Finding a church

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    I need information on a church that does not beleive in trinity where I can go and worship God. I live in Brampton, Ontario, Canada. please give me names or addresses of churches where I can go. Thank you, may God bless.
    Brother in Christ.


    I don't know any personally. But I think you will find that most denominations are built on top of a Nicene based creed of some kind. I think that is what the definition of a denomination sometimes.

    I would suggest that you find people and fellowship with them in houses or whatever. If you can't find anyone then make disciples.

    Sorry I can't be of any more help. :)


    If you should find a local Kingdom Hall in your area this should be right up your ally. The 'Jehovah Witnesses' are a large group of folk who will deny the Trinity left, right, up and down.


    To WhiteMateria,

    Denying the Trinity doesn't make one of the truth. Athiests would deny the Trinity for example. I think you will find that all groups, deniminations, and organisations contain some truth. I doubt that anyone would be in 100% error on all things.

    The Devil actually uses truth as bait, in order to hook you into the lies. He does pose as an angel of light at times.

    I think that Jehovah Witnesses are like any other denomination. They are a division and distraction against the Body of Christ. They are the work of man.

    Fellowship should be among those who meet in the name of God's son. Not the name of a denomination. Works in another name and foundation are works built on sand. They will fall, because their foundations are weak.


    Be of good cheer my brother for Narrow is the way and FEW are those who find it!


    That also means few will agree.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 22 2005,05:17)
    That also means few will agree.

    Not to get off the subject but isn't the trinty 2 divine persons with the same spirit.


    Quote (kenrch @ Oct. 22 2005,05:25)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 22 2005,05:17)
    That also means few will agree.

    Not to get off the subject but isn't the trinty 2 divine persons with the same spirit.

    Last I was told 2+1 =3


    meet you in the forum


    Oh come on how else can 2 be one unless they have the same SPIRIT. Right?




    I need information on a church that does not beleive in trinity where I can go and worship God. I live in Brampton, Ontario, Canada. please give me names or addresses of churches where I can go.

    Then, Whitemaria:

    If you should find a local Kingdom Hall in your area this should be right up your ally. The 'Jehovah Witnesses' are a large group of folk who will deny the Trinity left, right, up and down.

    As far as I can tell, if you tell someone that you believe in God, but don't believe in the trinity, there is a large probability that you will be accused of being a Jehovah's Witness.

    t8 responded:

    To WhiteMateria,

    Denying the Trinity doesn't make one of the truth. Athiests would deny the Trinity for example.

    If you look at what he asked: 'I need information on a church that doesn't believe in the trinity where I can go and worship God.'

    t8, If someone asked you (as okapi did) if there are any religions that worship God, but strongly disagree with the trinity belief, would you be able to name such a group?

    I don't know any personally.

    Well, if that was somehow true, it can't be true anymore. Whether you simply disagree or strongly disagree with Jehovah's Witnesses, the next time someone asks you that question, you won't in good conscious be able to answer as you did. The answer to his question is obvious.


    I need information on a church that does not beleive in trinity

    I'm wondering if anyone has a list on groups that do not believe in the trinity? I would prefer not to have the “anit-denomination” speech, but simply want to know what groups out there officially do not believe in the trinity. Anyone?


    Oneness Pentecostals
    Jehovah Witnesses
    Orthodox Jews
    Reformed Jews
    Conservative Jews


    Wow, there's a lot of them.


    Actually, I just realized that half of those groups don't claim to be Christian. So there's the:
    Oneness Pentecostals
    Jehovah Witnesses

    I'm wondering if Binitarians and Unitarians are actually religions or are they more of ideas? I believe, if memory serves me that some have put JW's in among Unitarians. In short, I'm wondering how many specific actual organized groups there are that specifically don't believe in the trinity.


    Hi david,
    It is not those who claim to be Christian that have any relevance. It is those who the Lord knows surely and he did not start any of those groups did he?


    It is not those who claim to be Christian that have any relevance.

    Right, SAYING you're a Christian means very little. But saying you're not a Christian (follow of Christ) says a lot. Doesn't it Nick?

    So I'd like to clarify my original question. I don't want to know everyone who doesn't believe in a trinity. There are lots of such people.
    I want to know all the groups (specific organizations or people, not philosophies or ideas) that believe in Jesus and yet are convinced that God he is not part of a trinity.


    On the Oneness Pentecostals, I'm not exactly sure what they believe.

    Is a core doctrine of theirs that Jesus is the Father, and Jesus is the Spirit, that there is one God who reveals Himself in different modes?

    That sounds similar to the trinity doctrine to me, just with a different title, doesn't it? Maybe I am misunderstanding their beliefs.


    Hello David,

    Oneness Pentecostals believe that God is One, and they quote Dueteronomy 6:4 heavily. They believe that God is one being, who revealed himself to man in 3 manifestations that are just roles or offices that the one true God fills. Father in creation, Son in redemption, Holy Spirit in regeneration. They use key scriptures like Isaiah 9:6, John 14:8-9, 1 John 5:7, Revelation 1:8, 11. As far as salvation, one must believe the Gospel, repent of their sins, be immersed in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of their sins, then they will recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues. Many in this group also believe that if one doesn't believe that Jesus is the God of the Old Testament, they will die in their sins. They are also hardcore on holiness. One shouldn't watch TV, listen to worldly music, go swimming in a public place, women must only wear skirts, women must not cut their hair, men are to be clean shaven, no wearing of shorts. No makeup for women. No alcoholic consumption. Basically guys a bunch of legalism.

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