    For those of you who will scripturally agree with me that it is in fact a sin…

    Then why would God tell Abraham to sacrifice his son as a burnt offering?


    Even if God knew he would do it, and didn't intend to follow through with it, Abraham did not know.

    Abraham in faith, was ready to commit an apparent sin God told him to commit, and sacrifice his son to God.


    If God hates sin, including human sacrifices…then why would he tell Abraham to engage in such activity?



    Because the Sin of Adam required a HUMAN BLOOD Sacrifice – and the Sacrifice had to be SINLESS – and there was NO Sinless man- a dilemma, eh?.

    But because God already had planned for Salvation he accepted Animal Blood Sacrifice instead.

    As the Scriptures says, “If Animal Sacrifice for the Sin of mankind was enough to satisfy God then the nations would not be in Sin now and the High Priest would not need to perform this periodic ceremony” Only after Jesus' Blood Sacrifice, God Sacrificing his own Son, is this practice stopped.

    God “TESTED” (not “Tempted” – I just threw that in in case someone doesn't understand the difference!) Abraham with Sacrificing the ONLY AUTHORISED Son he had waited 90 years for

    – That is a Sacrifice Test indeed

    – and BOTH Abraham and Isaac FAITHFUL past the test.

    Abraham became “Friend of God” and Isaac became “[only] Begotten Son of Abraham” in a FIGURATIVE re-birth from the Figurative Death by Sacrifice

    That is, of cource, a perfect precursor for what would happen with Jesus in that  Isaac was persecuted by his brother, Ishmael', as Jesus was persecuted by his Brother Jews.

    Jesus was Sacrificed, physically, and  was raised, physically, from the dead and appointed “Begotten Son of God” equivalent to Isaac's Figurative begetting to Abraham following his Figurative Sacrificial death.

    Moreover, RK, when God orders you to do something (Jonah) who are you to question Him and infer that He is contrary? Would you have done the same as Balaam with his donkey?


    I don't question God, and if he tells me to do anything, I'll surely do it.

    and your whole explaination is fine, but I asked this question purposely to understand something about God.


    We have people here today, who claim that God is telling them to do questionable things…like kill their children or parents.


    People like us Judge and condemn them, saying it wasn't God but the devil who told them to do so.

    I asked simplyforgiven how would they discern the difference.

    Simplyforgiven told me, you have to KNOW GOD and his laws, and that for him to ask something that isn't according to his character or law, should tell you that the messege isn't coming from God but rather the devil.


    but my challenging understanding of all this is….

    Human Sacrifice is a sin according to God's law, and for him to ask something like that, would seemingly be against his character.


    So the question now is…

    Is it possible for God to ask you or test you with apparent sins and charges against his own law?


    are all these people claiming that God is telling them to kill their family members, truly following God's voice?

    and how are we to discern the two if God apparently can tell us anything…whether it is against his law or not.


    Quote (RokkaMan @ Aug. 08 2010,18:45)
    I don't question God, and if he tells me to do anything, I'll surely do it.

    and your whole explaination is fine, but I asked this question purposely to understand something about God.


    We have people here today, who claim that God is telling them to do questionable things…like kill their children or parents.


    People like us Judge and condemn them, saying it wasn't God but the devil who told them to do so.

    I asked simplyforgiven how would they discern the difference.

    Simplyforgiven told me, you have to KNOW GOD and his laws, and that for him to ask something that isn't according to his character or law, should tell you that the messege isn't coming from God but rather the devil.


    but my challenging understanding of all this is….

    Human Sacrifice is a sin according to God's law, and for him to ask something like that, would seemingly be against his character.


    So the question now is…

    Is it possible for God to ask you or test you with apparent sins and charges against his own law?


    are all these people claiming that God is telling them to kill their family members, truly following God's voice?

    and how are we to discern the two if God apparently can tell us anything…whether it is against his law or not.


    You bring out a good question and a dilemma.

    First, the story of Abraham is a “typology” of God and God's son, Jesus; which was enacted in reality ages later, not virtual reality in Abraham's case.  

    From the time Abraham was ordered to sacrifice his son and departed with two men to the mount (supposedly the same one Christ WAS crucified on) it was 3 days.  So from that time Abraham considered his son dead.  Then, at the time God stopped him that was the moment Isaac was considered “resurrected”.  And notice the conversation?  Abraham said that God would provide for Himself the sacrifice, which he did thru His son, Jesus.

    Now in regards to  “God” speaking to you.  That has happened to me on a couple of occasions and I was spooked as I didn't know if it was me or if the “inner voice” I “imagined” was ME or GOD.  I did what was said and spoke to the people the words that were given to me.  In both occasions it was weeks before the people came back and explained to me that what I said was what they were asking God about.  For me, only having to “speak” to someone else what was placed on my heart was heavy enough and scary enough to follow thru on.  I couldn't imagine thinking that God could tell me to “kill” someone.  

    Of course there is the knowledge of who God is, and who His son is, thru God's word; that preaches “LOVE”, “turn the other cheek”, etc. Not to mention that the devil is:

    Jhn 8:44 “You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

    Therefore, if I heard someone say that they heard the voice of God speaking to them I (and they) would have to look at the fruit of that conversation and see if the source was “good” or “bad” and visualize the future consequence of their action…no?

    Also, you would have to look at their previous relationship with God to realize which “God” spoke to them; God Almighty or the god of this world.

    Oh, by the way, in the story of Abraham….He wasn't afraid of sacrificing his son because he knew that God would raise his son form the dead (if he killed him) because of the Promise that thru Isaac the world would be blessed. And now, thru Jesus, the world receives Salvation and Eternal Life.

    Also, unlike my “silly voices” Abraham walked physically with God (YHVH Elohim) and didn't have to “doubt” about what he heard.  

    You must be careful of what you ask of God because God gives you the desires of your heart.  At the time of my voices I had asked God to use me in whatever way He wanted……ugh (not too brilliant, eh?) :D

    Now, I ask specifically for Him to utilize my mind and mental capacity to express Him.  Cowardly, no?  Maybe I'll get back to the physical manifestations of His Spirit??? Which takes too much blind faith to believe…..

    Correlating your question to what we actually do…..If we throw out false information that we say is “From God” are we not in essence trying to “murder” someone with our lies? And wouldn't John 8:44 above apply to that person?

    The Professor


    A lot fo truth and logic in what you say.

    but the reason it's such an issue, is that we see countless times, God in the OT telling people to kill other people…sending nation to wipe out nations

    and it just bugs me, that people now a days claim they do things on behalf of God.

    The dilemma is, some if not most of these people actually believe it's God.

    and as far as we are concerned, it may actually be.


    I watched a video where a woman killed her son, because God said it was necissary to send him to heaven.

    The concept makes sense, people lookm at death as an evil thing, when it's really part of life.

    and we cannot go to heaven without dying.

    So to me, I would consider…maybe God actually did speak to this woman.

    whereas others, say it wasn't God but the devil…or that she's crazy.

    I wondered, well…how do you know?

    and I was told that you have to know God and his laws…

    but then when I read a story like Abraham's, God was telling him to do something against his own law.

    So basically, I was back at my first and original question…

    how would you know if God can apparently tell you whatever he wants, whether it be with or against his law….

    at the end of the day you just have to take it in faith….


    I'm very well aware of the story of Abraham and the symbolism between his sacrifice likened unto the sacrifice of christ.

    I actually use this debate frequently with a lot of Jews in an attempt to sow a seed of christ.

    and it makes sense, and I believe it…

    but my dillema just deals with the people of the world today… in whom believe that God is telling them to do things that the average person may see as evil..?..?

    I mean, the Jews of Jesus' time saw Jesus as an evil blasphemer….

    so could it be that when God tells someone to kill someone…

    being sovereign, he may actually be doing these things and the ones listening are obedient children of God?

    Is it possible?

    Moses was told to kill bretheren who didn't believe in God.

    he did, and a lot of his followers saw his actions as bad…yet it was ordered by God.

    I know the reasons why, but could it be the same today?

    That there are reasons why God is telling people to kill others?


    BTW the bible didn't say Test…like you proposed…it actually said TEMPT.

    Genesis 22
    1And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am.

    2And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.


    but nevermind my post, i've gotten my righteous answer….
    out of everyone who's tried to explain these circumstances, i've only been given Rationalizations….

    today I've gotten my righteous truth…so I am content and now understand God's actions/position.


    Hi Rokkaman,
    What truth did you get? Freely receive, freely give :)



    It is from the heart that sin comes.  God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his only child and Abram at the same time had God promise that that particular child would be the father of many nations.  Abram did not sin in his heart as one who gives their child to the flames would for he acted in faith.  God is God and because he is our maker he has the entitlement to destroy us when and any way he chooses to.  We are not God so you cannot compare us to him as you are inadvertently doing. It is true that God did give Abram the authority to kill his son but later rescinded it.  It is also true that God condemned Isaac to the flames at his father’s hands to advance his plans to save as many as could be saved from the more deadly flames of the lake of fire.  It is also true that it was not Isaac actual death at that time that advanced God’s plans but rather his continued life.  As I stated Abram knew that fact even as he prepared to sacrifice his only child by Sarah.

    You seem to be concerned about those who claim God lead them to commit certain despicable acts but the bottom line is whether it was sin in their heart that lead them instead.  There were and are many false prophets who claim that God said what he did not say and many of these and most like all of them are false prophets.  The way to tell a false prophet from a true one is that a true prophet will live a life according to the true message of the Kingdom and will truly proclaim that same message.


    Quote (kerwin @ Aug. 11 2010,20:58)

    It is from the heart that sin comes.  God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his only child and Abram at the same time had God promise that that particular child would be the father of many nations.  Abram did not sin in his heart as one who gives their child to the flames would for he acted in faith.  God is God and because he is our maker he has the entitlement to destroy us when and any way he chooses to.  We are not God so you cannot compare us to him as you are inadvertently doing. It is true that God did give Abram the authority to kill his son but later rescinded it.  It is also true that God condemned Isaac to the flames at his father’s hands to advance his plans to save as many as could be saved from the more deadly flames of the lake of fire.  It is also true that it was not Isaac actual death at that time that advanced God’s plans but rather his continued life.  As I stated Abram knew that fact even as he prepared to sacrifice his only child by Sarah.

    You seem to be concerned about those who claim God lead them to commit certain despicable acts but the bottom line is whether it was sin in their heart that lead them instead.  There were and are many false prophets who claim that God said what he did not say and many of these and most like all of them are false prophets.  The way to tell a false prophet from a true one is that a true prophet will live a life according to the true message of the Kingdom and will truly proclaim that same message.

    Your answer is nothing but a rationalization just like many others who've tried to explain this cunundrum.

    It doesn't come from truth, therefore is not truth.

    I've already received my answer and truth so no need for you to try an explain.

    I'm happen with what i've learned, and profess even more that God is an aewsome God.

    but I charge against you, that what you have just said…in no way is close to truth and is simply a human rationalization.


    Hi RM:

    God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son on the altar, and not to “Kill his son”, and there is a difference.  God had promised Abraham that in his seed all nations of the earth would be blessed, and so if he had gone through with the sacrifice, how could this be so?  Abraham believed God and so he was already receiving him from the dead.  Even if God allowed him to sacrifice his son, the only way that he could be the channel of blessing to all the nations is that somehow he would continue to live.  Isaac had no children at that time, and God had said to Abraham that in Isaac would his seed be called.

    There is a lot of symbolism involved in these scriptures which we know relate to the sacrifice of our Lord and saviour Jesus, God's Only Begotten Son, and His Christ.

    I hope that you do not believe that God would tell anyone in this day to “kill anyone”.  No, He would not!!!

    Love in Christ,


    Quote (JustAskin @ Aug. 08 2010,10:04)

    Because the Sin of Adam required a HUMAN BLOOD Sacrifice – and the Sacrifice had to be SINLESS – and there was NO Sinless man- a dilemma, eh?.

    But because God already had planned for Salvation he accepted Animal Blood Sacrifice instead.

    As the Scriptures says, “If Animal Sacrifice for the Sin of mankind was enough to satisfy God then the nations would not be in Sin now and the High Priest would not need to perform this periodic ceremony” Only after Jesus' Blood Sacrifice, God Sacrificing his own Son, is this practice stopped.

    God “TESTED” (not “Tempted” – I just threw that in in case someone doesn't understand the difference!) Abraham with Sacrificing the ONLY AUTHORISED Son he had waited 90 years for

    – That is a Sacrifice Test indeed

    – and BOTH Abraham and Isaac FAITHFUL past the test.

    Abraham became “Friend of God” and Isaac became “[only] Begotten Son of Abraham” in a FIGURATIVE re-birth from the Figurative Death by Sacrifice

    That is, of cource, a perfect precursor for what would happen with Jesus in that  Isaac was persecuted by his brother, Ishmael', as Jesus was persecuted by his Brother Jews.

    Jesus was Sacrificed, physically, and  was raised, physically, from the dead and appointed “Begotten Son of God” equivalent to Isaac's Figurative begetting to Abraham following his Figurative Sacrificial death.

    Moreover, RK, when God orders you to do something (Jonah) who are you to question Him and infer that He is contrary? Would you have done the same as Balaam with his donkey?

    A good IMO JA.



    Quote (RokkaMan @ Aug. 09 2010,03:28)
    I watched a video where a woman killed her son, because God said it was necissary to send him to heaven.

    Abraham lived pre the new covenant and pre-Moses.
    So it is certain that God didn't tell that woman to do such a thing because the true God has a covenant in place with us that he will not go against.

    When God tells us to do something it is for good reason as he is the only one who is able to know the outcome for sure. But God has clearly spelled out his will and he doesn't go against his own word. Therefore, anyone who says that God told them to do something contrary to his law and new covenant, then it really cannot be God, unless God is a God of contradiction and confusion.

    If I gave you  the pin number to my bank account one day, then later said to you to never divulge that pin number to anyone under any circumstances, then a little later, an email sent from someone (that purported to be me) asked to divulge that pin number because I gave my permission, the likely conclusion would be that someone was trying to defraud me. And you would have to ask the person why they didn't take your instruction to never divulge that number.


    Since i'm still getting many replies on this after I've gotten my answer I'll share my answer / truth with you all.


    My dilemma started with trying to figure out what the difference with God telling people to kill others in the OT and today.

    I figured, if he is an unchanging God and felt it OK to tell someone to kill another back then, then it should be ok for him to still do so since he is sovereign.


    In trying to understand this concept I was faced with confronting a bunch of people in the OT that were told to kill others, like moses after he liberated the Jews from egypt, and a bunch of others.

    When I came across the story of Abraham though…it kind of bugged me.

    Reason being… I completely understood God never intended for Abraham to go through with it…but that didn't stop the fact that he ordered Abraham such task.

    Well with ordering that task, it seemed as if Abraham was tempted to do what was aparently a sin.

    A lot of people refuted and said, there was no law in Abraham's time saying that human sacrifice was/is a sin therefore it wasn't.

    I completely refuted that arguement because Sin by definition…is anything against God's Word or will.

    So sin isn't something that just pops up out of anywhere, given the circumstances.

    Sin is something eternal.

    Understanding that, Sin will always be hated by God…and nothing of sin can be made righteous under any circumstance.


    So just because “ADULTEREY” wasn't written down on paper at the time, didn't mean that God did not hate it.

    He always hated it, and it was always sin.

    The same with human sacrifice.


    Now for anyone who says, nothing was a sin until the law was established, is a lie.

    Reason being, Adam ate the fruit of the knowledge of Good and Evil.

    This means that mankind is capable of discerning the two.

    That's why when Abel killed Cain it was noticed as a sin, and he was punished even though a written law wasn't established at the time.


    To further beat the dead horse…

    If you slept with another man's wife, regardless if adultery was written down in a law to show it's a sin, the spirit of the actions would bring about bad fruits that could easily identify that the act of adulterey was a sin.

    The same goes for stealing, bearing false witness ect…

    so even before the written law was established through moses, the people of the time understood what was and was not a sin.


    Anyways to cut to the point.

    I learned that the SPIRIT of the LAW trascends THE WRITTEN LAW.


    I don't want to get into the details of what that means but basically… the written law can be “broken” if in breaking the written law, UPHOLDS the spirit of the law (the reason for the written law in the first place).


    The example I read somewhere on these boards was something to the effect of…

    If the speed limit is set to 70mph so that people would avoid accident and injury/death… and a trucker's tire falls off, and you need to exceed 70mph to avoid injury/death… then the written law could be broken to uphold the spirit of the law.


    This was also explained when Jesus performed Good Works on the sabbath and was challenged by the pharisees.

    He basically was trying to explain, that….The spirit of the law proceeds and trascends the written law.

    If the written law prevents you from fufilled the reason the law was even written for, then it can be broken…


    Jesus himself, breaks the law…or better yet fufills it because he is the literal Spirit of The Law…because the spirit of the law is The Word of God.


    So when God told Abraham to sacrifice his son, the written law would say human sacrifice is a sin…

    but the spirit of the law, is The Word of God…in which is Jesus Christ.

    and the whole purpose of the written law, was to show us our faults and unworthiness of eternal life so that we may be saved through Christ Jesus.

    and since Abaraham's faith was a demonstration and important act of faith to establish The Christ through the Jewish people, and his blood line.

    The Spirit of The Law was being fufilled with his test…in which the written law was broken/fufilled to accomplish this.


    God doesn't tempt with evil…

    but evil comes from the spirit, not the physical.

    So if the spirit of the law was being fufilled…either way you want to look at it…it was a Good thing, not evil.


    Kind of like when people get mad at Judas for betraying Jesus.

    if you think about it… it was a good thing that Judas betrayed Jesus.


    Furthermore…YHVH promised Abraham, better put…he made a covenant with him that nations will come from Isaac.

    Then all of a sudden he told him to kill Isaac.

    Having faith in his Father YHVH, he took his son and EVEN TOLD ISAAC that God will provide a LAMB.

    but had it in his heart, that if God didn't provide a lamb…he was willing to literally kill his son for God.

    when he bonded his son, and held the dagger…he was ready to kill him for God…no question, and that is when God intervene.


    You see Abraham had faith that his son would somehow live…EVEN if he killed him.

    He knew that God would still fufill his promise…and even though it defied all logic and sense…he followed his Lord's voice.


    This ties right back into upholding The Spirit of the Law at the cost of the written law.

    God is spirit, spirit is truth.

    It goes to show, that the only thing God can accept from us, is faith.


    and this was the truth I learned satisfied my understanding…

    as oppose to all these rationalizations.


    you see, it's not enough to simply just say, God never intended for Abraham to go through with it….

    that part needed to be broken down….

    and the understanding that The Spirit of the law trascends the written law…also had to be explained/understood.



    You make an accusation without providing evidence to support that accusation.  I do not see why I should bother defending myself against such an unjust attack considering my explanation was intended for good.  If you believe my explanation is flawed then feel free to counter it or ask questions related to those perceived flaws.  I did not show where I was coming from scripture but I had assumed you were familiar with scripture.  Perhaps that assumption is wrong.  I certainly did use reasoning in order to understand the mystery you posed.

    If you wish to know how I arrived at some conclusion based on scripture then ask.  I will strive to find the time to answer you.


    my explanation was intended for good

    Good intentions are not enough…

    If the blind lead the blind they both fall into a pit.

    I did not want human rationalization to be the answer to my question.

    I simply wanted Truth.


    If your answer had been truth, scriptural support wouldn't necessarily be required.

    but since it was a rationalization, using scripture to justify your reasoning would still be inefficient.


    The only truthful answer to the cunundrum…is that, The Spiritual Law transcends the written law.

    and if the circumstance calls for it, The Written Law can be broken to uphold the spirit of the law.


    Just like when David ate the tithing bread that was reserved only for the priest.

    The purpose of that food, is to feed the men who did not hold Jobs to support themselves, since they devoted all their time serving God.

    Well if the spirit of the law was to feed men who could not provide for themselves.

    When David and his men were in a situation where they needed food and could not provide.

    Given the circumstance, The written Law was in a position to be broken so that the spirit of the law may be fufilled.


    So is the likes of God asking Abraham to sacrifice his son…and because The Spirit of such a task was Good…

    the siminly tempting of “evil” was really tempting of “good.”


    but I don't discredit you completely… when you said
    God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his only child and Abram at the same time had God promise that that particular child would be the father of many nations.

    That partly answered my question, in that Abraham had faith that nations would be made from Isaac…and to even kill his child, God would either provide a substitute lamb instead or raise him from the dead.

    but the spirit of the law part is extremely important to the equation.



    You do not seem to understand what spiritual law is.  If you did then you would know who God is and that I spoke true when I stated he the maker and is entitled to do with us whatever he wishes, Romans 9:21.  

    Your ideas are strange to scriptures as the Law of Mosses is spiritual according to Romans 7:14 while Jesus teaches us that sin comes from the heart, Matthew 15:19.

    It is us that are unspiritual and only if we obey all of Jesus' teachings and so receive and live according to the spirit of righteousness is that condition remedied by God.

    What God desires from each of us is a broken spirit and a contrite heart.

    Take care and seek God.



    Your hypothesis about David and his men sounds reasonable.

    Did you perhaps get carried away with making the point about making the written law and spirit of the law and miss what I actually wrote?

    I believe you inadvertently used “written” when you meant “letter”.  Looking at it with that understanding put a new face on the point you were trying to make and fits with your hypothesis.


    Your hypothesis about David and his men sounds reasonable.

    Again, i'm not looking for reason, only truth.

    I believe these were the same points Jesus was trying to point out, even the point about doing good works on the sabbath.



    You sound arrogant.  God looks for reason, Isaiah 1:18.  Do you think you are superior to God?  Listen to Jesus and be careful what you say.

    Real reason is truth and thus to reject one is to reject the other.  Be careful and use the reason God gave you to test everything you hear and believe for truth.

    I did enjoy your insight into the event where David fed his men on the bread reserved for the priests.  I had never considered that in their own way David and his men were doing the work of God and thus could be said to be equivalent to priests.  I have not tested that hypothesis but it seems sound and valid according to what I currently know and remember.

    On the other hand your point that one should go by the spirit and not the letter of the law did not in any contradict anything I wrote in my first post on this thread.  This made your apparent eye blink rejection of my earliest post seem unjust.  I believe this either means you did not test it before rejecting it or are ignorant of who God is and what sin is.  

    I at first felt the later was correct but after reading your insight into the incident when David's men ate the consecrated food I reconsidered and concluded the second was more likely.

    My advice to you in the last two posts stemmed from those understanding as they occurred.   We are taught to be slow to listen for a good reason and though I know that can be difficult to accomplish it’s a good teaching to adhere to as are all the teachings of God.


    Quote (kerwin @ Aug. 13 2010,16:01)

    You sound arrogant.  God looks for reason, Isaiah 1:18.  Do you think you are superior to God?  Listen to Jesus and be careful what you say.

    Real reason is truth and thus to reject one is to reject the other.  Be careful and use the reason God gave you to test everything you hear and believe for truth.

    I did enjoy your insight into the event where David fed his men on the bread reserved for the priests.  I had never considered that in their own way David and his men were doing the work of God and thus could be said to be equivalent to priests.  I have not tested that hypothesis but it seems sound and valid according to what I currently know and remember.

    On the other hand your point that one should go by the spirit and not the letter of the law did not in any contradict anything I wrote in my first post on this thread.  This made your apparent eye blink rejection of my earliest post seem unjust.  I believe this either means you did not test it before rejecting it or are ignorant of who God is and what sin is.  

    I at first felt the later was correct but after reading your insight into the incident when David's men ate the consecrated food I reconsidered and concluded the second was more likely.

    My advice to you in the last two posts stemmed from those understanding as they occurred.   We are taught to be slow to listen for a good reason and though I know that can be difficult to accomplish it’s a good teaching to adhere to as are all the teachings of God.

    If you read my text and perceive arrogance in my speech, then that is your folly.

    The title of this thread is a humbled one.

    Help me understand God.


    The point in which you cannot escape, is that…rationalization does not cut it.

    Only truth can be attached to the name of God.

    If a human rationalizes his word, then your explaination is subject to error, therefore misleading.


    The only truth that could of satisfied this situation, was understanding that the physical proceeds from the spirit.

    This helps us understand that the written law can be fufilled by breaking it, so long as the spirit of the law is being exercised.

    If this explaination wasn't present in your rationalization…then it was lacking the “truth” of the situation.

    If it lacked the truth, then it was a worthless response.


    Yes we are to be slow to test and respond.

    therefore you should of taken the time to test your own words against scripture before attempting to use them to enlighten others.

    Here is where your answers became rationalization…I will show you.


    God is God and because he is our maker he has the entitlement to destroy us when and any way he chooses to. We are not God so you cannot compare us to him as you are inadvertently doing. It is true that God did give Abram the authority to kill his son but later rescinded it. It is also true that God condemned Isaac to the flames at his father’s hands to advance his plans to save as many as could be saved from the more deadly flames of the lake of fire.

    You see here, you are correct…God is entitled to do what he pleases because he is sovereign.

    but being God, and being Good…he is who he is.

    This means that if a human sacrifice is a sin…and that is his law.

    God cannot break his own law, because his law is Good.

    Scripture also tells us he cannot tempt with evil.

    but to tempt another human being to do a deed that was/is aparently evil…would be breaking scripture and what is written.

    If God breaks what is written, that is God breaking his word.

    If he breaks his word, then anything he promised us could also be broken.


    Your explaination of the situation, leaves us at this point.


    Now it would only take truth and understanding to reconcile this cunundrum.


    That truth and understanding was found in the teachings of Jesus, in whom explained that The Spirit of the Law, The Word of God, or Himself…fufills what is written.

    If anything is done in his spirit, it is good.


    God commanded Abraham with what aparantely seemed to be evil and against the written law (you can't deny that).

    but because it was asked in the spirit of christ…it was undoubtedly “good”

    because what is good about a law, without salvation from it?

    and if Isaac was to be redeemed by the condemnation of the law, this not only would benefit, Isaac and Abraham…but it also benefits God as well.


    Sacrifice your son, which would be sin… is like God saying…
    “I expect mankind to sin” even if it be in my name.

    but faith in me, that I will not lead you into temptation but deliver you from evil…proclaims that, this is my kingdom, my glory and my power… forever and ever.


    Mankind does what we don't know…even when we believe we are doing righteous, and God's work…we still blaspheme and sin in the works we do for God…even today on these very boards.

    but as long as we have faith in God our father…we can be assured that even in our sin against him and our brothers…we will be delivered by the spirit of christ.

    This is the truth I learned.

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