God's voice

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  • #122552

    So many people claim that GOD speaks to them. Really? In what ways. Some people claim to hear HIM like they do you and I. Especially the preacher in this day in age says, “GOD said this and GOD said that.” I just don't know any more. Does he still speak to us like he did Samuel and Moses, etc…… Does HE still speak today besides HIS word. Oh, and Jesus spoke to Saul before he was Paul. Please help out….


    Quote (seeker2332 @ Feb. 22 2009,01:17)
    So many people claim that GOD speaks to them.  Really?  In what ways.  Some people claim to hear HIM like they do you and I.  Especially the preacher in this day in age says, “GOD said this and GOD said that.”   I just don't know any more.  Does he still speak to us like he did Samuel and Moses, etc……  Does HE still speak today besides HIS word.  Oh, and Jesus spoke to Saul before he was Paul.   Please help out….

    Greetings Seeker…….God speaks to us all…and most times we do not listen….God speaks to us through our consious mind,that being our sense of what is right and what is wrong…He speaks to us through events that surround us whether they be catastrophic or pleasant to experience…He speaks to us through his commanments….He chastens us when necessary for correction…This is a form of communication that is most difficult to comprehend because of our inherent nature which is in opposition to God…I cannot say who God speaks to or who he doesn't….My sense is when my feelings are that of guilt or shame there is a level of communication that trancends my understanding…


    Yet, I'm still not really clear on that. How does one know if it is GOD'S voice that they hear versus another. Some people have mental problems but do they really? Satan, can have one thinking they are hearing from GOD.

    Schizophrenia people hear voices so, is GOD in that. Just asking????


    Hi s23
    If you are reborn into the Lord then only by walking can we hope to be guided.
    Isaiah 30:21
    And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.

    We will stumble and fall but will find grace.
    Isaiah 35:3
    Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees.
    Hebrews 12:12
    Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees;

    But most who hear voices are listening to demons.
    The Spirit is as a still small 'voice' reminding us of the words of scripture[jn16]

    4And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.

    5And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.


    Do you hear the still small voice?


    Hi s23,
    Through peace and the comforter.


    I have heard that still small voice, but only a few times in nearly 30 years. At least for me it has never been audible but in my spirit. I've also heard the liar and there has been times I struggle with the lies if they may be true. I believe that is why God has given us scriptures so we can recognize the liar.

    My opinion – Wm


    I think some people mistake their inner voice or conscience for the voice of God.


    Quote (david @ Feb. 23 2009,05:06)
    I think some people mistake their inner voice or conscience for the voice of God.

    You may be right.
    How do you tell the difference?



    Or maybe I should have said, Is there a difference?



    Quote (TimothyVI @ Feb. 23 2009,09:58)
    Or maybe I should have said, Is there a difference?


    sometimes…. usually a straight Jacket, and medication.

    but yes its quiet normal that we all have a little conversation going on inside..between the will and  conscious…being pretty sure now..that  the conscious should be established as the Gods voice…yet if it is seared it cannot be 100% trusted, under the act of the personal Law of trained morals that wars within each of us.  that then is in times Hands, and can only then  tell of  the past falling short, and prevailed  false assumptions that  could have been made better by “free choice”…  the otherwise only lethal weapon against  protecting our young and ourselves becoming as pray for predictors :D

    Love you TIM :cool:


    Quote (TimothyVI @ Feb. 22 2009,17:57)

    Quote (david @ Feb. 23 2009,05:06)
    I think some people mistake their inner voice or conscience for the voice of God.

    You may be right.
    How do you tell the difference?


    Hi Tim,
    I recognize God's voice when I suddenly get a thought that seems to come “out of left field” so to say. In other words, it isn't in the flow of my natural thoughts although it might be an answer to my natural thoughts. I usually think “wow, I wouldn't have thought of that” after I receive His direction.

    At other times I will be thinking of something kinda out of the blue and after a little while, someone will suggest I do this or that which will be the exact thing that I had been thinking about earlier. I believe that the Lord goes before us in that way sometimes.

    I test those thoughts to see if they would line up with scripture and the character of God. Condemming thoughts are not from Him. We are to take every thought captive.

    2 Cor 10:2-6
    3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, 4 for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. 5 We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, 6 and we are ready to punish all disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete.


    Good call LU


    Nick how on this great earth can you read my post, write and then submit a post so quickly? It boggles my mind:O


    Hi lu,
    woodpecker typing


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 22 2009,22:11)
    Hi lu,
    woodpecker typing

    Cute Nick! :D
    I thought you might have set up an autoresponder.


    blah blah


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 23 2009,14:19)
    blah blah

    blah,blah…….not topical… ??? ??? ??? ???


    Quote (Cindy @ Feb. 23 2009,14:45)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 23 2009,14:19)
    blah blah

    blah,blah…….not topical…     ???  ???  ???  ???

    unless of course your resounding the God voice from within?

    sink the eight ball

    :;): ???


    Quote (david @ Feb. 23 2009,05:06)
    I think some people mistake their inner voice or conscience for the voice of God.

    In some ways the conscience is part of God's voice.

    con = with
    science = knowledge

    That knowledge that we are born with that resides in the inner man is from God. There are many ways and forms that he speaks to us. We just need to have ears to hear. All may have ears, but not all can hear.

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