God's word of truth!

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    God's word of truth! Should it be altered or changed?

    It has been my experience after many years of trying to impart the truth of the Bible to others, that no matter how clearly the Bible states something to be thus and so, others will try to alter or change what Jehovah has caused his pen-men to write down for our benefit.

    As an example of this, someone has said to me, that: “Nowhere in the Bible does it directly say, that Jesus was the Archangel Michael.” As far as it goes, that is correct, because it doesn't directly state that. However, it doesn't directly state that we shouldn't throw our garbage into our neighbors back-yard either, but aside from what the Bible does reveal about that, the law of common decency would dictate that we shouldn't do that. Never mind what the Bible has to say about it, that law of common decency should be enough to cause us to restrain us from doing that. However, what the Bible does reveal about that, should always take first priority. {Matthew 22:36-40} {Romans 13:9,10}

    I should like, now, to focus on something said by Jesus. He said: “Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word, is truth.” {John 17:17} So, whatever passage in the Bible that we are reading, is the truth, and whatever is stated clearly, is what Jehovah expects us to believe. It does not require altering or changing just because it doesn't jell with our own ideas, or false religious teachings. In point of fact, Jehovah has forbidden us from doing that. Note the following scriptures: “You must not add to the word that I am commanding you, neither must you take away from it so as to keep the commandments of Jehovah your God that I am commanding you.” Every word that I am commanding you is what you should be careful to do. You must not add to it nor take away from it.” {Deuteronomy 4:2;12:32} “Add nothing to his words, that he may not reprove you, and that you may not have to be proved a Liar.” {Proverbs 30:6} So, if any are at odds with something that Jehovah has taught through his ancient, or first Century writers, it is best to leave that subject alone, because absolutely no one, can, with impunity, alter or change God's word in any way, shape, or form. Absolutely no one.

    With all of the preceding information in mind, we might well, now consider something else Jehovah has revealed to us about the certainty of every statement in the Bibles accuracy. He tells us: “For just as the pouring rain descends, and the snow from the heavens and does not return to that place, unless it actually saturates the earth and makes it produce and sprout, and seed is actually given to the sower and bread to the eater, so my word that goes forth from my mouth will PROVE TO BE. It will not return to me without results, but it will certainly do that in which I have delighted, and it will have certain success in that for which I have sent it.” {Isaiah 55:10,11}

    Up to this point, we have learned, that when we read a statement in the Bible , that Jehovah has made, we do not toy with that statement, we do not play with it, by trying to make it look-like something other than what Jehovah has clearly stated is meant. No! When he makes a statement, that is exactly what he means. Otherwise, why would he tell us not to alter, by adding or subtracting from the words he has already spoken? Why did he tell us that we might possibly be proven a Liar by adding to his clear statements? No! He meant: ” Leave my holy word alone! Don't try to alter it or change it in any way.”

    With all of this in mind, let me return to the gist of this article. That was, was Jesus really the Archangel Michael? Now, since there are no direct statements made that Jesus was that particular angel, we are solely dependent on the preponderance of scriptural evidence that will show us, that he had to be! That it could be no other than he!

    Now, I reasoned with some on this Board, by asking them: “What was Jesus, prior to his coming to this earth? Now, in order to prove to ourselves what he was, we have no choice , but to look at what the Bible has to say about that; about what Jesus himself said about that. We really have to reason from the scriptures to prove our point, just as the early Apostles did. There really is no other way to prove it, but by doing that. That is what the Apostle Paul did:” “So according to Pauls custom he went inside to them, and for three sabbaths he reasoned with them by the scriptures explaining and PROVING BY REFERENCE that it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead, and {saying} “This is the Christ, this Jesus who I am publishing to you.” The same was true of Apollos, who did much the same thing. {Acts 17:2,3:18:24-28} This, now, is my intention, to reason, with all of you, from the scriptures. Not just one scripture, but whatever amount it takes, to prove, by references, my points.

    Now,someone on this Board disagrees with the words of Paul, at Hebrews 1:13 where the following statement is made, and don't miss the point here, because Paul, here, put this statement in the form of a question. He said: To which one of the Angels has God ever said: “Sit at my right hand until I place your enemies as a stool for your feet”? By that, this one believes that God didn't say that to any of the Angels. However, that is thoroughly wrong. Why would Paul even ask a question like that, if he didn't expect an answer to it? Was it merely a rhetorical question? Don't forget too, that it was Jehovah, through his inspired prophet, who was behind the asking of that question. He would expect his worshippers to be able to answer that question, and he supplied the necessary scriptural evidence, to enable them to do that. Those exact same statements were made in the Bible, and applied to the Christ. {Psalms 110:1,2} {Matthew 22:42-45}

    We should now consider where the Christ told us where he came from in the first place. He said: “Now you Father glorify me alongside yourself with the glory I had alongside you BEFORE THE WORLD WAS.” {John 17:5} Next, he tells us: “What if you should behold the Son of Man ascending to WHERE HE WAS BEFORE”? {John 6:62} Then, in John 8:23 Jesus informs us of this: “So he went on to say to them: “You are from the realms below; I am from the realms above. You are from this World; I am not from this World.” From that we see that, that Jesus was a very powerful glorious Angel, prior to his arrival on this earth. What, though was the name of this particular Angel in question? Further reasoning on the scriptures will show us, just what this particular Angel in question, had to be named, and just why that would be.

    Remembering that Jehovahs word is truth, and that what he tells us through his inspired writers, is what he wishes for us to believe, and remembering that we are not to warp or twist his Holy word by adding or subtracting from it by our own human reasoning; we read about the Christ: “He is the image of the invisible God, the FIRSTBORN OF ALL CREATION.” {Colossians 1:15} More yet! “And to the Angel of the congregation in Laodicea write: “These are the things that the Amen says, the faithful and true witness, the BEGINNING OF THE CREATION BY GOD.” {Revelation 3:14} So, here we have Jesus himself telling us that he was the beginning of the creation by God. Anyone wish to argue that out with the Christ? Who would know better than he, exactly when he was born?

    To sum up what I have thus far. I've established that Jesus had a glorious position alongside his Father, before the World was. Also, that he was the firstborn of all of the other Angels of God. Being the first one, that would make him, the main principle Angel over all of the other Angels. We know too that Jesus was created in the image of his Father. That being true, he would be like his Father in every way. We also know, that the name Michael, means: “Who is like God.” We know, today, if a Son is Born to earthly parents, and it is said of this Son: “He's the image of h
    is Father.” then this Son is like his Father in almost every way. So, this information up to this point, puts Jesus in the seat of Michael The Archangel, and Michael in the seat of the Christ.

    We know, according to the Apostle Peter, that Jesus was 'resurrected in the Spirit. ' In other words, he was resurrected as that same glorious Angel, that descended from the heavenly spirit realm. We also know that he had to materialize bodies of flesh and bones to prove to his followers that he had, indeed been resurrected. When he ascended back into the heavenly spirit ream, would he have entered in before his Father in that body of flesh and bones? No! Paul tells us, 'that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. ' {1 Peter 3:18} {1 Corinthians 15:50} So, Jesus would have to have entered back into the Spirit Realm as an Angel! {Luke 24:15-31,39} This would be the time when the question raised by Paul, could be properly answered. “To which one of the Angels has God ever said: “Sit at my right hand until I place your enemies as a stool for your feet.” The answer to that, now, is the Christ, the Son of Jehovah God!

    Now being that Jesus was 'first in all things ' {Colossians 1:18} he would have to have been that Angel that Jehovah chose to rid satan and his demons from the invisible heavens. He would have been Jehovahs commander in chief, his field marshall, as it were. We already know that it is Jesus who leads the heavenly armies at Armageddon to fight the War of the great day of God the Almighty, so why wouldn't Jesus be the the one to rid the invisible heavens of satan and his demons? The Apostle John would have believed that it was Jesus who was Michael, because John tells us about the Warring ability that the Christ has, in these words: “And I saw the heaven opened, and Look! a white horse. And the one seated upon is called faithful and true, and HE JUDGES AND CARRIES ON WAR in righteousness.”

    So, then: Who was the Angel that was to sit at Jehovahs right hand? Who is Michael the Archangel? Both are, none other, than the Son of God himself. Jesus Christ! Texas!


    Hi texas,
    If you cannot grasp that your shallow human inferences do not show truth how are you ever going to be useful in discerning and teaching other deeper matters?



    This is what you said.

    “”””Nowhere in the Bible does it directly say, that Jesus was the Archangel Michael.” As far as it goes, that is correct, because it doesn't directly state that.””””

    Then you said this.

    “”””So, whatever passage in the Bible that we are reading, is the truth, and whatever is stated clearly, is what Jehovah expects us to believe. It does not require altering or changing just because it doesn't jell with our own ideas, or false religious teachings. In point of fact, Jehovah has forbidden us from doing that. Note the following scriptures: “You must not add to the word that I am commanding you, neither must you take away from it so as to keep the commandments of Jehovah your God that I am commanding you.” Every word that I am commanding you is what you should be careful to do. You must not add to it nor take away from it.— because absolutely no one, can, with impunity, alter or change God's word in any way, shape, or form. Absolutely no one.””””

    What you're telling us is that you are exempt from obeying God?
    What you are attempting to do with your next statement, is nothing more then assumption.

    “”””With all of this in mind, let me return to the gist of this article. That was, was Jesus really the Archangel Michael? Now, since there are no direct statements made that Jesus was that particular angel, we are solely dependent on the preponderance of scriptural evidence that will show us, that he had to be! That it could be no other than he!””””

    “”””He is the image of the invisible God,”””” simply means, Jesus was spirit too.

    “”””Who is like God.””””, could simply mean this, God is spirit, and so are all angels.

    You state some true facts, but Jesus being Michael is not a fact.
    You know there are other Archangels, Michael is one, Gabriel is another, and Lucifer was one.
    You said it yourself, there are no clear scriptures to prove that; so, why are you so persistent?


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