First prophecy of the coming of christ

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    Yup, that includes Wisdom. Godbless


    Quote (mikeangel @ Sep. 17 2010,19:36)
    Yup, that includes Wisdom. Godbless


    remember you take the decision and maybe you feel that this is for now needed to you ,as you grow in truth you also will grow out of many things,

    just make sure you keep growing in Gods knowledge,

    and may God bless your way there.



    You too pierre:)


    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 17 2010,12:56)

    Quote (mikeangel @ Sep. 17 2010,19:36)
    Yup, that includes Wisdom. Godbless


    remember you take the decision and maybe you feel that this is for now needed to you ,as you grow in truth you also will grow out of many things,

    just make sure you keep growing in Gods knowledge,

    and may God bless your way there.


    And give us Wisdom. Amen



    the truth will make us free of satan world and spirit



    Pierre, The reason that I am posting this in all of your responses is because even though I do my best to answer your questions in good faith, you ignore mine, especially when the answers you would be forced to give would show your duplicity. You then used one statement I made about holding hands with other people and saying the our father and tried to say it was wrong, when it would be black and white right, in that that is the one prayer Jesus gave us and holding hands would be showing love to one another as he commanded. You then respond by cutting and pasteing incredibly long articles that have nothing to do with our discussion………… Baptism is not a catholic ritual, Jesus was baptised. You got the ignorance to call him pagan? Communion was instituted by Jesus at the last supper, and he asked us to do that in memory of him. You got the guts to call that pagan too? In alll of that being said, you never answered the questions- Were you baptised in a church? Any church? Have you taken the lords supper in thirty years? Be honest. I will ask you that until you give me a honest answer like I give you. (Treating others as you would be treated) You answer those and I will discuss my specifics. Please. Peace and Love- Mark



    all church organization have basically move out of Catholicism or later out of protestant ,for a reason and those reason are men reason not truth ,so please check all things for yourself and see,



    Personally I do love the Book of Adam and Eve and I will not be surprised if I find out after I die that it may have been one of the books that were alluded to in scripture. I love the Book of Jasher as well. At the least they are vastly better reading than a bestselling fiction novel which I haven't had time for in years.


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Feb. 14 2010,20:40)
    To all: Could it be we are looking for something to come that has been here for 2k years?

    This is the day of the Lord. The Kingdom is come, God’s will be done. The day of salvation is the day of Judgment! The reference to being saved is to be saved from sin and all the things that go along with sin. Therefore a judgment must take place. Will you be judged as a sinner or will you accept the truth from Jesus that says.. “ I have made you clean”…(John15:2)   A person is either judged as a sinner or righteous in Christ. Right now the word of God(Jesus) has come from Heaven to earth to separate the wicked from the righteous. This word of God, Jesus, has descended from heaven with the trump of God and the voice of the arch-angel. As this word of God goes forth it burns away the chaff. It purifies the dross from the melting pots. This word of God is going forth to separate the goats from the sheep and the tares from the wheat to bind the tares in bundles and burn them. This word of God is cleansing the earth from evil. The evil will be burned up or smelted away or removed so that the purified will remain and shine like the sun! Does anyone hear the spirit? It’s the unclean, evil, wicked, sinners that are destroyed or removed by death! Sickness is just like fire to the human body. It eats away at the flesh, killing or distorting the cells causing weakness, pain, mental anguish, and physical suffering of all degree’s! This is the great and terrible day of the lord! Its a great day for those who believe they are sons of God and God’s word, Jesus, has cleansed them from all sin and made them righteous unto God. It is a day of  destruction for any/all that believe they are evil or in sin or sin everyday or have a sin nature! Those that believe in their minds they are unworthy of Gods love or separated from God for any reason by believing they are adulterers, homosexuals, bad, evil, or have a sin nature and are deserving of death etc.! These will suffer their own judgment against themselves by what they believe. For to believe those things to be truth they must reject what Jesus said of them. They will bring their own judgment upon themselves by what they believe they deserve. Its your choice to believe the words of God through Jesus of sinless perfection or believe what religion tells you that you are a sinner and must face condemnation for the works you have done. If you are judged/condemned for the things you have done then Jesus is of no benefit to you. Accept the cleansing of Jesus by faith alone or reject his cleansing, remain in sin and prepare for death/destruction. The destruction comes like fire, consuming our bodies with cancers, all forms of sickness, and all forms of disease, pain and agony! Those that believe they are in sin or have sin also share in stress, anxiety, hate, anger, hostilities etc. that go along with sin! You are in charge of what you believe. Its your life or death choice. God says choose life!
    This is the final day of judgment that has come. The word of God is the final judgment. The word (Jesus) of God says you have been judged as perfect in Christ! The word says you are the righteousness of God in Christ! If you believe your righteousness in Christ, then your judgment has come! Judgment is by faith. God said it, that’s final! The great judgment is at hand and the eternal word of God (Jesus) has gone forth to judge the sinner or one that believes he is in sin. The same word offers salvation to one that believes God has made him righteous. Remember, the eternal word of God was, is now and forever will be. Gods word(Jesus)the will of God was sent forth into the earth to deliver you out of death/evil/sin. If you accept the gift you are delivered. If you reject the gift you are still doomed to sin & death. Out of the mouth of Jesus came his Fathers words like a two edged sword cutting away the chaff and leaving the wheat. His words were Holy Ghost  fire, like a refiners fire to purify like fire and burn away any thoughts of wrong doing or sin. God’s word is purifying and God’s word will purify those who accept. Gods word (Jesus), has gone forth to cut away the chaff from the wheat and is separating the goats from the sheep and is making mankind perfect once and for all. This cleansing is for all that will believe. Those who continue to attempt to be clean through their good works, have denied their gift of perfection/salvation by faith. Those who continue the old testament beliefs of imperfection have rejected deliverance and condemned themselves to pain and suffering on Earth. Can you hear the Spirit call? Any man who believes in the wrath of God for himself, will receive what he believes. Life and death are set before you, now, you choose how you want to judge yourself, either perfect in Christ through believing what Jesus says or condemned to wrath and hellfire somehow for eternity! You are the ruler of your Kingdom, you are in charge of you. The choices of what to believe are yours alone. Jesus said, “judge not others, lest ye be judged, for by the same judgment you use for them, it will be measured back to you”! This is the great and terrible day of the Lord. Its great for those who believe in Gods blessing and its terrible for those who believe in wrath and hellfire. You get your choice of what you believe. God’s cleansing of the Earth is automatic. Those that believe in good, love, peace and all blessings from God will remain. Those who believe in wrath, hell and destruction will be destroyed by their own beliefs in cancers, sickness, diseases of all kinds and all fears of loss of life and destruction will come to them through their beliefs.  
    There is therefore now, no condemnation in Love. Condemn no one, lest you be condemned. Did you hear? Don’t judge/condemn what people do as wrong in Gods eyes. If they are transgressing your personal space ask them kindly to correct the situation. You see, telling someone their wrong in God’s eyes, or that they are sinning to God, is totally different than telling them you don’t like something their doing to you. In other words don’t tell them they are sinning or doing wrong against God! That is not your right to judge. If you judge at all judge in righteous judgment. All are righteous in Christ. What they are doing may or may not be wrong in your eyes or your brother’s eyes but if you judge it wrong for him in God‘s eyes, then the judgment becomes yours personally. You rule (you) God’s Kingdom. You’re free to do and experience anything in and of yourself, but leave others alone to rule their own Kingdoms. Your freedom is their freedom. If you attempt to condemn others it will not affect them but it will affect you because you are condemning yourself. Actually with the freedom given in Christ, there are no rules or laws from God. So, if you take your power and set a rule or law for another person it doesn’t effect them, it establishes a rule for you where there was no rule, only freedom. For those of you who think that there will be a final, great white throne judgment day before God, and God will be the judge, know that, he will judge you by the same eternal word he gave to Jesus to give to all who would accept. You were cleansed, you are clean and you will be clean! Now, then, always, Heaven is home. You don’t try to get there, you live there. You are spirit, animating a soul and living in a physical body in the Earth. The essence of you is the eternal life force or Soul of God and you are experiencing life in physicality. There’s Heaven and Earth and when you leave your physical body, you are in Heaven. We have been made free from former man made garbage called religion. Rules. Rituals, buildings, laws, new moons, Sabbaths, feast days, sacrifices etc. do not exist
    in Christ. Where there is freedom, there is no law, where there are no rules, there are no laws and there can be no punishment! This is in relation to God, not this earthly physical world. Here, in the earth there are billions of rules, and laws. Gods spirit kingdom is peace, love, and joy in the holy spirit. No law needed! There is no judgment in Heaven there’s no good or evil to judge between, only good. As above so below!                                                                                                                                       Come on,  stretch your mind a little, if you really believe you are the offspring of God, the Source of all Existence you will investigate a little about who and what you really are and are capable of doing. Its recorded that Jesus used teleportation, transfiguration, walked through walls, through people, walked on water, created money in a fish, stilled the wind, opened blind eyes and many more supernatural evidences of his control of the physical world. If you are just finding out that you are a child of the creator of all, are you not interested what your family inheritance might be. Especially if you are the creator’s son. An unlimited creator wants for nothing!! “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want…”! He just creates it himself!! Therefore, what could he possibly need? Give love to all, always. Give all people your same freedoms and gifts that God has given you and you will experience joy unspeakable. Bless all, TK

    Hi Tim.
    Now, that was a long sermon,how long have you been searching? It all sounds Good,but is that the truth? No,not the truth I am afraid.
    My question to you: What will happen to all the non christians that are born in their religions and traditions,and all the non christians because they lived before christ.
    I know that all the true christians will be resurected,but what about the rest of the population that lived before christ.
    Can you clarify please.(NEED AN ANSWER)

    So christ has already come as you say,So Jesus is now ruling in his kingdom and satan is also ruling in babylon side by side
    with satan.(NEED AN ANSWER)
    As far as I know,Jesus said to pontius pilate''My kingdom is not of this world,if it was, the angels would come and rescue me.

    Jesus suppose to rule with a rod of iron,why then are his churches warring each other,why is there no unity in his kingdom?Does he know how to rule;because it is chaotic.(NEED AN ANSWER)

    Jesus says that in his kingdom will be no pain, no tears, no sorrow, no more wars.???(NEED AN ANSWER)

    I suppose satan is locked up for the first 1000yrs,is that what you believe; Lets see what happened in the1000yrs that satan was locked up. Yes I can see wars after wars and more wars,so satan is not responsible for those wars,but only for all the wars in these last 1000 yrs since he was let loose.(NEED AN ANSWER)

    Who then is responsible for the wars when satan was in Prison?? Jesus is, is that right.
    Someone has to be responsible; the chief that is in charge.
    I have so many questions to ask you but this will do.(NEED AN ANSWER)

    My kind regards.



    Hi WU,
    The churches of the world have no relationship with the Lord Jesus.
    They are daughters of the whore

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