GOD'S Acceptance Part 14

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    God’s Acceptance
    Part 14

    No one can come to the Father except through Jesus, and this is providing they are within “the way of truth” which leads to life (Jn 14:6), so its not just about Jesus, or Jesus and the Father, its all about Jesus, the Father, AND the Spirit of truth (14:17). Only these believers have the Father, the Son, and the Spirit with them (first) then unto being within them (Jn 14:2 and 17).

    This is why it is said that ABIDING is all about having the word of God “in us” so that we know what to correctly ask of God to do because its according to His will, which is all for the Father’s glory (Jn 15:7-8). Are you correctly asking of the Father in the name of Jesus? (15:16) If so, then you know (because of your experience) that the Spirit of truth guides us into all of this truth (16:13), which is not by the will of any men (which is comfortable to hear), but OF GOD (Jn 1:13).

    Only those who can receive Jesus (in the truth) are given the power from God to become the children of God (Jn 1:12). This is why Jesus has NOT committed Himself to all, but those who believe the scriptures (Jn 2:24-22). Unless we have asked God to work this truth into us, it’s light (of the glory of God at work) cannot come out of us (Jn 3:21), and therefore we are under condemnation because we love the darkness (of our own way, will, and work) which God calls EVIL, while in belief of Jesus (Jn 3:31, 19, 16).

    Do you know what the gift of God is? If so, then you know about His work (because you have experienced the process of) God (the Father) creating Christ in you so that you can now do the good work without boasting, because it was without any of your work (Eph 2:10-8) MANY believers (have done the work of) bringing Christ into themselves/heart, but THIS is impossible (Rom 10:6-7), because we are saved by grace (God working) through the faith (that believes in the workmanship of God, not us) this is why it is called a GIFT, which is nothing of “ourselves” (Eph 2:8).

    All of this is (the gift of God’s work upon us) is so that we can be raised up together to sit in the heavenly place with Christ (Eph 2:6), without which we are children of wrath, and disobedient because we are living in the lusts of our flesh (Eph 2:3-1) because we have NOT had this mystery of the will of God made known unto us, so that we could have forgiveness/deliverance of sins (because of correctly asking of God according to His will) all of which is according to the riches of His grace (Eph 1:9-5).

    This is why it is said that God has chosen whom are His before the foundation of the world to be holy (have this understanding see Prov 9:10) without blame before Him (because we have been blessed by given the ability to) love within all spiritual blessings in the heavenly place with Christ (Eph 1:3). And all of THIS is by the will of God, for the saints, AND the faithful brethren (who are learning and hearing these things) (Eph 1:1, Col 1:2).

    Those who are NOT into learning the sincere love that speaks the truth with the actions of love, can only give away stuff (which is empty and meaningless), be easily offended, (by the word), because of envy, and pride and this is all because they are into “their own” desires, rather than these things of God (1Cor 13:3-6). Those who are into the edification of the church, speak through exhortations so that they can be comforted (1Cor 14:4-3), wherein they use words that can be understood, without which how can we know?? (1Cor 14:9).

    Therefore edification is accomplished in the church through the interpretation of doctrine (1Cor 14:26). Do you know someone who can interpret doctrine? (14:27) If so, I hope you are hearing to learn so that more may be comforted through one of these spirits of comfort because they are subject to the prophets/the whole word of God (14:31-32).

    Is THIS how the word of God came to you so that you could acknowledge that these commandments of the Lord are spiritual? (1Cor 14:37) If so, then you are in a fellowship that IS of God, because it is by the grace of God, wherein we are what we are in His grace so that we can labor (in His word) abundantly, and THIS is not of us, but by the grace of God with us (1Cor 15:9-10). THIS [grace not our work] is what we are to preach with (the gospel of) Christ raised from the dead (1Cor 15:11-12).

    Those who are ignorant of these things are NOT spiritual because they cannot acknowledge/understand that these things being written are the commandments of the Lord. So let these remain ignorant, (however ignorance does not have salvation) because God is a God of order (1Cor 14:37-38 & 40).

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