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    It's that time of year again, and because I'm on the web more than ever before, I'm noticing how huge Halloween is the amount of Christians that actually allow their kids to be involved in this hideous festival,and not only the kids but they themselves spend hours preparing to celebrate. There are pumpkins everywhere along with Witches and Demons it's huge. I'm concerned about the fact that Christians are either ignorant of the facts or don't really care, and call it harmless fun.
    What do others think?


    Here is part 2.


    Hi Deborah,

    This just goes to show you that there are lots of ideas surrounding Halloween and it's power. I listened to the video only part way. You see, many believe that Halloween is the most powerful time for witches and spirits, but that is not true. If you ever actually talk to a witch (like I have), or read a little about the Wicca religion (like I have), you will find that their birthdays are the most powerful time for them – not Halloween. In fact, apparently most witches don't even celebrate Halloween. Curious, huh?

    But anyway, thanks for sharing this – it is interesting!


    Quote (Not3in1 @ Oct. 15 2007,18:24)
    Hi Deborah,

    This just goes to show you that there are lots of ideas surrounding Halloween and it's power. I listened to the video only part way. You see, many believe that Halloween is the most powerful time for witches and spirits, but that is not true. If you ever actually talk to a witch (like I have), or read a little about the Wicca religion (like I have), you will find that their birthdays are the most powerful time for them – not Halloween. In fact, apparently most witches don't even celebrate Halloween. Curious, huh?

    But anyway, thanks for sharing this – it is interesting!

    Hello Mandy
    I have to disagree with you on that. my past religion was Wiccan.I had 20+ years in the field, I have been forgiven much.
    To some Wiccan's their birthdays are the most powerful time for them, but only personally. And most people who practice the old religion these days are doing the Vouge version, they call white witchcraft. Hmm.
    Halloween is not about fun and gaiety, it's a deception (trick or treat) of the enemy. The thing that makes Halloween the most powerful time is the thousands who celebrate it, people are not aware of who they are rising up, giving an open invitation too ,when they participate in celebrating Halloween.
    The second video is worth a watch..


    I just did a quick Google on Wiccan and Halloween/Birthdays and celebrations in general. It's stuff I've pretty much already known about. My best friend became a witch (a “White” witch) :) And we had many conversations about what she was getting into. So, I studied with her because I was trying to talk her out of leaving God and joining up with the wrong crowd. It didn't work. Not only did she become a witch, but she also became a lesbian. She confided in me that she had been in love with me for years! Oh, my! And then she left – just like that. After 20 years of friendship – she disappeared. :( This happened about five years ago. I still miss her, but I know that God probably had her removed from my life for a reason.

    Anyway, that is how I learned that birthdays were the most powerful time for a witch. I'll take a look at the second video, but I confess, the music creeps me out! :laugh:


    Hey Mandy
    You can turn the sound off, it creeps me out too.
    This is not an uncommon thing. I've spoken to many women who have come out of the occult and there are similar stories so to speak when they entered into wicca. It's because this religion esteems women, gives them the most important roles and the stronger power, can you see the deception?
    It's all about power first..then save the planet second. It's a poison that few recover from if they don't get out, and even if they do it can be years of recovery, this is where I see the love of God in operation, in those who choose Jesus and repent, I see lives bought back from the dead.
    Pray for your friend she's in the hand of God. Was she a Christian before a Wiccan?


    “….lives brought back from the dead…” Deborah, I am going to claim this for my friend. Yes, she was a Christian before leaving to practice the occult. It's so sad it breaks my heart to pieces when I think of her.

    I've been thinking about Halloween since you posted this. You know, Deb, my family has celebrated all the holidays (including this one), and it has always bothered me. In fact, when the kids were little (like up to age 5), we didn't participate at all. I got so much flack for standing up. Even the Christians in my life whom I esteemed said it was no big deal. It's just a party. It's just for fun. Don't take it seriously. And you know that the schools participate with costume parades and parties, so it's doubly difficult to not let your kids join in. I really ask for prayer in this today. Serious prayer for guidance and strength to stand up again.

    Every year for the past few years we go over to my good friends house and have a potluck, then we go trick-or-treating. They live in a gated community and it seems like every house participates. It's actually quite a display that is put on by each house! And because it's gated, the streets are crawling with kids and parents. I confess, it's fun. It's festive and it's something that all 6 of my girlfriends participate in – the party that we have is so much fun! I know most will say – well if you love the Lord you will give up this fun. Well, of course this is true. But to be honest, I hadn't thought about it in many years until now. I guess this is called deception. I've been deceived…………. Now how do I explain this to my children? Throw in that we shouldn't celebrate Christmas, Easter OR their Birthdays and what have you got? Oh, goodness…..:(


    Hello Mandy
    I totally understand where your at with this.
    Here in Australia, Halloween isn't such a big deal yet, it's not so hard not to get involved.
    A few years ago some kids turned up at my door all dressed up like witches and monsters asking for trick or treat, I happened to have some tracts for children left over from a Christian youth event I'd attended . I handed these to the kids, who weren't terribly impressed with their treats but put them in their bags and off they went. I don't know if this tract had any effect on any of the kids, but there is always the chance one of them at least got the message. I keep tracts for kids on hand around this time and if they come knocking that's what they get. I know I'm seen as a kill joy when it come to Halloween and I get told this, but I don't care, I'm willing to kill the joy in Halloween and will continue to do so. Of course it's not going to be easy to put an end to a tradition such as this one, but we have to try to get the truth about it across somehow to our kids.
    Blessings to you.


    You see, many believe that Halloween is the most powerful time for witches and spirits, but that is not true.


    Good point mandy.

    It's more so the hundreds of human sacrifices and the Satan worshippers that bother me.

    I have watched a documentary on halloween recently and I've researched halloween most years around this time. Out of all the holidays, this one seems the clearest cut to me.

    the kids dressed up like Satan and and ghosts may give us a clue that this holiday doesn't have the cleanest of origins.


    You have a point, David. About the costumes……..when they are dressed as witches the evil seems obvious, but how about when they are dressed as a football player and a cheerleader (as my kids will be)? It's not as obvious then, and that is why so many (including myself) have fallen into the deception of it all. God help me to stand up!

    My Mom used to say that you could put a frog in cold water and he wouldn't jump out. You could slowly heat the water up and cook the frog alive! However, if you put the frog directly into hot water he would jump out! This seems to make sense where Halloween and the festivities are concerned. Of course I wouldn't dress my child in a witch costume! Goodness NO! But I'll allow a cheerleader costume? Oh, dear…….. :(


    I hate this time of year. Satan has such hold on so many people that are not even aware of it, and that is the sad part of it all. May God help us all. My Grandchildren have not talked about Halloween to me this year, but I am sure they will go bagging for Candy, which to me is so ridiculous. I am glad nobody bothers us were we live. We live of the road 300 feet and they don't want to walk that far.

    Peace and Love Mrs.:blues: :blues: :blues:


    If you ever actually talk to a witch (like I have), or read a little about the Wicca religion (like I have), you will find that their birthdays are the most powerful time for them – not Halloween.


    So then, did “Christians” borrow or adopt the birthday custom from pagans?


    Quote (david @ Oct. 17 2007,05:50)

    If you ever actually talk to a witch (like I have), or read a little about the Wicca religion (like I have), you will find that their birthdays are the most powerful time for them – not Halloween.


    So then, did “Christians” borrow or adopt the birthday custom from pagans?

    I'm truly wondering about this. I have been doing a lot of research on my own regarding various holidays that we celebrate. I have to admit, I'm not very happy about what I am finding.

    Regarding birthdays though, I do believe they were celebrated but not necessarily the way we do today. In the Bible we are told how many years someone lived – someone must have been marking them off as the years passed. We are not told that Jesus, as a Jewish boy, partook of his Bar, but I'm sure he did, for instance.

    Truth comes to us all……eventually. :)


    Quote (Deborah @ Oct. 15 2007,19:47)
    can you see the deception?
    It's all about power first..then save the planet second. It's a poison that few recover from if they don't get out, and even if they do it can be years of recovery


    Isn't this a bit rich from an adherent of a belief system that includes christian cults that do exactly the same? I suppose you would complain they are not real christians…

    Anyhow, I loved your “trick or tract” approach to Halloween – or is that “tract or treat”?!



    Hello Stu,

    Isn't this a bit rich from an adherent of a belief system that includes christian cults that do exactly the same? I suppose you would complain they are not real christians…

    No I don't think so.
    What do you mean by “real christian”.
    It's not for me to judge who is real and who isn't
    I'm pleased you like my approach, it works better than garlic,lol.
    God bless

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