GOD'S Acceptance Part 13

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    Part 13

    Acceptance- those who are under the charming favor of God’s grace that is known as “acceptance”.
    Strongs # 2580- This is ALL about God’s acceptance that is WITHOUT OUR ASSISTANCE; otherwise it is no more GRACE (Rom 11:5-6).

    Believers who are in envy and/or fighting against others is because they have not (learned how to) crucify the lusts of their flesh (Jm 4:1,Gal 5:24) . These so-called brethren are in friendship with the world (and the things in it more than the word of God) (Jm 4:4).

    Do you believe that the scriptures teach us that those who have the Spirit are in envy because of lusts?? (Jm 4:5) If so, then you are in PRIDE (which causes blindness to see these things for understanding) AND GOD IS RESISTING YOU (Jm 4:6). Those who are not steadfast with God (in the understanding of His word) are rebellious (Ps 78:8).

    The appointed place that IS “offensive” is the word of God (1Pet 2:8). Only disobedient believers build (upon their “own” faith) which is WITHOUT the “offensive words” of God (that is first against us) (2:7-8). That which is acceptable to God by Jesus Christ is the spiritual of the word of God which is ONLY given to us by the priests who ARE holy (1Pet 2:5), and those who ARE holy have understanding (Prov 9:10).

    The holy ones understand that the letter/literal of the word KILLS us, but the spiritual/grace (of God working) gives us LIFE (because it is all about God working, rather than us working) (2Cor 3:6).

    Have you tasted that the Lord is gracious, (because of your experience of GOD working upon you to change you) OR are YOU working? (which puts you under the law and causes you to be judgmental without mercy) (1Pet 2:3) IF God is working/has worked upon you then you are/have experienced the workmanship of God to “put off” all malice, envy, hypocrisy, and evil “self-motivated” speaking (2:1). And all of this (God working upon and in you rather than you working) is only because these things have been revealed to you by a (God sent) minister (which means you haven’t gone out to pick your own teacher) (1Pet 1:12).

    Has God shown you what IS good? If so, then you are walking justly with God, within humility, because He has given you a love for mercy (Mic 6:8, Deut 10:12). IF God is with us, people will be with us too (Zec 8:23). The name of Jesus is Immanuel which is interpreted as: “God with us” (Mt 1:23, Is 7:14).

    This is why we are to ASK of God to know how to do good, and how to refuse evil “self-motivated deeds” so that Jesus would be with us (Immanuel) (Is 7:11-12, 14-15 ). God is said to be with those who He is helping to CRUCIFY their “old man” WITH Him so that their body of sin might be destroyed, and they would no longer SERVE sin (Rom 6:6). Sin does not rule over those who are under grace (because God is working upon them so that they would have this deliverance) (Rom 6:14).

    This is why it is said that those who are still in sin (because their old man has not been crucified with Jesus) are living in the flesh, AND because of THIS, they are under the law which brings forth death (Rom 7:5). Have you been delivered from the law? If so, then you are DEAD (because of God’s grace working upon you) to MORTIFY the deeds of the body (which were self-motivated) and you are now LIVING because you can serve in NEWNESS from the spirit, and not in the letter (of the word) (Rom 7:6 and 13).

    The Spirit gives life (providing we are under grace/God working upon us), Without which we are living by the letter (of the word) which KILLS (because we use it literally, so we have a judgmental attitude without any mercy) (2Cor 3:6).

    Consequently, without (humbly asking God to make us able to live by Christ) we only have the wrath of God upon us, because we are in disobedience (Col 3:6). Note: there are many believers who have been appointed unto disobedience, and we know this because these are OFFENDED by Jesus (by His words), and this IS why they stumble at the word (1Pet 2:8).

    Because God chooses whom He will have mercy upon, it should be clear to see that it’s NOT about “OUR WILL” (to choose God) but God that shows mercy (Rom 9:15-16). Those whom God does not have mercy upon, He hardens them (so that they cannot believe the truth for salvation see 2Thess 2:10-11) (Rom 9:18). This is why there are MANY believers who cannot obey the gospel because they don’t believe the message (because grace/God at work has been removed see Gal 1:6) although they say they believe (Rom 10:16).

    The (true) message brings the glad tidings of the good things WITH the gospel which only comes to people by a God sent preacher (this means we are not to go and pick “our own” teacher) (Rom 10:15). This is why it is said that faith comes by hearing the whole word of God, not just the gospel (10:17). Believers who have the perverted gospel are cursed because they have removed grace (which is the needed work of God the Father upon us, AFTER Jesus death) (Gal 1:6-9).

    This is why it is said that servants of Christ are NOT men/women pleasers who preach another gospel which IS pleasing (to the flesh) (Gal 1:10-11). Jesus is with only those who are teaching people HOW to observe all the things that He has commanded because ALL power has been given to Him from heaven, and in the earth (Mat 28:20 and 18). In Jesus name, Amen.


    So Z,
    Do you teach men must be born again?

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