Halloween is coming up

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    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 25 2009,07:11)
    Hi All

    Isn't it interesting while our freedoms in this nation are eroding away there are those who also would take our religious freedoms away?

    Is it possible that a cartoon could be prophetic? What seemed do be far fetched in 1948 is becoming a reality in our day!

    Blessings WJ

    Good cartoon bro. This is why I am also against conservative Christians running the counrtry. I believe that ALL religious freedom is protected, even false religions.



    Good cartoon bro. This is why I am also against conservative Christians running the counrtry. I believe that ALL religious freedom is protected, even false religions.




    Quote (princess of the king @ Oct. 25 2009,13:26)

    Good cartoon bro. This is why I am also against conservative Christians running the counrtry. I believe that ALL religious freedom is protected, even false religions.



    You should see a physician about that twitch in your eye.



    thanks thinker, didn't know you cared.


    Quote (princess of the king @ Oct. 25 2009,15:47)
    thanks thinker, didn't know you cared.

    Of course I care! :;):


    Quote (david @ Oct. 24 2009,16:40)

    Quote (david @ Oct. 22 2009,17:08)

    My mom used to tell me a story about a frog and a pot of water.  She said that if you put a frog into a boiling pot of water (Halloween), it will jump out.  But if you put a frog in to a cool pot of water (Christmas and Easter), you can gradually heat it up and cook the frog alive!!


    How did your mom figure this out?  Poor frogs…..

    Mandy, I can't believe this didn't get a response!

    Hi David,

    I didn't see it until now. We've been busy, busy, busy!!

    I think the frog illustration is an old one. My mom heard it from her mother….


    Hello all,
    Here is a list of what days witches celebrate. Many churches celebrate Oct. 31 which is in this list but they put their own spin on it. So, should the churches celebrate this at all? Should the churches ask forgiveness for celebrating this day? If not, why not celebrate all the witches “Sabbats?”
    Also, see that Dec. 25th does not fall on their “Sabbat” of the Winter Solstice.


    OMC: What holidays do witches celebrate?

    L: Holidays are called Sabbats or High Holidays. We celebrate Yule, December 20-23, honoring the sun king and the return of the sun. Candelmas, February 2, celebrates Brigid, the goddess of inspiration and healing, because the days are visibly longer. The Spring Equinox, March 20-23, celebrates Eostre meaning rebirth, and that the days and nights are equal. Beltane, the eve of May 1, celebrates fertility and seed sowing. The Summer Solstice, June 20-23, celebrates the goddess Litha, the longest day of the year, and abundance. Lammas, August 1, celebrates Lugh and the harvest. Mabon/Fall equinox, September 20-23, is a time of thanksgiving for the harvest, and celebrates the equality of days and nights. Samhain/All Hallow's Eve, October 31, is the New Year and a time for honoring our passed loved ones. It's also a time when the veil is the thinnest between the material and the spirit worlds. Source: <a href="http://www.onmilwaukee.com/buzz/articles/witch4.html

    ” target=”_blank”>http://www.onmilwaukee.com/buzz/articles/witch4.html%5B/QUOTE%5D

    Just wondering what ya'll think about the church having their own type of party for the rest of the witches holidays.
    Is it harmless and a good thing to not take a stronger stand and not participate? Is it too late to not participate?

    My daughter is up in arms with me about not opening my home up for her friends that live in places that are not like neighborhoods so they can go trick or treating in our neighborhood. It is all my fault too because I allowed this in the past and have not taken a stronger stand. I wouldn't think about starting to celebrate all their other “holidays” so why halloween?

    Just my opinion,


    Quote (Lightenup @ Oct. 29 2009,12:33)
    Hello all,
    Here is a list of what days witches celebrate.  Many churches celebrate Oct. 31 which is in this list but they put their own spin on it.  So, should the churches celebrate this at all?  Should the churches ask forgiveness for celebrating this day?  If not, why not celebrate all the witches “Sabbats?”
    Also, see that Dec. 25th does not fall on their “Sabbat” of the Winter Solstice.  


    OMC: What holidays do witches celebrate?

    L: Holidays are called Sabbats or High Holidays. We celebrate Yule, December 20-23, honoring the sun king and the return of the sun. Candelmas, February 2, celebrates Brigid, the goddess of inspiration and healing, because the days are visibly longer. The Spring Equinox, March 20-23, celebrates Eostre meaning rebirth, and that the days and nights are equal. Beltane, the eve of May 1, celebrates fertility and seed sowing. The Summer Solstice, June 20-23, celebrates the goddess Litha, the longest day of the year, and abundance. Lammas, August 1, celebrates Lugh and the harvest. Mabon/Fall equinox, September 20-23, is a time of thanksgiving for the harvest, and celebrates the equality of days and nights. Samhain/All Hallow's Eve, October 31, is the New Year and a time for honoring our passed loved ones. It's also a time when the veil is the thinnest between the material and the spirit worlds. Source: ]http://www.onmilwaukee.com/buzz/articles/witch4.html

    Just wondering what ya'll think about the church having their own type of party for the rest of the witches holidays.
    Is it harmless and a good thing to not take a stronger stand and not participate?  Is it too late to not participate?

    My daughter is up in arms with me about not opening my home up for her friends that live in places that are not like neighborhoods so they can go trick or treating in our neighborhood.  It is all my fault too because I allowed this in the past and have not taken a stronger stand.  I wouldn't think about starting to celebrate all their other “holidays” so why halloween?

    Just my opinion,


    We do not celebrate Halloween. We see it as another day and opportunity to teach our kids and witness for Jesus!



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 29 2009,12:46)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Oct. 29 2009,12:33)
    Hello all,
    Here is a list of what days witches celebrate.  Many churches celebrate Oct. 31 which is in this list but they put their own spin on it.  So, should the churches celebrate this at all?  Should the churches ask forgiveness for celebrating this day?  If not, why not celebrate all the witches “Sabbats?”
    Also, see that Dec. 25th does not fall on their “Sabbat” of the Winter Solstice.  


    OMC: What holidays do witches celebrate?

    L: Holidays are called Sabbats or High Holidays. We celebrate Yule, December 20-23, honoring the sun king and the return of the sun. Candelmas, February 2, celebrates Brigid, the goddess of inspiration and healing, because the days are visibly longer. The Spring Equinox, March 20-23, celebrates Eostre meaning rebirth, and that the days and nights are equal. Beltane, the eve of May 1, celebrates fertility and seed sowing. The Summer Solstice, June 20-23, celebrates the goddess Litha, the longest day of the year, and abundance. Lammas, August 1, celebrates Lugh and the harvest. Mabon/Fall equinox, September 20-23, is a time of thanksgiving for the harvest, and celebrates the equality of days and nights. Samhain/All Hallow's Eve, October 31, is the New Year and a time for honoring our passed loved ones. It's also a time when the veil is the thinnest between the material and the spirit worlds. Source: ]http://www.onmilwaukee.com/buzz/articles/witch4.html

    Just wondering what ya'll think about the church having their own type of party for the rest of the witches holidays.
    Is it harmless and a good thing to not take a stronger stand and not participate?  Is it too late to not participate?

    My daughter is up in arms with me about not opening my home up for her friends that live in places that are not like neighborhoods so they can go trick or treating in our neighborhood.  It is all my fault too because I allowed this in the past and have not taken a stronger stand.  I wouldn't think about starting to celebrate all their other “holidays” so why halloween?

    Just my opinion,


    We do not celebrate Halloween. We see it as another day and opportunity to teach our kids and witness for Jesus!


    Hi Kathi

    Also Oct 31st is the Lords day and not “witches” or “devil worshippers”.

    We refuse to let them steal the day away from us, for it is another day that the Lord has made!



    Ok Keith, then teach it without costumes and candy and see how well that goes over. You do not celebrate halloween but you celebrate on halloween. Is that what you are saying? The church holds an annual celebration on halloween to not celebrate halloween? It looks like celebrating halloween to everyone else, if your truthful. IMO



    Quote (Lightenup @ Oct. 29 2009,12:52)
    Ok Keith, then teach it without costumes and candy and see how well that goes over.  You do not celebrate halloween but you celebrate on halloween.  Is that what you are saying?  The church holds an annual celebration on halloween to not celebrate halloween?  It looks like celebrating halloween to everyone else, if your truthful. IMO



    Witches and devil worshippers do not dictate to me what to do or not to do on Oct 31st. They do not corrupt the day or else I would take myself out of the world on many days the world celebrates “EVIL”, by doing certain things that I may be doing on that day that are not evil, like Christmas or Easter!

    How about I obey my conscience and you abey yours?

    ACCEPT HIM WHOSE FAITH IS WEAK, WITHOUT PASSING JUDGMENT ON DISPUTABLE MATTERS“. One man's faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. THE MAN WHO EATS EVERYTHING MUST NOT LOOK DOWN ON HIM WHO DOES NOT, AND THE MAN WHO DOES NOT EAT EVERYTHING MUST NOT CONDEMN THE MAN WHO DOES, FOR GOD HAS ACCEPTED HIM. ”WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE SOMEONE ELSE'S SERVANT? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand. One man considers one day more sacred than another; “another man considers every day alike”. EACH ONE SHOULD BE “FULLY CONVINCED IN HIS OWN MIND. he who regards one day as special, does so to the lord. He who eats meat, eats to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who abstains, does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. Rom 14:1-6

    keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander”. It is better, if it is God's will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. 1 Peter 3:16, 17



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 29 2009,12:49)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 29 2009,12:46)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Oct. 29 2009,12:33)
    Hello all,
    Here is a list of what days witches celebrate.  Many churches celebrate Oct. 31 which is in this list but they put their own spin on it.  So, should the churches celebrate this at all?  Should the churches ask forgiveness for celebrating this day?  If not, why not celebrate all the witches “Sabbats?”
    Also, see that Dec. 25th does not fall on their “Sabbat” of the Winter Solstice.  


    OMC: What holidays do witches celebrate?

    L: Holidays are called Sabbats or High Holidays. We celebrate Yule, December 20-23, honoring the sun king and the return of the sun. Candelmas, February 2, celebrates Brigid, the goddess of inspiration and healing, because the days are visibly longer. The Spring Equinox, March 20-23, celebrates Eostre meaning rebirth, and that the days and nights are equal. Beltane, the eve of May 1, celebrates fertility and seed sowing. The Summer Solstice, June 20-23, celebrates the goddess Litha, the longest day of the year, and abundance. Lammas, August 1, celebrates Lugh and the harvest. Mabon/Fall equinox, September 20-23, is a time of thanksgiving for the harvest, and celebrates the equality of days and nights. Samhain/All Hallow's Eve, October 31, is the New Year and a time for honoring our passed loved ones. It's also a time when the veil is the thinnest between the material and the spirit worlds. Source: ]http://www.onmilwaukee.com/buzz/articles/witch4.html

    Just wondering what ya'll think about the church having their own type of party for the rest of the witches holidays.
    Is it harmless and a good thing to not take a stronger stand and not participate?  Is it too late to not participate?

    My daughter is up in arms with me about not opening my home up for her friends that live in places that are not like neighborhoods so they can go trick or treating in our neighborhood.  It is all my fault too because I allowed this in the past and have not taken a stronger stand.  I wouldn't think about starting to celebrate all their other “holidays” so why halloween?

    Just my opinion,


    We do not celebrate Halloween. We see it as another day and opportunity to teach our kids and witness for Jesus!


    Hi Kathi

    Also Oct 31st is the Lords day and not “witches” or “devil worshippers”.

    We refuse to let them steal the day away from us, for it is another day that the Lord has made!


    Do you think then that we should have our own celebrations against their other celebrations in order to refuse to let them “steal” the day? I think that all the church has done was give their stamp of approval on celebrating on that particular day, and doing it annually. Are you saying that all the other witches holidays are days that they have stolen from us? Do you honestly feel like Aug. 1st has been stolen from you because they consider it one of their holidays? (Chances are that you didn't even know that Aug. 1st was one of their holidays.) Therefore we should have our own annual celebration on Aug. 1st to show everyone that the witches can't be the only ones that can celebrate on Aug. 1st? Do you see how your explanation does not hold up to the rest of their holidays? If you really thought that it is good to have an alternative holiday on every witches holiday then go ahead and organize all those extra events and make use of the “opportunities.” Let the witches dictate our opportunities. If you treat everyday the same, why did you not dress up and distribute candy and tracts last night? Or did you?

    My point is, if the church did not celebrate “on” halloween then others might not so easily celebrate halloween.

    Nobody that I know has ever thought that Aug. 1st has been stolen from them and thus throw a big celebration to reclaim it or specifically take the opportunity on that day to use it for evangelism purposes.



    I am obeying my conscience by posting here. I have never judged you or what you do not do. I have an opinon that it would have been better to not have an annual event on halloween because it encouraged my kids to celebrate like non-believers…dressing up and going from house to house thinking that it's not harmful. My opinion is that it would have been better to handle halloween like they do Aug. 1st. by truly treating it like any other day.



    Quote (Lightenup @ Oct. 29 2009,13:14)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 29 2009,12:49)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 29 2009,12:46)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Oct. 29 2009,12:33)
    Hello all,
    Here is a list of what days witches celebrate.  Many churches celebrate Oct. 31 which is in this list but they put their own spin on it.  So, should the churches celebrate this at all?  Should the churches ask forgiveness for celebrating this day?  If not, why not celebrate all the witches “Sabbats?”
    Also, see that Dec. 25th does not fall on their “Sabbat” of the Winter Solstice.  


    OMC: What holidays do witches celebrate?

    L: Holidays are called Sabbats or High Holidays. We celebrate Yule, December 20-23, honoring the sun king and the return of the sun. Candelmas, February 2, celebrates Brigid, the goddess of inspiration and healing, because the days are visibly longer. The Spring Equinox, March 20-23, celebrates Eostre meaning rebirth, and that the days and nights are equal. Beltane, the eve of May 1, celebrates fertility and seed sowing. The Summer Solstice, June 20-23, celebrates the goddess Litha, the longest day of the year, and abundance. Lammas, August 1, celebrates Lugh and the harvest. Mabon/Fall equinox, September 20-23, is a time of thanksgiving for the harvest, and celebrates the equality of days and nights. Samhain/All Hallow's Eve, October 31, is the New Year and a time for honoring our passed loved ones. It's also a time when the veil is the thinnest between the material and the spirit worlds. Source: ]http://www.onmilwaukee.com/buzz/articles/witch4.html

    Just wondering what ya'll think about the church having their own type of party for the rest of the witches holidays.
    Is it harmless and a good thing to not take a stronger stand and not participate?  Is it too late to not participate?

    My daughter is up in arms with me about not opening my home up for her friends that live in places that are not like neighborhoods so they can go trick or treating in our neighborhood.  It is all my fault too because I allowed this in the past and have not taken a stronger stand.  I wouldn't think about starting to celebrate all their other “holidays” so why halloween?

    Just my opinion,


    We do not celebrate Halloween. We see it as another day and opportunity to teach our kids and witness for Jesus!


    Hi Kathi

    Also Oct 31st is the Lords day and not “witches” or “devil worshippers”.

    We refuse to let them steal the day away from us, for it is another day that the Lord has made!


    Do you think then that we should have our own celebrations against their other celebrations in order to refuse to let them “steal” the day?  I think that all the church has done was give their stamp of approval on celebrating on that particular day, and doing it annually.  Are you saying that all the other witches holidays are days that they have stolen from us?  Do you honestly feel like Aug. 1st has been stolen from you because they consider it one of their holidays?  (Chances are that you didn't even know that Aug. 1st was one of their holidays.)  Therefore we should have our own annual celebration on Aug. 1st to show everyone that the witches can't be the only ones that can celebrate on Aug. 1st?  Do you see how your explanation does not hold up to the rest of their holidays?  If you really thought that it is good to have an alternative holiday on every witches holiday then go ahead and organize all those extra events and make use of the “opportunities.”  Let the witches dictate our opportunities.  If you treat everyday the same, why did you not dress up and distribute candy and tracts last night?  Or did you?

    My point is, if the church did not celebrate “on” halloween then others might not so easily celebrate halloween.

    Nobody that I know has ever thought that Aug. 1st has been stolen from them and thus throw a big celebration to reclaim it or specifically take the opportunity on that day to use it for evangelism purposes.



    Your point is a moot point because you regard one pagan Holiday as more evil than another.

    Christmas is one of the biggest times of the year for drunkenness, gluttuny, and the worship of materialism in the USA.

    Your argument is circular because it also can be said that you should not celebrate the Pagan day Christmas so that you may deter others for commiting sins of drunkeness, gluttony and the worship of materialism!

    Do as you like Kathi and judge me if you like. But I am free to do as I feel God wants me to do.



    Quote (Lightenup @ Oct. 29 2009,13:22)
    I am obeying my conscience by posting here.  I have never judged you or what you do not do.  I have an opinon that it would have been better to not have an annual event on halloween because it encouraged my kids to celebrate like non-believers…dressing up and going from house to house thinking that it's not harmful.  My opinion is that it would have been better to handle halloween like they do Aug. 1st. by truly treating it like any other day.



    How is it harmful to your kids for them to be dressed as a Bible Character or Princess Diana?

    It was not sin to them until you called it sin!

    Believe me some day you will regret you took this stand later in their lives. For years ago I did with my kids untill I realized I was being legalistic about it! But it is your right to do!



    I have not judged you Keith. I don't agree with the church's having an annual celebration on halloween. If that is what you call “judging” you then I disagree and you are taking it too personally. Can I not disagree with the annual celebration on halloween without your feeling judged? I never said that you can't celebrate on halloween by dressing up and handing out candy, I just don't agree that it is the best thing to do.

    I can't have an opposing opinion from you without you feeling judged? You have opposing opinions from me many times…how about that? I'm not going to take it personally. If what you say opposes my thoughts and I see it as true or possibly true then I would feel convicted. Maybe you feel convicted with my view I don't know, but I have not judged you. My conscience leads me to express my view and you can allow me my view…right?

    Also, if you want to make a comparison of halloween to Christmas…well, I don't believe that Christmas is a pagan holiday just because it was instituted by man because it celebrates Christ's birth. See Hanakuh and how it was instituted by man and celebrated annually. If Christmas causes men to be depressed…there is your opportunity to evangelize and give them hope because of Christ's birth, life and death and resurrection. See how Christmas ties into a reason for hope where halloween only ties into why we should not celebrate it-no hope. Christmas celebrates the positive to reach others with the positive news. Halloween celebrates the negative and we can use that to reach others with the positive news with a desire to not have a celebration of halloween ever again. I do believe that the church would like to run halloween completely out of business ironically while it is keeping it in business. Not so with Christmas. It is not my desire to celebrate Christmas and spread the news of the reason of the season in order to do away with celebrating Christmas but instead to encourage the celebration of Christmas all over the world and do it as unto the Lord. We can celebrate a man instituted celebration as unto the Lord and it is good and do it annually. Christmas raises awareness of the Father sending His Son because He so loved the world. We should be glad that the season of Christmas is such a big deal because of all the opportunities to spread the good news.

    So, go ahead and have your celebration on halloween. I'm not.




    Quote (Lightenup @ Oct. 29 2009,13:49)

    I have not judged you Keith.  I don't agree with the church's having an annual celebration on halloween.  If that is what you call “judging” you then I disagree and you are taking it too personally.  Can I not disagree with the annual celebration on halloween without your feeling judged?  I never said that you can't celebrate on halloween by dressing up and handing out candy, I just don't agree that it is the best thing to do.

    I can't have an opposing opinion from you without you feeling judged?  You have opposing opinions from me many times…how about that?  I'm not going to take it personally.  If what you say opposes my thoughts and I see it as true or possibly true then I would feel convicted.  Maybe you feel convicted with my view I don't know, but I have not judged you.  My conscience leads me to express my view and you can allow me my view…right?

    Why are you on the defensive, I never said you judged me did I?

    Quote (Lightenup @ Oct. 29 2009,13:49)
    if you want to make a comparison of halloween to Christmas…well, I don't believe that Christmas is a pagan holiday just because it was instituted by man because it celebrates Christ's birth.

    I am not making the comparison, you are!

    I think the world uses Dec 25th for evil. I don't. I do not esteem the day any higher than any other, you do.

    So that is the way you have convinced yourself there is a difference. Not me! I use the day as another day to teach my kids and to have family and church time!

    Quote (Lightenup @ Oct. 29 2009,13:49)
    See Hanakuh and how it was instituted by man and celebrated annually.  If Christmas causes men to be depressed…there is your opportunity to evangelize and give them hope because of Christ's birth, life and death and resurrection.  See how Christmas ties into a reason for hope where halloween only ties into why we should not celebrate it-no hope.  Christmas celebrates the positive to reach others with the positive news.  Halloween celebrates the negative and we can use that to reach others with the positive news with a desire to not have a celebration of halloween ever again.  I do believe that the church would like to run halloween completely out of business ironically while it is keeping it in business.  Not so with Christmas.  It is not my desire to celebrate Christmas and spread the news of the reason of the season in order to do away with celebrating Christmas but instead to encourage the celebration of Christmas all over the world and do it as unto the Lord.  We can celebrate a man instituted celebration as unto the Lord and it is good and do it annually.  Christmas raises awareness of the Father sending His Son because He so loved the world.  We should be glad that the season of Christmas is such a big deal because of all the opportunities to spread the good news.

    To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand. “One man considers one day more sacred than another“; “another man considers every day alike”. EACH ONE SHOULD BE “FULLY CONVINCED IN HIS OWN MIND. he who regards one day as special, does so to the lord. He who eats meat, eats to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who abstains, does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. Rom 14:1-6

    Quote (Lightenup @ Oct. 29 2009,13:49)
    So, go ahead and have your celebration on halloween.  I'm not.


    Good, I don't celebrate “Haloween” either!



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 29 2009,13:27)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Oct. 29 2009,13:22)
    I am obeying my conscience by posting here.  I have never judged you or what you do not do.  I have an opinon that it would have been better to not have an annual event on halloween because it encouraged my kids to celebrate like non-believers…dressing up and going from house to house thinking that it's not harmful.  My opinion is that it would have been better to handle halloween like they do Aug. 1st. by truly treating it like any other day.



    How is it harmful to your kids for them to be dressed as a Bible Character or Princess Diana?

    It was not sin to them until you called it sin!

    Believe me some day you will regret you took this stand later in their lives. For years ago I did with my kids untill I realized I was being legalistic about it! But it is your right to do!


    Yes I think that it is harmful when we don't take a strong stand. For instance, I don't regret not letting my kids read “Harry Potter.” Was I being legalistic or wise? How about Chick-fil-A that has refused to be open on Sundays to allow for their employees to worship and be with their families? Are they being legalistic or wise? They are very successful in part because of that from what I can tell. It takes guts to take that kind of a stand. IMO You are trying to discourage me from taking a stand against celebrating on halloween…do you realize that? That should not be the message coming from the believers. I think the stand that I want to take should be encouraged by believers. I remember Pokemon cards, do you remember them? I took a stand there too and refused to let my kids get them. Was I being legalistic their Keith, or wise? Kids got addicted to them and they had occult symbols…just not good.

    If I had let my kids read the first book of Harry Potter and not the rest, then it would have been much harder to take a stand against the Harry Potter thing. If I had let my kids begin trading Pokeman cards and collecting them and then took a stand against them it would have been much harder to take the stand and gotten accusations of being legalistic from all my believer buddies that think it to be harmless. If I had never allowed my children to dress up and go trick or treating then my daughter would not be up in arms with me today. So, I don't think the problem is that I now take a stronger stand. The problem is that I didn't take it from the beginning and I blame that partly on the church's decision to annually celebrate on halloween.

    I am not suggesting going to the church with a boycott sign and marching around the parking lot. I will take a stand against celebrating on halloween quietly and take a stand with my family unless my husband insists that my daughter must be allowed to dress up and go trick or treating because I don't think that he feels as strongly as I do about it. My feelings about not celebrating on halloween have gotten stronger through contemplating this thread.

    My daughter complained to me today that she has thought about what she is going to be for halloween all year. All year she has thought about that costume. Maybe I will let her have a costume slumber party for her end of the year cross country party sometime around mid November. I don't want to take her fun dress up time away from her. I just don't want to promote halloween. Don't you see my point at all Keith? Don't you want to encourage me at all for taking these kinds of stands. Do you discourage the families in your church who have not let their kids play with pokemon cards and read Harry Potter books for fear that they are being legalistic? The families that are taking these kinds of stands could use your support…it's hard enough.



    I'm on the defensive because your posting this verse to me and doing so in red letters. What else was I supposed to think?


    “ACCEPT HIM WHOSE FAITH IS WEAK, WITHOUT PASSING JUDGMENT ON DISPUTABLE MATTERS”. One man's faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. THE MAN WHO EATS EVERYTHING MUST NOT LOOK DOWN ON HIM WHO DOES NOT, AND THE MAN WHO DOES NOT EAT EVERYTHING MUST NOT CONDEMN THE MAN WHO DOES, FOR GOD HAS ACCEPTED HIM. ”WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE SOMEONE ELSE'S SERVANT? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand. One man considers one day more sacred than another; “another man considers every day alike”. EACH ONE SHOULD BE “FULLY CONVINCED IN HIS OWN MIND. he who regards one day as special, does so to the lord. He who eats meat, eats to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who abstains, does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. Rom 14:1-6

    ”keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander”. It is better, if it is God's will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. 1 Peter 3:16, 1

    That would be great to leave it at that…I'll obey my conscience and you obey yours. Kathi


    Quote (Lightenup @ Oct. 29 2009,14:26)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 29 2009,13:27)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Oct. 29 2009,13:22)
    I am obeying my conscience by posting here.  I have never judged you or what you do not do.  I have an opinon that it would have been better to not have an annual event on halloween because it encouraged my kids to celebrate like non-believers…dressing up and going from house to house thinking that it's not harmful.  My opinion is that it would have been better to handle halloween like they do Aug. 1st. by truly treating it like any other day.



    How is it harmful to your kids for them to be dressed as a Bible Character or Princess Diana?

    It was not sin to them until you called it sin!

    Believe me some day you will regret you took this stand later in their lives. For years ago I did with my kids untill I realized I was being legalistic about it! But it is your right to do!


    Yes I think that it is harmful when we don't take a strong stand.  For instance, I don't regret not letting my kids read “Harry Potter.”  Was I being legalistic or wise?  How about Chick-fil-A that has refused to be open on Sundays to allow for their employees to worship and be with their families?  Are they being legalistic or wise?  They are very successful in part because of that from what I can tell.  It takes guts to take that kind of a stand. IMO  You are trying to discourage me from taking a stand against celebrating on halloween…do you realize that?  That should not be the message coming from the believers.  I think the stand that I want to take should be encouraged by believers.  I remember Pokemon cards, do you remember them?  I took a stand there too and refused to let my kids get them.  Was I being legalistic their Keith, or wise?  Kids got addicted to them and they had occult symbols…just not good.  

    If I had let my kids read the first book of Harry Potter and not the rest, then it would have been much harder to take a stand against the Harry Potter thing.  If I had let my kids begin trading Pokeman cards and collecting them and then took a stand against them it would have been much harder to take the stand and gotten accusations of being legalistic from all my believer buddies that think it to be harmless.  If I had never allowed my children to dress up and go trick or treating then my daughter would not be up in arms with me today.  So, I don't think the problem is that I now take a stronger stand.  The problem is that I didn't take it from the beginning and I blame that partly on the church's decision to annually celebrate on halloween.

    I am not suggesting going to the church with a boycott sign and marching around the parking lot.  I will take a stand against celebrating on halloween quietly and take a stand with my family unless my husband insists that my daughter must be allowed to dress up and go trick or treating because I don't think that he feels as strongly as I do about it.  My feelings about not celebrating on halloween have gotten stronger through contemplating this thread.

    My daughter complained to me today that she has thought about what she is going to be for halloween all year.  All year she has thought about that costume.  Maybe I will let her have a costume slumber party for her end of the year cross country party sometime around mid November.  I don't want to take her fun dress up time away from her.  I just don't want to promote halloween.  Don't you see my point at all Keith?  Don't you want to encourage me at all for taking these kinds of stands.  Do you discourage the families in your church who have not let their kids play with pokemon cards and read Harry Potter books for fear that they are being legalistic?  The families that are taking these kinds of stands could use your support…it's hard enough.



    Quote (Lightenup @ Oct. 29 2009,14:26)
    Yes I think that it is harmful when we don't take a strong stand.

    Have at it. For you that is what your conscience dictates for me mine is different. My telling you my opinion should not be discouraging to you no more than you telling me yours!


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