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- September 1, 2005 at 2:27 am#8351
ParticipantHi everybody,
I love the Book of Enoch and regard that many verses of the Old and New Testament would be very difficult to understand without it… I also love the Book of Adam and Eve… and highly recommend it as a tremendous source of inspiration….
The” target=”_blank”>http://www.hiddenmysteries.com/freeboo…. Eve…
Here is a sample of the Book of Adam and Eve….
Chapter LXIX
Twelfth apparition of Satan to Adam and Eve, while Adam was praying over the offering on the altar; when Satan beat him.
1 Then Satan, the hater of all good, envious of Adam and of his offering through which he found favor with God, hastened and took a sharp stone from among the sharp iron stones; appeared in the form of a man, and went and stood by Adam and Eve.2 Adam was then offering on the altar, and had begun to pray, with his hands spread before God.
3 Then Satan hastened with the sharp iron stone he had with him, and with it pierced Adam on the right side, from which flowed blood and water, then Adam fell on the altar like a corpse. And Satan fled.
4 Then Eve came, and took Adam and placed him below the altar. And there she stayed, crying over him; while a stream of blood flowed from Adam's side over his offering.
5 But God looked at the death of Adam. He then sent His Word, and raised him up and said to him, “Fulfil your offering, for indeed, Adam, it is worth much, and there is no shortcoming in it.”
6 God said further to Adam, “Thus will it also happen to Me, on the earth, when I shall be pierced and blood and water shall flow from My side and run over My body, which is the true offering; and which shall be offered on the altar as a perfect offering.”
7 Then God commanded Adam to finish his offering, and when he had ended it he worshipped before God, and praised Him for the signs He had showed him.
8 And God healed Adam in one day, which is the end of the seven weeks; and that is the fiftieth day.
9 Then Adam and Eve returned from the mountain, and went into the Cave of Treasures, as they were used to do. This completed for Adam and Eve, one hundred and forty days since their coming out of the garden.
10 Then they both stood up that night and prayed to God. And when it was morning, they went out, and went down westward of the cave, to the place where their corn was, and there rested under the shadow of a tree, as they were accustomed.
11 But when there a multitude of beasts came all around them. It was Satan's doing, in his wickedness; in order to wage war against Adam through marriage.
September 1, 2005 at 11:44 pm#8363NickHassan
ParticipantThanks. No have not read it before.Do you have any other info about it?
July 23, 2008 at 2:53 pm#98746Veritas ad Caritas
ParticipantI have read it a little, but not as far as that.
About dates and credibility… do you have any info?…Here goes another night and 50 web pages open:O
If writing existed before the Flood through for example Enoch there is nothing to prevent (and in fact it is flaming obvious) that Noah would have carried a few of the Most valuable writings on the Ark. Along with Shem Ham and Japeths first drawingsJuly 24, 2008 at 4:03 am#98809Hanoch
ParticipantTo be honest, this account seems to be hogwash, akin to the Gospel of Peter, since it “sounds” spiritual, but in reality, there is a medical explanation for water coming out of Jesus when he was pierced, but I've never seen anyone (and neither has anyone else seen) a human being put forth blood and water from a gash, no matter how deep. My little brother had to get stitches on his leg; he didn't bleed anything but blood; neither did I.
July 24, 2008 at 6:18 am#98822Veritas ad Caritas
ParticipantI understand blood only seperates on death. It actually proves death. A thing not known then which adds to the credibility of Christs death. No refs here but I have gotten documentation before.
I believe it only occers with extreme trauma as with the crucifixion.
A doctor at our church looked over my references which were from medical journals and said that it was an abolutely credible and major international resource I had used.July 27, 2008 at 5:06 am#99141Hanoch
ParticipantTo wit:
From what I have learned from “Drive Thru History” and other programs on Christ's death (not to sound like I am some kind of authority on the matter, since I am not and neiter am I a doctor) He died from drowning. When the person hangs like that, they cannot take a breath, and their lungs begin to fill with water and it also came from the heart: water gathering around the heart happens after a certain type of death/occurence (coronary embulism?)For sure, a source of authoritative information is Lee Strobel.
This is, in part, where I've heard some of this information from – he used to be an unbelieving journalist, so he got sick of people trying to call him to believe in Jesus. This got him to attempt to build a case against the faith using his journalism skills — but all it did was make him a believer, and now he made this book called “The Case For Christ” and hosted an AWESOME program on TBN (I forget the name of it) wherein they go over the evidence for Intelligent Design — its really cool, try to find it.
That's all, ttyl man God bless you. - AuthorPosts
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