Halloween is coming up

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    Quote (Lightenup @ Oct. 29 2009,14:32)
    I'm on the defensive because your posting this verse to me and doing so in red letters.  What else was I supposed to think?


    “ACCEPT HIM WHOSE FAITH IS WEAK, WITHOUT PASSING JUDGMENT ON DISPUTABLE MATTERS”. One man's faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. THE MAN WHO EATS EVERYTHING MUST NOT LOOK DOWN ON HIM WHO DOES NOT, AND THE MAN WHO DOES NOT EAT EVERYTHING MUST NOT CONDEMN THE MAN WHO DOES, FOR GOD HAS ACCEPTED HIM. ”WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE SOMEONE ELSE'S SERVANT? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand. One man considers one day more sacred than another; “another man considers every day alike”. EACH ONE SHOULD BE “FULLY CONVINCED IN HIS OWN MIND. he who regards one day as special, does so to the lord. He who eats meat, eats to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who abstains, does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. Rom 14:1-6

    ”keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander”. It is better, if it is God's will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. 1 Peter 3:16, 1

    That would be great to leave it at that…I'll obey my conscience and you obey yours. Kathi

    My Main point of those scriptures was to point out how some may esteem a day above another, while others don't!




    Quote (Lightenup @ Oct. 29 2009,14:26)
    I don't want to take her fun dress up time away from her.  I just don't want to promote halloween.  Don't you see my point at all Keith?  Don't you want to encourage me at all for taking these kinds of stands.

    No, because I don't see anything evil about kids getting dressed up as a Bible Character or Princess Dianna!

    What is wrong with giving kids alternatives to the worlds worship of “demons” devils and witches?

    Are you one that believes your kids cannot listen to Christian Rock and Roll because it was created by evil men and promoted sex, Drugs and alchahol? Is the style of music wrong? Or is it what we do with it? Is the day evil or is it what we do with it?



    Lightenup said:

    Ok Keith, then teach it without costumes and candy and see how well that goes over.  You do not celebrate halloween but you celebrate on halloween.  Is that what you are saying?  The church holds an annual celebration on halloween to not celebrate halloween?  It looks like celebrating halloween to everyone else, if your truthful. IMO


    Your logic does not follow because Paul said that he could eat meat in an idol's temple without the consciousness of the idol that is worshiped. Yet it might appear as idol worship to everyone else.

    7 However, there is not in everyone that knowledge; for some, with consciousness of the idol, until now eat it as a thing offered to an idol; and their conscience, being weak, is defiled. 8 But food does not commend us to God; for neither if we eat are we the better, nor if we do not eat are we the worse.
    9 But beware lest somehow this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to those who are weak. 10 For if anyone sees you who have knowledge eating in an idol’s temple, will not the conscience of him who is weak be emboldened to eat those things offered to idols? 11 And because of your knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died? 12 But when you thus sin against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. 13 Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never again eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble.

    If Paul could eat in an idol's temple simultaneously with idolaters but without consciousness of the idol, then Keith's church can celebrate on October 31 and wear appropriate costumes without consciousness of the pagan practices that occur on the very same day.

    Grow in grace sis.  :) Who gives a hoot what it looks like to others as long as a brother is not being made to stumble? Stop harassing the brother!



    Hi TT,
    Must we all support the tradition of halloween then?
    But is your church the body of Christ?
    He did not worship a trinity.


    I have already explained to you Keith about what I think about celebrating on halloween in an alternative way…it promotes the business of halloween and looks like the church is celebrating halloween to unbelievers.

    My kids can listen to Christian Rock and Roll if it seems like it truly would honor God. Otherwise I will stand against it. Why, is that wrong to stand against rock and roll music that didn't seem to honor God in your opinion?



    Am I harassing you…Thinker says that I should stop harassing you…my goodness. Is answering your questions that you ask of me now considered harassment? Do you feel like I am in anyway harassing you Keith? If so, please show me that.
    Thank you, Kathi


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 30 2009,07:47)
    Hi TT,
    Must we all support the tradition of halloween then?
    But is your church the body of Christ?
    He did not worship a trinity.

    Who has bound you to anything? Explain how WJ's church is supporting the tradition of halloween. It is the consciousness or the lack of it that matters and whether or not a brother is made to stumble.



    Hi TT,
    Do brothers of Jesus worship a different god from his?


    To all! I have gone over so many post about Halloween. It is obvious to me, that most do know were Halloween came from. Since that is the case, and you still do it, you are guilty for doing wrong. Now I am not saying to you that I am judging you, no that is not my reason to do this post. But I see how so many of you know were it came from, and still want to practise it. Even you Keith, you are a Pastor and should set an example to the People of your Parish. God has made that clear, that He HATES those
    feast of the Heathen, and so should we, if we consider ourselves Christians. keeping a feast that God hates is not letting our light shine. Sorry if you disagree Mandy, but this is what I believe that I should say to you all.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (thethinker @ Oct. 30 2009,08:17)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 30 2009,07:47)
    Hi TT,
    Must we all support the tradition of halloween then?
    But is your church the body of Christ?
    He did not worship a trinity.

    Who has bound you to anything? Explain how WJ's church is supporting the tradition of halloween. It is the consciousness or the lack of it that matters and whether or not a brother is made to stumble.


    Why does Keith have to do so on a day of honoring Satan? That is not letting His light shine and not setting an example for His Parish. That is what the Catholics do. Making evil look good, That does not work.


    Irene said:

    Even you Keith, you are a Pastor and should set an example to the People of your Parish.  God has made that clear, that He HATES those
    feast of the  Heathen
    , and so should we, if we consider ourselves Christians.

    See Kathi,
    You just would not leave the brother be.


    Paul said he could feast in an idol's temple because he is without the consciousness of the idol.



    Irene said;

    Why does Keith have to do so on a day of honoring Satan?

    Why did Paul have to feast in an idol's temple on a day of sacrificing the meat to the idol? Keith does not honor satan so it doesn't matter to God.  



    Hi TT,
    So irrelevant we marvel why everyone must join in.


    Quote (Lightenup @ Oct. 29 2009,15:50)
    I have already explained to you Keith about what I think about celebrating on halloween in an alternative way…it promotes the business of halloween and looks like the church is celebrating halloween to unbelievers.

    My kids can listen to Christian Rock and Roll if it seems like it truly would honor God.  Otherwise I will stand against it.  Why, is that wrong to stand against rock and roll music that didn't seem to honor God in your opinion?



    You just made my point!

    Your kids can listen to Christian Rock and Roll if it honors God.

    Yet you say why is it wrong to stand against rock and roll music that doesn't honour God?

    Its not. Thats the point I am making, we stand against the “witches and demons” and darkness of Halloween.

    So why is it wrong to wear a custum or give out Bible tracts and candy that honors God?



    Quote (Lightenup @ Oct. 29 2009,15:54)
    Am I harassing you…Thinker says that I should stop harassing you…my goodness.  Is answering your questions that you ask of me now considered harassment?  Do you feel like I am in anyway harassing you Keith?  If so, please show me that.  
    Thank you, Kathi


    No, you are not doing the same thing as David was, for he continued to ignore my points and force his own convictions on me! IMO.

    But I still disagree and thats OK!



    Quote (georg @ Oct. 29 2009,16:38)
    To all!  I have gone over so many post about Halloween.  It is obvious to me, that most do know were Halloween came from.  Since that is the case, and you still do it, you are guilty for doing wrong.  Now I am not saying to you that I am judging you, no that is not my reason to do this post.  But I see how so many of you know were it came from, and still want to practise it.  Even you Keith, you are a Pastor and should set an example to the People of your Parish.  God has made that clear, that He HATES those
    feast of the  Heathen, and so should we, if we consider ourselves Christians.  keeping a feast that God hates is not letting our light shine.  Sorry if you disagree Mandy, but this is what I believe that I should say to you all.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Have fun with your own opinion!



    Quote (georg @ Oct. 29 2009,16:43)

    Quote (thethinker @ Oct. 30 2009,08:17)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 30 2009,07:47)
    Hi TT,
    Must we all support the tradition of halloween then?
    But is your church the body of Christ?
    He did not worship a trinity.

    Who has bound you to anything? Explain how WJ's church is supporting the tradition of halloween. It is the consciousness or the lack of it that matters and whether or not a brother is made to stumble.


    Why does Keith have to do so on a day of honoring Satan?  That is not letting His light shine and not setting an example for His Parish.  That is what the Catholics do. Making evil look good,  That does not work.

    Because I don't honor satan, but many do by not doing things like evangalism on a day that they believe belongs to satan!



    All I hav to say to that is ,Oh brother:) :) :)


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 29 2009,17:29)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Oct. 29 2009,15:50)
    I have already explained to you Keith about what I think about celebrating on halloween in an alternative way…it promotes the business of halloween and looks like the church is celebrating halloween to unbelievers.

    My kids can listen to Christian Rock and Roll if it seems like it truly would honor God.  Otherwise I will stand against it.  Why, is that wrong to stand against rock and roll music that didn't seem to honor God in your opinion?



    You just made my point!

    Your kids can listen to Christian Rock and Roll if it honors God.

    Yet you say why is it wrong to stand against rock and roll music that doesn't honour God?

    Its not. Thats the point I am making, we stand against the “witches and demons” and darkness of Halloween.

    So why is it wrong to wear a custum or give out Bible tracts and candy that honors God?


    You say that you are standing against the withches and darkness of halloween…well so am I but I think my stand looks more like a stand. I am taking a stronger stand than I have in the past. We each have to decide. My daughter is coming around to the idea now that we are talking about having a “Hobo” party to celebrate the end of the season for cross country. Everyone can dress up as a hobo and maybe have a scavenger hunt in the neighborhood. I think that she is liking that idea. It will certainly not be scheduled close to or on halloween so as to not be associated with it.

    I'm glad we are ok to disagree.



    Quote (thethinker @ Oct. 29 2009,16:48)
    Irene said:

    Even you Keith, you are a Pastor and should set an example to the People of your Parish.  God has made that clear, that He HATES those
    feast of the  Heathen
    , and so should we, if we consider ourselves Christians.

    See Kathi,
    You just would not leave the brother be.


    Paul said he could feast in an idol's temple because he is without the consciousness of the idol.


    Why does thinker say this:

    See Kathi,
    You just would not leave the brother be.

    Where does this attitude towards me come from? This is totally uncalled for!


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