Heaven Net on god as a crutch

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    Hey …I'm just doing what I am to do…thats bring you the gospel.

    And bare witness.

    If you don't like him thats your choice, he made you so that you could make that choice. If you think you have it figured out…well super.

    I did what I was supposed to.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 31 2008,07:46)
    Hi KJ,
    Indeed the source of all life owns all life and is under no laws.
    Fear him

    That is the same argument used by many in the recent debate here in NZ on the repeal of the law that allows physical correction of children. People did not argue much about whether correction worked or not, very many people articulated the view that in some way children are not quite human yet, and are somehow the possessions of their parents, to be treated in whatever way parents see fit.

    If you love something let it go, so the cliche runs. This god is OCD and can't let go, and by Nick's view is not loving. Don't fear, question.



    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 31 2008,07:55)
    Hi Kj,
    I cannot believe there are folk who would take the bible and it's revelations about God
    and then arrogantly try to apply moral judgements drawn from those writings
    against the extraordinarily awesome God revealed there.

    It begs commonsense.

    Don't you do the same with the Koran?  A large portion of the globe fervently believe it is the word of God, the same God of Abraham that you worship.  Yet you make moral judgements that they are wrong and you right.  You say the Holy Spirit guides you to truth, well so do they.  So how do you know they are wrong and you right;  you eschew reason and logic so it must be on faith, yet for many their faith tells them different and for the most fanatical, their faith is so strong they are willing to die quite readily for it.  Yes, they are all decieved by Satan, but you of course are not.


    I wish there was something that I could say to change your mind.

    It seems that you probably would not believe anything I told you.

    So…do you think we will be able to fly through space at speeds faster then light some day?


    Quote (Samuel @ April 01 2008,00:56)
    I wish there was something that I could say to change your mind.

    It seems that you probably would not believe anything I told you.

    So…do you think we will be able to fly through space at speeds faster then light some day?


    I respect your motivations in trying to spread what you think is God's truth as revealed to various men and written by them in their various gospels, books, letters, etc..

    I have changed my beliefs over the years as I have matured, learned, and grown in experience.  They continue to evolve as life teaches me new lessons so they may change in the future.  I freely acknowledge I may be wrong.

    As for believing you, perhaps if what you said made greater sense, or you quoted your own revelations instead of parroting supposed revelations of others.

    Greater then light speed, I don't know.  There was a time when it was thought that no one would break the sound barrier so who knows?  Photons can travel at greater then light speed according to the Cherenkov effect.  
    From the Fermi Atomic energy lab:
    “photons can travel faster then the speed of light, and you will be surprised, not only photons, but elementary particles too!!! The trick is , that in certain mediums ( described by a number called index of refraction which depends on the wavelength of the traveling light), light travels with a speed which is less than the speed of the light in vacuum. This speed can be substantially less then 300 000 km/s. Since the index of refraction depends on the wavelength, other kinds of photons, for example X-ray photons, could in principle travel with a higher speed then the speed of the light in that given medium. The same holds for elementary particles. In fact, we use this phenomena to detect and distinguish particles here at Fermilab.”


    Quote (Cato @ Mar. 31 2008,23:53)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 31 2008,07:55)
    Hi Kj,
    I cannot believe there are folk who would take the bible and it's revelations about God
    and then arrogantly try to apply moral judgements drawn from those writings
    against the extraordinarily awesome God revealed there.

    It begs commonsense.

    Don't you do the same with the Koran?  A large portion of the globe fervently believe it is the word of God, the same God of Abraham that you worship.  Yet you make moral judgements that they are wrong and you right.  You say the Holy Spirit guides you to truth, well so do they.  So how do you know they are wrong and you right;  you eschew reason and logic so it must be on faith, yet for many their faith tells them different and for the most fanatical, their faith is so strong they are willing to die quite readily for it.  Yes, they are all decieved by Satan, but you of course are not.

    Hi cato,
    Are you confused?
    Does the opinion of men sway you?
    Better to build on the Rock of the teachings of Jesus.
    Lay him first as the foundation stone in your building of faith.

    1Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.


    I do actually have my own revelations…

    I'm not exactly sure what they are at the moment…but I feel as if GOD really wants to use me in some way. I just can pin point it.

    I feel the spirit of GOD on me very strong, thought the day a lot.

    I have dreams of “Huge” wars…that kill lots of people.
    Of running from very large armies…and hiding from people trying to find me.

    I have dreams of “Huge” natural disasters such as Tornadoes and stuff…standing right at the base of tornadoes larger than the world has ever seen.

    Dreams of Hell and evil spirits getting ready for a large war against GOD.

    Dreams of churches and people of GOD crying out.

    You can tell me what you won't …I really don't care…call me crazy but I can assure you that something is going to be happening very soon.

    I can just feel it…not sure what…not sure when…But I feel as if my soul is going to explode sometimes thought the day with the spirit of GOD so strong coming on me.

    I don't know if I'm supposed to be a witness, preacher, or what…?
    But I feel that GOD really wants me to do something.

    I pray just about every day and all day long even here recently that GOD will show me what it is…I have lots of Faith that I will most assuredly know when it is time.


    Samuel I know what you are saying. It is like it is floating in the air. Can almost taste it, it is so real. Just look around you, you think it looks like Sodom and Gomorrah? I believe it is getting worse. God is getting angry. His wrath will come. So lets stay close to Jesus and our Heavenly Father, He will keep us from the hour of His wrath, that's His promise. I am ready now. Lets go. But thy will be done.

    Peace and Love Mrs.


    Quote (seek and you will find @ April 01 2008,16:53)
    Samuel  I know what you are saying. It is like it is floating in the air. Can almost taste it, it is so real. Just look around you, you think it looks like Sodom and Gomorrah? I believe it is getting worse. God is getting angry. His wrath will come.    So lets stay close to Jesus and our Heavenly Father, He will keep us from the hour of His wrath, that's His promise. I am ready now. Lets go. But thy will be done.

    Peace and Love Mrs.

    Does god still get angry? How human he is!



    Perhaps such visions are revelations from God or perhaps they stem from the anxieties of your own unconscious mind.  If you think about something long enough or read about a subject it is only natural to dream about them.  Even if they are from God (which rationally would be the lowest probability) you must take care in interpreting same, for they may not be meant to be taken literally, but represent something else, perhaps an inner struggle.  Remember symbols are the language of the unconscious.


    Careful Cato, that sounds like occult talk :laugh:.


    Perhaps such visions are revelations from God or perhaps they stem from the anxieties of your own unconscious mind.  If you think about something long enough or read about a subject it is only natural to dream about them.  Even if they are from God (which rationally would be the lowest probability) you must take care in interpreting same, for they may not be meant to be taken literally, but represent something else, perhaps an inner struggle.  Remember symbols are the language of the unconscious.

    Yes…I've  thought they were just dreams as well.   The funny part is that I have not been studying the “End-Times”…I've been re-reading the bible starting at Genesis and going all the way through.  I'm only in Exodus at the momemt.  I just started studying the “End-Times” and reading a couple books and going to some classes at  the church about them.

    And the dreams aren't like a normal dream is where you wake up and it “Feels” like a dream.   It feels like It was “Real” life.  It was very tangible.  I normally don't have dreams like that that I can remember through out my whole life.

    And, I was back-slid up till about 7 months ago. I was brought up in a pentecostal religion. And got saved and recived the Holy Ghost at an early age.

    However, I got out in the world and started messing up once I got out on my own…and just turned my back on GOD.
    He did not turn his back on me though.
    He moved on me to get back in the church about 7 month ago. This time it feels like I can feel a much stronger presence of GOD.



    Perhaps the meaning is for you and your own life rather then a prophecy of the end times.  You are obviously going through spiritual changes and these may be part of it.  Your  message is viewed through the context of your unconscious, which from your upbringing is full of religious symbols.  These dreams may be the result of inner turmoil or the mind trying to deal with the emotional and mental stress thereof.  I am not discounting divine influence but even that would act through the mechanisms of your own consciousness and the message more then likely meant for your own individual struggle rather then a global one.


    Quote (kejonn @ April 02 2008,00:09)
    Careful Cato, that sounds like occult talk :laugh:.

    Nick started a thread on the occult in the believers section, I think you would find it entertaining.


    what is occult?


    Quote (Samuel @ April 02 2008,05:06)
    what is occult?


    The word (occult) has many uses in the English language, popularly meaning “knowledge of the paranormal”, as opposed to “knowledge of the measurable”,usually referred to as science. The term is sometimes popularly taken to mean “knowledge meant only for certain people” or “knowledge that must be kept hidden”, but for most practicing occultists it is simply the study of a deeper spiritual reality that extends beyond pure reason and the physical sciences. (from Wiki)

    Nick has started a thread on the occult in the truth or traditions area of the believers section.  Many view it as evil looking only at its darker aspects or fictionalized popular representation, then its true nature.


    Saying the word “occult” around some is like speaking of dancing in front of Southern Baptists :laugh:.


    ok…? ???


    Quote (Cato @ April 01 2008,09:37)

    Quote (kejonn @ April 02 2008,00:09)
    Careful Cato, that sounds like occult talk :laugh:.

    Nick started a thread on the occult in the believers section, I think you would find it entertaining.

    Hence the response. I'd already seen it. Good for a laugh or two.


    Quote (Samuel @ April 01 2008,18:57)
    ok…? ???

    Both are seen as “evil”.

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