Getting to know You

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  • #115831

    seven 94


    Quote (Harmony @ Dec. 27 2008,01:10)
    Wow, it's been a while since I last was here!
    Had a lightning strike that took out my computer last June, and am still not back up to par on all things computer-wise.
    Married 33 years, 2 kids, and 3 grandkids. Have 8 parrots, 5 are rescue/rehomes and 3 dogs, shelties. It's never really quiet here! :laugh:
    I now make and sell jewelry between house cleaning and critters… a friend is setting up a web site for me…. still a lot to learn!
    Glad I found my way back here!!  :D

    Welcome, my name is Irene and my husbands name is Georg. No e on the end and no t in our last name, cause His Mother couldn't afford one.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (Stu @ Dec. 13 2008,17:14)

    Quote (t8 @ Dec. 13 2008,08:55)
    Stu you haven't got a clue as to which of the 3 instances brought about the cosmos. A creator, always there in some form, appeared from nothing. Therefore you are wrong right off the bat. Statistically speaking I have a 1 in 3 chance of believing correctly that there is a creator and outside of that, there is heaps of evidence for it, and none to say that things can appear from nothing and that the cosmos never had a beginning. Even scientists agree that it began.

    So given the evidence I know what I believe and this is aside any personal experience with the creator.

    And you haven't given any evidence to the contrary, so if you were trying to win a debate here, then you need to at least come up with something, but so far you have nothing.

    Didn't see anything honest, open, innocent, or humble there either.

    It is a logical fallacy to say that you believe this and I believe that and therefore I have a 50% chance of being right.


    You still have nothing regarding this Stu. Wouldn't it be better to admit it and move on. Talking as an expert or critic on this subject when you have absolutely nothing to work with is at least a bit silly don't you think?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 27 2008,09:43)
    seven 94

    Wow. Nick, 7 is God's number for perfection. He said, “Be fruitfull and multiply”, I can see that you are obeying Him.

    May God Bless you and your children,
    Love in Christ, Marty


    Nick Wow again the perfect number. How is your wife? We had one neighbor that had 10 children. She would take a walk every morning, pass our House, she was in very good shape. God bless all of you. IMO there is no dull moment in your House. Thank you so much for sharing with us. Much appreciated.

    Peace and Love Irene


    I just brought this up and I enjoyed it, maybe you all will too.
    Peace and Love Irene


    “hey THERE” Mrs
    I love the Panpipes…so magical..



    Quote (charity @ Feb. 26 2009,18:30)
    “hey THERE” Mrs
    I love the Panpipes…so magical..


    Charity You made an old lady happy this morning, the Panpipers are so inspiring. And I love the melody.
    Thank you very much.
    Love you Irene
    Will bring  this up again


    Quote (acertainchap @ Mar. 08 2008,04:12)

    Quote (seek and you will find @ Mar. 08 2008,03:38)
    All is temporarily. Now I am looking forward to the world tomorrow. No more tears, no more sorrow. Eye hath not seen, and ear hath not heard, prepared for them that Love Him.

    Peace and Love Mrs.  :D  :D  :D

    There are things about Heaven that God has prepared for those that love Him and keep His Commandments that we cannot even begin to fathom in these fleshly bodies of ours. Look forward to the World of tommorrow with confidence and assurance of our Salvation knowing that all things will be made new.

    Chap :)

    :) :) :)


    Quote (Cindy @ Feb. 26 2009,19:33)

    Quote (charity @ Feb. 26 2009,18:30)
    “hey THERE” Mrs
    I love the Panpipes…so magical..


    Charity You made an old lady happy this morning, the Panpipers are so inspiring. And I love the melody.
    Thank you very much.
    Love you Irene
    Will bring  this up again

    I like to bring this up again, because I find the panpipes not only magical but also wonderful, amd beautiful.
    Thanj you very much, Charity

    Peace and Love Irene


    :) hi Mrs, this beautiful


    Quote (charity @ Mar. 06 2009,08:47)
    :)  hi Mrs, this beautiful

    My Charity! Very nice, like it much.

    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (t8 @ Sep. 12 2008,22:01)
    Click here

    Then scroll up to the top of the page.

    Got this one from david.

    I love this one !!!



    Quote (charity @ Mar. 07 2009,19:02)

    Quote (t8 @ Sep. 12 2008,22:01)
    Click here

    Then scroll up to the top of the page.

    Got this one from david.

    I love this one !!!


    Hi Charity! That was nice of David!!!! Thank you David.


    I LOVE ALL OF YALL!!!! :)  . :) . okay im a male . 17 years old…live with my mom and little sister… used to serve the evil one but now i serve the almighty one :D . i go to community college and i work.. i grew up as a mormon but i dident feel like i belong so we moved to a different kind of church after i got saved and told my mom that i dident feel like i belonged.. life has been a struggle but also…good at times…. :D . like the word says there is always a time for something :D .. okay thank you for letting me share I LOVE YALL!!!!


    Welcome sb


    Hey soulja,
    Welcome to the HN world. How did you find HN? I am so glad that you don't serve the evil one anymore. I have a 17 year old son. Be careful on here because there are a lot of opinions and they can't all be true. You are 17 and still very impressionable. The evil one can and does work through people on Christian message boards but God has overcome the evil one. Pray for discernment.

    Love ya back,


    Quote (springbranchsoulja @ Mar. 25 2010,20:30)
    I LOVE ALL OF YALL!!!! :)  . :) . okay im a male . 17 years old…live with my mom and little sister… used to serve the evil one but now i serve the almighty one :D . i go to community college and i work.. i grew up as a mormon but i dident feel like i belong so we moved to a different kind of church after i got saved and told my mom that i dident feel like i belonged.. life has been a struggle but also…good at times…. :D . like the word says there is always a time for something :D .. okay thank you for letting me share I LOVE YALL!!!!

    Hi, springbranchsoulja

    Nice to meet you:)
    I have a seventeen year old son still in school.
    He wants to be a Pro Boxer:)
    And a 19 year old who is a chief:)
    My oldest like you went to church (all on His own) and was baptised but hasnt been in quite a while.
    Last I heard he was a buddist (But I think he was having me on!) lol.

    Be carefull what you listen to, there are lots of opinions here and all over the net. And alot of phoneys.

    God Bless you and keep you safe:)


    I had forgotten that I started this tread, so nice with all of those pictures from t8 and Charity, all the testimonies. Charity i miss Her, i wonder if she ever comes and looks…..Maybe some of you might reminisce again, I did and loved it….Our God's creation of flowers and Animals are so great…Also Lineon did a testimony and I miss him too….. He had the Poems, I think. If you like to look at those pictures they start on page 8. t8 if you read this, thank you again for bringing them to us…..Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (springbranchsoulja @ Mar. 25 2010,17:30)
    I LOVE ALL OF YALL!!!! :)  . :) . okay im a male . 17 years old…live with my mom and little sister… used to serve the evil one but now i serve the almighty one :D . i go to community college and i work.. i grew up as a mormon but i dident feel like i belong so we moved to a different kind of church after i got saved and told my mom that i dident feel like i belonged.. life has been a struggle but also…good at times…. :D . like the word says there is always a time for something :D .. okay thank you for letting me share I LOVE YALL!!!!

    I wonder what happened to Him… I hope He didn't go back to His old habit…..It makes me sad that those members that I loved and got to know are gone, just like Mandy and even kejonn.  We have several Testimonies that are so nice and no one comes on here and bothers with it,  All those nice pictures,  Oh, well such is life…At least for a time it was wonderful.  One day and I hope soon we will meet again….Charity, kejonn, Mandy. Springb. we really did not get to know Him , He left so soon…and lineon, Angel who was a guest, even Stu came on here…..for awhile we felt like Family… just like the W.W.Church of God even though their doctrine were not all according to Scriptures, but you never heard a bad word out of anyone.  Gossip never…At the first Feast of Tabernacle the thyme was “We are Family”  I still have all the tapes with those beautiful Songs on them…All the Songs of Praise are from a Song book from them.  To bad they went back to believing in the trinity….Irene
    P.S. no one probable is going to read this, but at least I got to let go of my sorrow somewhat…getting old are not the Golden Years at all…

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