God delegates Authority in his Son's

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  • #306066

    Colter,July wrote:



    *  Can you quote Jesus saying that he saw Satan go into Judas?

    You don't know how God works.  He wants us to seek his truth.  This truth is a precious gift and understanding is NOT AVAILABLE TO ANYBODY.  If we search in spirit and in truth, we will find. SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES THAT IS, because that's where the Word of God is recorded for us.
    Sp God does not lay it all out on a plate, for the truth is not for the WICKED or unloyal, but only for the true servants of Christ.
    We have many witnesses who's testimonies harmonise perfectly.
    Can the UB claim this?

    Matthew 10:4   Simon the Canaanite, and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him.
    Matthew 26:14   Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went unto the chief priests,
    Matthew 26:15   And said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you?  And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver
    Matthew 26:47   And while he yet spake, lo, Judas, one of the twelve, came, and with him a great multitude with swords and staves, from the chief priests and elders of the people.
    Matthew 27:3   Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders,

    Mark 14:10   And Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went unto the chief priests, to betray him unto them.
    Mark 14:43   And immediately, while he yet spake, cometh Judas, one of the twelve, and with him a great multitude with swords and staves, from the chief priests and the scribes and the elders.

    Luke 6:16   And Judas the brother of James, and Judas Iscariot, which also was the traitor.
    Luke 22:3   Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve.
    Luke 22:47   And while he yet spake, behold a multitude, and he that was called Judas, one of the twelve, went before them, and drew near unto Jesus to kiss him.
    Luke 22:48   But Jesus said unto him, Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?

    John 6:71   He spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon: for he it was that should betray him, being one of the twelve.
    John 12:4   Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, which should betray him,
    John 13:2   And supper being ended, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him;

    Acts 1:16   Men and brethren, this scripture must needs have been fulfilled, which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before concerning Judas, which was guide to them that took Jesus.

    Psalm 109:8   Let his days be few; and let another take his office.

    Zechariah 11:12   And I said unto them, If ye think good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver.


    We both agree that enemies of the truth are stumped, blinded by spiritual teachings. We agree that Jesus taught parabolic truths so that his enemies were the more confounded while sincere truth seekers were overjoyed by “the word” spoken to their hearts. When I here Jesus' words my heart is stirred, when I here truth spoken in other works, weather it be OT books, NT books, the UB, or any other writings where truth is welcome.

    Luke, who was not taught by Jesus or present during the events that he writes about, uses the characterization that Satan entered Judas. That is Luke's opinion, and it is not clear if he was being metaphorical or literal.

    You failed to provide a direct quote from Jesus where he said Satan entered anyone. You said “Jesus saw satan went into Judas”……perhaps you misspoke and learned upon a further research that Jesus did not say that.

    People do wilful, evil things and blame the devil who is gone.

    “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.”



    Quote (Wakeup @ July 16 2012,18:11)

    Quote (Colter @ July 16 2012,12:15)

    Quote (Wakeup @ July 16 2012,11:24)

    Quote (Colter @ July 16 2012,10:25)

    Quote (Wakeup @ July 16 2012,10:01)

    You mentioned dead words; you obviously has not grasp who Jesus really is.
    He is the WORD OF GOD,and the Holy bible is the word of God.
    jesus defeated satan in the desert by quoting words written in the Bible.
    Do you consider the ub. a holy book?
    does it say ''THE HOLY UB?

    You have also not answered my question: do we simply have to meditate to find God? for Jesus is obviously not in every one of us humans.

    You also said that satan was no more after the babtism of Jesus; but he went in judas just before Jesus was crucified?
    And satan also tried to get to Peter; as jesus said?


    No, you are corrupting my words. The books of the New Testament say that the Son was the Word of God, the authors of the Bible books which are about the Word do not claim to be “the word”.

    Do you understand that?  They are writing about the doings of “the word” of God, they DO NOT claim that their own writings are “the word”.

    “The river bed is not the river.”

    I thought that I did answer your question when I said “Jesus taught us to trust the indwelling spirit of the Father; after the ascension, he is also now with us.”

    God is within us, the Bible books point to this fact. We find God's guidance in sincere searching, prayer, meditation, spirit perception. For one who is spirit born you will “know the truth.”

    The UB is a revelation, it does not want to be a fetish.

    When Jesus said “get you behind me Satan” he was implying that Peters suggestion that Jesus not follow Gods will was of the rebellious spirit of Satan.

    Judas made his own wicked choice, the author who wrote about it was simply giving an opinion that Satan entered Judas. The devil gets blamed for everything.



    Are you dancing with me?

    You can not quote scriptures just to please your doctrine.
    1.Jesus saw satan went into judas: and you are blatantly twisting and churning the scriptures to your own satisfaction.

    Many are reading this,so be straight,dont be like most of them.

    Regarding the word of God: The words in the Holy bible are just paper and ink; but there is life in the knowledge of the words;spiritual knowledge.Jesus also mentioned that we must eat his flesh,to have life everlasting,this is not speaking of flesh and bone; but his spiritual flesh:seek and study the words in the -HOLY-bible,for jesus is the word.(the spirit in the words).


    No man can come to the father but by me.
    By seeking him through the bible,not some other bible,or some meditation.

    Jesus quoted scripture to defeat satan;He said;''FOR IT IS WRITTEN—-.  IT IS WRITTEN—-
    written; as of ON sheets of paper,or in a BOOK OR SCROLL.NOT IN THE WIND.

    You also mentioned spirit born: explain?
    Is Jesus in all humans? Was he in hitler also? If not,than how can we find him? Where can we seek him?



    *  Can you quote Jesus saying that he saw Satan go into Judas?

    *  Jesus taught to have a personal relationship with God……he did not say to have a relationship with the New Testament Bible that will be written 50 years after I leave.

    *  I do agree that the words of the Bible books can be inspirational and to the extent that Jesus words were preserved then we can be lead to the truth by them.

    (1656.1) 147:7.3 Then the Master proceeded to warn his hearers against entertaining the notion that all olden teaching should be replaced entirely by new doctrines. Said Jesus: “That which is old and also true must abide. Likewise, that which is new but false must be rejected. But that which is new and also true, have the faith and courage to accept. Remember it is written: ‘Forsake not an old friend, for the new is not comparable to him. As new wine, so is a new friend; if it becomes old, you shall drink it with gladness.’”

    The spirit of God is in all spirit born people. Here, I will use the Bible if your heart is like a stone when it comes to my words:  Ezekiel 36:27  And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.

    Jesus quoted those positive parts of the scripture records that he thought true, sometimes he omitted the negative portion. But that doesn't mean that Jesus thought God wrote them, he knew the OT scriptures were imperfect but that doesn't mean they weren't helpful.

    The Father and Jesus are present in all spirit born believers. If Hitler ever knew God he surely disregarded any leading of the spirit.

    From your frustration I can glean that you believe that God can only be found in the Bible, that's not what Jesus taught.



    Luke 22:31.  And the Lord said, Simon ,Simon,behold(watch), satan had desired to have you,that –HE– may sift you as wheat:
    To YOU, this is not that satan;for that satan is no more,this is another satan: the satan inside us,we all have satans inside us.

    John12:31. Now is the JUDGEMENT OF THIS WORLD.
    But hang on a minute; I thought he(satan) was no more?
    This is just symbolical; no problem.

    Mat.25:41. —everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
    Now its getting more confusing,I thought the devil is dead?
    And his angels: are they also dead?
    I think I know the answer. the bible has been corrupted,by men.The ub. is pure and can be trusted.

    satan did not enter into judas as the scripture states;its not true. but this is true: that judas made his own wicked choice.
    it can not be satan for he is dead.

    So who will be let loose for after a 1000yrs? Its all history,satan was loosed,then he was destroyed soon after the baptism of Jesus.

    John12:31. Now is the judgement of this world: now shall the PRINCE of this world be cast out.(cast out from where)?to where?
    This is just symbolically speaking,satan is not literally cast out.
    says who? says the ub. so it must be true.? it is the only truth.

    My question to Colter:

    If satan is no more, than death has been conquered: but why are we still dying?
    I will answer that for you:here it is.

    That will come; as simple as that: 2000yrs of people dying is not realy long in Gods eyes.

    Jesus is indeed the word of God ,but the Holy bible? are just words about the word of God,written by men of corruption.

    We dont have to seek anything;just wait for God to give us knowlege,and in the m
    eantime,study the ub.
    That will give you all the knowledge.

    So put away your bibles,be at ease; satan is dead.
    some satan worshippers are worshipping a satan that is dead.
    We must stop blaming everything on satan,it is us that is to blame,for following our evil thoughts.

    What about this satan apearing as an angel of light?
    No problem,this did happen before he was dead.

    But it is telling us to be aware?
    yes,be aware of your evil thoughts,it sometimes appear as an angel of light.


    Death is normal on an evolutionary world unless one is translated like Enoch or Elijah.

    The world was already populated when Adam and Eve arrived. Death was specific to them for their sin., it was not a magic curce for mankind.



    Quote (Colter @ July 17 2012,00:23)

    Quote (Wakeup @ July 16 2012,18:11)

    Quote (Colter @ July 16 2012,12:15)

    Quote (Wakeup @ July 16 2012,11:24)

    Quote (Colter @ July 16 2012,10:25)

    Quote (Wakeup @ July 16 2012,10:01)

    You mentioned dead words; you obviously has not grasp who Jesus really is.
    He is the WORD OF GOD,and the Holy bible is the word of God.
    jesus defeated satan in the desert by quoting words written in the Bible.
    Do you consider the ub. a holy book?
    does it say ''THE HOLY UB?

    You have also not answered my question: do we simply have to meditate to find God? for Jesus is obviously not in every one of us humans.

    You also said that satan was no more after the babtism of Jesus; but he went in judas just before Jesus was crucified?
    And satan also tried to get to Peter; as jesus said?


    No, you are corrupting my words. The books of the New Testament say that the Son was the Word of God, the authors of the Bible books which are about the Word do not claim to be “the word”.

    Do you understand that?  They are writing about the doings of “the word” of God, they DO NOT claim that their own writings are “the word”.

    “The river bed is not the river.”

    I thought that I did answer your question when I said “Jesus taught us to trust the indwelling spirit of the Father; after the ascension, he is also now with us.”

    God is within us, the Bible books point to this fact. We find God's guidance in sincere searching, prayer, meditation, spirit perception. For one who is spirit born you will “know the truth.”

    The UB is a revelation, it does not want to be a fetish.

    When Jesus said “get you behind me Satan” he was implying that Peters suggestion that Jesus not follow Gods will was of the rebellious spirit of Satan.

    Judas made his own wicked choice, the author who wrote about it was simply giving an opinion that Satan entered Judas. The devil gets blamed for everything.



    Are you dancing with me?

    You can not quote scriptures just to please your doctrine.
    1.Jesus saw satan went into judas: and you are blatantly twisting and churning the scriptures to your own satisfaction.

    Many are reading this,so be straight,dont be like most of them.

    Regarding the word of God: The words in the Holy bible are just paper and ink; but there is life in the knowledge of the words;spiritual knowledge.Jesus also mentioned that we must eat his flesh,to have life everlasting,this is not speaking of flesh and bone; but his spiritual flesh:seek and study the words in the -HOLY-bible,for jesus is the word.(the spirit in the words).


    No man can come to the father but by me.
    By seeking him through the bible,not some other bible,or some meditation.

    Jesus quoted scripture to defeat satan;He said;''FOR IT IS WRITTEN—-.  IT IS WRITTEN—-
    written; as of ON sheets of paper,or in a BOOK OR SCROLL.NOT IN THE WIND.

    You also mentioned spirit born: explain?
    Is Jesus in all humans? Was he in hitler also? If not,than how can we find him? Where can we seek him?



    *  Can you quote Jesus saying that he saw Satan go into Judas?

    *  Jesus taught to have a personal relationship with God……he did not say to have a relationship with the New Testament Bible that will be written 50 years after I leave.

    *  I do agree that the words of the Bible books can be inspirational and to the extent that Jesus words were preserved then we can be lead to the truth by them.

    (1656.1) 147:7.3 Then the Master proceeded to warn his hearers against entertaining the notion that all olden teaching should be replaced entirely by new doctrines. Said Jesus: “That which is old and also true must abide. Likewise, that which is new but false must be rejected. But that which is new and also true, have the faith and courage to accept. Remember it is written: ‘Forsake not an old friend, for the new is not comparable to him. As new wine, so is a new friend; if it becomes old, you shall drink it with gladness.’”

    The spirit of God is in all spirit born people. Here, I will use the Bible if your heart is like a stone when it comes to my words:  Ezekiel 36:27  And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.

    Jesus quoted those positive parts of the scripture records that he thought true, sometimes he omitted the negative portion. But that doesn't mean that Jesus thought God wrote them, he knew the OT scriptures were imperfect but that doesn't mean they weren't helpful.

    The Father and Jesus are present in all spirit born believers. If Hitler ever knew God he surely disregarded any leading of the spirit.

    From your frustration I can glean that you believe that God can only be found in the Bible, that's not what Jesus taught.



    Luke 22:31.  And the Lord said, Simon ,Simon,behold(watch), satan had desired to have you,that –HE– may sift you as wheat:
    To YOU, this is not that satan;for that satan is no more,this is another satan: the satan inside us,we all have satans inside us.

    John12:31. Now is the JUDGEMENT OF THIS WORLD.
    But hang on a minute; I thought he(satan) was no more?
    This is just symbolical; no problem.

    Mat.25:41. —everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
    Now its getting more confusing,I thought the devil is dead?
    And his angels: are they also dead?
    I think I know the answer. the bible has been corrupted,by men.The ub. is pure and can be trusted.

    satan did not enter into judas as the scripture states;its not true. but this is true: that judas made his own wicked choice.
    it can not be satan for he is dead.

    So who will be let loose for after a 1000yrs? Its all history,satan was loosed,then he was destroyed soon after the baptism of Jesus.

    John12:31. Now is the judgement of this world: now shall the PRINCE of this world be cast out.(cast out from where)?to where?
    This is just symbolically speaking,satan is not literally cast out.
    says who? says the ub. so it must be true.? it is the only truth.

    My question to Colter:

    If satan is no more, than death has been conquered: but why are we still dying?
    I will answer that for you:here it is.

    That will come; as simple as that: 2000yrs of people dying is not realy long in Gods eye

    Jesus is indeed the word of God ,but the Holy bible? are just words about the word of God,written by men of corruption.

    We dont have to seek anything;just wait for God to give us knowlege,and in the meantime,study the ub.
    That will give you all the knowledge.

    So put away your bibles,be at ease; satan is dead.
    some satan worshippers are worshipping a satan that is dead.
    We must stop blaming everything on satan,it is us that is to blame,for following our evil thoughts.

    What about this satan apearing as an angel of light?
    No problem,this did happen before he was dead.

    But it is telling us to be aware?
    yes,be aware of your evil thoughts,it sometimes appear as an angel of light.


    Death is normal on an evolutionary world unless one is translated like Enoch or Elijah.

    The world was already populated when Adam and Eve arrived. Death was specific to them for their sin., it was not a magic curce for mankind.



    Your words,your quote: The world was already populated before Adam and Eve arrived??
    Question: arrived from where;who or what are they?
    Does this mean that the book of genesis is not reliable? this also? what is next? for the book of revelation is also not reliable.

    What have we got left? yes,good news:/ we still have the book of urantia. The book written by angels.
    Lets stop there: which angels? the heavenly, or the fallen?
    The heavenly of course.

    The scripture quoted below is contradicting the ub; so dont take any notice.

    1cor:15:45. And so it is written,The -FIRST- man Adam was made a living soul; and the -LAST- Adam(Jesus) was made a quickening spirit.

    Yes this was added on as time progressed.



    Adam was himself a Son of God, incarnate on earth for a purpose. The crafty beast had already fallen, the earth had already fallen, Adam and Eve defaulted.

    Adam came from the material Son world, all evolutionary worlds receive an Adam who represent the Father as administrators and biological up lifters.

    The UB explains much more.

    Yes, idols are not God. Books can be Idol.



    Quote (Colter @ July 08 2012,17:41)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ July 08 2012,09:01)
    Matthew 24
    10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.

    How do you know you're not being deceived by this book, Colter?

    (And btw, I thought “Urantia” was the name of the planet that space aliens such as Jesus and Satan came from.  I wasn't being snide, I just seriously thought that is what the book taught.)

    True, many false prophets have come and gone, but Jesus told us how to discern “truth”, the witness of the Father within us.

    Urantia is the heavenly name of our planet, Salvington is where Christ Michael resides. There are many other inhabited planets under Jesus creator-ship.  “I have sheep not of this fold, I must bring them also.”


    :D :D :D

    This is funny,you really have no inside in scriptures


    Quote (Colter @ July 17 2012,08:43)
    Adam was himself a Son of God, incarnate on earth for a purpose.  The crafty beast had already fallen, the earth had already fallen, Adam and Eve defaulted.

    Adam came from the material Son world, all evolutionary worlds receive an Adam who represent the Father as administrators and biological up lifters.

    The UB explains much more.

    Yes, idols are not God. Books can be Idol.



    It seems your UB book his your god ??? :D


    Quote (Colter @ July 17 2012,01:43)
    Adam was himself a Son of God, incarnate on earth for a purpose.  The crafty beast had already fallen, the earth had already fallen, Adam and Eve defaulted.

    Adam came from the material Son world, all evolutionary worlds receive an Adam who represent the Father as administrators and biological up lifters.

    The UB explains much more.

    Yes, idols are not God. Books can be Idol.



    Are you saying that God the creator of all is incapable of running his creation?
    How many times does he have to re create new creatures because of rebellions after rebellions?

    I believe that God can see far into the future before the rebellion started.



    Quote (Wakeup @ July 17 2012,02:09)

    Quote (Colter @ July 17 2012,01:43)
    Adam was himself a Son of God, incarnate on earth for a purpose.  The crafty beast had already fallen, the earth had already fallen, Adam and Eve defaulted.

    Adam came from the material Son world, all evolutionary worlds receive an Adam who represent the Father as administrators and biological up lifters.

    The UB explains much more.

    Yes, idols are not God. Books can be Idol.



    Are you saying that God the creator of all is incapable of running his creation?
    How many times does he have to re create new creatures because of rebellions after rebellions?

    I believe that God can see far into the future before the rebellion started.


    No, I didn't say that, you did.

    The OT is a very young, inaccurate history of the planet and universe. The UB reveals much more about our history.

    I believe that God can see far into the future before the rebellion started.

    I agree with this, that's why the story in Genesis, of God acting surprised that Eve sinned or the story that God became frustrated and regretted that he created man, so he drowned the whole earth….except for a descendant of the Jews of coarse who wrote that story about themselves, well, thats why it's human and not written by God.



    Quote (Colter @ July 17 2012,03:19)

    Quote (Wakeup @ July 17 2012,02:09)

    Quote (Colter @ July 17 2012,01:43)
    Adam was himself a Son of God, incarnate on earth for a purpose.  The crafty beast had already fallen, the earth had already fallen, Adam and Eve defaulted.

    Adam came from the material Son world, all evolutionary worlds receive an Adam who represent the Father as administrators and biological up lifters.

    The UB explains much more.

    Yes, idols are not God. Books can be Idol.



    Are you saying that God the creator of all is incapable of running his creation?
    How many times does he have to re create new creatures because of rebellions after rebellions?

    I believe that God can see far into the future before the rebellion started.


    No, I didn't say that, you did.

    The OT is a very young, inaccurate history of the planet and universe. The UB reveals much more about our history.

    I believe that God can see far into the future before the rebellion started.

    I agree with this, that's why the story in Genesis, of God acting surprised that Eve sinned or the story that God became frustrated and regretted that he created man, so he drowned the whole earth….except for a descendant of the Jews of coarse who wrote that story about themselves, well, thats why it's human and not written by God.



    This is where you have not understood God:not by far.
    He knows things before it happened,but he let it happen for his purpose; his great plan which most can not comprehend,but the few.



    Quote (Wakeup @ July 17 2012,09:27)

    Quote (Colter @ July 17 2012,03:19)

    Quote (Wakeup @ July 17 2012,02:09)

    Quote (Colter @ July 17 2012,01:43)
    Adam was himself a Son of God, incarnate on earth for a purpose.  The crafty beast had already fallen, the earth had already fallen, Adam and Eve defaulted.

    Adam came from the material Son world, all evolutionary worlds receive an Adam who represent the Father as administrators and biological up lifters.

    The UB explains much more.

    Yes, idols are not God. Books can be Idol.



    Are you saying that God the creator of all is incapable of running his creation?
    How many times does he have to re create new creatures because of rebellions after rebellions?

    I believe that God can see far into the future before the rebellion started.


    No, I didn't say that, you did.

    The OT is a very young, inaccurate history of the planet and universe. The UB reveals much more about our history.

    I believe that God can see far into the future before the rebellion started.

    I agree with this, that's why the story in Genesis, of God acting surprised that Eve sinned or the story that God became frustrated and regretted that he created man, so he drowned the whole earth….except for a descendant of the Jews of coarse who wrote that story about themselves, well, thats why it's human and not written by God.



    This is where you have not understood God:not by far.
    He knows things before it happened,but he let it happen for his purpose; his great plan which most can not comprehend,but the few.


    No, this is where you contradict yourself when shown the human authorship of the Bible.


    Ed J

    Hi Colter,

    “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
    for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God
    may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” (2 Tim 3:16-1)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ July 17 2012,13:02)
    Hi Colter,

    “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
    for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God
    may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” (2 Tim 3:16-1)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi Ed,

    That wasn't scripture when Paul wrote that in his letter. He was talking about the OT. Besides, that was just Paul's opinion, he never knew Jesus.


    Ed J

    Quote (Colter @ July 17 2012,13:33)

    Quote (Ed J @ July 17 2012,13:02)
    Hi Colter,

    “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
    for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God
    may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” (2 Tim 3:16-1)

    God bless
    Ed J

    Hi Ed,

    That wasn't scripture when Paul wrote that in his letter. He was talking about the OT. Besides, that was just Paul's opinion, he never knew Jesus.


    Hi Colter,

    Who did Paul meet on the Damascus road?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ July 17 2012,13:02)
    Hi Colter,

    “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
    for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God
    may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” (2 Tim 3:16-1)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quoting scriptures to one that disregards scripture is just a waste of energy,dont you think?




    Quote (Ed J @ July 17 2012,13:51)

    Quote (Colter @ July 17 2012,13:33)

    Quote (Ed J @ July 17 2012,13:02)
    Hi Colter,

    “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
    for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God
    may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” (2 Tim 3:16-1)

    God bless
    Ed J

    Hi Ed,

    That wasn't scripture when Paul wrote that in his letter. He was talking about the OT. Besides, that was just Paul's opinion, he never knew Jesus.


    Hi Colter,

    Who did Paul meet on the Damascus road?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Paul apparently had a spiritual awakening as have millions of people who were reborn. Paul was the first great charismatic evangelist; he brought his own personal religions ideas from his Pagan childhood into his new religion about Jesus. Unfortunately Paul’s powerful influence impressed new ideas on the evolving church.

    Jesus had a gospel that he taught 3 years before he died, human sacrifice was not anywhere in that gospel. The new gospel of blood sacrifice and atonement evolved after Jesus left.

    Jesus trained 12 apostles, lost one who was replaced by a backup named Matthias. Paul was not part of the 12 trained by Jesus.

    Paul’s new religion about Jesus replaced the religion of Jesus. Paul fell out with some of the original apostles who could see the new direction that he was taking.

    Some people considered Paul a “clever corrupter” of the original gosple of the kingdom of heaven.


    Ed J

    Quote (Colter @ July 18 2012,00:04)

    Some people considered Paul a “clever corrupter” of the original gosple of the kingdom of heaven.


    Hi Colter,

    Are you one of those people?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Colter @ July 17 2012,13:33)

    Quote (Ed J @ July 17 2012,13:02)
    Hi Colter,

    “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
    for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God
    may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” (2 Tim 3:16-1)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi Ed,

    That wasn't scripture when Paul wrote that in his letter. He was talking about the OT. Besides, that was just Paul's opinion, he never knew Jesus.



    Of course that was only pauls hot air,but what else can you say?
    just pick and choose the scriptures,to ease the mind.





    Quote (Wakeup @ July 18 2012,14:28)

    Quote (Colter @ July 17 2012,13:33)

    Quote (Ed J @ July 17 2012,13:02)
    Hi Colter,

    “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
    for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God
    may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” (2 Tim 3:16-1)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi Ed,

    That wasn't scripture when Paul wrote that in his letter. He was talking about the OT. Besides, that was just Paul's opinion, he never knew Jesus.



    Of course that was only pauls hot air,but what else can you say?
    just pick and choose the scriptures,to ease the mind.




    Ok then keep worshiping the Bible, that's your perogative.



    Quote (Ed J @ July 18 2012,13:58)

    Quote (Colter @ July 18 2012,00:04)

    Some people considered Paul a “clever corrupter” of the original gosple of the kingdom of heaven.


    Hi Colter,

    Are you one of those people?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    I don't think Paul intentionally corrupted; it's just that the Jesus story was very similar to Paul’s Pagan beliefs that he naturally integrated Jesus into his new Christian religion about Jesus.


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