GOD'S Acceptance Part 7

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    Acceptance is all about “God’s favor” upon us, so that we can have understanding (Prov 13:15); The holy is understanding (Prov 9:10); This is why we are called to be holy, as He is holy (1Pet 1:15); Those who are under a faithful ambassador have health; but poverty comes upon those who are without this prudent instruction (Prov 13:18-16).

    For it is abomination to a fool to depart from evil “self-motivated deeds” (rather than God moved deeds) (Prov 13:19); Do you have this loving favor from the Lord? (Prov 22:1-2); Without this, all we can do is choose riches (22:1); The prudent man/woman sees that this is evil and hides themselves from this by the humility that is in the fear of the Lord, so that they can have honor (from God), and life (everlasting)(22:3-4).

    Are you sowing in iniquity (SELF strenuous activity) so that you reap in the vanity that “cannot give” (this wisdom in its understanding unto others) because you are not blessed? (Prov 22:8-9) If so, this is because you are a thorn (on the thorny ground) which is ensnared by the perversity of “YOUR OWN” choosing (22:5&1); Rather, hear the wise words of knowledge, which can be pleasant providing you can keep its excellent things (by ASKING) the Lord to make you meditate upon it daily so that you can be a benefit to others (22:18-19, 1Tim 4:15).

    Do you know/understand the truth of these words/things? If so, then they were sent unto you by someone who is afflicted who you should not oppress because the Lord is for them (Prov 22:20-23) If we cannot consider all of this diligently, we are given over to “OUR OWN” appetite! (Prov 23:1).

    Its not about “OUR OWN” wisdom (23:4); Because we are not to lean upon “OUR OWN” understanding OR God cannot direct our path (Prov 3:5-6); Apply yourself unto the knowledge of these words of instruction (23:12); Have you been guided into this way? (23:19); If so, then you have had the instruction of the truth given to you for understanding, so that you could have the observance of this way too (23:22&26).

    Are you all mixed up through the moving of “your own self” (in your own faith) like a serpent is into perverse things? (Prov 23:30-33); If so, then you need to lie down, and be beaten (with these words), so that you could become awake and seek the wisdom of THIS way called GRACE (God at work, rather than “US” working)(23:34-35, 19, 22:11).

    For it is said that AFTER our rebuke, we can find more favor than those who are so PROUD that they are (trusting in themselves for their deliverance) into “self-deliverance” (28:23, 25-26); so AFTER you have been corrected, don’t become hardened toward authority (Prov 29:1-2); Rather ASK God to make you love this wisdom, which can establish you in its gifting

    This is the faithful wisdom, so that people would not be “left to themselves” (Prov 29:14-15); Only those who cannot be corrected DO NOT have an answer (29:19); FOR THIS IS HOW PRIDE IS BROUGHT LOW (29:23); Without which these believers end up in the abomination of PRIDE which in hate becomes wickedly furious (against spiritual men/women of God)
    (Prov 29:27, 24, 22).

    In order to have true biblical understanding (which is called the holy;- Prov 9:10); we need the word of God taught unto us with meaning (understanding), Paul said that it IS better to have “FIVE” words of understanding than to speak “ten thousand” words without meaning (1Cor 14:19).


    Hi Z,
    Where does the forgiveness of God fit in your theology?

    Teaching the unforgiven would seem to be uselessness.

    Many remain yet under the wrath of God.Jn3

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