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  • #137337

    Hello everyone…I have just joined and so I thought I would leave a post to let you all know who I am, what my struggles are, and hopefully get some advise…The past year I started reading the Bible again and really trying to seek out the truth. I was raised as a Christian and attended a Christian school  from kindergarden to 12th grade. In Jr and Sr high the school I attended  a school which was very into Bible prophecy. The pricipal is a pretty well know author and speaker on prophecy and taught some of the Bible courses we took….I'm not sure how people on here feel about a rapture…I had been told there would be a rapture from the time I was a very small child…I watched the “Left Behind” movies, and these are not the one's by Kirk Cameron, they were made in the early to mid 70's…They scared the heck out of me! I didn't think I would ever be good enough to make it in the rapture, so I was left with the fear of not being taken, not taking the “mark of the beast”, and having my head chopped off. Also I really didn't want Jesus to come back…I wanted to get the chance to grow up and have a family…. One time in high school, the pricipal for some reason thought it would be funny to wear a “rapture” helmet all day because someone had predicted that Jesus could return on that day…obiously he didn't. As I got older and saw how the people who ran my school really acted I was really turned off to organized religion. I realized that these men/women who run these churches, schools, (and people )usually have their own interests in mind, and should be looking to God for direction in their own lives and not be so worried about what everyone elses struggles with sin are. Now I have studied and have found that the rapture is not Biblical and was started by the 19th century Theologian John Nelson Darby…
    My Mom always church hopped. We would sometimes stay for a while , but soon there was something wrong with the church and we would leave. What I saw was that all of these churches had it wrong…and all these Christians must have it wrong because look at the way they act…they say one thing and do another….they don't follow what the Bible says and partake in pagan pratices including the worship of idols and celebrating pagan traditions as if they are Christian.
    I basically stopped seeking God for a very long time because of some of the things I went through…and was living a sinful life….
    However- being taught so much about Bible prophecy I can not, and will not deny the truths which the Bible holds. Each and every day the world is paying witness to what the Bible said would take place…I was really full of fear and began seeking God…I have repented of my sins, but am still having a hard time with some things…I really do not have any support around me. My husband belives, but I don't think he is near the point that I am….I don't really know how to deal with the people in my life and sometimes life itself. I have been very depressed about what is going in this world and how most people are so blind to it…they just keep watching reality TV and not caring.
    Well I guess I have went on long enough…I just wanted to introduce myself and give a little back ground…One other thing…I was baptized when I was 11 or 12, but I really feel like I need to be again now that I really have some understanding and have repented of my sin…Any suggestions about this?


    Hi amos – WELCOME!

    So glad that you are here. I dig your Avatar! :;):

    I'll be back later to tonight to say hello properly…I'm just quickly checking in right now.



    Thank you Mandy!


    Welcome A,
    I will bring up a thread that may help


    Thanks…This is my first time on a forum so I'm not sure what I'm doing…Where it be?


    Welcome amosbug,
    I've always been intrigued with the last days and open to speculation as long as it remains speculation. Many have been ruined by dogmatic interpretations which once unfulfilled leave those expecting, disappointed and discouraged.

    All of us believe various errors for a time and unfortunately some will last for life, however truth is found in scripture, just seek the Lord's guidance, read it for what it says, not what others say it means. I pray that you find it.

    My opinion – Wm


    Hello amosbug! I am really very happy for you, that you have found the Lord. How you were Baptized makes a difference in your life, though. Were you laid Hands on, and did you receive the Holy Spirit? That is very important. We came out of the Catholic Church and I do sympathies with you, about all the Pagan idols etc. Unfortunately most Churches on the outside teach false doctrine. My Husband and I fellowship with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and I really like it here. Keep on seeking the truth and don't be afraid, there is no rapture. The Body of Christ is Spiritual. I am glad you are a Lady. We have some nice Ladies here. Mandy and Kathi are my favorite once. So in Christian Love Irene


    Quote (seekingtruth @ July 13 2009,13:36)
    Welcome amosbug,
    I've always been intrigued with the last days and open to speculation as long as it remains speculation. Many have been ruined by dogmatic interpretations which once unfulfilled leave those expecting, disappointed and discouraged.

    All of us believe various errors for a time and unfortunately some will last for life, however truth is found in scripture, just seek the Lord's guidance, read it for what it says, not what others say it means. I pray that you find it.

    My opinion – Wm

    Thank you very much :D


    Quote (Cindy @ July 13 2009,14:09)
    Hello amosbug!   I am really very happy for you, that you have found the Lord.  How you were Baptized makes a difference in your life, though.  Were you laid Hands on, and did you receive the Holy Spirit?  That is very important.  We came out of the Catholic Church and I do sympathies with you, about all the Pagan idols etc.  Unfortunately most Churches on the outside teach false doctrine.  My Husband and I fellowship with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and I really like it here. Keep on seeking the truth and don't be afraid, there is no rapture.  The Body of Christ is Spiritual.  I am glad you are a Lady.  We have some nice Ladies here.  Mandy and Kathi are my favorite once.  So in Christian Love Irene

    Dear Irene,
    Thank your for your reply…I don't think that I was baptized in that way…It was one of those things that happened when I was with a church group…we were at someone's swimming pool and I'm not even sure why I was baptized at that time…So what would you suggest I do since I do not attend an “outside” church and have no desire too. I just want to read the Bible and have my own fellowship…and if possible fellowship with other like minded people…Who could I have baptize me do you think?


    Hi Amosbug:

    If you did not believe and had not repented, the baptism that you went through at the age of 11 or 12 did not have any significance, and so, yes, I believe that you should be baptized again if you believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that God has raised him from the dead and that the blood that he shed is for the propitiation for your sins.

    When the Apostle Peter preached to those who crucified Jesus when they believed the gospel they asked him what they should do, and the Apostle Peter told them:

    From the Acts of the Apostles:

    36Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made the same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.

    37Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?

    38Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

    39For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the LORD our God shall call.

    When you received the gift of the Holy Ghost, God will lead you by His Spirit into all truths in His Word and will help you in living the Christian life. The simplicity of the gospel is to treat others the way you want them to treat you whether or not they treath you that way. Live your life and example so that people may see the love of God manifest through your life.

    Relative to your husband, this is some advice from the scriptures:

    1 Peter 3
    1Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;

    2While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.

    3Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;

    4But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.

    5For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands:

    6Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.

    Love in Christ,


    Quote (amosbug @ July 15 2009,03:06)

    Quote (Cindy @ July 13 2009,14:09)
    Hello amosbug!   I am really very happy for you, that you have found the Lord.  How you were Baptized makes a difference in your life, though.  Were you laid Hands on, and did you receive the Holy Spirit?  That is very important.  We came out of the Catholic Church and I do sympathies with you, about all the Pagan idols etc.  Unfortunately most Churches on the outside teach false doctrine.  My Husband and I fellowship with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and I really like it here. Keep on seeking the truth and don't be afraid, there is no rapture.  The Body of Christ is Spiritual.  I am glad you are a Lady.  We have some nice Ladies here.  Mandy and Kathi are my favorite once.  So in Christian Love Irene

    Dear Irene,
    Thank your for your reply…I don't think that I was baptized in that way…It was one of those things that happened when I was with a church group…we were at someone's swimming pool and I'm not even sure why I was baptized at that time…So what would you suggest I do since I do not attend an “outside” church and have no desire too. I just want to read the Bible and have my own fellowship…and if possible fellowship with other like minded people…Who could I have baptize me do you think?

    amosbug Yes I would get Baptized again, and make sure that the Minister lays Hands on you. I would not go to any Church like the Catholic Church or the Protestant Church. But you would have to go to a Minister. At all depends were you live too. As long as you repent of your sins and believe in Christ that He came as a man and died for us. That is the most important of all. Good luck and I will pray for you that you will find someone that will lay Hands on you, and Baptize you.
    Best Wishes and Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (942767 @ July 15 2009,15:12)
    Hi Amosbug:

    If you did not believe and had not repented, the baptism that you went through at the age of 11 or 12 did not have any significance, and so, yes, I believe that you should be baptized again if you believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that God has raised him from the dead and that the blood that he shed is for the propitiation for your sins.

    When the Apostle Peter preached to those who crucified Jesus when they believed the gospel they asked him what they should do, and the Apostle Peter told them:

    From the Acts of the Apostles:

    36Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made the same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.

    37Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?

    38Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

    39For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the LORD our God shall call.

    When you received the gift of the Holy Ghost, God will lead you by His Spirit into all truths in His Word and will help you in living the Christian life.  The simplicity of the gospel is to treat others the way you want them to treat you whether or not they treath you that way.  Live your life and example so that people may see the love of God manifest through your life.

    Relative to your husband, this is some advice from the scriptures:

    1 Peter 3
    1Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;

    2While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.

    3Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;

    4But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.

    5For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands:

    6Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.

    Love in Christ,

    Thank you Marty!
    I feel like I need to be baptized…here is the problem…I don't have anyone that can do it….I was thinking I could ask my Mother or Father in law…or that I could do it on my own…

    Thank you for the Scriptures 2!


    Quote (Cindy @ July 15 2009,16:22)

    Quote (amosbug @ July 15 2009,03:06)

    Quote (Cindy @ July 13 2009,14:09)
    Hello amosbug!   I am really very happy for you, that you have found the Lord.  How you were Baptized makes a difference in your life, though.  Were you laid Hands on, and did you receive the Holy Spirit?  That is very important.  We came out of the Catholic Church and I do sympathies with you, about all the Pagan idols etc.  Unfortunately most Churches on the outside teach false doctrine.  My Husband and I fellowship with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and I really like it here. Keep on seeking the truth and don't be afraid, there is no rapture.  The Body of Christ is Spiritual.  I am glad you are a Lady.  We have some nice Ladies here.  Mandy and Kathi are my favorite once.  So in Christian Love Irene

    Dear Irene,
    Thank your for your reply…I don't think that I was baptized in that way…It was one of those things that happened when I was with a church group…we were at someone's swimming pool and I'm not even sure why I was baptized at that time…So what would you suggest I do since I do not attend an “outside” church and have no desire too. I just want to read the Bible and have my own fellowship…and if possible fellowship with other like minded people…Who could I have baptize me do you think?

    amosbug  Yes I would get Baptized again, and make sure that the Minister lays Hands on you.  I would not go to any Church like the Catholic Church or the Protestant Church.  But you would have to go to a Minister.  At all depends were you live too. As long as you repent of your sins and believe in Christ that He came as a man and died for us. That is the most important of all. Good luck and I will pray for you that you will find someone that will lay Hands on you, and Baptize you.
    Best Wishes and Peace and Love Irene

    Thanks for your help Irene….I really appriciate it :)


    Quote (seekingtruth @ July 13 2009,13:36)
    I've always been intrigued with the last days and open to speculation as long as it remains speculation. Many have been ruined by dogmatic interpretations which once unfulfilled leave those expecting, disappointed and discouraged.

    At this point in time, I don't think you need consult a bible to get an idea of the shape of things to come (I don't and wouldn't). The shape of things to come, for any who have open eyes and a rational mind is pretty clear to see. There probably isn't even that long to wait, in my opinion.

    That said, the probability is that it's only the last days for most people, so does that count?


    Quote (Douglas @ July 16 2009,10:13)

    Quote (seekingtruth @ July 13 2009,13:36)
    I've always been intrigued with the last days and open to speculation as long as it remains speculation. Many have been ruined by dogmatic interpretations which once unfulfilled leave those expecting, disappointed and discouraged.

    At this point in time, I don't think you need consult a bible to get an idea of the shape of things to come (I don't and wouldn't). The shape of things to come, for any who have open eyes and a rational mind is pretty clear to see. There probably isn't even that long to wait, in my opinion.

    That said, the probability is that it's only the last days for most people, so does that count?

    I don't think you have to consult the Bible…however, if you do it's very intersting to see how things are coming true…You most definately don't have to be a Christian to have your eyes opened to what's going on in this world…It does give me some hope/peace though to know that these things are going to happen but we have a way out…Amy


    Quote (amosbug @ July 17 2009,17:19)

    Quote (Douglas @ July 16 2009,10:13)

    Quote (seekingtruth @ July 13 2009,13:36)
    I've always been intrigued with the last days and open to speculation as long as it remains speculation. Many have been ruined by dogmatic interpretations which once unfulfilled leave those expecting, disappointed and discouraged.

    At this point in time, I don't think you need consult a bible to get an idea of the shape of things to come (I don't and wouldn't). The shape of things to come, for any who have open eyes and a rational mind is pretty clear to see. There probably isn't even that long to wait, in my opinion.

    That said, the probability is that it's only the last days for most people, so does that count?

    I don't think you have to consult the Bible…however, if you do it's very intersting to see how things are coming true…You most definately don't have to be a Christian to have your eyes opened to what's going on in this world…It does give me some hope/peace though to know that these things are going to happen but we have a way out…Amy

    I'd question if the bible is coming true – I've read Revelations several times, and I find it so tangled up and convoluted it's practically impossible to relate it to events now (except if you pick little key pieces).

    Consider that even if events a couple of thousand years into the future had been seen by someone of those times, they would have struggled to find the vocabulary to describe what they saw. Cars? Aeroplanes? Rockets? Thermonuclear weapons? Biological and chemical weapons? Computers? The internet? Machine guns, tanks, etc. – so many things they could not have coherently described and would've struggled to express in their vocabulary. Then, a long time later – we have to try to translate their language, entirely devoid of those sorts of words, into ours. Generally it would seem to me that a text would not be likely to be very useful in that situation.

    I prefer my predictions far plainer and clearer, e.g. “some buildings may be destroyed in New York, close to the harbour (not as big as trade centre towers)”.

    As someone who thinks practically – as far as I can see, if you are starving you have one solution (find some food) and one way out (die). At minimum positive beliefs may make the process of dying far more tolerable and at maximum then you get everything you believe in. Either way, you're dead and you've achieved maximum contribution to this life and everyone and everything in it.

    Focussing on positive thoughts and beliefs is beneficial, I just prefer to focus on immediately practical things.


    Quote (Douglas @ July 16 2009,10:13)

    Quote (seekingtruth @ July 13 2009,13:36)
    I've always been intrigued with the last days and open to speculation as long as it remains speculation. Many have been ruined by dogmatic interpretations which once unfulfilled leave those expecting, disappointed and discouraged.

    At this point in time, I don't think you need consult a bible to get an idea of the shape of things to come (I don't and wouldn't). The shape of things to come, for any who have open eyes and a rational mind is pretty clear to see. There probably isn't even that long to wait, in my opinion.

    That said, the probability is that it's only the last days for most people, so does that count?

    Douglas  I can't believe that a so called Christian is telling someone not to consult the Bible!  You mist not think that the Bible is the word of God!  If you would know Ancient History, you would see how events have come true, that were written in that Bible.  You are starving if you don't read the Bible and don't even know it. All I can say to you, I am glad you are not my Husband.


    Quote (Cindy @ July 18 2009,02:04)

    Quote (Douglas @ July 16 2009,10:13)

    Quote (seekingtruth @ July 13 2009,13:36)
    I've always been intrigued with the last days and open to speculation as long as it remains speculation. Many have been ruined by dogmatic interpretations which once unfulfilled leave those expecting, disappointed and discouraged.

    At this point in time, I don't think you need consult a bible to get an idea of the shape of things to come (I don't and wouldn't). The shape of things to come, for any who have open eyes and a rational mind is pretty clear to see. There probably isn't even that long to wait, in my opinion.

    That said, the probability is that it's only the last days for most people, so does that count?

    Douglas  I can't believe that a so called Christian is telling someone not to consult the Bible!  You mist not think that the Bible is the word of God!  If you would know Ancient History, you would see how events have come true, that were written in that Bible.  You are starving if you don't read the Bible and don't even know it.  All I can say to you, I am glad you are not my Husband.

    Whoa, have I claimed to be Christian? Technically my parents had me baptised and tried to have me indoctrinated into Roman Catholicism, but I'd say overall it all failed.

    I wouldn't say not to read the bible – I have a couple of times (all of it) – and it's interesting even to me (not because I regard it as the word of god though, since if it is, there's a lot of clutter too).

    I'd say that when the “end” comes, it won't be the best guide as to how to proceed – in my humble opinion. Certainly it may contain useful beliefs, but I don't see the roadmap to survival in it, I'm afraid to say.

    In my opinion there are more direct ways to get at the word of god.

    Oh, and for what it's worth my opinion is that there are sections of the Bible that were predicted to people in advance by God and that did go on to happen (a few examples) I can bring to mind:
    – the great flood, with Noah
    – the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra
    – the plagues of Egypt (some at least)

    Now, let us suppose there is another such communication from God – relating to the not so distant future – reasonably supported by researching what is real and known to modern day human knowledge. If those events come to pass, the vast majority of all people – including those on this site – will perish.

    I say it could be real, and I have to act on that basis.

    What do you say?


    Quote (Douglas @ July 18 2009,03:08)

    Quote (Cindy @ July 18 2009,02:04)

    Quote (Douglas @ July 16 2009,10:13)

    Quote (seekingtruth @ July 13 2009,13:36)
    I've always been intrigued with the last days and open to speculation as long as it remains speculation. Many have been ruined by dogmatic interpretations which once unfulfilled leave those expecting, disappointed and discouraged.

    At this point in time, I don't think you need consult a bible to get an idea of the shape of things to come (I don't and wouldn't). The shape of things to come, for any who have open eyes and a rational mind is pretty clear to see. There probably isn't even that long to wait, in my opinion.

    That said, the probability is that it's only the last days for most people, so does that count?

    Douglas  I can't believe that a so called Christian is telling someone not to consult the Bible!  You mist not think that the Bible is the word of God!  If you would know Ancient History, you would see how events have come true, that were written in that Bible.  You are starving if you don't read the Bible and don't even know it.  All I can say to you, I am glad you are not my Husband.

    Whoa, have I claimed to be Christian? Technically my parents had me baptised and tried to have me indoctrinated into , but I'd say overall it all failed.

    I wouldn't say not to read the bible – I have a couple of times (all of it) – and it's interesting even to me (not because I regard it as the word of god though, since if it is, there's a lot of clutter too).

    I'd say that when the “end” comes, it won't be the best guide as to how to proceed – in my humble opinion. Certainly it may contain useful beliefs, but I don't see the roadmap to survival in it, I'm afraid to say.

    In my opinion there are more direct ways to get at the word of god.

    Oh, and for what it's worth my opinion is that there are sections of the Bible that were predicted to people in advance by God and that did go on to happen (a few examples) I can bring to mind:
    – the great flood, with Noah
    – the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra
    – the plagues of Egypt (some at least)

    Now, let us suppose there is another such communication from God – relating to the not so distant future – reasonably supported by researching what is real and known to modern day human knowledge. If those events come to pass, the vast majority of all people – including those on this site – will perish.

    I say it could be real, and I have to act on that basis.

    What do you say?


    Obviously you couldn't accept Roman Catholicism…you seem to be a very smart and logical person and if you look at religion from a “logic” standpoint it will never stand…That is what I did for a long time because of my experiences with Protistant churches and people. I had a lot of fights with my mother who kept telling me to turn to God and the Bible but it just didn't do for me what it did for her. You can not make yourself feel something you don't or believe something you do not believe- no matter how much you want to or how much easier it would be to just give in, because logic won't let you.

    I really began to notice a few years back how things were changing on this earth…and what came back to me was a lot of the things I rembered about Bible prophecy. No matter how much I didn't want it to be true, logic told me it couldn't be a conwincidence.

    I think it is really good that you have read the Bible, and more than once…I think if you are going to talk about the Bible (for or against it) you should be required to actually read it. We can not blame each other for how we feel about the Bible when we read it for ourselfs…You can only feel and understand what God allows you too, and this has nothing to do with logic or intellect…When I started reading the Bible again last year, I really tried to have an open mind. I tried to block all of those things that eveyone told me was true about the Bible and asked God if he was listening, to help me understand what is not humanly imaginable.



    Quote (amosbug @ July 18 2009,04:48)

    Quote (Douglas @ July 18 2009,03:08)

    Quote (Cindy @ July 18 2009,02:04)

    Quote (Douglas @ July 16 2009,10:13)

    Quote (seekingtruth @ July 13 2009,13:36)
    I've always been intrigued with the last days and open to speculation as long as it remains speculation. Many have been ruined by dogmatic interpretations which once unfulfilled leave those expecting, disappointed and discouraged.

    At this point in time, I don't think you need consult a bible to get an idea of the shape of things to come (I don't and wouldn't). The shape of things to come, for any who have open eyes and a rational mind is pretty clear to see. There probably isn't even that long to wait, in my opinion.

    That said, the probability is that it's only the last days for most people, so does that count?

    Douglas  I can't believe that a so called Christian is telling someone not to consult the Bible!  You mist not think that the Bible is the word of God!  If you would know Ancient History, you would see how events have come true, that were written in that Bible.  You are starving if you don't read the Bible and don't even know it.  All I can say to you, I am glad you are not my Husband.

    Whoa, have I claimed to be Christian? Technically my parents had me baptised and tried to have me indoctrinated into , but I'd say overall it all failed.

    I wouldn't say not to read the bible – I have a couple of times (all of it) – and it's interesting even to me (not because I regard it as the word of god though, since if it is, there's a lot of clutter too).

    I'd say that when the “end” comes, it won't be the best guide as to how to proceed – in my humble opinion. Certainly it may contain useful beliefs, but I don't see the roadmap to survival in it, I'm afraid to say.

    In my opinion there are more direct ways to get at the word of god.

    Oh, and for what it's worth my opinion is that there are sections of the Bible that were predicted to people in advance by God and that did go on to happen (a few examples) I can bring to mind:
    – the great flood, with Noah
    – the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra
    – the plagues of Egypt (some at least)

    Now, let us suppose there is another such communication from God – relating to the not so distant future – reasonably supported by researching what is real and known to modern day human knowledge. If those events come to pass, the vast majority of all people – including those on this site – will perish.

    I say it could be real, and I have to act on that basis.

    What do you say?


    Obviously you couldn't accept Roman Catholicism…you seem to be a very smart and logical person and if you look at religion from a “logic” standpoint it will never stand…That is  what I did for a long time because of my experiences with Protistant churches and people. I had a lot of fights with my mother who kept telling me to turn to God and the Bible but it just didn't do for me what it did for her. You can not make yourself feel something you don't or believe something you do not believe- no matter how much you want to or how much easier it would be to just give in, because logic won't let you.

    I really began to notice a few years back how things were changing on this earth…and what came back to me was a lot of the things I rembered about Bible prophecy. No matter how much I didn't want it to be true, logic told me it couldn't be a conwincidence.

    I think it is really good that you have read the Bible, and more than once…I think if you are going to talk about the Bible (for or against it) you should be required to actually read it. We can not blame each other for how we feel about the Bible when we read it for ourselfs…You can only feel and understand what God allows you too, and this has nothing to do with logic or intellect…When I started reading the Bible again last year, I really tried to have an open mind. I tried to block all of those things that eveyone told me was true about the Bible and asked God if he was listening, to help me understand what is not humanly imaginable.


    My personal opinion is that the organised religions are human structures, emerging from our basic imperative to organise ourselves into a tribal pyramid type structure. Unfortunately once such a structure is created large part of it's function revolves around establishing and promoting itself, with the loss of focus of it's theoretical role – as true of government as religion to my mind.

    Things on the planet are changing, but nothing has happened of note yet compared to what will happen. There are good solid scientific reasons for the changes, but nonetheless they are happening. Logic and research is sufficient to get a good picture of what will happen – but I also happen to have received (through another person) communication from god relating to timescale and my personal responsibilities.

    From a logical point of view a couple of years ago the whole thing initially seemed fantastically improbable, but now seems increasingly convincing.

    My main issue with the bible here is that it comes nowhere near the standard of my other data sources. Too easy to get hung up on which trumpet has “sounded” and on trying to make it fit actual events – bearing in mind if it was a prophecy you wouldn't necessarily know which things had happened around the world or which parts they referred to.

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