Halloween is coming up

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    Quote (david @ Oct. 17 2009,11:29)

    Quote (thethinker @ Oct. 17 2009,11:24)
    David said:

    The Bible says: “God is not one to be mocked.  Bad association spoils useful habits.”

    TO ALL:

    Please note David's cut n' chop treatment of the scriptures above. He put two statements together which are found in separate books of the Bible and made a law of his own. The “God is not mocked” statement is in Galatians and has to do with the consequences of the works of the flesh.

    The “bad association spoils good habits” statement has to do with keeping away from those who deny the resurrection (1 corinthians 15:33).


    So David has a lot of explaining to do.


    You're right.  Sorry.

    “Do not be misled. Bad associations spoil useful habits.”

    “Do not be misled: God is not one to be mocked.”

    Somehow, my brain combined those two scriptures.  I wonder why.

    Being evasive I see. The “bad association spoils useful habits” statement referred specifically to avoiding those who deny the resurrection. Am I correct in saying that you deny the resurrection David? So shouldn't we avoid you my man?



    Quote (david @ Oct. 17 2009,11:19)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Oct. 17 2009,08:10)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 17 2009,05:45)
    Interesting that some folks are not just tolerating these pagan feasts but actively promoting them.
    Do you think that Jesus will be doing the same?

    Jesus probably wouldn't waste his time watching rugby either.  Do you enjoy rugby, Nick?  It can get pretty dark ya know, what with all the chest-beating pride and lust for power.  Oh hey and what about those scantily-clad women who advertise all the beer?  Lots of drunkeness watching those games……   :;):

    You are right Mandy.  Rugby is bad.  (And crazy scary to play.)
    But this thread is about halloween.

    No, this thread is about people who want to pigeon-hole Halloween being evil and wicked only – where all the scriptures that relate to keeping bad company and being yoked with un-believers is paramount.

    I'm only showing that this situation also occurs in other less offending ways (to the Christian) and it's overlooked.

    You must be a rugby fan. :;):
    {{in a sing-song voice}} better-keep-your-eyes-closed-when-the-half-naked-girls-parade-around-selling-the-bee



    Quote (david @ Oct. 17 2009,11:30)


    THINKER, Again, you are insane.

    No one here believes that.  

    When you lie, people tend not to believe the rest of what you say, thinker.

    Secondly, your argument that I don't believe the resurrection, therefore anything I say about halloween must be wrong…..this is a false dumb argument.  You, being called the thinker, should know this.  It's a fallacy.

    I did not say anything about  your beliefs in halloween one way or the other. I was trying to show that you are a bad association yourself so stop being judgmental.

    You said that “no one here believes that.” What are you saying by this?




    Quote (david @ Oct. 16 2009,18:55)
    But WJ, why IMITATE the actions and conduct of religious beliefs and observances that God hates?

    Are you prepared to say that Christians invented the internet? If not then why would you imitate the ungody that hang around blogs and evil porn sites by comming here?

    You can see the difference can't you. You do get the point don't you?



    Quote (david @ Oct. 16 2009,19:27)

    Where did WJ say that he “embraces” halloween? He said that October 31 is the Lord's day. The pagans do not own so much as one day of the year.


    And how does he celebrate the “lord's day” Oct 31?  Does he do it on his terms, or on THEIR terms?  Does he imitate THEM?  If you say he's not imitating them, then I ask, why that day?  Why not Oct 14th?  Or Nov 27th?  He seems to be taking THEIR thing and trying to change it.  
    But taking a glass of poison and adding pure water does not make it pure.  Or do you think it does?


    You argument is circular.

    You imitate many things the world does that is evil.

    The world drives cars!

    David drives cars!

    David keeps the speed limit!

    The world doesn't!

    The world watches pornography on the internet.

    David watches a video clip of his family on the internet!

    The world sins david does not!

    There are many more examples of men using things for evil that we can use for good! Get the point?



    Quote (david @ Oct. 17 2009,10:57)


    So you don't celebrate Thanksgiving then?  Why?  May I ask?

    Hi Mandy.  That's a different thread.  But really, the answer is as simple as I've already said.  Taking one specific day, and saying we should give thanks to God on that day, is somewhat ridiculous given that this is exactly what we should be doing every day.
    Eat turkey every day if you love it.  Gather together with friends and family.  You know, you don't need a special day to do this.


    Oh, okay, so it's personal preference then? Gotcha.


    Quote (david @ Oct. 17 2009,11:03)

    How many see the resemblance there? Some men fight over the games, there is gambling and drunkenness and men worshipping around the TV shouting out praises to this ungodly sport.


    Mandy, When I see this picture in my mind do you know what I think of?


    I think that's the saddest thing I've heard in a long time.

    David, do you have family? Maybe not, and I'm sorry that your experiences with Thanksgiving have not been blessed.

    Come to my house for dinner!! You will see an entirely different day…..



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 16 2009,14:53)
    Hi all!

    Based on Cons post I think she may be a JW or Seventh day adventist or maybe she is from the WWCOG!

    Which is it Con?

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 16 2009,12:32)
    I suppose the Police were sinning for taking part in Halloween?

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    Possibly, but if they were any true believers within the group, then they are responsible for aiding and abbetting in a pagan tradition.

    So the policeman according to you should quit their jobs rather than take part in patrolling the streets?

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 16 2009,12:32)
    Because men take a day and make it evil does not mean that I cannot take the same day and make it good.

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    Yes you may, but why acknowledge it all? Any participation in it at all gives it life.

    Do you want to explain how I would be giving it life by gathering together with my family or church and dressing up as Bible Characters and having fun with kids and giving them candy?

    Let’s see how that works. When you pay for internet service to come here and preach legalism you give all those porn companies life by supporting the cable companies that allow that filth on the internet for free.

    Or when you pay your cable or satellite TV companies for service then you are also providing moneys to help support those “R” and “X” rated movies.

    Man, why don’t you just get out of the world and be a monk?

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 16 2009,12:32)
    I do not celebrate the worlds “Halloween”, but I choose to take that day and turn it into a different type of celebration.

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    Again, it's commendable, but why give it any notice?

    Thanks, it is commendable. Why give notice to Wal-Mart knowing that they support gay rights to marry and all kinds of humanistic purposes by buying their products that come from organizations that support all kinds of “Non-Christian” practices like abortion.

    You do know that most of the products at Wal-mart comes from communist China where they worship Budah, don't you?

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 16 2009,12:32)
    The world cannot take claim to “Gods” day, no matter what day that is.

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    Gods day is the Sabbath, and yes man has laid claim to another day, which is a Pagan day of SUN worship “SUNday” thanks to Constantine and his Pagan church.

    Ok, so you only worship God on Saturday, right?

    EVERY DAY WILL I BLESS THEE; and I will praise thy name for ever and ever”. PS 145:2

    So you are one of those that Paul warned us against…


    Every day belongs to God our creator my friend! Jesus now has all Authority and Power over all the enemy!

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 16 2009,12:32)
    Come on believers; let’s take the “day of the Lord back”. Why hide in a corner while the world goes to hell with their ungodly celebration?

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    I don't hide in a corner, as several others in here apparently. I refuse to recognize Holy/Holidays not set forth by my Lord and Master.

    And that is your choice isn’t it! I don’t judge you for that, and neither should you judge others who do not agree with you! Col 2:16

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 16 2009,12:32)
    So please someone tell me what is wrong with our family or our church gathering together on Oct 31st, a day that the Lord has made and offer an alternative celebration to the worlds.

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    Because any celebration still gives creedence to the one your trying to mask (See catholic Church for a prime example), true believers should just do away with the day.

    Why should I do away with “Gods day” and the time he has given me to reach the world?
    Are you prepared to say that your way of reaching the world is the only way?

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 16 2009,12:32)
    Please, some one tell me what is wrong with kids or adults dressing up as Bible Characters and playing games or giving out prizes or candy to kids?

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    Because it is not really denying the day, is it, painting a rotten fence doe
    sn't make it sturdy.

    And why should I deny the day that the Lord has made? As far as painting a rotten fence,  I see the rottenness of legalism being painted here!

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 16 2009,12:32)
    Hello church? We are in the world, but do not have to be part of it.

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    That is a true statement, so refuse to recognize the day, simple enough.

    Apparently you do not know what that means, for to you it means just stick your head in the sand as you command everyone else to do the same or else they are sinning! Let’s just do nothing but tell the world they are going to hell!

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 16 2009,12:32)
    I say that Oct 31st is Gods day and I refuse to let the world have it in my life.

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    Again the Sabbath is the Lords day.

    Read the scriptures friend. We have entered into the Sabbath rest when we entered into Christ. Every day is the “Lords Day”! Do you believe this? Or do you believe that God only has one day and the devil has all the rest? Heb 4:1-7

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 16 2009,12:32)
    How many watch the ungodly football games? Football may have its spiritual roots in the Roman games where the Gladiators fought to the death.

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    You may be correct, I am not knowledgable in this area, good thing I am not a sports fan.

    Your choice again!

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 16 2009,12:32)
    How many see the resemblance there? Some men fight over the games, there is gambling and drunkenness and men worshipping around the TV shouting out praises to this ungodly sport.

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    Does seem ungodly, does it not? True believers should refrain from it then, I guess.

    You guess? You do not seem so sure. Do you have friends who watch football or sports?

    If you do please tell them that they are sinning for watching that stuff since there are men getting drunk and praising the games. While you are at it please tell them to throw away their TVs and computers since there are men using these things for evil and wickedness!

    And of course do not forget to tell them to repent for letting their kids put on Bible character suits and giving them candy on Halloween!

    :D :D :D The Irony is starting to get to me? Smells like Hypocrisy!

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 16 2009,12:32)
    I hope you can see what I mean here. But we know that it does not have to be evil or sin for a group of men to gather together to watch the games and have friendly competition don't we?

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    Maybe, I guess the question is, does it edify the Lord?

    Do you go out with your family on family events? Do you ever play games with them? Does that edify the Lord? Or should I be your judge in that?

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    Holloween does not edify the Lord.

    You mean the worldly celebration of it! Oct 31st belongs to the Lord and not man!
    So you do as you feel God wants from you and I will do the same.

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 16 2009,12:32)
    Are these men sinning because of the Evils that surround these games?

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    Maybe, maybe not. I know christians who do no sports.

    You sound unsure again! Do you have friends that watch sports? How about friends with kids in sports? Do you tell them to repent and have nothing to do with it because of the evils that surround it?

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 16 2009,12:32)
    I say no. I say lay aside “dead religion” and the attitudes of self righteousness and start using these things as examples to lead men to Christ!

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    So is God dead?

    No but self righteous man made rules and regulations are.

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    And is it an attitude of self righteousness or is it an attitude of trying to be righteous?

    Self righteousness “is a feeling of smug moral superiority[1] derived from a sense that one's beliefs, actions, or affiliations are of greater virtue than those of the average person.” Source

    Be the judge of your own heart and consciousness. You have no Biblical support for denying men, woman and children the right to celebrate a particular day for good that the world uses for evil!

    You have a right to your opinion though!

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    I shall not use halloween to lead anyone, I will let my denial lead.

    Go ahead, stick your head in the sand and deny it even exist! That’s your right isn’t it? But I am not following!

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. Matthew 25:46

    Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine; 1Timothy 1:9-10

    And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? 1Peter 4:18

    If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of him. 1John 2:29

    Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. 1John 3:7

    He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. Revelation 22:11

    Yes I see, you are the kind that believes that Jesus will cast into the lake of fire little children that dress up in suits and goes around collecting candy, and they shall burn in torment forever and ever!  This is why “religion” of man stinks!

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 16 2009,12:32)
    Paul said…

    To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. 1 Cor 9:22

    “Everything is permissible for me”–but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible for me”–but I will not be mastered by anything“. 1 Cor 6:12

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    Did Paul do drugs to help the addicts? Did Paul sleep with hookers to help the harlots? Did Paul become a thief to help robbers? Weak argument. Really.

    The weak argument is comparing church gatherings and family gatherings for fun and games and candy to committing the sins of drug addicts and harlots!

    Remember, Jesus ate and drank with sinners. But you ignored that point and didn’t address it, did you? Just like you ignored Pauls words when he said “so that by *ALL POSSIBLE MEANS* I might save some“.

    Get a life!

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 16 2009,12:32)
    Wasn't it the Apostle Paul that used the worship of an “unknown god” to turn men to Christ, the True God! HeHe!

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    Yes, but Paul did not worship any of there gods, in fact he showed that the unknown God to them was unknown to them because they worshipped many, so the unknown God to them was in fact the real God. HeHe

    No the “Unknown god” was not the real god. Paul showed them that the real God was not an “idol” made with mans hands!
    The point is Paul took something that is wrong and turned it to good by pointing them to Christ!

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 16 2009,12:32)
    “Religious Men” will always try to bind people with heavy burdens of “thou shalts” and “thou shalt nots”.

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    How in not recognizing a pagan holiday a burden? Maybe because the heart is not clean and the conscience is not clear?

    Thank you. You just confirmed my point. You can do as you like. The problem is you inferring that others who do not follow you or agree with you have an unclean heart and conscience. That is making you the judge of men’s heart in a subject that is ambiguous at best, and that is what self righteousness is!

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    God set forth the “Thou's”.

    Where is the “Thou shalt” not gather on Oct 31st and dress like Bible characters and have fun and give children candy?

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 16 2009,12:32)
    In Christ we are free and do not have to be like the world, but we will never effect change if we just refuse to do nothing but preach against it without offering the world examples or alternatives of how we can still be in it and not of it.

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    You are free to choose whether in christ or not. Failure to participate and make a stand does effect change. Offer Christ crucified, he is
    the example and the altrnative. You need no other alternative or holiday.

    What makes you think we do not do that?

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 16 2009,12:32)
    You esteem “Oct 31st” as evil and hide out in your house or go on vacation if you like.

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    Better than joining in.

    Have at it. Your choice isn’t it?

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 16 2009,12:32)
    But I choose to see it as another opportunity to show the world that “this is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it“.

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    Then preach the Sabbath, it's a holiday as well as a Holy day, and it comes every seventh day!

    Going back to the Old Covenant again? No thanks!!! You legalist love all those laws that bind men that are free in Christ! Read Hebrew 4:1-7 and Col 2:16 and 1 Cor. chapter 3

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 16 2009,12:32)
    Do I get a “Preach it Brother!?

    Not from me! You might from Gene!


    (WorshippingJesus @ Oct. 16 2009,12:32)
    I suppose the Police were sinning for taking part in Halloween?

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    Possibly, but if they were any true believers within the group, then they are responsible for aiding and abbetting in a pagan tradition.

    So the policeman according to you should quit their jobs rather than take part in patrolling the streets?

    I made no claim on what they should do. THOSE ARE YOUR WORDS. If they are led by the Spirit then they WILL do what is right. If you were led by the Spirit we may not be having this conversation, but you becken to your worldly lusts.

    =WorshippingJesus,Oct. 16 2009,12:32]Because men take a day and make it evil does not mean that I cannot take the same day and make it good.

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 16 2009,15:24)

    Yes you may, but why acknowledge it all? Any participation in it at all gives it life.

    Do you want to explain how I would be giving it life by gathering together with my family or church and dressing up as Bible Characters and having fun with kids and giving them candy?[/QUOTE]

    Just be honest, you worship halloween, many do, your not alone. Many give it a makeover like you suggest, they have been doing it for centuries.

    Let’s see how that works. When you pay for internet service to come here and preach legalism you give all those porn companies life by supporting the cable companies that allow that filth on the internet for free.

    Or when you pay your cable or satellite TV companies for service then you are also providing moneys to help support those “R” and “X” rated movies.

    Actually they are promoted and make money off sponsors, that is why I give service only to sponsors I like.

    My freedom is legalism to you, your freedom is sinful and wicked to me, seems we just have different views.

    And you are the only one making excuses for all these things to exist, I merely wish for them to begone. Hmmn things to ponder.

    =WorshippingJesus,Oct. 16 2009,12:32]I do not celebrate the worlds “Halloween”, but I choose to take that day and turn it into a different type of celebration.[


    Constitutionalist,Oct. wrote:

    Again, it's commendable, but why give it any notice?


    Thanks, it is commendable. Why give notice to Wal-Mart knowing that they support gay rights to marry and all kinds of humanistic purposes by buying their products that come from organizations that support all kinds of “Non-Christian” practices like abortion.

    You do know that most of the products at Wal-mart comes from communist China where they worship Budah, don't you?

    Actually I do not support wallymart, I figured that would have been apparent to you by now, I buy American wherever and whenever I can. And if they support Gay rights, Abortion, The War, Athiests, etc. . . They dont get my money.

    Pretty simple.

    =WorshippingJesus,Oct. 16 2009,12:32]The world cannot take claim to “Gods” day, no matter what day that is.


    Constitutionalist,Oct. wrote:

    Gods day is the Sabbath, and yes man has laid claim to another day, which is a Pagan day of SUN worship “SUNday” thanks to Constantine and his Pagan church.


    Ok, so you only worship God on Saturday, right?

    EVERY DAY WILL I BLESS THEE; and I will praise thy name for ever and ever”. PS 145:2

    I do that as well, as well as worship Him, but I also keep his Sabbath, I find it no problem that you find God's Sabbath offensive, legalistic, for me it is a blessing. Pretty bad strawman argument.

    So you are one of those that Paul warned us against…

    Therefore do not LET ANYONE JUDGE YOU BY
    ”. Col 2:16

    Every day belongs to God our creator my friend! Jesus now has all Authority and Power over all the enemy!

    Actually if you would have noticed that is dealing with the ceremonial Sabbath, not the weekly Sabbath, thus the new moons and festivals. So in actuality it does not support your argument, it supports theirs telling them not to worry about those who judge them. Good try though!

    Why do you think Abraham, Moses, David all found GRACE? They kept all them (legalistic) outward precipts? Because maybe they understood that the inward change allowed them to keep those things through FAITH.

    How did the Pharisees get it wrong? They kept all those (legalistic) outward precipts? They had no inward change, they had no FAITH in Gods GRACE, they felt the law itself saved them, while their painted fences were rotton.

    I doubt you can understand that, because if you did, you would not be on the attack, thus is the reason he defended the jews on there “Therefore do not LET ANYONE JUDGE YOU BY WHAT YOU EAT OR DRINK, or WITH REGARD TO A RELIGIOUS FESTIVAL, A NEW MOON CELEBRATION OR A SABBATH DAY”. Col 2:16 and why he defend the Gentiles on NOT being circimsized.

    Maybe someday you will understand.

    =WorshippingJesus,Oct. 16 2009,12:32]Come on believers; let’s take the “day of the Lord back”. Why hide in a corner while the world goes to hell with their ungodly celebration?

    Constitutionalist,Oct. wrote:

    I don't hide in a corner, as several others in here apparently. I refuse to recognize Holy/Holidays not set forth by my Lord and Master.

    And that is your choice isn’t it! I don’t judge you for that, and neither should you judge others who do not agree with you! Col 2:16

    One mans condemnation is anothers mans judgement, another mans judgement is another mans condemnation.

    =WorshippingJesus,Oct. 16 2009,12:32]So please someone tell me what is wrong with our family or our church gathering together on Oct 31st, a day that the Lord has made and offer an alternative celebration to the worlds.

    Constitutionalist,Oct. wrote:

    Because any celebration still gives creedence to the one your trying to mask (See catholic Church for a prime example), true believers should just do away with the day.

    Why should I do away with “Gods day” and the time he has given me to reach the world?
    Are you prepared to say that your way of reaching the world is the only way?

    Why do you keep calling its God's Day, man created THAT DAY.

    It is my only way.

    =WorshippingJesus,Oct. 16 2009,12:32]Please, some one tell me what is wrong with kids or adults dressing up as Bible Characters and playing games or giving out prizes or candy to kids?

    Constitutionalist,Oct. wrote:

    Because it is not really denying the day, is it, painting a rotten fence doesn't make it sturdy.

    And why should I deny the day that the Lord has made? As far as painting a rotten fence, I see the rottenness of legalism being painted here!

    Admit it, you just can't come out of her. The Lord created the Heavens and the Earth in SEVEN days, he did not create days, he created the sun, stars and moon for times and seasons, we created the rest. But bare in mind he did take the seventh day for himself, he hollowed it, sanctified it, and rested in it. No other day of the week follows this sanctification or hollowedness.

    =WorshippingJesus,Oct. 16 2009,12:32]Hello church? We are in the world, but do not have to be part of it.


    Constitutionalist,Oct. wrote:

    That is a true statement, so refuse to recognize the day, simple enough.


    Apparently you do not know what that means, for to you it means just stick your head in the sand as you command everyone else to do the same or else they are sinning! Let’s just do nothing but tell the world they are going to hell!

    Never called you a sinner, nor did I say you were going to hell, must be your inner spirit speaking with you. In fact my head used to be in the sand, but through Jesus it came out, and I can see clearly.

    =WorshippingJesus,Oct. 16 2009,12:32]I say that Oct 31st is Gods day and I refuse to let the world have it in my life.

    Constitutionalist,Oct. wrote:

    Again the Sabbath is the Lords day.

    Read the scriptures friend. We have entered into the Sabbath rest when we entered into Christ. Every day is the “Lords Day”! Do you believe this? Or do you believe that God only has one day and the devil has all the rest? Heb 4:1-7

    Read that carefully again, Hebrews there is defending that rest the Sabbath rest also read on to verse 16, the Sabbath still stands. He saying just like you many in the days of old refuse to keep the Sabbath because of their disbelief.

    :D :D :D The Irony is starting to get to me? Smells like Hypocrisy!

    I hold none of those traditions.

    Constitutionalist,Oct. wrote:

    Maybe, I guess the question is, does it edify the Lord?

    Do you go out with your family on family events? Do you ever play games with them? Does that edify the Lord? Or should I be your judge in that?

    We camp, hike, kayak, picnic, travel, ride our horses, and work the ranch, those are the games we play. Oh and I like to hunt and fish. Occasionally we go out to dinner.

    Judge what you wish.

    =Constitutionalist,Oct. 16 2009,15:24]
    Holloween does not edify the Lord.


    You mean the worldly celebration of it! Oct 31st belongs to the Lord and not man!
    So you do as you feel God wants from you and I will do the same.

    Actually Oct 31st is a MANmade tradition in any shape or form, God did not make halloween.

    =WorshippingJesus,Oct. 16 2009,12:32]I say no. I say lay aside “dead religion” and the attitudes of self righteousness and start using these things as examples to lead men to Christ!

    Constitutionalist,Oct. wrote:

    So is God dead?

    No but self righteous man made rules and regulations are.

    Most worldly people don't take to kind to rules and regulations.


    Quote (david @ Oct. 17 2009,11:11)

    Didn't Jesus eat and drink with publicans and sinners?

    WJ, he could also read peoples hearts.  You are not Jesus.

    The Bible says: “God is not one to be mocked.  Bad association spoils useful habits.”

    Didn't Jesus eat and drink with publicans and sinners?

    WJ, do you hang out at the bar and preach to people there?  Just curious.

    Oh! I love this!!

    Okay, well, we can't read hearts and minds but Jesus was/is our example after all. Right? So if he ate with sinners then we can eat with sinners.

    Um, ya, I've gone into bars to witness to people. I've also been seen at our local womens prison. A few times I've been on the streets of Seattle – in the gutters – under bridges.

    You go where the people are, David. We are His arms and legs….we are Christs ambassadors. Through us, Christ is preached, people are healed, joy comes to the broken-hearted.

    I have an overwhelming sense of peace right now that God has called me to the lowly…..the undesirables. Thank you, Lord. I'm right where I should be. So cool.

    Most wouldn't be caught dead going into a bar to reach the souls there…… you're right, David.



    Quote (david @ Oct. 16 2009,19:27)

    Where did WJ say that he “embraces” halloween? He said that October 31 is the Lord's day. The pagans do not own so much as one day of the year.


    And how does he celebrate the “lord's day” Oct 31?  Does he do it on his terms, or on THEIR terms?  Does he imitate THEM?  If you say he's not imitating them, then I ask, why that day?  Why not Oct 14th?  Or Nov 27th?  He seems to be taking THEIR thing and trying to change it.  
    But taking a glass of poison and adding pure water does not make it pure.  Or do you think it does?


    Why don't you show us how gathering with family and friends or a church group to have a Christian celebration on Oct 31st is wrong?

    The world does not own the day!

    Is it just because of the day?

    Remember to the believer every day is the Lords.

    So what is it that makes it sin as long as we are not partaking of the worlds ways?

    Is putting on costumes the worlds way? Does that mean that we can never dress our kids to be like a sheep or Moses etc?

    Is giving out candy to kids the worlds way?

    If if not then what difference does it make?



    Quote (Not3in1 @ Oct. 17 2009,11:36)

    Quote (david @ Oct. 17 2009,11:19)

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Oct. 17 2009,08:10)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 17 2009,05:45)
    Interesting that some folks are not just tolerating these pagan feasts but actively promoting them.
    Do you think that Jesus will be doing the same?

    Jesus probably wouldn't waste his time watching rugby either.  Do you enjoy rugby, Nick?  It can get pretty dark ya know, what with all the chest-beating pride and lust for power.  Oh hey and what about those scantily-clad women who advertise all the beer?  Lots of drunkeness watching those games……   :;):

    You are right Mandy.  Rugby is bad.  (And crazy scary to play.)
    But this thread is about halloween.

    No, this thread is about people who want to pigeon-hole Halloween being evil and wicked only – where all the scriptures that relate to keeping bad company and being yoked with un-believers is paramount.

    I'm only showing that this situation also occurs in other less offending ways (to the Christian) and it's overlooked.

    You must be a rugby fan.   :;):
    {{in a sing-song voice}}  better-keep-your-eyes-closed-when-the-half-naked-girls-parade-around-selling-the-bee


    Mandy I am not pomoting evn Christmas, we have not had a Tree in 25 years. Itis pagan too, just like Easter. You can't put new into old, it will not make it new, it will be still old. That is what the Catholic Church did with just about everything. It does not work. And you will always have some people trying to do so. As far as Beer is concerned, that is, what should I call it!!!!! People that do get drunk with it, are sick and need a doctor. You are comparing Apples to Oranges. Come on Mandy, you know that it is Pagan. And God said that He hates those Holidays.
    My question is to you, are you not to hate what God hates?
    IMO yes. We are going in circles with this, that's all for me, If you want to call me a pig, go right ahead. It is pagan and you can't get around that IMO But I know you try!!!!
    Love you, though, but dislike what you are saying.
    Love Irene


    Quote (thethinker @ Oct. 16 2009,16:02)

    Paul said that the sabbath was merely a “shadow” and Christ was the “substance.” Hebrews says that when the substance appears the shadow is done away. Those who reinstitute the sabbath are in violation of God's new covenant with man. Christ Himself is our sabbath rest. You are just as guilty in keeping the sabbath alive as those transferred it to another day. The sabbath was not changed to another day. It was abolished altogether.

    Jesus said that not one jot or tittle would pass from the law until ALL be fulfilled. Circumcision was abolished. This means a jot and tittle has passed from the law. This means that ALL the law was fulfilled. Therefore, the sabbath has been abolished.

    When will you legalists learn that more condemnation comes to you than to those who you think are condemned?


    For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Mathew 5:18

    Has heaven and earth passed away?


    TO ALL:

    Our friend David has dug a deep hole for himself in citing Paul's statement “bad associations spoil useful habits” (1 Corinthians 15:33, NWT) as a rule against WJ. In his statement Paul was speaking specifically in reference to our keeping away from those who deny the resurrection. David is a JW and the JW's deny the resurrection. Therefore, David is himself a “bad association.”

    The Watchtower organization says that Jesus did not rise from the dead in the same body he died in (You Can Live Forever on Paradise Earth, p. 143-44). Instead, it says that He rose as a spirit creature and that the material body of Jesus was taken away by God the Father. Therefore, they deny the physical resurrection of Christ.


    That David denies the resurrection does not necessarily infer that he is wrong about halloween. It means that he also is a “bad association” and should not be judgmental of others.



    Quote (Not3in1 @ Oct. 16 2009,19:54)

    Quote (david @ Oct. 17 2009,11:11)

    Didn't Jesus eat and drink with publicans and sinners?

    WJ, he could also read peoples hearts.  You are not Jesus.

    The Bible says: “God is not one to be mocked.  Bad association spoils useful habits.”

    Didn't Jesus eat and drink with publicans and sinners?

    WJ, do you hang out at the bar and preach to people there?  Just curious.

    Oh!  I love this!!

    Okay, well, we can't read hearts and minds but Jesus was/is our example after all.  Right?  So if he ate with sinners then we can eat with sinners.

    Um, ya, I've gone into bars to witness to people.  I've also been seen at our local womens prison.  A few times I've been on the streets of Seattle – in the gutters – under bridges.

    You go where the people are, David.  We are His arms and legs….we are Christs ambassadors.  Through us, Christ is preached, people are healed, joy comes to the broken-hearted.

    I have an overwhelming sense of peace right now that God has called me to the lowly…..the undesirables.  Thank you, Lord.  I'm right where I should be.  So cool.

    Most wouldn't be caught dead going into a bar to reach the souls there……  you're right, David.


    True Mandy

    I have witnessed to men in bars also.

    How is that sin, unless I am getting drunk with them?

    I can imitate their drinking by having a coke! :D



    Quote (thethinker @ Oct. 16 2009,16:24)
    David said:

    The Bible says: “God is not one to be mocked.  Bad association spoils useful habits.”

    TO ALL:

    Please note David's cut n' chop treatment of the scriptures above. He put two statements together which are found in separate books of the Bible and made a law of his own. The “God is not mocked” statement is in Galatians and has to do with the consequences of the works of the flesh.

    The “bad association spoils good habits” statement has to do with keeping away from those who deny the resurrection (1 corinthians 15:33).


    So David has a lot of explaining to do.


    Your any differant? :cool:


    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 17 2009,11:59)

    Quote (thethinker @ Oct. 16 2009,16:24)
    David said:

    The Bible says: “God is not one to be mocked.  Bad association spoils useful habits.”

    TO ALL:

    Please note David's cut n' chop treatment of the scriptures above. He put two statements together which are found in separate books of the Bible and made a law of his own. The “God is not mocked” statement is in Galatians and has to do with the consequences of the works of the flesh.

    The “bad association spoils good habits” statement has to do with keeping away from those who deny the resurrection (1 corinthians 15:33).


    So David has a lot of explaining to do.


    Your any differant? :cool:

    :D :D :D :D


    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Oct. 17 2009,11:56)

    Quote (thethinker @ Oct. 16 2009,16:02)

    Paul said that the sabbath was merely a “shadow” and Christ was the “substance.” Hebrews says that when the substance appears the shadow is done away. Those who reinstitute the sabbath are in violation of God's new covenant with man. Christ Himself is our sabbath rest. You are just as guilty in keeping the sabbath alive as those transferred it to another day. The sabbath was not changed to another day. It was abolished altogether.

    Jesus said that not one jot or tittle would pass from the law until ALL be fulfilled. Circumcision was abolished. This means a jot and tittle has passed from the law. This means that ALL the law was fulfilled. Therefore, the sabbath has been abolished.

    When will you legalists learn that more condemnation comes to you than to those who you think are condemned?


    For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Mathew 5:18

    Has heaven and earth passed away?

    I had the impression you were more knowledgeable in these things. The expression “heaven and earth” as Jesus used it was a Hebrew merism for Israel which indeed passed away in ad70.

    Jesus said that not one jot or tittle would pass from the law until ALL be fulfilled. Circumcision passed away. This means that a jot and tittle passed away. And a jot and tittle could not pass away until ALL the law was fulfilled. Therefore, the sabbath was abolished. Christ fulfilled it.

    This is all for me tonight.



    David is a JW and the JW's deny the resurrection.


    Thinker, every time you repeat this lie, you sound dumb.


    Quote (thethinker @ Oct. 16 2009,16:56)
    TO ALL:

    Our friend David has dug a deep hole for himself in citing Paul's statement “bad associations spoil useful habits” (1 Corinthians 15:33, NWT) as a rule against WJ. In his statement Paul was speaking specifically in reference to our keeping away from those who deny the resurrection. David is a JW and the JW's deny the resurrection. Therefore, David is himself a “bad association.”

    The Watchtower organization says that Jesus did not rise from the dead in the same body he died in (You Can Live Forever on Paradise Earth, p. 143-44). Instead, it says that He rose as a spirit creature and that the material body of Jesus was taken away by God the Father. Therefore, they deny the physical resurrection of Christ.


    That David denies the resurrection does not necessarily infer that he is wrong about halloween. It means that he also is a “bad association” and should not be judgmental of others.


    You sure seem to derive some plaesure in slapping David, your tossing things at him that have nothing to do with this thread. You must dislike him.


    David is a JW and the JW's deny the resurrection. Therefore, David is himself a “bad association.”

    Since I do not deny the resurrection, apparently I am no longer bad association. Hence, Thinker's logic is not logic at all. And of course, when your thinking is based on falsehood, that also is unlogical.
    I have never heard that JW's deny the resurrection before. I've heard a lot of things, but not this.

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