God is the testator, jesus is the testator

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  • #181373


    i told you before the thinker does not believe in the bible ,this for now will make him strong and weak later,but he only looks for controversial text were he can jump on and enjoy


    thinker if you wanted to know what it said when Georg wrote something in German all you had to do is go to translate and it would have told you what He said….. I just did and it works…..several languages….


    Quote (terraricca @ Mar. 02 2010,06:33)

    i told you before the thinker does not believe in the bible ,this for now will make him strong and weak later,but he only looks for controversial text were he can jump on and enjoy


    Georg says that “Christ does not reign at all now” and that the new covenant is still future. Yet you say that I don't believe the Bible?

    Georg's views are THOROUGHLY unbilical and antichristian!



    Quote (Elizabeth @ Mar. 02 2010,07:05)
    thinker if you wanted to know what it said when Georg wrote something in German all you had to do is go to translate and it would have told you what He said….. I just did and it works…..several languages….

    Hi Irene,

    I didn't care what Georg wrote. I was only drawing attention to his rudeness.

    Here is what I want. I want Georg to answer my post earlier today. I copy and paste it below:

    TO ALL:

    Our friend Georg has said that Christ does not rule at all now. He has said also that the new covenant is still future. Ye he has the audacity to say that I believe as a “drunken” man.

    Georg invokes Isaiah 11:9 as a “proof text” for his anti-christian theory that the new covenant is still future. Here is the verse:

    For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.

    According to Georg the new covenant age is an age when the whole earth will be covered with the knowledge of the Lord. Georg reasons that the “earth” has never been full of the knowledge of the Lord. Therefore, He concludes that the new covenant is still future. But the Hebrew word “eretz” is quite often translated by our English word “land.” See Strong's# 776. Dr. Strong says that “eretz” may refer to the whole earth “or partitively a land”.

    The subject of Isaiah's prophecy is Israel and therefore the word “eretz” would be better translated by our English “land.”  Isaiah's prophecy was speaking about a time when the knowledge of the Lord would cover “the land of Israel as the waters cover the sea.”

    There are examples of this from Israel's old covenant history. For instance, in Psalm 98 the author recounted the time when the Lord had delivered the people from the Babylonian captivity. It says this:

    1 Oh, sing to the LORD a new song!
            For He has done marvelous things;
            His right hand and His holy arm have gained Him the victory.
    2 The LORD has made known His salvation;
            His righteousness He has revealed in the sight of the nations.
    3 He has remembered His mercy and His faithfulness to the house of Israel;
            All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

    It says that “all the ends of the earth (land) have seen the salvation of our God.” Did the entire globe did not see the salvation of the Lord? Absolutely not! It was Israel who saw His salvation. Therefore, the “earth” means “the ends of the LAND.”


    Acts 1:8: 8 But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

    Note: Jesus told THEM that THEY would reach the end of the earth (or land of Israel) with the gospel.

    Acts 13:47: For so hath the Lord commanded US, saying, I have set YOU to be a light of the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth.

    Note: Paul said that they themselves were chosen to reach the ends of the earth (the LAND of Israel) with the gospel. The difference here is that gentiles are now ibcluded. But the geographical scope is Israel nonetheless.


    Romans 10:16-18:16But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report?

    17So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

    18But I say, Have they not heard? Yes truly, their voice went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world

    Note: It clearly says that they all “truly” heard. Paul said that their “voice” and their “words” went out into “all the earth (land)” and into “all the world.” Yet we know that the entire globe is not in view. The apostles were commissioned to go to all nations throughoout the “end of the LAND.”

    Colossians 1:5-6:5For the hope which is laid up for you in heaven, whereof ye heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel;
    6Which is come unto you, as it is in all the world; and bringeth forth fruit, as it doth also in you, since the day ye heard of it, and knew the grace of God in truth:

    Note: Paul said that the word of the gospel had come into “all the world.”

    Colossians 1:23:23If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister;

    Note: Paul said that the gospel had been preached to “every creature under heaven.” Did this mean that they had taken the gospel to the entire globe? Of course not! it means that they had taken it to the world that was known to them.

    Georg has denied that Christ reigns now and he has denied that the new covenant is in effect now. Yet he has the nerve to call me “drunken” and Nick tells me that I need to get real. Nick ought to be putting the pressure on Georg to get Himself straightened out!

    The prophecy which says, “the whole LAND shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord” was restricted to the land of Israel. The entire globe was not in view at all. There is no such teaching to be found anywhere in the scriptures.

    Look where such teaching has led Georg. What a shame!

    Paul CLEARLY and REPEATEDLY taught that Christ reigns at His Father's right hand. Paul CLEARLY said that he and the apostles were the administrators of the new covenant (2 Corinthians 3:6).

    Therefore, the new covenant cannot be future!



    thinker Georg is going to answer your post, yet I want to say this to you. You are so wrong in so many things, that I feel sorry for you.. What a shame……..:O :O


    Nick said:

    Hi TT,
    You wrongly ascribe to Jesus the OT words.
    Context does confuse you.

    By your standards the words of Heb 8.5-10 could just as easily be ascribed to Moses who is mentioned in v5.

    But your reading of God's Word is always in defence of a trinity theology.

    Take the glasses off.


    Nonsense! First, it is Jesus Christ speaking in the text and not Moses:

    But as it is, Christ has obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant HE mediates is better, since it is enacted on better promises. 7 For if that first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no occasion to look for a second.

    8For HE finds fault with them when HE says:

      “Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord,
     when I will establish a new covenant with the house of Israel
     and with the house of Judah,
    9not like the covenant that I made with their fathers
     on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt.
    For they did not continue in my covenant,
     and so I showed no concern for them, declares the Lord.
    10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel
     after those days, declares the Lord:
    I will put my laws into their minds,
     and write them on their hearts,
    and I will be their God….” Hebrews 8:7-10

    The “HE” who mediates the covenant in verse 7 is the same “HE” speaking in verse 8 and saying that He made the covenant with Israel. That “HE” is Jesus Christ!

    Second, Moses included Himself among those who were delivered (Numbers 20:16).

    Third, when did Moses make a new covenant with Israel?

    Fourth, it is Jesus Christ who saved them out of Egypt:

    5Now I want to remind you, although you once fully knew it, that Jesus, who saved a people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe. Jude 5 ESV



    Quote (Elizabeth @ Mar. 02 2010,07:36)
    thinker Georg is going to answer your post, yet I want to say this to you.  You are so wrong in so many things, that I feel sorry for you.. What a shame……..:O :O


    I am shocked concerning you! Your husband has denied that Jesus Christ reigns now and has denied that the new covenant is in effect. And you defend him when my wife would grab me by the ear for such damnable errors.

    He gets more anti-christian every day! I pray that the Lord will pass over Georg's sins.

    I am looking forward to Georg's reply.



    Hi TT,
    So you say but your strong opinions on context often do not pan out as truth.

    You have no scriptural foundation for your trinity idea you trawl the scriptures in search of possible inference to which you admix weak logic and then keep feeding it out as if in throwing enough mud at a wall some of it will stick.

    But it is still mud.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 02 2010,07:44)
    Hi TT,
    So you say but your strong opinions on context often do not pan out as truth.

    You have no scriptural foundation for your trinity idea you trawl the scriptures in search of possible inference to which you admix weak logic and then keep feeding it out as if in throwing enough mud at a wall some of it will stick.

    But it is still mud.


    Explain why you are not engaging Georg for saying that Christ does not reign at all today and for saying that we are not under the new covenant because it is still future.



    Hi TT,
    He believes in the God of the bible but you have yet to get to first base offering nonbiblical gods.

    The elephant is still in the room but your thick trinity glasses seem to blind you to it.


    Irene said:

    tt  tell me something why do you have to put Georg into a post that you made with mike, is that fair?  Why pick on Him?  You and others know that we do not believe in the trinity.  And since I am on here anyway I will quote something to mike and I hope you Mike are not going to be mad with me,  Be mad with tt, cause it is his fault…..
    First of all the trinity never was taught by the Apostles or Jesus.  After a bloody and brutal three century it was Constantine who put a stop to all persecution and let Christians have their freedom to practice their religion.  It was first called the Universal Roman Church.  It was Quintus Septimus Florens Tertullian who was born to pagan parents in 155 A.D. who came up with the trinity,  It is said that this was his best achievement to Christianity.  The trinity is a man made doctrine and not of God.  Scriptures like
    Deut. 4:35 “Unto thee it was shewed, that thou mightiest know that the LORD He is God, there is none beside Him.”
    Deut. 6:4 “Hear O Israel: The LORD our God is ONE LORD.”
    Notice that in the Old Testament LORD is all in Capital letters. Meaning the God Jehovah.
    1 Corinth. 8:4 “And that there is none other God but one.”
    And by Jesus own words in
    John `14:28…for my Father is greater then I.”  On this Scripture tt wants you to believe that Jesus was not equal with His Father, but when He returned to His Father that He was, and is now.
    My favorite Scripture is
    Ephesians 4:6 …one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in us all.”
    Prove it otherwise.

    You will see that tt will come back and show you Scriptures that do not compare with these do…..
    Peace and Love to you and I am so sorry that I had to interfere, but tt had no business mentioning my Husband…


    And Georg's denial of Christ's Lordship is acceptable with you?

    Who gives a hoot about the history of the Catholic Church. Then was then and now is now. Should we hold it against present day Germany for killing Jews?



    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 02 2010,08:01)
    Hi TT,
    He believes in the God of the bible but you have yet to get to first base offering nonbiblical gods.

    The elephant is still in the room but your thick trinity glasses seem to blind you to it.


    Explain how Georg can believe in the God of the Bible when he denies that the God of the Bible exalted His Son as King of kings and Lord of lords.



    Hi TT,
    Why are your enemies people?
    Get beyond your carnal warfare and at least believe in the God of the bible.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 02 2010,08:16)
    Hi TT,
    Why are your enemies people?
    Get beyond your carnal warfare and at least believe in the God of the bible.


    Please explain how Georg can believe in the God of the Bible when he denies that God has exalted Him as King of kings and Lord of lords.

    Men are required to confess Jesus as Lord “to the glory of God the Father.” Explain how Georg can glorify God the Father without confessing Jesus Christ as Lord.

    Your categorization of my questions as “carnal warfare” is just being evasive. Stand for your convictions even if you must correct one of your own!



    Why should you and I mind his business?
    Surely you should spend time getting to know God and His Son?
    Your fascination with trinity gods leaves you in the same group as the godless at present


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 02 2010,08:35)
    Why should you and I mind his business?
    Surely you should spend time getting to know God and His Son?
    Your fascination with trinity gods leaves you in the same group as the godless at present


    Okay whatever Nick. I will put it this way: How can you say that a certain person believes in the God of the Bible when that person does not confess that Jesus Christ is Lord?



    Quote (thethinker @ Mar. 02 2010,07:18)

    Quote (terraricca @ Mar. 02 2010,06:33)

    i told you before the thinker does not believe in the bible ,this for now will make him strong and weak later,but he only looks for controversial text were he can jump on and enjoy


    Georg says that “Christ does not reign at all now” and that the new covenant is still future. Yet you say that I don't believe the Bible?

    Georg's views are THOROUGHLY unbilical and antichristian!



    I quoted this post because of what you said here; I read through your next post half way because that's all I could stomach of all the nonsense you wrote.
    I don't even know why I bother to answer you at all; you don't believe the scriptures; you tell me that's not what they mean; what's the purpose of me giving you scriptures? What's the purpose for scriptures? what did Paul write to timothy?

    2Ti 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

    If you don't believe that, what are you doing here? So, who is anti christian, the one who give you the prove, or the one who rejects it?

    Now, as far as is Christ reigning now, I will again give you prove, not so much for you, because frankly I don't care if you believe God or not, that is your business; but I think there are people that are interested in truth, and if I can help them from being confused by you, then I feel I have done service to God.
    To show you prove, let me begin with

    Rev 20:2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,
    Rev 20:3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

    Can you honestly say that Satan is no longer deceiving the nations? When, would you say, did the 1000 years begin? If Satan is bound now, heaven help us when he is released again.

    Rev 5:10 And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.

    I tell you this, if Christ is reigning now, he must be a very incompetent king because nothing has changed since he took over, or did he?
    The scriptures I will give now were written by Ezekiel “WHILE” in captivity of the Babylonians; remember also, after 70 years they were allowed to return to their land; in other words, this is a prophecy for the future.
    Also keep in mind, this is the kingdom of Judah we're talking about, southern kingdom; the northern kingdom of Israel, ten tribes, were captured 120 years earlier.

    Eze 21:26 Thus saith the Lord GOD; Remove the diadem, and take off the crown: this shall not be the same: exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high.

    Loosing you crown means, loosing your independence; they were ruled over by other nations from then on; but they were still considered a nation, that's important to understand because of what is prophesied in the following verse.

    Eze 21:27 I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him.

    Babylon took their crown away, then they were ruled over by the three (overturn) following kingdoms; Medo-Persian; Greek; and the Romans.

    Notice what it says, overturn “IT”, and “IT” shall be no more; what is “IT”? “IT”, is a reference to the nation Israel; after 70 AD there was no more nation Israel, “IT” ceased to exist.

    Eze 36:18 Wherefore I poured my fury upon them for the blood that they had shed upon the land, and for their idols wherewith they had polluted it:
    Eze 36:19 And I scattered them among the heathen, and they were dispersed through the countries: according to their way and according to their doings I judged them.

    Remember, Ezekiel was writing this “while” in captivity, so it should be obvious that this was a prophecy for the future, and their nation was still intact.
    But God had given them another prophecy by Jeremiah.

    Jer 46:28 Fear thou not, O Jacob my servant, saith the LORD: for I am with thee; for I will make a full end of all the nations whither I have driven thee: but I will not make a full end of thee, but correct thee in measure; yet will I not leave thee wholly unpunished.

    God let them know that although he would punish them severely, he would not totally destroy them, on the contrary, he would destroy “all” the nations where he had driven them, why? because of the way they had treated them.
    But here is the real reason God brought them back.

    Eze 36:21 But I had pity for mine holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the heathen, whither they went.
    Eze 36:22 ¶ Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went.
    Eze 36:24 For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land.

    And this God has done, he has brought them back, and in 1948 Israel became a nation again, but only partially.

    Jer 33:7 And I will cause the captivity of Judah and the captivity of Israel to return, and will build them, as at the first.

    The two kingdoms have not yet been reunited, not only that
    but when, since then, did God make this new covenant?

    Jer 31:31 ¶ Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
    Jer 31:32 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD:
    Jer 31:33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.

    When did “after those days” happened?
    When did God make a full end of all the nations where the Israelites were scattered.
    When did “all” nations fight against Judah?

    Zec 14:2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.

    And, has God done this yet?

    Zec 12:9 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.

    We should all wish it was all behind us.
    No sir, those terrible times are still ahead of us, but when they do happen, and are over, then you can say, we are in the “after those days”, and then God “will” make an everlasting covenant, with “his” nation first.

    Zec 12:7 ¶ The LORD also shall save the tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem do not magnify themselves against Judah.

    This next verse shows you the importance of the nation Israel.

    Zec 8:22 Yea, many people and strong nations shall come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before th
    e LORD.
    Zec 8:23 Thus saith the LORD of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.

    Because Jesus reign will begin in Jerusalem, and eventually cover the whole earth.
    And you believe we are under the new covenant now, and Jesus is reigning now?
    If you don't believe these scriptures, then don't bother asking me for anything else.



    Quote (thethinker @ Mar. 02 2010,08:27)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 02 2010,08:16)
    Hi TT,
    Why are your enemies people?
    Get beyond your carnal warfare and at least believe in the God of the bible.


    Please explain how Georg can believe in the God of the Bible when he denies that God has exalted Him as King of kings and Lord of lords.

    Men are required to confess Jesus as Lord “to the glory of God the Father.” Explain how Georg can glorify God the Father without confessing Jesus Christ as Lord.

    Your categorization of my questions as “carnal warfare” is just being evasive. Stand for your convictions even if you must correct one of your own!


    Show me that Georg denied that Jesus will be King of Kings and Lord of Lords? What He did say is that He is not yet ruling, there is a difference. You of all people think so highly of yourself. You have been brainwashed by the so called Theologians, who teach the trinity. Just like you…. Scriptures are what I and Georg go by.. When Christ will rule it will be peace peace peace. I too will say that Christ is not ruling here on earth yet. That does not mean though that We don't believe He is God's Son. But I don't believe He always existed, like you do and I have Scriptures to prove it. Get of His back……. You are making me really upset…. He reads the Bible every day at times more then 4 Hours in the row. And you are calling Him Anti Christian??? Think again, my friend you are wrong in so many instances its not even funny…..
    For others, this will be the last time I will answer thethinkers post to me, there is no sense in it. He does not learn from others, what is right….Only he is right and no one else has God's Holy Spirit. “In vain they do worship me teaching the doctrine the commandment of men.” That is what the trinity is, So it is no wonder that he is confused to say the least….


    Georg said:

    I quoted this post because of what you said here; I read through your next post half way because that's all I could stomach of all the nonsense you wrote.
    I don't even know why I bother to answer you at all; you don't believe the scriptures; you tell me that's not what they mean; what's the purpose of me giving you scriptures? What's the purpose for scriptures? what did Paul write to timothy?


    You didn't finish my post because you can't refute it! Paul used the word “truly” in reference to the gospel having gone out to the ends of the earth (land). Here it is again:

    18But I say, Have they not heard? Yes TRULY, their voice went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.

    There it is Georg! Paul said “TRULY!” He said that their voice and their words “TRULY” went out through ALL the earth and the ends of the world.

    Paul is talking about the preaching of the gospel. By the time Paul wrote Romans which was about 25 years after the “great commission” the gospel had reached the ends of the land (Palestine).

    Your excuse that you can't stomach what I posted is nothing but a kop out. And if you think that I am going to answer your new points without you first giving me the satisfaction of answering mine then think again sir!

    I answered your argument from Isaiah 11. You are bound by the rules of debate to reply to mine. You can't just discard them and give me a new set of points to answer. No way Bub!

    People are expecting you to answer. I will be glad to answer your new points AFTER you go back and answer my post. If you do not answer then you lose by default.

    ***************And how dare you say that I don't believe the Bible when you deny that Jesus reigns as King and Lord now. What nerve!******************

    I spent a lot of time on that post and you want me to spend more time answering your new points without giving me any satisfaction? What world are you living in?

    Your statement that Christ does not reign at all now turns my stomach too. But I don't use that as an excuse to not answer you.

    Now you go back and answer my post. THEN I will be glad to answer your points. If you don't answer that post then you lose by default!



    Quote (thethinker @ Mar. 02 2010,08:57)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 02 2010,08:35)
    Why should you and I mind his business?
    Surely you should spend time getting to know God and His Son?
    Your fascination with trinity gods leaves you in the same group as the godless at present


    Okay whatever Nick. I will put it this way: How can you say that a certain person believes in the God of the Bible when that person does not confess that Jesus Christ is Lord?


    Hi TT,
    Focus on your own problems.
    Get on first base.

    God is one

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