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- August 23, 2009 at 12:51 pm#141881
Participantkarmaria! I am so happy that you know what kind of Loving Heavenly Father we have. Is your Mother still living? Some of our Children do not believe what my Husband and I do, and they will be surprised.
I am happy too, to see that you don't believe in a trinity doctrine. We are so fortunate that God has revealed so many truths to us. God the Father send His only begotten Son into the World to save the world and not to condemn the World. But unfortunately there will be a Multitude of people after the millinium when Satan is being loosed again, they will go with Him right into the Lake of Fire. That will be the second death, the Bible speaks of.
Peace and Love IreneAugust 24, 2009 at 9:04 am#142019karmarie
ParticipantHi Irene, yes my mum is still alive, we are very close. It is impossible to change some peoples viewpoints on the hell teaching though I have learned that. Theres no point even trying. They just dont see it. Or know. We are lucky.:)
Blessings, Karmarie.
August 24, 2009 at 9:27 am#142022Cindy
ParticipantQuote (karmarie @ Aug. 24 2009,21:04) Hi Irene, yes my mum is still alive, we are very close. It is impossible to change some peoples viewpoints on the hell teaching though I have learned that. Theres no point even trying. They just dont see it. Or know. We are lucky.:) Blessings, Karmarie.
Yes, you are so right. Our Son and two Grandsons go to a Baptist Church and they believe in the trinity. I too tried so many times to teach them about that doctrine being a man made one, without result. Now we don;t mention it anymore either,
Thank you for your reply,
Peace and Love IreneAugust 24, 2009 at 10:34 am#142025karmarie
ParticipantYup, no point lol. Tis good though that your son and grandsons go to church. Our oldest 18 year old does too. I just hope his sister follows him. I know shes good at heart, she does read the bible I know, but its been a worrying time.
Peace and love to you.
August 24, 2009 at 3:32 pm#142045theodorej
ParticipantQuote (Cindy @ Aug. 23 2009,07:00) Quote (theodorej @ Aug. 22 2009,08:29) Quote (Cindy @ Aug. 22 2009,08:01) theodoreij I don't think you got my point. Jesus was a Spirit that is how the Father brought forth His Son.
Col. 1:15-17
Rev. 3:14
John 1`7:5
and since He was a Spirit like the Angels and Satan, I believe that God will destroy them in the Lake of Fire. That has nothing to do with capable or worthy to say so. I do respect the Office of our Father, don't get me wrong, but what is written is written. Making me look like I don't I hope was not your point.
Peace and Love Irene
Greetings Irene….Absolutely not….Iam of a spirit where I do not second guess or assume anything and at the same time I try not to appear to, or assume a position of judgement….My opinion is simply this….The beast and the false prophet are a manesfestation of satan according to scripture,therefore they would be subject to eternal torment because spirit can not be destroyed or God may choose not to destroy….
Anti-Christ is a Human being not a Spirit. God the Father has created all through Jesus, and you believe that God cannot do away with them and destroy them? God can do anything, why are you limiting Him?
1 Timothy 6:16 who alone has immortality dwelling in Him irreproachable whom no man has seen or can see, to whom be Honor, and everlasting power. Amen.
Nobody has seen the Father or heard His voice.
He is the only one that cannot die, and IMO Jesus Christ too.
It says that He has received divinity, after His dead and resurrection.
When I asked Georg about this, He kind of chuckled. He too believes that God can do away with them, since He created all.
Love Irene
Greetings Irene……The anti christ pertains to numerous entities some of very little notoriety and others who may rise to celebrity status….An anti christ would be any one who lives,teaches or acts in antithesus to the teachings of the christ…The false prophet is a distinction that also will fit numerous entities…The false prophet and the anti christ spoken of in revelation are said to be the manefestation of satan himself….Satan incarnate…and posessing the bodies and minds of these two entities…August 29, 2009 at 10:07 pm#143049Cindy
ParticipantQuote (theodorej @ Aug. 25 2009,03:32) Greetings Irene……The anti christ pertains to numerous entities some of very little notoriety and others who may rise to celebrity status….An anti christ would be any one who lives,teaches or acts in antithesus to the teachings of the christ…The false prophet is a distinction that also will fit numerous entities…The false prophet and the anti christ spoken of in revelation are said to be the manefestation of satan himself….Satan incarnate…and posessing the bodies and minds of these two entities…
theodorejTrue enough, there are many anti Christs; Paul talked about them in Galatians and 2 Thessalonians; but the bible speaks of one Anti-Christ that would not only teach a false gospel, he would rule over practical the whole world, and persecute, and kill all who would not accept his doctrine. He, Anti-Christ, is the false prophet, you know that a prophet is not just some one that can foretell the future, a prophet is also some one that teaches, preaches, that speaks.
Satan incarnate is not biblical, he influences, and deceives in a bad way, as the three frogs (Rev. 16:13) show us.Georg
November 19, 2009 at 4:44 am#157632terraricca
Participanthi to all
i have seen those reply's in this section some dont beleive that men have a soul i mean beside having a body,they should go back and look in the scriptures and ask for light from above.
some do not beleive in free will ,because this changes theyr responsability before Christ and God,some said that there is only the will of God i agree with that,it does not matter there are two choices to be made in the option, ither accept or reject God will.and it is you free choice totaly yours.as for God never force you to do anything ,wath God does is make you reep wath you have sowed or in other words punish you for the wicketness you made,just look at Juda iscariot no one force him into the way it did, it was is own choice because of is filthy haert..
wen king David went after bersheba it was not forced into it ,wen he went to request the dead of he housband it was him self no one pushed him,and we know wath God jugement he recieved.ither you work for God or against him he will use you or more use you abilitys for is will or purpose,this is no mistery.
some dont believe we have a soul beside our body,jesus said” dont be affraid of the ones who can kill the boby only but be scared of the one who can destoye the body and soul” some other place it said “dont put your thrust in man theyr breath leaves and theyr spirit return to God ” this talk for it selfs.
has for hell buning fire it is the religion treats “if you do not do this you go to this” pagan cults have the same procedure.
since Christ comming this is taking place in God s name ;
Mal 3:16 Then those who feared the LORD talked with each other, and the LORD listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the LORD and honored his name.
Mal 3:17 “They will be mine,” says the LORD Almighty, “in the day when I make up my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as in compassion a man spares his son who serves him.
Mal 3:18 And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not “may your eyes see it.
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